Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1889: I will watch you quietly...

"Day of the big day? Hahahahahahaha!"

"Yangtianwang" Zhao Changlie laughed. "You guys who are greedy like dogs, stupid like pigs, are really dead, especially don't know! Don't look at the fact that you are here in the group of magical dances here, arrogant and arrogant, and you will wait for my brother and sister to win. When returning from the fairy tales with the nine masters, you will kill all your knives and knives, killing one by one, one by one into pus and crushing into powder, no one can escape!"

For his "stubbornness", Lieyang's ancestors had long been expected, not angry, but smiled slightly, faintly said: "I really don't see the coffin without tears, until now I still dream in the daytime, thinking that there is a 'fairy return' this time What is it?

"To tell you the truth, it is also called that all the friends can hear clearly. Liyang is not the ignorant who can be fooled. I also practiced in the ancient ruins for over a hundred years, knowing some ancient secrets."

"Xianjie? How can there be any fairyland! The black sea that surrounds us in the ancient sacred world is a black sea with no bounds. No matter how up and down, east and west, east and west, it is more than ten thousand and eight thousand times! The gods who have turned the gods and even higher realms, go all out, run fast, don’t want to fly outside for 10,000 years!

"After the ancient times, all the strong people who flew out of the ancient sacred circles to visit the fairy world, are not tragic deaths in the black sea outside, but lucky enough to escape, but also after many hardships, repaired to fall to the bottom, ten lives to nine!

"Oh, according to my calculations, the so-called 'searching for the fairyland' and '诛仙令' is simply a conspiracy trick that you guys have come up with. The top ten masters of the past have already died in the depths of the Yongye Icefield, even with them. The forces of the whole force are so bad that they are not enough to withstand the challenges of the world. You have come up with such a plan to slow down.

"Even if they didn't die, they really got a huge psionic canoe and went out to 'find the fairyland'. They either died in the middle of the road, or after suffering, they fell back and forth.

"Now, this ancestor sits on the ancient ruins and controls the inheritance of the 'Holy Fire Dynasty'. The strong man is like a cloud, the male is a million, and there are thousands of sects in the world who support countless friends, even if they really come back, Why do you contend with me, not to kneel in front of me, bow to me!

"Zhao Changlie, the person who knows the time is Junjie, or do not want to dream in the daytime, and he will serve the ancestors, and will hand over the wealth and arsenal that the Tianjun army has searched for so many years!"


Zhao Changlie screamed, "The old demon of Lieyang, although you jumped up and down here, you can’t wait for a few days. My brother and the nine masters will return from the fairyland at any time. When I die today, you will die. It’s ten times worse, a hundred times!”

"Good, good, good!"

The Red Flame demon squints, and the three large faces are full of chilling colors. They bite their teeth and cut their teeth. "The sun has just been refining, and there is indeed a lack of a Yuan Ying to the blood sacrifice. Since you are stubborn in the end, your ancestors will be perfect. What are you doing! I will look at it, divide your five horses, smash the bones, and put your spirits in the fire, eternal life will endure the fire, the magma will suffer, the three holy and fierce, the spirits How can people make me die ten times more than you, a hundred times!"


The five psionic flying boats flew in different directions, and the five chains were stretched straight. Zhao Changlie’s flesh and blood bones suddenly sounded like a bang, hurting him, not mad, not mad. Absolutely.

The ancestors of Lieyang have the heart to use Zhao Changlie to stand up and not rush to kill this person. The speed of the psionic canoe is as slow as possible, and the more stubborn ones can be used for some time.

at this time--

Among the bustling crowds in the valley, there were dozens of sounds like spring thunder.

"The old thief is dead!"

"Scorpio thief!"

"The old thief of Lieyang, your death is here!"

"Tai Xuan Dao, Ziji Jianzong, Fenglei Valley... Six sects swear to kill the old thief!"


Hundreds of swordsmanship flared at the same time and attacked the Chiyangmen altar at the end of the valley.

"There are assassins!"

"The six major masters dare to assassinate the ancestors of the glory!"

The whole valley was in a state of chaos, and countless self-cultivators took out their swords, sacrificed magic weapons, and stirred up the spiritual shield. But the surrounding area had already squeezed a hole, and everyone’s swords and magic weapons could not help but slammed together. The psionic shields interfere with each other, releasing large pieces of brilliance and ripples, and messing up into a pot of hot porridge.

The red flame demon in the sky is just the law that the ancestors of Lieyang stirred up with the "Liangyang Array", not his true body.

The assassins from the six sects will naturally not attack this law, but they have long seen the ancestors of the ancestors who are doing their best in the altar.

Fang Chengzhi, the "Green Willow Son", is immersed in the supreme power of the ancestors of the Liyang. He just wants to admire the legendary strongman "Yangtianwang" Zhao Changlie was the scene of the five horses, but he did not expect to encounter more Wonderful assassination in public.

He suddenly rolled out a hot sweat, picked up his toes, stretched his neck, and tried to look into the crowd.

It’s a pity that the position of their Qingyun Jianpai is too far behind. They are all looking at the dense heads, and there are large psionic shields that glow and glow, but they are layered on top of the human head. The colorful fog of the stack does not really see what is happening in the forefront.

I wanted to fly to the air to see it. Before I jumped up, I was caught by my father and pressed to the ground.

Not waiting for Fang Dagong to react, hundreds of fires flew around, and the thunderstorms that had just risen and wanted to fly into midair were slammed into the crowd. , fell a stunned, licking his mouth, wolfing extremely.

In the skylight, the feet are red clouds, holding the flames of the sword, wearing the red armor, the prestige, the imposing Chiyangmen monks appear, the cold eyes and indifferent expressions, plus the tools that are just so hot, Everyone is afraid to act rashly.

Fang Dagongzi is fortunate.

It is not afraid of being hurt by a little bit, but if it is hit in public like these unlucky ones, where is the face of his "four heads of the floating state"?

He is amazed in his heart. On the one hand, he is so strong in the Chiyangmen, even these ordinary people have such a strong force; on the other hand, it is an itch, and it is hard to know whether the assassin and the ancestors of the Liyang are hard to kill. Minute.

The toes were smashed and squatted, and the neck stretched out and stretched out. I couldn't see anything. I could only feel a huge wave of flames passing over the head, making them all the little fish that lived under the sea of ​​fire.

Fortunately, the riots brought by the Assassin came quickly, and the neck of Fang Dagong was not stretched. The chaotic scene gradually subsided. Over 100,000 monks in the forefront of the altar, gradually rising hundreds of crystals. The clear fireball, in every fireball, actually imprisoned an assassin.

All the assassins are burned by the flames, and the arc runs through them, bearing the pain of life.

Fang Dagong’s son was stunned, and he couldn’t speak for a long time. He didn’t expect that the repair of the ancestors of the Liyang’s ancestors would be as high as the realm of the sacred, and between hundreds of assassins, all the assassins would be caught and taken to the eccentric. In the ban, they made a fool of themselves in public.

This is a dozen times more difficult than killing hundreds of assassins directly.

The crowds around him were also in turmoil, and soon the identity of the assassin was identified.

"Tao Xuan Dao, Ziji Jianzong, Fenglei Valley, Jin Jiazong, Yu Zhai Zhai, Fei Ling Island... It is really the door of the six major denominations!"

"And they are all outstanding masters of the younger generation. It seems that in the past few years, under the constraints of the "诛仙令", they have been unable to shrink and have been ruined!"

"It’s a pity that this time they met the ancestors of Lieyang. It’s really a big tree, it’s ridiculous!”

"Is there any friend who knows exactly how the ancestors of the Liyang ancestors shot, just too fast, I, I have nothing to see, these juniors have been caught by oysters!"

"Although they are all juniors, there are also a lot of masters of the Jindan series. Under the ancestors' hands, even three rounds are gone. The repair of the ancestors is really unfathomable and unfathomable!"

Fang Dagong sighed secretly. At this moment, he finally figured out the appearance of the assassin. Many young masters of the six major sects had seen him, or they were the objects of the children of their sidelines. They did not expect to be swept away today. Such as.

He secretly happy for his father's wise decisiveness.

Yes, the ancestors of the Liyang ancestors passed through the world, and the Ziji Jianzong got what it was, that is, the "Sword idiot" Yan was dear, and I am afraid that it was locked in the flame ban by the ancestors, and could not survive or die. Let's get off the corner?

At this moment, Fang Dagong suddenly heard the sound of a drip of mosquitoes that was not far from his head.

This voice is very weird. Fang Dagong has never heard of any blade or magic weapon before, and can make a similar sound.

Then, in the air, a pearl-sized thing emerged from the void.

I don't know if I was disturbed by the flames of the flames, I have to show up; or when the time is up, I don't have to hide in the air.

Fang Dagong was very curious. From the left and right, regardless of his father, other monks, or many Chiyangmen, all of them focused on the hundreds of assassins in front, and no one noticed this insignificant beads.

His heart moved, hesitated for a moment, and finally could not help but curiosity, quietly released a psionic power, really sucked the small beads.

This is a magic weapon like a big eye.

However, it has the exquisiteness that Fang Dagong has never seen before.

Layers stacked like crystal pupils, as well as lines around the entanglement, dozens of times thinner than the hair, give him a beautiful, fine and cold feeling that is completely different from the ancient sacred magic.

Fang Dagong will never know, this is the difference between a hand workshop and a large industrial assembly line.

"Drips, drops!"

The depth of the metal eye came gently to adjust the sound, dozens of laps of "pupils" have zoomed in and out, constantly adjusted, as if from a long distance, "eyes" pumped back to his face.

Fang Dagong’s heart was awkward, and he felt that this magic weapon was a bad thing.

However, this is the site of the ancestors of Lieyang. It seems that there is nothing terrible to have such a big red flame demon in the sky.

Fang Dagong swallowed his mouth and turned the eccentric magic weapon over and over again for a long time. He found two small and very small words engraved on the back of the pupil.

These two lines are not only a hundred times smaller than the rice grain, but also a lot of strokes, and the text is extremely strange. Fang Dagong even guessed for a long time before he barely read what they meant:

"Phoenix-19 super long-distance multi-function stealth crystal eye."

"Yao Shi Group produced, dedicated to the military garrison of the Xingyao Federation."

"Drips, drops!"

Just when Fang Dagongzi and Jingjing "big eyes and small eyes", more identical crystal eyes, have been separated from the invisible state, and the big eyes are suspended in the top of everyone.

It’s like they’ve been suspended there a long time ago, quietly watching the top of the almanac, the martial arts ancestors.

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