Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1891: You are finished, really (fourth!)

The voice in the sky said here, and it seemed to be waiting for the cheers and applause in the valley.

But there was only a cold death waiting for it.

All the ancient holy monks were full of fog and face, showing a ridiculous, unsmiling expression.

"What is the 'Starry Federation', what is the 'Special Administrative Region', and what is the 'Supreme Council'? Is this all messy?"

"He is not a sorcerer. I have heard the martyrdom of the sorcerer. The voice is not so frivolous and casual!"

"Fake, fake, counterfeit goods!"

After listening to the noise of many ancient monks, the face of Lieyang’s ancestors was pulled longer, and he sneered with a sneer: “It’s really incoherent, the head of the cow is not right, what kind of singer is the strange secret of the voice, then come Here is the fun of the ancestors!"

"Absolutely not, the sentences I said are all true. They are all considered for the Friends of the Strong Sun. You are in trouble. If you die, you will know that I can save you!"

The sound in the clouds is anxious. "The whole thing is quite complicated. I have to explain it with words that you can understand. This is probably the case. In fact, I am a legendary 'Imperial Man', with the 'Lingling Master'. The identity of walking in the ancient sacred world is to lead all of you to the 'fairy world'. Now, Qizhongdao, Hanbiaoling, Yanli and others have been brought to the 'Xianjie' to see them. They Deeply shocked by the prosperity and development of 'Xianjie', it was decided to join the 'Xianguo' of our 'Xianjie' as the Xingyao Federation.

"Everyone knows that the Phoenix Emperor Zhu Zongyou and the Yunyun Wang Han Daling are the legal rulers of the Dagan and Yuyun grasslands, and the representatives of the major sects in the realm of Qizheng and Qi Yan, and The representatives of the bottom people, Chang Changsheng and Wan Mingzhu, as well as the masters of the religious circles, are so democratic, legal and representative. In short, the ancient sacred world has become a part of the Starry Federation. We are here to come back to build the SAR.

"Of course, what I said about 'Xianjie, Xianguo', and your imagination are not a concept, but this is another problem. You can get the magical powers first, and let's talk slowly. ?"


The ancestors of Lieyang had been stunned for a long time, but they laughed loudly. "Hah, hahaha, hahahahaha!"

He laughed, and many soldiers and disciples of the Angry Flames and Chiyangmen laughed. The laughter seemed to be contagious. It quickly drove the whole valley. More than 100,000 self-cultivators laughed and leaned forward. Hundreds of miles are filled with a happy atmosphere and become a sea of ​​joy.

"Imperial, immortal, fairy country?"

The ancestors of Lieyang laughed and burst into tears, pointing to the sky and shouting, "No matter where you are sacred, this big lie is too ridiculous. If you are a fairy, with countless immortals and fairy boats. When the immortal world returns, what is the fairy soldier, where is the fairy boat, Qi Zhongdao, Yan Liren, Han Daling and many other friends! Why are you sneaking up and seeing people, but here are the atmosphere!"

"So I said, you have a big event!"

The voice in the clouds was somewhat aggrieved. "We released the 'Xian Xianling' before we left, and ordered all the monks in the world to be safe and self-sufficient. They must not incite the swordsmen and create a killing. If you are a sorrowful friend, you will not only go around, but also recruit and expand.恣 恣 并不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不'Zhao Changlie was caught here by you and was humiliated in public.

"This is a big problem. Really, we only returned to the ancient holy world for half a day, and we collected so many evil deeds. Now all the friends don't want to talk to you, just want to smash a pile of your face." The Star Wars came over, especially the 'Mixed Heaven King' 戚 long wins the road friend, has long been furious, jumped up and down here, screaming to smash your body, dragging it out to feed the dog! All rely on me to drag them, let them thousands Don't be impulsive, it's best to use peace for everything, so that you can leave your little life to the present, Lieyangdao friends!"

As soon as this statement came out, the valley was silent again.

All the ancient Saints were stunned and looked at each other's eyes with the same sentence: "I, am I getting it wrong?"

The ancestors of Lieyang were even more angry with the Buddha. The two Buddhas ascended to heaven, and even the red flames in the sky were all claws and claws. Wow wow: "Okay, good, good one's broken corpse, dragged out to feed the dog', wait The ancestors found your true body, must be processed in the same way, asking you to survive, not to die!"

"You, this person, don't you listen to it?"

The voice in the sky has been wronged to the extreme. "I am here to help you with all the good things. I said that although our federation is a legal society, the situation of the ancient sacred world is rather special, and the outside world is at a different stage of social development. There are all kinds of historical issues, including Han Daling, Yu Changsheng, and so on. It is not a pure white lotus. It is common practice to kill and kill, right?

"Because it is impossible to generalize, it is necessary to engage in a 'special administrative region'!

"Yes, we set up the 'Zhu Xianling' in the past, but you have to break through after we left, maybe not very familiar with the situation at the time; again, this thing also has our fault, say After a year and a half, I will come back. Who knows that the Dark Nebula is too difficult. We lost our way and lost more than a year.

"In short, what you do, although sin is unforgivable, but it is also excusable. It is not easy to read your hard work for a hundred years, or you should give you another chance to rehabilitate and repay the society and the public.

"I can say that I said, "Yu Changsheng and so on, and the friends finally agreed to hold their noses, but they also have a condition."

"If you let you know the power of the federal 'Xianzhou' and 'Fairy Soldiers', and then choose to confess your sins, then you will not be able to show your sincerity, but it seems like we are deceiving.

"If I can't help without any evidence, red mouth white teeth will convince you, let you put down the magic weapon, put away the magical powers, raise your hand and surrender, then that means you still have a trace of potential to transform, all of your friends are broad-minded, Those who are in the universe will no longer care about your violation of the 'Xin Xianling'.

"Really, you must be clear about the Lieyang Taoist friends. Life is only once. Is it easy to practice hard to half-step the realm of God? This is your last chance. Don't take your own way!"

Listening to the sounds in the sky, the more outrageous, the ancient monks in the valley swallowed hard and shivered.

They couldn't imagine at all that the ancestors of Lieyang were so angry.

The old ancestors of Lieyang were so trembled that they couldn’t even cover the sky. The air inside the 100 meters was red like a magma, but it was a smirk, and it’s gnashing: “Good, but I don't know how the 'Lingdao Daoyou' wants the ancestor to 'grab the opportunity'?"

The eyes turned to the "Chiyangmen" disciples on both sides, and they stalked the red clouds and flew up into the sky, looking for the source of this horrible noise.

He is convinced that the other party must master the secrets of some kind of twists and turns, and is hiding in a corner of the corner to snicker!

The sound in the clouds is very happy. Even the voice: "You can be so profound and righteous. Now many news media in the Federation are paying attention to our huge landing. I personally hope to make peace and friendliness. All of them are happy to land and become a model of 'peaceful resolution'.

"That is the case. I announced the power granted to me by the 'Old Saints Committee' and the "Special Law of the Ancient St.", and the next forty-eight hours, 呃, that is, within twenty-four hours, to 'Chiyangmen' The center of the mountain gate is the center. The radius of the mountain is five hundred miles away. All the comprehensions are not allowed to rise from the ground, and the sword will fly. In short, it will stay in the air of more than five meters for more than three seconds. Shoot down, this is a temporary rule to maintain order, I hope you understand.

"And, the 'Sunrise Conference' of Lieyang Daoyou is so powerful, and what is meant by the world is also known. Today, all the friends who come to participate in the 'Shengyang Conference' have violated the 'Zhu Xianling'. The suspicion must be screened and reviewed one by one.

"Reassuring, just reviewing, if you really did not violate the "诛仙令", it will be released soon.

"When our starship descends below the atmosphere, screening and censorship will begin. Now ask your friends to stay in place and not move, and trouble the Liyang friends, your doormen and the army to maintain order. This is all you will Let's make a sin, I promise that as long as you do your best to help us complete the screening and review, the crimes against you will definitely fall from the light.

"When I finish talking, can everyone understand? Lieyangdaoyou, you, are there any problems?"


All eyes are on the ancestors of the glory, to see how he responds to this... madness to the extreme.

The face of Lieyang's ancestors changed from white to green, from green to red, from red to purple, from purple to black, and from black to black and white, the earth under the feet swayed violently, if there is infinite magma to lasing And out, the red flame demon in the sky keeps tumbling, and one after another, the thunder blows in it!

"The beast, even playing your ancestors to this point!"

The ancestors of the raging ancestors had a palm, and the light **** above the six big hands of the Red Flame demon all burst open. The thousands of arcs and the claws spread the entire sky, and the burning sky became more dazzling and stabbed. The valley is also burning. All the ancient saints can't help but close their eyes. They only hear the roar of the ancestors of the raging sun. "Show up, show up, show up! The scorpion of the head and the tail, give it to the ancestors." Show up!"


The sound in the clouds is not disturbed by the half of the light ball and the arc. It is still very clear, but it is a sigh. "I have reached this level. You have to die like this. I said 啥? You are finished, really. , Lieyang Daoyou, now even if the nine hundred and ten billion gods are in front of me, help you scream for mercy, can not save you." -

The fourth is sent again!

It is said that the old cow changed the cover again today. This is the cover of the first episode of the simplified version of "Star Field 40,000 Years". The feeling of self is still very delicate, hahahaha.

Look at the fourth and new cover, everyone has a monthly ticket, recommend tickets, all come to the old bull head!

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