Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1999: Big Iron City, will be the champion!

The speed of the "big iron city" like a skyscraper suddenly speeds up every day. From time to time, there are countless people who hang around the chain hanging from the top of the "big iron city" and knocking on the gears and symbols on the outer shell. Lubricate and clean. The fastest update

The original black market and the arena were also closed. In order to appease the roads, the basic materials provided by the boxing champions and the forces, including guns and ammunition and standard psionics, were much more. .

The claws that have been extended in all directions have shrunk back one by one. The siege of Xiaoyao City has become increasingly strict. The army of the boxing champion is stronger every day. The banner of the claws of the claws and paws flutters over the different gangs. Looking at it, quite a bit of the sky, the vastness of the sea.

On the other hand, the opposite city, but it has become dead and dead, like a fortress of dead soul.

All kinds of signs indicate that the boxing army is about to attack the city!

The "Red squad" has also been given the opportunity to see the boxing champion at a close distance because of the excellent performance in the past month.

In the past month, despite being in the base camp of this arrogant hegemony, the red squad and even Li Yao have never seen the champion of the boxing champion, even if they don’t even have a glance at it, just from one side, they have heard countless Rumors about the boxing champion.

Some people say that the boxing champion once practiced a boxing on a mountain with a height of several kilometers. The double fists blasted the bottomless hole in the mountain rock. In this way, they continued to punch out, bombard all the way, all the way to advance, all the way forward, hard life. From the bottom of the mountain, "walking" in the past, blasting a humanoid tunnel!

It has also been said that the boxing champion could not find a suitable humanoid body for a long time, because his soul power is too strong, and any humanoid body blessing beyond his soul will be blown by him. He had to hide in the outer shell of the chariot form, with two super-powerful crystal turrets as his own arms!

Others said that in just five years, the boxing champion destroyed four city pools and more than twenty gangs in one breath, in order to find enough powerful magic weapon components for themselves, and to piece together an unparalleled spiritual body that can support He is a double-handed bombing of the gun!

Some people even said that they heard the tide of roaring in the "big iron city" every day. It is not that the power system of the "big iron city" is running, only the boxing champion is practicing inside!

Many absurd rumors, almost rumors of the Romance, make the image of the boxing king more mysterious and overbearing.

Even Li Yao had been unable to hold on to curiosity several times. He wanted to manipulate the Xiaolong to sneak into the "big iron city". At that time, he encountered a "game controller" lurking in the darkness, and he was shocked by a motor oil. Only the thoughts were dispelled.

Until today, I finally have the opportunity to witness the true face of this arrogant hegemon.

On the base of the "Great Iron City", dozens of giant gears with a diameter of more than three meters slowly rotate, revealing a black gap.

Li Yao and the war-torn Hante, Liu Li, and Xin Xiaoqi, bowed behind the "red training team", guided by a group of "boxing gods" soldiers, walked inside the smoke-filled "big iron city" .

The gears slowly closed behind them. They were like walking into a refining furnace. The air was stuffy and hot. It was also filled with the smell of sulfur and metal. The shadows can be seen. The interior of the big iron city is occluded everywhere. Gears, fast-rotating bearings, frog forks and vine-like chains, countless tall figures dance fast on gears, bearings, joysticks and chains, occasionally with light shining through their steel The shell and the glittering crystal eye are all ghosts and psionics. Thousands of psionic spirits support the intricate structure of the "big iron city" and maintain the high-intensity operation of this war fortress.

The boxing champion is a ghost repairer. Since his rise, he has been searching for a more powerful spiritual body. Therefore, he has an unusual hobby for other ghosts and even psionics. It is an uncompromising one. The psionics collectors This is a fact known to all in the world.

See you today, and sure enough, this is a sea of ​​psionic energy.

As they boarded a rough metal platform, they were slowly pulled by the chain to the road above the "big iron city". Most of the floors seen along the way were filled with various forms of psionic energy.

Humanoid, lion-and-bird, spider and scorpion forms, crawlers and turrets, large and small, varied, and strange.

Among them, there are brilliance and physique, and the shape of the crystal brain is very powerful. It is more powerful than the latest model of Li Yao’s memory of "Taiwan Warrior". It also has many holes and rust. The rivets are connected together, and the old antiques that “whistle” are the psionics museum.


The metal lifting platform was raised to the top of the "big iron city". Through the observation window here, the movements of the other side can be seen at a glance.

There are hundreds of the latest models of psionic cockroaches, surrounded by a group of silent warriors, guarding the throne of the center with a superposition of gears.

A spiritual body with a height of more than three meters sits on the throne of the gear with great knives. His eyes are deep and he is looking at the "red training team."

Seeing the near-perfect metal body of the other side, Li Yao’s **** suddenly collapsed.

So beautiful and spiritual!

This spiritual body is the most standard human form. Every limb and joint is in line with the golden ratio. It is like doubling the perfection of the universe and pouring it into a steel statue!

Every part of the outer body of the body is engraved with a dense array of characters, which makes him linger in a layer of faint red awns, simply wearing a taupe trench coat, but it is windless, hunting Like the armor of the emperor!

Li Yao saw at a glance that this spiritual instrumental body is by no means a mass-produced product of any magic weapon factory, but a magic weapon component that uses numerous spiritual and mechanical meanings, psionic energy and crystal enamel, and is newly designed and assembled.

There are hundreds of different kinds of magic weapons components and even arrays. They are all seamless and harmonious, and they are truly awe-inspiring and natural!

Designing and refining this spiritual body is definitely a master of high hands.

In the rumors of the outside world, the body of the boxing champion is taken care of by himself.

Li Yao instantly put away the contempt for this arrogant bully.

Good guy, just because of this perfect spiritual body, the strength of the boxing champion is not as simple as ordinary Yuan Ying, you must be careful to deal with it!

"See Boxing!"

The three cultivators played the role of the steel statue on the throne of the gear, and apparently more respect for the cursing of this arrogant hegemon.

Hante, Liu Li and Xin Xiaoqi were deeply shocked by the domineering of the boxing champion, and all six legs were shaking.

Li Yao naturally said nothing, silently standing behind them, thinking in his heart: If the boxing champion is really a super-class refiner, does he have a 'polymer layer-by-layer scanning magic weapon'?

"On the top of the earth, there are not so many messy rules, what do you see without seeing?"

The steel statue slowly got up, and did not take a three-step step. It was clear that there was no sound of a foot, but it picked up the momentum of shaking the mountain.

The boxing champion came to the crowd and his voice was low. "The red team! I have never heard of this name before, but the hero does not ask for the source. After this battle, your name will surely resound through the whole piece!"

"That is natural!"

The red trainer started high and said, "Maybe we will take a step ahead of the boxing champion and squat the head of the happy owner!"

"Boxing champion" Lei Zonglie slightly stunned, red-spoken words are quite quite his appetite, haha ​​laughed, "OK, good, good! The battle of the past month, your watch is really good, so I am I am very much looking forward to what kind of miracles you can create in the next siege war!

"Don't say that I won't give you a chance. Our army will officially attack Xiaoyao City tomorrow. I am going to deploy you in the East Wing, together with my most elite 'Fighting God's Death Squad', attacking the western defense line of Xiaoyao City, as long as You can break into the western defense line of the Happy City and destroy the core of the defensive array there. What conditions do you want, even though!"

"We are not interested in the western defense."

Red practiced directly on the crystal eye of the black and white ink on the metal skull of the boxing champion. One word and one word, "We are here not far from here, just want to follow the boxing champion and look at the legendary whole piece of clay. What is the strongest fist? The past month's action is enough to prove our strength and loyalty. Please give us a chance to let us follow you and participate in the most dangerous and arduous actions!"

"Want to fight with me?"

"Fighting King" Lei Zonglie laughed. "It depends on you enough!"


The cloak on his body instantly expanded into a ball, and then the "嘶嘶" burst, the tide-like spirit can scream out and rush to the red squad!

The three cultivators have long been prepared, but they are carrying their hands, and the spirit can be poured into the legs, nailed to the steel floor, and motionless.

Hante and Liu Li were shocked, but they also worked in time to resist.

Li Yaoyuan jumped, this "champion" Lei Zonglie was a madman, and his own people tried to spur such a violent force, do not care whether they will be seriously injured!

Li Yao is quiet, inputting two psionics from the ground to the heart of Hante and Liuli, helping them through the storm.

"Boom! Boom!"

The psionic power of the boxing champion is like a storm, and the bombardment is on the hearts of everyone.

The three cultivators are snoring and shaking.

Hante and Liu Li simply stepped back seven or eight steps, sitting on the ground with a butt, "wow" and spit out the blood.

Li Yao also pretended that the internal psionic circuit was damaged, and the sound of the "squeaky slap" sounded inside the steel body.


Unexpectedly, after the captain was slightly surprised, the eagle-like gaze was shot at Li Yao.

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