Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2011: The boxing champion turned!

The boxing champion was instantly surrounded by hundreds of attacks from seventeen and eight different directions, forty or fifty cultivators.

Knife swords, bullet storms, acid and poison arrows, magma and ice fog close to absolute zero, followed by a **** mouth opening the mouth, swallowing him.

In order to reinvent the owner of the Happy City, the boxing champion has already suffered from the dozens of swords of the other side. The function of the steel warfare has been seriously affected.

The fatal assassination from behind is even more unprepared for him.

At this moment, it is the contradiction between the assassin and the immortal players. Everyone is rushing to rush to the boxing champion, obstructing the other side’s actions in the fight against the infighting.

"It's all flashing, this one is mine!"

"Growing this monster, I will be able to reach the main task perfectly, and as the first place, I will advance to the Black Island Training Tower of the 'Cangwu Academy'. No one can compete with me!"

"Hey, I want to be the next owner of the "Yu Wen family", who dares to grab me in front of me, don't blame me for turning my face and not recognizing people!"

Li Yao’s Yuan Shen was keenly aware of the faint psionic fluctuations in the air. This is the trick between the players who cultivated the immortals.

This seems to be a public frequency, involving a very mysterious psionic technique that can transmit the "voice of silence" to a few kilometers away. All the cultivators and visitors can do this without knowing it. It is difficult to be perceived by the sinners.

Naturally, it is not the **** of Li Yao.

In the past month, he quietly studied the communication methods of the three cultivators of the "Red squad". It has long been discovered that the mystery of this kind of melody is equivalent to deciphering the special frequency of the cultivator's public channel, which is easy. I heard the players yelling.

It seems that they perform different trial tasks for different purposes.

Naturally, as the "fighting champion" Lei Zonglie, who seems to have the strongest fighting power on the battlefield, he must represent the highest "points" or "contribution points" or "reward quotas", and become the target of public criticism. Everyone wants to marry the last knife. .



Li Yao was cold and cold, and there was a bit of sarcasm and pity in the embarrassment of the Yuanshen. "Since you know that the other party is the 'great king' of the 'golden mission', how could it be killed by you?"

Sure enough, all the savvy players who flew up and hit a high wall that didn’t exist at the same time. Everyone rolled back in the most awkward and flustered posture, and the two savvy players who reacted slowly were immediately Involved in the colorful smoke, and in a **** form with a strange shape and a battle armor, it was bounced out, and "啪" blew open!

The blood is foggy and the bones are splattered. The two narrators are too screaming to make a sound, and they are killed on the spot.

Sure enough, it is the ultimate trial of extremely high mortality!

The cultivator is awkward to ordinary people, and also to the extremes of his own people. He does not care about the damage rate in practice and trials!

Perceived the increasingly strong killing in the smoke, and saw the fierce end of the companion, all the players who cultivated the immortals are as close to the enemy, waiting for them.

The smoke was exhausted, and the "King of Fighters" Lei Zonglie stood firmly in a steaming crater with his hands behind his back, and the cold condensation condensed as many players of the Immortal.

The temperament of the cultivators and the sinners is quite different. They can be carefully concealed, but now they are doing their best. It is so many cultivators who gather together and immediately give birth to a sudden feeling that is incompatible with the real sinners around them.

"Sure enough, I feel right."

The boxing champion slowly pulls out a stalked flying sword that is inserted into the body. The hard, iron-like flying sword is arbitrarily smashed into a group of smashing iron balls. He is thrown aside and faintly said, "I have long discovered that whether it is I am still in the middle of Xiahou, there are some strange people, not like the murderers who just debuted in the earth, revealing a disgusting taste. Who are you in this class? ”

"The person who wants you to die!"

The black charcoal strong man "black spear" in the "red training team" slammed into a double fist and roared.

His image and fighting style are somewhat similar to that of the boxing champion. They must not be completely suppressed by the boxing champion in the momentum, otherwise they will not have to fight.

"Ha ha……"

The boxing champion laughed low and pulled out the last twisted flying sword on his body, as if to say to himself, "There is intelligence that a large number of assassins and mercenaries from the 'thorny valley' are crouching in the camp of me and Xiahou. It should be you, but what is the legend of the 'thorny valley' that manipulates the whole piece of earth in the darkness? Let me blast your brain and find the answer yourself!"

"Less there is the atmosphere!"

The black spear screamed, "You were first hit hard by Xiahou, and then hard to pick up the bombardment of so many of us, I am afraid that this body has long been riddled with holes!"


The boxing champion did not deny that the metal fiber in the corner of his mouth evoked a cruel smile. "That, change your body and play with you again!"

For a moment, at the foot of the boxing champion, there was a giant spar bomb explosion, which set off a fierce hurricane, and the shock wave stirred the whole battlefield!

In the sand, the wind and the whistling wind, his broken and streaked steel warfare turned out to be peeling off, like a layer of withered shell!


All the savvy players are stunned and the scalp is numb.

"The boxing champion has changed!"

Li Yao also exclaimed to the **** demons. "You didn't guess wrong. This guy really has a second form. It's really a big demon of the golden mission!"

The smoke rises to the sky, the dust settles, and it is in front of everyone that it is a "champion" Lei Zonglie who has been reduced in size for several rounds but is more vigorous and fierce!

He used to be a super-heavy wafer with a height of about four meters and a silvery glittering body.

Who knows, within this sturdy battle, there is still a second body hidden.

This is an ultra-light genital body with only one meter and five six, petite and exquisite. It can't see half rune and half seams, and it is a streamlined trunk and limb, like big and small water droplets. Blended together, with a pale gold luster, it is natural and impeccable.

Although the size has been reduced by two or three times, the momentum of constant detonation has increased tenfold more than the "first form".

Li Yao’s **** is as if he is seeing a burning flame, soaring to the sky hundreds of meters high, trying to burn a hole in the sky!

In the astounding gaze of many cultivators, the boxing champion moved slowly to create a new martial art body, and put on a one-shoulder squat, sprint start gesture, smiled and said: "Let's get started?"

This is not a question, but the horn of the slaughter!

When the last word has not been exported, there are quite a few players who cultivate the immortals holding the attitude of “being first to be strong” and attacking the boxing champions.

However, the boxing champions have already turned into a dazzling pale gold streamer before their attack, and "at the same time" appeared in front of the seven or eight cultivators.

It is still a big opening, a fierce and fierce punch, the strength is at least three times higher than the "first form", and the speed is five times faster!

The "Red Squad" trio was also bombarded by the first round of the boxing champion, and almost even the real crystal scorpion was too late to summon.

The "black spear" and the boxing champion gave a punch, and the entire right arm exploded from the inside to the outside, and the arm bone was turned into hundreds of nail-sized pieces.

"Lightning" just wanted to launch the speed he was proud of, and he was caught by the boxing champion and grabbed his head. He smashed him like a meteor hammer and smashed it into another cultivator, two The players are almost "inlaid" together.

In the face of the highest "red training", dozens of flames flashed in front of him, but it was blown by a boxing champion, and the wolf was smashing against the ground, and the danger was dangerous and escaped the deadly serial bombing!

"Hey! Hey!"

Finally, some players can't bear the high pressure of life and death, summoning their true crystal.

Li Yao heard that they used rumors and secrets to swear, and it seems that doing so would seriously affect their "scores" and "evaluations" in the trial mission.

If you have been using the magic weapon on the earth and have not exposed any weapons from the sky track, you can achieve what "achievement", with an additional bonus.

Once the high-end crystals from the interior of the empire are used, the final integral is multiplied by a factor of 0.6 or 0.7, which is calculated based on the strength of their crystal.

Protected and blessed by high-order crystal enamel, the savvy player is like a wolf that grows out again, and the momentum is strengthened again.

"Is it the legendary ring?"

The two golden fists of the boxing champion are white smoke, just like the scene before the volcanic eruption. The change of the opponent makes the warfare that blooms in his eyes more and more intense. "So many people have the ring of 乾, and... the sparkling crystals, so what kind of people are you in this class, and what exactly is my boxing champion?"

In the screams, he rushed again!

But this time, the cultivator who is no longer pursuing the "perfect achievement" is obviously not so good.

Even if the boxing champion can still bombard the fist to the opponent, the opponent can offset most of the attack power with the performance of the crystal, and even have the spare force to launch a counterattack.

The rabbit has fallen, the electric light stone fire, the boxing champion blasted the super high performance crystal scorpion of the three or four cultivators, but the impeccable gold battle body has also become scarred and pitted, exposing the internal messy lines and components. .


Just as he once again fell down and tried to launch a new round of sprinting for the cultivator, the physique suddenly became blurred, like what was dodging at super speed, and then the left shoulder bloomed like a metal bud, the whole left The arms are blown up!

Until this moment, there was a vain trace in the air, showing that something like a bullet had just passed.


Li Yao muttered, "There is still a player who crouched in the darkness until the first attack was launched. It is the master of the high hand, the most terrible ‘gun repair’!”

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