Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2020: The story of the boxing champion

"Sure enough!"

Li Yao knew that the boxing champion must have misunderstood.

I think it is also the fake identity created by myself. Is it really the real secret of the boxing champion?

Such a coincidence, it is no wonder that the champion will treat him as a similar.

Li Yao thought for a moment and said: "Everyone is the same person at the end of the world. The outside environment is so sinister. It is sincere and sincere, and you are honestly saying that I am not artificial intelligence, but a sorrowful soul. I can barely count as a ghost repair!"

Speaking of this, Li Yao laughed dumbly: "In other words, I am a ghost repair disguised as a psionic scorpion, but you are a psionic scorpion disguised as a ghost repair, everyone is a difficult brother."

It is really wonderful to think about it. This psionic power called "King of Fighters" is so advanced, and its artificial intelligence has at least reached the level of "super-spirit".

Not long ago, Li Yao was still fighting in the "super-spirit" under the Xingyao Federation and the extraterrestrial Tianmo. I did not expect that it would be open to a "super-spirit" at this time, and it is possible to fight side by side.

Li Yao is somewhat confused. He does not know whether he should hate or fear or be close to the "super spirit" of the boxing champion.

"How can it be?"

The boxing champion is a serious man. "In the past few decades, I have studied countless psionics, including models that are similar to me. I can learn and upgrade myself. I have also encountered thousands of ghosts and carefully studied their souls. The mysterious thing you can deceive others, but you can't deceive me. The mimic form that you simulated is obviously different from human beings. It should be a higher level of artificial intelligence than me. How can it be human? ”

Li Yao: "...ha?"

Boxing said: "When I first met, I was only faintly aware, but the second time you shot on the battlefield, I was absolutely certain of this, otherwise how could you let you enter the room and enter the center of the 'big iron city' ? However, I still underestimated you at that time, I did not expect you to be advanced to this extent, and finally saved me."

Li Yao’s Yuanshen cold sweat has come down: "You, are you going to read it wrong?"

The boxing champion was silent for a moment, saying: "The soul of your simulation, the complexity and mystery is far beyond the upper limit of my calculation. I have never encountered such a kind of person like you, maybe most humans will be fooled by you. But I am not mistaken, no matter what you are, at least you are not a pure human being, you and I know it well?"

There are three question marks on the head of Li Yao’s god: "I know a ghost!"

The blood-colored demons also hesitated: "Will it be that we have swallowed too many ecstasy fragments of the extraterrestrial demon, and absorbed the inheritance of Professor Mo Xuan, which caused the chaos of the chaos, which was mistaken for it... artificial intelligence Already?"

"Great, probably?"

The spirit of Li Yao is somewhat fluctuating, and he thinks about the "virtual world" that collapsed in the Starry Federation, the brainwave data that he was missing, and the two super-spirits that were mysteriously missing. No. and No. 18.

After setting the mind, Li Yaoqiang smiled and said: "Because... you think I am your kind, so we hid us in the big iron city?"


The boxing champion sighed, "I haven't found out that it has been intact for a long time, and I have the same kind of powerful thinking logic. I originally wanted to find a good chat after I took off the city, exchanged the data of each other, did not expect the sky. The control of the ground is so powerful that they simply...have no intention of letting me win this war!"

Li Yao’s heart moved and said: “Do you know the secret of the sky?”

"I know very little."

The boxing champion said sadly, "At the bottom of my database, it seems that there is some information hidden, so that I know that I am a product of a certain experiment, a participant of a project, and the whole world I am in is part of the laboratory. .

"But what is the so-called "project", who is my creator, and how many secrets are hidden in the "City of the Sky, Manzhushahua", I know nothing about it. This is also the exchange database I want to exchange with you. The reason, perhaps we can share some key information, reorganize the fragmented 'puzzles'.

"Unfortunately, the power of the sky is far beyond my calculations. I didn't even leave me with a chance."

“Our world is part of a laboratory?”

Hante and the glass face each other.

In the past month or so, the growth of the two little guys has been extremely fast, and it can be said that there has been a change in the reincarnation, and the truth of some territories has been faintly perceived.

But I heard the boxing champion say the word "laboratory". The two little guys couldn't help but have a blank brain, and then they were so sad and angry.

"This, what is going on here?"

Hante has a short breath and a red ear equator. "Fist King, please let us know everything!"

"Your emotional simulation system is really amazing!"

Li Yao is more interested in the boxing champion himself, muttering, "the tone of speech, the subtle changes of joys, sorrows and sorrows, as well as the domineering domineering on the battlefield, is really vivid, like real human beings."

"This is all simulated."

The boxing champion suddenly put on a metal tone with no waves and cold ice. "I have neither emotion nor will, but no soul. It is just a lifeless shackle. All external manifestations are simulating another one. people."

"Another person?"

Gladi curious, "Who is that?"

Boxing Road: "Real Lei Zonglie."


Liu Li quickly blinked his eyes and nodded. "Yes, the first Lei Zonglie, naturally, is a flesh-and-blood human being, not a spiritual one. What is the current boxing master?"

Li Yaodao: "The above is a mess. I am secretly scanning the detailed structure of the entire Happy City and the distribution of the other's forces. I am trying to find out the route that can be broken. We have about ... 20 minutes, come on, tell you. s story!"

The boxing champion was silent for a moment, and the crystal brain embedded in the steel shield slammed into the ultra-high-speed data extraction and sorting. He slowly said: "My initial data is the whistling of the wind and the impact of the air turbulence. I looked down at the whole land from a high altitude. I descended from the sky and was cast from the outer air into the bauxite.

"At the time, my database was empty, with nothing but the underlying architecture, basic operational logic, and an ambiguous instruction.

"My highest command is to do whatever it takes, to be the strongest!

"This is really an instruction beyond my ability to analyze computing and logical thinking.

"What is ‘do not hesitate’, what is ‘unscrupulous’, the most important thing is, what is ‘the strongest’?

"With these questions, I wandered in the wilderness and the blood, watching the people on the ground holding various weapons to shoot and slay each other, observing the appearance of the so-called 'strong' and 'overlord'.

"Sometimes, I will be discovered by people, compiled into their army, to participate in a fierce war.

"I was fragmented in the war, almost destroyed, but I also actively and passively upgraded again and again, gradually becoming a killing machine, and gradually realized the people here, the definition of ‘powerful’.

"I have also encountered countless similarities, and they have unscrupulously destroyed, disassembled, researched and strengthened themselves. Perhaps, swallowing the same kind can make me stronger, then I thought so.

"If at that time I met you now, I will not exchange data with you, but directly destroy you or be destroyed by you."

Li Yao, Hande and Liu Li listened to the boxing champion.

The two little guys were fascinated, and there seemed to be a gust of wind and sand, and a lonely spirit could be like a metal scorpion. Walking between the wrecked battlefield and the broken limbs and dry blood of people. Looking, looking, thinking.

"That was more than 150 years ago. I have been swaying for a full 50 years in the middle of the earth. I have destroyed a total of 1,422 units of the same kind. I have the same spirit of self-learning and upgrading. I can, and absorb all of their data into my database, so that my fighting ability is constantly upgrading, constantly strong, and constantly evolving."

Unlike the last night’s arrogance and arrogance, the boxing champion at this moment calmed down to the extreme, just like describing something that has nothing to do with him. It seems that this is its true style. “But I finally I have encountered my own destruction.

"I participated in a huge, long-lasting war. A violent current runs through me, burning up my core crystal brain. Then, my steel body was destroyed by a powerful bomb. Only the last wreckage was left, and the ruins of a city fell. The buildings above collapsed and buried me in the deepest part of the dark ruins.

"The timing function is completely damaged. I don't know how long it has been dormant in the depths of the ruins. I barely repaired part of the body, but I couldn't move the wreckage like a mountain at the beginning, but I accidentally scanned a gap below myself.

"I climbed along this gap for a long time, twisted and twisted, intricately like a maze, and many places were completely blocked by rocks and mud, and had to be carefully dug.

"Fortunately, I have unlimited time for my highest order and have not set a deadline.

“Finally, I found a secret room buried deep in the ground, a dusty refuge, more precisely, a library that was a long time ago.”

Li Yaodao: "The library was a long time ago, how long ago?"

Boxing Road: "Before the ‘big trial’, the earth was also called the “Wu Yingjie”.”

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