Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2025: The beginning of total loss of control

The metal brain of the boxing champion swayed and fell into long-term thinking. Finally, "it seems a bit reasonable. The fastest update"

"Of course it makes sense."

Li Yaoyi is just as good as saying, "It's like you smashed the glass bottle in my arms and crushed it a hundred times. It can't prove that your strength is stronger than mine. It can only prove that you have chosen a road that is easier to walk.

"The real strong, always have to overcome difficulties, take the hardest, most sinister, seemingly the most impossible road, isn't it?"

Boxing Road: "Yes."

"So hey!"

Li Yao took a bit of the same arm and patted it, oh, or licked the shoulders of the martial arts champion. "Destroying the world is something that third-raters do. Dominating the world is something that second-raters do, guarding the world with such a difficult task. Is the game that the Supreme should play.

"Of course, even I feel that the concept of comprehension is too difficult and too difficult to practice. It is simply an idiot, so you will feel a little stupid... very normal.

"If your logical thinking circuit, after countless calculations, feel that the path of the comprehension is not going to work, at least not that you can walk through, it doesn't matter, I just remind you that there is such a kind of 'Xeon 'The measure is only.'

“In my logical thinking circuit, there is no ‘may’ or ‘impossible’, ‘well to go’ or ‘nowhere’.”

The boxing champion seriously said, "I just want to know what is the real ‘strongest,' and then I can go on it all the time. It’s not a problem I should consider if I can’t walk.

"However, I always feel that your logic has problems. Whether the ‘powerful’ you define is reasonable or not, I still need to spend time and think hard.”

"That is natural!"

Li Yao smiled, using a drill bit to slap the chainsaw and throwing a piece of Mars in the darkness. "You think slowly, I am very optimistic about you. One day, I will become the 'strongest'. As for now, let's find a way to send it. Give a big surprise to the 'Heavenly Man' on the 'City of the Sky', then take the 'Manzhu Shahua' from the sky!"


City of the Sky, Manzhu Shahua.

The three-dimensional light curtain floating around the hall is still playing the fierce battle on the ground, but the reception is over, only the screams and explosions, swirling in the empty hall.

The trials of new people will last for several days or even ten days and a half. The big men and the strong men from all sides of the real human empire will naturally not pay attention to their performance for a moment.

By leading the family newcomers to participate in the trial, in the name of the parties, the interests of the partners to meet personally, talk about some secrets that must not be known by outsiders, this is the main reason they gathered here from all over the Xinghai.

Although the real human empire has a fairly developed four-dimensional communication capability, it can make the tens of hundreds of light years apart, and the parties in different worlds communicate with each other in an instant, but the spiritual network may be monitored and invaded. .

No one can be active on the Spirit Online without leaving any clues.

No one can guarantee that on the three-dimensional light curtain, "someone" who should be outside a few hundred light years must be "someone."

No one can guarantee that when they and the "someone" are discussing a large business worth hundreds of billions, and therefore have to kill 17 or 18 Golden Dan, 20 or 30 generals, and their own father, these words are not Will be heard by a third party.

Face-to-face communication is always the safest, safest and most reliable way.

"The City of the Sky, Manzhushahua" is the high-end clubhouse of these big men, secret base.

In the past few decades, countless super-violent storms affecting the real human beings, politics, and economics have initially fanned their wings because of some of the butterflies here.

Compared with what "Falun Test", "New Trial" and "Live Game", this is the core value of "City of the Sky, Manzhushahua".

The owner of this place, Wu Yingxi, is playing such a special "hacker" role, in order to climb the wings of all parties, straight up, strong rise, until now, he has become a party, qualified and those famous The world's landlords, homeowners, heads, marshals, and even gods and gods are on an equal footing.

This "war of the Happy City" and the subsequent series of tasks together constitute an "epic-level mission" of twists and turns, and it is a great effort by Wu Ying, carefully planning for many years, and attracting the largest scale. Fang Qiang came to start a secret transaction.

Regardless of whether the transaction is successful, in fact, these strong people have formed a small interest group around Wu Yingjun. Even on the surface, this interest group is headed by Li Lingfeng, the future home of Lijia.

But he is martial, but has the opportunity to get the most benefits.

Until now, everything seems to be going very well.

The two military amnesties were very satisfied with the progress of the two magic weapons projects entrusted to Manzhushahua, and they also saw another biochemical weapon made by Manzhushahua.

Several large factions have also reached a series of agreements with Manzhu Shahua, which will allow him to reach out to the wider field in the media, entertainment and gaming industries.

In the future, "the election of the emperor" Li Lingfeng is even more tightly tied to him in a series of dark and incomparable projects. Everyone is on a burning car, no one wants to open it easily.

However, Wu Yingying still sinks into the water, his eyes are slightly stunned, and his face does not see a half-happy expression.

"What do you mean by ‘not seeing’?”

Wu Yingxi faintly asked Luo Tiansheng, the person in charge of the "Bare Earth Laboratory". "Not only the core of the boxing champion has disappeared, but the two elite sorcerers of the madman team have disappeared. The bodies, broken meat, bloodstains or crystal fragments , all gone?"


Luo Tiansheng and Wu Yingjun have cooperated for a hundred years. When Wu Yingxi was still a strangely deformed gnome, he learned his sultry means. He knew that although he was breathing evenly at the moment, his face was expressionless and his eyelashes were not shaking. Next, it was anger to the extreme, and quickly said, "'Daitiecheng' crashed down from the air, the burning wreckage was filled with most of the Happy City, and the city was caught in a scuffle, so they have not found them yet. whereabouts.

"But the real body of the boxing champion has indeed been destroyed. Even if the core crystal brain can still be retained, it should not exert much computing power and combat power. It will never escape the happy city, wait for the war to cool slightly, or we After the sky-eye group is cleared, it should be discovered."

Wu Yingxi took a deep breath and took a deep breath, cold and ice: "It is best."

"Adults are absolutely assured that no matter how fascinating this psionic power is, its most powerful form is the "big iron city", and what kind of storms can it be set off?"

Luo Tiansheng hurriedly shifted the topic. "Right, adults, nightmare beasts are ready, ready to be placed on the ground, thoroughly clean the square of the city, all the sin victims!"

"Well, wait a second, wait until these people kill each other and say it."

Wu Ying澜 frowned, indulged for a moment, and tapped a few times on the wrist crystal brain.

In front of them a three-dimensional light curtain, immediately switched to the smoke-filled, war-torn city.

A gray crystal squad, painted with tactical invisible camouflage, is hidden in the wreckage and raging flames from time to time.

Unlike the team’s claws and grotesque shapes, such as the giant insect-like sergeant, this elite squad squad has a military trait that is tacitly accommodating and banned. It is a special soldier who has fought in battle.

On the right shoulder of their crystal, they all depict a black sun's emblem, in the middle of the black sun, and a reddish eye.

Wu Yingling asked the wrist crystal brain: "Laughing, find Xiahou unintentional?"

"not yet."

One of the grey squad squad replied, "Xiahou is not at the point we designated. It seems that he is suspicious of us. I suspect that we are not really accepting him to join the "City of the Sky, Manzhushahua" and become a cultivator. A member of the team."

"Well, this old dog is very skeptical."

Wu Yingxi faintly said, "However, he has prepared a few retreats for himself. All of them are under our control. I found him and killed him. I don't want any troubles in the battle of Happy City, which affects us later. Level 'epic mission'."

Luo Tiansheng glanced at Wu Yingwei, and he stopped talking.

"Roger that."

The teacher named "Laughing Heaven" smiled. "I will be careful to avoid destroying his structure. For up to an hour, his body will be packaged and sent to Manzhushahua, so that Dr. Luo can study it. ”


Wu Yingyi nodded with satisfaction and his eyes were once again projected onto a pair of light curtains and the data flowing down the waterfall.

All the data is normal, everything is under your control. Even if you haven't found the boxing champion yet, but it is just a psionic power, and lost most of the computing and combat power, what waves can you pick up?

So, what else can you worry about?


Xiaoyao City completely tangled into an erupting volcano.

First, the "champion" Lei Zonglie punched the "Happy City Lord" Xiahou heartlessly vomited blood, life and death are unknown.

Immediately after the boxing champion himself, he was inexplicably rushed to the sky, and the result was exploded by the railroad guns of the Sky City.

Although the death was very strong, the scorpion and the murderer were only shocked by him for ten or more minutes and a half minutes.

As for the vast amount of material and the more strange warriors descending from the sky, these are not important.

What is important is that the two giants of the King of Fighters and the owner of the Happy City have all fallen, and now the Happy City has become a land of nowhere. A lot of supplies are like the flowers that have been cut and spurred, waiting for their furry hands. Go picking!

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