Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2043: Iguana

The crowd looked at each other and raised the guns and swords in their hands and nodded.

"Wait, let's take a look at the situation outside."

Xiahou was unwilling to operate fast on the main control crystal brain in the corner of the secret library. There were dozens of three-dimensional three-dimensional light curtains in the void, all of which were taken from various angles.

"Since the Heavenly Immortals can monitor the ground from the sky, I have been working hard to manage Xiaoyao City for decades. Naturally, I can also install some monitoring crystal eyes in the hidden places of the streets and all the way through the ground."

Xia Hou explained with a heartless smile. "There are four secret outlets in this underground secret database. Let's see where the situation is the most chaotic, and where to escape!"

In the three-dimensional light curtain, the chaos in the city is still going on, but it has already passed the peak of chaos.

With the death of a large number of cockroaches, the war gradually subsided, the guns and explosions became sparse, and occasionally a building collapsed, thundering and thundering, and picking up a lazy dust.

The night is heavy, such as the black waterfall pouring into the city, the Wuhe people and the scattered soldiers are all heavy casualties, all turned into burnt bodies after scorching, leaving only one large-scale gangsters, each occupying a site, in the dark Silently facing each other.

Happy City has turned from a chaotic sea of ​​killings into a small dark forest.

Whoever takes the lead first, whoever dies first!

"It's a little tricky."

Xia Hou muttered innocently. "Now the spheres of influence of the major gangs are temporarily fixed. We will be very stunned when we sway on the streets."

"Can't escape from the city directly from the bottom of the earth?"

Li Yao asked.

"No, it’s a dead end in all directions, you have to go back to the ground."

Xiahou shook his head intently. "If you have been crouching on the ground, waiting for the immortals to use a large number of earth-bombing bombs, and throwing the firepower of the flash floods on our heads, it is really a disaster, and there is no place to escape." It is."

"and many more."

Li Yao Yuan Shen stirred up, "What is that, it seems that something has fallen from the sky!"

Sure enough, in a dimly lit sky, hundreds of thousands of black pots of metal cans descended from the sky, too far apart, and the size of these cans could not be discerned, but only a faint scent could be perceived.

Despite the parachute towing, the metal cans fell very fast and quickly picked up the smoke in the city.

One of the metal cans just fell within the monitoring eye of Xiahou.

When the dust settled, the figure that jumped out of the ruins clearly fell into the eyes of everyone, and let Hante, Liuli and Xin Xiaoqi all exclaimed.

This is a radiation-mutated beast resembling a giant lizard. It is about three to four meters in shape, covered with fine cyan scales, and a **** vein on the back that extends over the limbs and claws.

Its head is long and narrow like a poisonous snake, and it is covered with a layer of white bones. It is like a mask of white bones. It is deep in the eye sockets of the black scorpion. It can see two red-winged awns, and it sways. Search for prey around.

Fierce, deceitful and intelligent, like a mixture of vipers, crocodiles, jackals and killing machines, this is its first impression.

Soon, a team of fully armed, sly sly squats fell into the sight of this "Iguana".


It flies toward the prey at an incredible speed, and instantly turns into a dark red streamer!

In fact, this team has long found that something has fallen from the sky, raising the alert to the limit, and perceiving a hurricane, and raising their hands, they squirted thousands of fire snakes.

"Bob Bobo!"

Unexpectedly, this "Iguana" has a swaying shape, and the blue scales are rubbed at high speed. Even in the whole body, a faint psionic shield is condensed, and all attacks are resisted and bounced off!

“A radiation-mutated beast that automatically evokes a psionic shield?”

In this case, even Li Yaodu and the boxing champion and Xiahou are indifferent to each other. Some high-level beasts or monsters do have strong self-defense ability, and they can display magical powers like psionic shields, but they are all monsters and spirits. The odd number in the beast is similar to the existence of the leader or the king.

However, at present, there are at least thousands of iguanas that have been laid down from the sky track by the cultivators, which belong to a large number of "miscellaneous soldiers". Can all of them inspire a spiritual shield?

This is terrible!

It was too late, and at that time, the iguana's psionic shield was only able to withstand a smashing attack, but it was enough to make it cut into the shackles from a strange angle.


A **** spurt in his mouth, like a sharp edge, pierced through a sly eyebrow, and poked out from the back of the head, but it was a soft, whip tongue.

Then he took a sigh of relief and smashed the murder of Huang Quan to the side, smashing into the other shackles that were aiming at the feet.


Unequal to the reaction, its head simply splits and blooms into a narcissus flower covered with thorns and teeth. The fluorescent "flowers" spurt in the throat and stick to the four. On the five scorpions, they immediately transmitted the super-strong arcs in the past, and they were all stunned, and the firearms and swords fell to the ground.

The iguana swayed the huge "cannibal flower" on the neck, such as the hungry tiger and the sheep, rushing between the cockroaches.

The **** killing feast was officially staged.

While using the sharp jagged edges of the "cannibal flower", the Qilian with the armor was torn into pieces, while making a very rhythmic scream from the depths of the throat, and in a short time, there were three white faces on the face. The lizard appeared from the darkness, and in the sneer, he looked at the shackles that fled.

The same **** and desperate killing scene was staged in all directions of the city.

Even the most savage and embarrassing shackles can only struggle in the face of the iguanas that are constantly coming up, delaying the pace of death.

Even if the murderer who is not afraid of death, swallowed the eater's flower that his companion was smashed by the iguana's head, even the belt bones were chewed into a mass of minced meat and plasma, and then spurted like an arrow. When spraying on their faces, they couldn't help but have soft legs and vomiting.

The screams, the screams of snoring and the complete collapse of the nerves, instantly rang through the entire **** city!

But it is very strange that in the case of some trial or live broadcasters, the iguanas will let them go after a fine sniffing, just like there are some special instructions that enable them to distinguish between the immortals and the crickets. The difference between the sin people.

Li Yao and Xia Hou were unsatisfactory and shocked, and the scalp was numb.

The boxing brain of the boxing champion also operated at an ultra-high speed, causing an abnormal "beep" sound. After careful observation for a long time, the road said: "This is a perfect biochemical weapon, not only has a strong offensive and defensive ability, but also in the brain. Special control chips should be implanted so that they are no longer a beast, but are connected to a complex war network that fights like a 'wolf hunting', an iguana Attack, call to support hundreds of companions at any time."


Xiahou has no heart to bite his teeth. "The so-called "Bare Earth Laboratory" is not the place where we used these sinisters to add the flesh and blood of the mutated mutant beast to make this perfect monster?"


Sky City, Manzhushahua, First Laboratory, Control Center.

The huge light curtain also displays the physiological parameters and real-time combat video of 3,500 dreaming beasts.

As the data flow rolled down like a waterfall, an expected indicator was over-filled, and Wu Yingxi’s mood gradually improved.

"The biochemical beast that was modulated this time is indeed good, the killing efficiency is very high, and the controllability is quite stable."

He sat comfortably on a soft leather collapse, such as the emperor who reviewed his army, and smiled at the laboratory leader Luo Tiansheng.

Luo Tiansheng excitedly shook hands and smiled: "I have said to adults that as long as I give me 5,000 of the freshest experimental materials, I will definitely give the adults a miracle! This time we combine brain and wafer. , as well as information reception and secondary transmission, have made great efforts, now these nightmare beasts can be killed by instinct, can also accurately execute more than 180 kinds of predetermined tactics, even in a command remote Underneath, enter the semi-hypnotic standby state, can be like the most docile cattle and sheep, automatically go to the collection point, no longer the last time the wafer is out of control, eating up tens of thousands of sinners in a town! ”

"The audience throughout the empire, the response to this killing feast is also very good, our ratings and the bounty, gambling, all broke through the three-year high, and countless viewers have sent a very excited Evaluation, this time the 'Tianyan Group' report can be very beautiful, so that so many outsiders are satisfied."

The blood and glare in the thousands of light curtains reflected a faint shadow on the face of Wu Yingzhen, which made him unable to distinguish his true emotions. He could only hear him under the shadow of the **** flame. Whispered, "With such a perfect killing, to open the curtain of our 'epic-level mission', it is no better."


Luo Tiansheng whispered, "Wei Xiaotian said, about the "King of Fighters" and the mysterious master?"

"Continue to check."

Wu Yingxi’s gaze stays on the rising comprehensive ratings and the flow of funds. The corner of his mouth evokes a smile of victory. “No matter what monsters or monsters, as long as they come from the earth, they will never escape our eyes and palms. Even if he has all the power, it is always a small piece, I am the only player in this big game!"

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