Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2053: Underground past


The glass screamed, but it touched the bruises on the body, hurting his teeth, and squeezing his eyes. "Have you heard, Yun sister believes that we can become self-cultivators!"

"Cloud sister..."

Hante screamed at the synthetic food brought by Zuo Jingyun, and became a dirty-faced cat. Some people smiled embarrassedly. "I didn't expect you to be such an easy-going person. I saw you earlier." On the way of the dragon, we thought you were fierce!

"Speaking of it, apart from my sister-in-law, you are the first real-life comprehension person we have seen. About the self-cultivator and your star organization, we really have too many things to know. Can you tell us in detail?" ”


The glazed face is red, said, "On the things of the self-cultivator, we only know one scale and half claws. What can we do to become a true self-cultivator? We can change the world into something. Please tell us, Yun Sister? ”

Zuo Jingyun gently coughed a few times, his hands hesitated, and smiled bitterly: "In fact, about everything about the self-cultivator, I don't know much more than you, and sometimes I doubt myself, people like me. Is it true that there is no qualification for a true comprehension? Isn’t it the existence of a fisheye? And what is the significance of all the persistence of our 'Starlight Organization'?"


Liu Li and Hante face each other and cast a doubtful eye on Li Yao. "How is this?"

"The boring theory is boring to say it, so let's talk to you about my story."

Zuo Jingyun used the cold ice and the metal fingers of the ** to unconsciously roll up a ray of blue on the head of the glass. "Want to listen?"

"Think, think, think!"

Liu and Hante nodded together.

"I was born to join the 'Starlight Organization'. I am not born in the bauxite, but in the fierce and vicious sunshine, but in the depths of the earth, the rumble of the ground. In the Dragon of the Dragon."

Zuo Jingyun was caught in a distant memory, his eyes were somewhat blurred, muttering. "My hometown is a long and long 'land dragon', my mother is a maintenance engineer, my dad is a warrior. And prospector.

"Since I have remembered, my ears are smashing the sound of the rock around the drill bit all the time. The foot is bumpy and shocking. Looking around, the whole world is a long and narrow passage, and the outside of the passage is a black rock formation. Occasionally, it can be found. A little bit of stars, colorful ore.

"Do you know, for a long time, I even thought that the whole world is like this, a hard and boring piece of big rock, human beings are like metal worms playing holes in this rock, I can't imagine mountains and rivers, blue sky The existence of white clouds is even more impossible to imagine the endless sea of ​​stars that are hundreds of millions of times larger than the sky.

“My whole world is such a long and narrow passage, all kinds of complicated and dazzling gears and turntables, ‘嗤嗤’ sounding pipes, and synthetic foods like chewing wax.

“The adults have a lot of work all day long, and there’s a lot of weird faults every second, and we’re always going to encounter too hard rock formations and even metal, all Everyone shouted loudly in the steam whistling, knocking the wrench and the drill bit squeaking, and our children followed them. From the beginning of the vocabulary, they learned how to repair and control the 'land dragon' and identified it as The difference between thousands of ore and old resources.

"At that time, all of us did only two things.

“The first is to continuously drill in the underground to find the mines and underground ruins left by the Ming and Qing dynasties in the past thousand years ago, and discover some pitiful fuels, food and resources to maintain the 'land dragons' and Our internal organs are working.

"Secondly, the dive trucks that were escaping from the city of SKY, Manzhushahua, couldn’t hide, and they had a fierce battle with them.

“The rigs sent by the cultivators don’t need to hang a lot of civilian cars, they only need to carry the most basic fighters, so they are more flexible and quicker than us, but they are a large-scale search after all, and we only need to quietly crouch. And hiding, plus our ancestors have been living underground for hundreds of years, becoming the aborigines here, the intricate terrain is like the familiarity of their palm prints, so everyone can fight like a fan, and every time we are from the gap Lieutenant to go.

"Of course, at that time, I didn't know what the 'city of the sky, Manzhushahua', and I don't understand the difference between 'the comprehension' and the 'cultivator'. I thought that the cruel and fast-moving small earth-moving car was Our natural enemies, they attack us, and the eagle kills rabbits is a truth.

"Every "land dragon" is a mobile village. Occasionally there will be a lot of 'land dragons' coming together, exchange materials and intelligence, and carry out large-scale repairs and upgrades, which is our biggest festival. Just as people from the Ten Miles and Eight Towns are coming to the market, the children will even dress up their own 'village' of the land of the village, and they will be more prestigious and beautiful than the land of the gods.

"However, in my childhood, such festivals are rare. The enemies of the immortals have become more and more frequent, and the nets are becoming more and more strict. Many 'land dragons' have been discovered by them, detonating the spar bombs. Thousands of tons of rock were bombed, and they were killed in mines and tunnels. Our 'land dragons' also suffered several attacks, losing one-third of the cars and nearly half of the hands.

"In such a bleak war, I slowly learned everything from my parents' mouth and learned about the glorious history of 'study' and 'star organization'. I also know 'sky city, manzhushahua' and 'cultivator' 'How evil.

"At that time, I sneered at many of my parents' words. I don't think there is any glory in the comprehension and the star organization.

"Parents told me that the comprehension is the pride and hope of human civilization, and our star organization has been fighting for hundreds of years in the ground, and it will definitely cause a heavy blow to the immortal.

"At that time, I was a little smaller than you are now, but I also faintly felt that my parents were bragging. Since there are blue sky and white clouds and vast expanse of Xinghai, there are countless sin victims who are suffering from suffering and waiting for us to save, but we But like a tortoise, the tortoise is being hit by the ground, and the self-cultivator who lives in a violent, unruly life is considered to be 'proud'. What is the 'glorious' and what kind of 'hope' can bring? !

"Also, we have been passively beaten, and the situation has become more and more serious. Many small partners have only seen it once at the rally. Later, they heard that their 'land dragons' were discovered by the immortals and they were pressed together. It has become a scrap of copper, so what kind of 'heavy blow' we have caused to the immortal, is it just consuming some of the enemy's drill bits and fuel?

"In short, I was in the midst of a reversal period. I didn't think that the comprehension was great. I even felt that I had been born in the 'Starlight' of the 'Starlight'. A life of bleak and desperate life, I thought about escaping from the ground all day, fleeing the self-cultivators of starlight organizations and shit, going to the bright sunshine, passing another life without baggage, unfetteredness, and disparity.

"This day is finally here.

"Because our manpower is seriously inadequate, I have to take the risk of recruiting people on the ground. That is the first time I touched the real sun, sucking in the really fresh air, seeing large chunks of fluffy gray clouds, you can be unscrupulous. The ground screams and growls, and the sound can fly all the way to the horizon.

"Until today, I can't forget the day, the first sun pierced my pupil, let me lick for ten minutes.

"In a world of **** battles, we found some shackles or slaves. They were originally a powerful gang of local gangs. Because of the big winds, they were united and annihilated by seven or eight gangs. The survivors left behind were reduced to slave.

"We have eliminated these gangs and rescued all the slaves. After interrogation and identification, some of the people who can be transformed have been brought to the bottom.


The voice of Zuo Jingyun became hoarse and messy, and his face flashed a bit of painful color, and he could not help but rub his own left shoulder and metal arm.

"Later, what happened?"

Glass and Hante couldn't help but ask.

Zuo Jingyun frowned, quickly and briefly said: "Later, one of these slaves betrayed us, recruited a large number of cultivators, completely destroyed the 'land dragons' that I grew up in my childhood, my parents are killed I lost a left arm and struggled to escape to the ruins of an underground city. I was lucky enough to escape."


The eyes of the glass were round and round, and some of them lowered their heads. They thought about it and seized the right hand with left temperature and the temperature. "I'm sorry, Yun sister."

Li Yao and the boxing champion only know why Zuo Jingyun would be so envious of the shackles and murderers on the earth, and the perception of this one-armed female warrior is deeper.

Zuo Jingyun smiled and gently rubbed the top of the glass with the prosthetic limbs. "That was a long time ago. I almost...had forgot, what about you?"

"From that moment on, I never think about the golden sunshine, the blue sky and the white clouds, and the free wind. I only think about revenge.

“Although I don’t have much conception about ‘cultivator’, but as long as it’s against ‘cultivator’, it’s a mistake to kill the immortals and their running dogs.” (To be continued.)

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