Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2058: The epic mission begins!

From the scene, the cultivator not only did not mean to release water at all, but also played quite fiercely.

At this moment, the resistance fighters in the abandoned mines are still running out. Wei Longtao is definitely the most violent and dazzling one. It almost attracted half of the firepower of the immortals. Various kinds of bullets and colorful light Xuanguang recruited him. In his whole body, he ignited the splendid sound and photoelectric effect, and his bronze orangutan war **** suit was riddled with holes and fragments, and the fragments and components were bursting like a smattering of flowers.

Wei Longtao is also a desperately savage, and he does not care about his own seemingly shocking damage. He once again plunged himself into the cultivator like a cannonball, and even killed several flesh-and-blood enemies.

Those under the cover of him, the resistance fighters who retreated to the depths of the tunnel looked back, just to see that he was caught in the sea of ​​the immortal, still in the scene of death, and could not help but be moved by tears, the nose and chest were The sour is filled.

"Total Command!"

The resistance fighters screamed in tears.

"Don't worry about me, you are going!"

Wei Longtao’s voice became extremely hoarse, as if the throat was blocked by the frozen blood. “I will kill the encirclement and promise you!”

Booming and banging!

The large group of fireballs wrapped Wei Longtao and blocked his voice, leaving the last impression of all the resistance fighters. He was waving the tomahawk in the flames, killing the Quartet, and screaming like a demon!


Such sound and light effects and fierce battles can only deceive ordinary veterans, but it is impossible to overcome the perception of a god.

Li Yao concentrated on the analysis of the thousands of data collected by God, and constructed a new model in the depths of the Yuanshen until the entire virtual battlefield was rebuilt.

He first analyzes the psionics of the cultivator, the speed, ballistic and firepower strengths of the ordinary resistance fighters, and thus the value of a standard tactical performance.

Then, based on the "Taiwan Warfare Squad Tactics" of the Xingyao Federation, it is possible to comprehensively estimate how powerful the combat power can be exerted when hundreds of psionic sensations are added together.

The result of the performance will be compared with the performance of Xiu Xian who besieged Wei Longtao.

"Assume that the combat power of these battles is 100 when dealing with ordinary resistance fighters, then it fell to 82 when dealing with Wei Longtao.

"In a nutshell, they are slower, slower, weaker, and even reduce the accuracy of shooting by at least 30 percentage points.

"At the same time, they are wasting more psionic energy on the unnecessary sound and light effects, and they have stirred up a lot of seemingly amazing light, arcs and fireballs. So is it a big drama?

"Even if I use the tactics of the Taixu Warfare Squad of the Stars Federation to kill Wei Longtao in the virtual battlefield, at least he will be seriously injured or even killed, and even a live capture is possible.

"The singular warfare of the Starry Federation is derived from the 'star boy' of the real human empire. In other words, the empire is at least less than the federal, even if it does not surpass the federal too. .

"What the federal can do, there is no reason why the empire can't do it.

"The same is true of these living immortals. The regular army with one eye engraved on the crystal scorpion is sizzling, unrelenting, and not living when dealing with ordinary resistance fighters. But when dealing with Wei Longtao, all of a sudden Become clumsy and hesitant.

"And in order to conceal their clumsiness, they also stirred up the colorful waves, fireballs, flames and shock waves, maximizing the sight and perception of the witnesses.

"Don't say ordinary resistance fighters, even if you are a master of the Dan and even the Yuan Ying series, if you don't have doubts beforehand, it is impossible to find them.

"Only those ‘live broadcasters’ are still stupidly rushing up. Of course they are not Wei Longtao’s opponents. They just sing this big play to life and make a real mess!”

Li Yao’s **** is getting colder and colder, almost condensing into a hail.

Analysis here, he and the blood-colored demons are absolutely certain, the cultivation of immortals to Wei Longtao is indeed water.

Although Wei Longtao's crystal enamel seems to be fragmented, covered with bullet holes, tears and burning marks, he is also scarred, and blood is infiltrated from the gap of the crystal scorpion, becoming a blood-stained iron man.

However, Li Yao analyzed every time he was injured, but found those shocking explosions that only hurt the fur.

Even because some insignificant attacks interfered with the trajectory, Wei Longtao escaped many deadly attacks.

It is not that Wei Longtao can predict the enemy's offense, and he can play brilliantly in the rain of bullets.

On the contrary, it is the attack of the cultivator who is pulling Wei Longtao to make a dazzling and intricate dodge, just like the shackles of pulling the line.

At this moment, under Wei Longtao's "British Heroic War", most of the resistance fighters safely retreated.

Suddenly, hundreds of spherical lightning bolts exploded in the air, illuminating the underground world like a white scorpion, followed by a thunderous scream of earth-shattering.

"Wei Longtao wants to break through!"

Li Yao’s Yuanshen is naturally unaffected by the effects of sound and light, and still locks Wei Longtao coldly. “Or he wants to 'show’ break out!”

Sure enough, Wei Longtao was mixed with the thunder of the thunder, and the flames instantly surged tenfold, turning the ruined God of War suit into pieces that were constantly exploding, and stirred around.

Then, the whole person turned into a blue stream, and went to the depths of the abandoned mine, that is, not far from Li Yao.

Several cultivators are chasing after them. They seem to be claws and claws, but they are determined to win. However, Li Yao’s perception of the level of the gods can vaguely smell a perfunctory taste.

Only a few of the live broadcasters or trial critics are still screaming, and really want to put Wei Longtao to death.

However, under the smattering and interference of the regular army, they had several fatal attacks, and Wei Longtao took out a large group of hot fireballs to make the scene more thrilling.


A live broadcaster or tester is very fast, and he is close to Wei Longtao.

However, Wei Longtao turned back to an axe, cut off the waist and cut off the five internal organs and did not spew out and was burned into a group of coke.

The scenes that were terrible, could not help all the cultivators to bow at least, and those regular troops seemed to bow.

The regular army's movements became dull and flustered, and they "just happened" blocked the pilots and the live broadcasters, slowing them for half a second.

Wei Longtao took the opportunity to speed up and broke into a hidden tunnel at the bottom of the abandoned mine. Then, the explosion of the bombardment of the bombardment was completely collapsed!

The cultivators screamed and watched the collapsed underground continually smashing out the flames. They were so gnashing their teeth and licking their chests, but they couldn’t think of it. They were close to them, and they still crouched an enemy more than 10,000 times more terrible than Wei Longtao. .

The short and "tough" underground battle finally came to an end.

The bodies of countless resistance fighters and the flaming turrets merged together and turned into hot scrap iron, rolling down from above and smashing into the bottom of the abandoned mine, turning into an unknown cemetery.

The cultivator controlled the entire abandoned mine. It seems that it is to be built into a temporary command center, transporting various engineering equipment and materials, and building large buildings on the top.

For those who fled to the depths of the earth, they did not have a little chasing afterwards, and even did not even have the opportunity to catch up.

It seems like...

They have already decided that they can wait until the resistance fighters have thrown themselves into the net, and they are not in a hurry to catch up.

Li Yao quietly locked in the trials and live broadcasters who struggled to kill Wei Longtao.

He has a hunch that he can collect key information from these guys.

Sure enough, these arrogant and arrogant cultivators thought that all the resistance fighters in the abandoned mine were hunted, and they uncovered the helmets, sipping the air with strong blood and smell, and looked at the battlefield with regret.

“Is this the legendary epic quest?”

A beautifully dressed, very young cultivator with blood-stained lips, smiled. "Compared with the Platinum-level mission of Happy City, it seems that there is not much improvement. It is a game of playing the hamster."

"What is your heart?"

In the middle of the forehead, there was a **** female cultivator who gave him a look. "The first pass is just an appetizer, and there is not a 'temple of the temple' behind, and that is not the final level. I heard that it is finally Arrange a magnificent and thrilling Star Wars, that is the real big meal, when you have enough to eat, and when you are cool!"

"It is also."

The first cultivator snorted and smiled. "You don't want to say that this year, I want to find a few sacred people who have no emotions and cold ice like wood. That is everything, **** them can not be killed; but The person's innocent and ignorant existence is harder to find than the three-legged scorpion. It is a rare and protected animal at the national level.

"The taste of this rare and protected animal is not the same as that of slaughtering chickens. If you see them before they die, they will cry and scream, they will scream and scream, they will scream all kinds of rhetoric, hahahaha, really generous. Intense, extremely tragic, the feeling of killing them is much more exciting than the sacred people who kill the fish, a word, cool!"


Thinking of the picture just now, the frost on the face of the female cultivator was melted. I couldn’t help but say, "Long live the comprehension?" Hey, I haven’t heard such old and funny lines for many years. These old-fashioned monsters, the guns are inaccurate, the hands are shaking, I really want to laugh."


Another chubby cultivator rushed over and ran over. "There is a very interesting branch task to chase down the dragons who are in the middle of the ground. Whoever hasn't played enough yet, should you go cool?" ”

"Okay, okay, go with you, ‘the Battle of the Temple’ will only be open for a few days, and idle is also idle!”

Many cultivators talked and laughed and flew upwards, leaving Li Yao, the comprehension at their feet, to remain in the darkness. (To be continued...) r

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