Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2061: Star prison

Under the cold starlight, above the No. 3 planetary sync track not far from Wuyingxing, a small starry sky gate consisting of eighty-eight arrayed star torches presents a crystal-like diamond shape, emitting a faint red awning. Slowly turn around.

Centered on this **** crystal starry sky, the surrounding space is constantly pouring out of the void. A starship like a whale and a king squid floating in the deep sea jumped to the Wuying world.

The Samsung Blitz emblem on their bow is more embarrassing under the illumination of the red mans, which is the symbol of the real human empire.

Wu Yingjie is not a big world that can be self-sufficient.

Because of the experiments that have been used for advanced magic weapons and supernatural powers for many years, the only inhabitable planet here is devastated and insane, and it is completely unable to maintain a stable ecosystem and material and energy cycle system.

Even if there are some experimental plantations in the "City of the Sky, Manzhushahua" and the huge sky-rail system, it is still far from meeting the needs of all the immortals, the sinisters and the biological weapons.

Therefore, every day, countless transport ships carry goods from all directions of the empire, and they are constantly transported here to give blood to the "City of the Sky, Manzhushahua".

Perhaps it is an "epic-level mission" that is about to start a star-studded battle. In the past few days, there have been more ships between the Wuying world and the inner land of the empire. Perhaps there are some hidden "transports". The most advanced Star Wars!

From different worlds, the style and style are varied, and the large and small transport ships are inexhaustible. Each of the tentacles is a large-scale star port towards the "tactile" of the "sky city, Manzhushahua" to the Xinghai.

But none of the transport ships found that they were close to them, and there was a nearly transparent crystal in the void, as if they were integrated with the dark universe, and they were watching them coldly.

This near-transparent crystal is surrounded by a unique twisting force field that interferes with all scanning and detection, even though there are just a few imperial satellites that have passed by it and have not found it.

Li Yao stared at the star gate for an hour and a half, and finally locked the target.

He didn't want to sneak into the "City of the Sky, Manzhushahua" directly. Now he still doesn't know what defensive measures the cultivators have. Even if they use the repairs of the sacred period to harden a starry sky battle, they are too reluctant.

And those large-sized, smooth lines, elegant style, the latest transport ship full of full and full of psionic shields, is not an ideal prey, after all, he has to sneak into the starship from the vacuum universe, it is difficult to not be discovered.

The ship in front of it is a bit clumsy, and it seems to be riddled with holes and tears. It seems that the old transport ship that has just suffered from the Xinghai storm is the best target.

Li Yao thought about it and turned it into a near-invisible embarrassment. He plucked the ship, which was painted with a black bear sign on the flanks, like dead leaves and dandelions, fluttering on the tail of the other side, next to the flame-spraying area of ​​the power array.

The temperature of the glazing area is at least several thousand degrees. It is also mixed with various violent rays and particle streams. It can't last for a few minutes instead of the previous Li Yao, but now it is like drinking in the summer breeze. Iced drinks are generally comfortable.

Li Yao smiled slightly and gently put his hands on the hull of the old transport ship. The gods turned into ripples, infiltrated, sneaked in and spread, and invaded into the power cabin of the old transport ship.

Close your eyes, imagine your own gods as intricate, follow the ripples of your palms, and drill into the depths of the transport ship. Every pipe and every crystal line in the power cabin is clear in the brain. Appeared, then criss-crossed, connected together, quickly built a 100% accurate virtual power cabin model.

Li Yao did not guess wrong. The unfortunate ship was shortly after leaving the home port and suffered a sudden star storm, which caused the starship to be seriously damaged.

The evidence is a liquid metal repair agent that fills the hull and is filled with holes.

Although this kind of repairing agent has the advantages of ever-changing shape, pervasive, and rapid condensation when exposed to air or vacuum, it is impossible to maintain a firm shape for too long, so it can only be used as a temporary temporary material for emergency.

Generally speaking, after the end of a voyage, it is necessary to drag into the shipyard, remove all the repairing agents, and replace them with regular materials that can be used for a long time, with stronger strength and ductility.

Xinghai speculates that no one will joke on the issue of life and death, so these liquid metal repair agents must have spewed out not long ago.

Also, almost all power units in the power cabin are heavily overloaded, and several power units are on the verge of collapse, reaching a critical point at any time.

This shows that the commander of the transport ship had just carried out a very rude operation not long ago, for example, against the Xinghai storm, struggling to forcibly flee the storm.

This is a perfect prey.

Li Yao’s thoughts are like a poisonous snake in the void, sneak into the most severely damaged and most unstable power unit, and concentrate on the already precarious psionic circuit. At the same time, it has crushed dozens of internal power units. The sensor allows the crew in the power cabin to find the problem of the power unit on the crystal brain interface.

All the values ​​on the operation interface are very normal. All the crew members are in a state of ignorance. Many people have seen the "City of the Sky, Manzhushahua" which is close at hand, and thought that the victory is in sight, and the look is relaxed. There was a relieved smile on his face.

at this time


The power unit that Li Yao had done with his hands and feet had a serious explosion. The high-energy fuel injection was everywhere, and it caused a series of serial explosions, even spread to the outer shell of the transport ship, exploding a shocking big mouth, countless debris, fuel. And the crew's broken limbs are flaming outward like a fountain.

"Oops, another explosion!"

"Fight the fire, urgent repair, fast!"

"Damn Star Storm!"

The entire ship was immediately rioted, and the damage control department acted in an orderly manner. First, the ultra-high-density fire-fighting foam blocked the tendency of the fire and fuel to spread. Then a large amount of gel-like liquid metal was sprayed into the damaged place and instantly solidified. The silver-colored carapace; a large number of crew members were fully armed, and the Sui Dynasty explosion area rushed over.

Since the start of the Star Wars, this empire seven-class transport ship named "Black Bear" is like a bad luck, four small-scale explosions have occurred, the crew of these damage groups have long been accustomed to.

But none of the crew realized that a demon more than a hundred times more terrible than the explosion had sneaked into their starship in the raging fire, smoke and poison.

Li Yao leaned against the corner of the fire and the gas, and did not even spend much time looking for a place to hide.

On this ragged transport ship, there are at most some refining and base-building cultivators. It is not bad to have several knots. It is almost impossible to find him as a god. Task.

After sneaking into the starship, the speed and efficiency of the expansion of the mind increased by one level. He quickly figured out the overall structure and personnel distribution of the ship.

Even in the standard of the Xingyao Federation, this is a rather rudimentary transport ship. There are four huge warehouses in front of the power cabin. The cargo and fuel areas are below the cargo warehouse, and the crew rest area and the bridge only the ship. The bridge can only feel a little bit of a weak atmosphere, but Li Yao does not pose a threat to this moment.

The only thing worth noting is that the goods in the warehouse are not ordinary materials, but human beings. They are thousands of human beings who are curled up in hibernation bins like babies, twisted in shape, painful in appearance, and full of frost on their bodies.

The hibernation chambers they use are also rusty, ragged, and covered with thick spiral pipes. They have been seen by Li Yao. The powerhouse used by the Black Wind Fleet to carry immigrants is even more backward. It is simply a Small iron coffin.

Thousands of iron coffins are neatly listed on both sides of the warehouse, and the pale white light shines, revealing a horrible smell, like a strange space grave.

Li Yao noticed that this warehouse was also attacked by the Xinghai storm. There were a lot of fine meteorites breaking through the defense of the transport ship, and hundreds of hibernating warehouses were pierced, and the hibernators in it had long been unrecognizable. Lost life.

Each hibernation chamber is connected to a small crystal brain with a thin light curtain floating above it.

Li Yao will sneak into one of the crystal brains, curiously read the information on the light curtain, and found only a few lines of simple data:

"No. 11546, female, 44 years old, in good health, sedition, riots, crimes against national security."

Below is her detailed body data, but does not involve too many features, just to prove her physical health.

Li Yaozhen perceives the woman who was 44 years old in the hibernation warehouse and whose hair was gray, her face was wrinkled and she was prematurely aging.

He can see at a glance that the woman's spiritual root is not awakened, is a standard ordinary person, or in the words of the real human empire, "original person." ‘

Li Yao could not understand that in the real human empire ruled by the immortals, what would an original person who did not awaken Linggen commit to commit the crime of endangering national security?

Look at the rest of the hundreds of hibernation warehouses. The seals are mostly ordinary people who don’t have the roots of awakening. There are young men and women, but they are strong and strong, but they are strong. The ankles and joints are slightly distorted, obviously not cultivated, but they have been honed over the years.

The crimes of all people are very similar, inciting, rioting and endangering national security, without their names, only one cold number.

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