Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2067: The only secret weapon of the target!

The mysterious boy does not hide or sneak, and he eats a palm. The power is like being swept by a super-high-speed crystal train. He slams, and the left half of the body is fleshy and cracked. The whole person is also vacated. From then on, I turned around in the air for three or five laps before I fell on the wall, leaving a shocking **** print!

The blood spurted out, the blood mist filled the air, and it irritated the fierceness of the green-haired Yaksha. He put five fingers in his mouth and sucked for a while, making a "squeaky" laugh, and once again rushing toward the broken teenager Go, sharp claws pierce the juvenile's chest deeply, insert him like a sandbag into the air, and squat!

In that scene, even the most ruthless person seems to have scalp tingling and vomiting.

This is not a test at all, it is the purest sadism!

But from the beginning to the end, no matter how green yawning vents his tyranny and brutality, the mysterious boy is just silent, even when the entire face is caught in a criss-crossed, messy, clear water, but always lingering with faint mourning Double eyes, there is still no change.

He seems to be able to close his painful nerves, and the physical pain has nothing to do with him. In addition to the faint mourning and desperate despair in the eyelids, Li Yao faintly perceives a touch of "boring" emotions. .

Li Yao did not act impulsively.

There is a strength over the top of the gods is on the one hand next door monitoring, on the other hand, Li Yao also does not believe that the immortals spend a lot of time to arrange this test, just to see the green hairy night shredded Live people.

This mysterious boy must be weird, at least for now, he does not need him to shoot.

Sure enough, Li Yao soon found out.

If he is just an ordinary boy, he is afraid that the first palm of the green-haired nightshade will be enough to shoot him, and a series of dazzling and extremely violent attacks will tear him into pieces.

However, the body of the mysterious teenager was tyrannical, and it was repeated for five minutes by such a beast. It was still only the skin and wound of the broken bones and broken bones.

Then it seems that the person who was bombarded by the crystal magnetic gun, only vomiting blood three liters normal?

Also, under the attack of the green-haired nightshade, the mysterious teenager opened the scalloped wound, but healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The bones of the white flowers and the shocking wounds can be seen, and the strong granulation is madly entangled, forming a new, thicker, more sturdy tendon and muscle bundle.

"No, no, tear, break, rebirth and more power. This is the basic principle of cultivation."

Li Yao secretly swears. "Is this kid not being abused, but is practicing a very strange magical power, and the more hegemonic the more powerful?"

Similar to the supernatural powers, Li Yao also practiced in the early years. At that time, it was Ding Lingyu who helped him to practice. The two men also played with their feelings and sparked their sparks!

And this mysterious juvenile's "smashing the power of the gods" is more than the practice of his year, and he does not know how many levels, it is simply shocking!

"If you don't work well, this kid's strength is stronger than the green-haired Yaksha, and it is many times stronger. So many cultivators guard the war, and there is a strict defense. It is not for the green-haired Yaksha, but for this kid! But he When I was curled up on the floor, I couldn’t even feel that there was a little power in his body. It was...horror!"

Li Yao thought about electricity and thought about it quickly. "However, why didn't he fight back? He also put on a look of no interest. He is very aware of the fate of his test body, or..."


Li Yao’s memory is like a magnificent palace with a winding path, which is constantly expanding and extending.

Every day, the memory fragments are turned into a locked room, and he is opened one by one to find every face he has seen.

Li Yao is sure that he has seen the expression of a sorrowful sorrow on a teenager's face before, and must dig out that face!

However, at this moment, he used 99% of the calculation power to manipulate the Xiaolong, maintaining the highest level of invisibility. After all, a wall is separated, and he is taking advantage of a more powerful god. He does not concentrate on his efforts. Will be discovered by the other party.

Only 1% of computing power can be used to retrieve past memory fragments, and it takes a few minutes.

"What are these ghosts doing?"

Li Yao looked at the mysterious boy like a rag doll and was thrown away by the green hairy nightshade. It was motionless and even closed his eyes. He wanted to break his head and couldn’t understand it. What a ghost test!

In the control room separated by a wall in the test room, separated by a unidirectional transparent tempered glass, the owner of "City of the Sky, Manzhu Shahua", the helm of the Tianyan Group, the royal branch of Wu Yingxi, and one of the four major electoral families "Home", the next owner Li Lingfeng, standing with his hands, calmly observe everything in the test room.

"I still refuse to take it?"

Li Lingfeng asked faintly. "There is such a strong force. Just now, the eyelids are not smashed, and the four extremely ferocious radiation mutant beasts are killed. The newly-created nightmare fierce beasts, such as shredded geckos, are so simple. But now...I won’t do it?”

"No way, this time the modulation is still very successful. We have applied the most mature and cutting-edge reinforcement technology accumulated in the past 100 years to him. From the tyrannical level of flesh and blood, he is in some single indicators. Up, even above me."

Wu Yingxi was respectful and respectful, but he said with some helplessness. "The combat power is completely okay. Just now he shook the lizard like a piece of paper, and you saw it with your own eyes.

"But the will to fight is not something we can control and change.

"Oh, or can't say that, in fact, we also have a variety of ways to hypnotize and stimulate his brain, making him the most terrible killing machine for a pure killing machine, but..."

"Yes, I said, I can't do this. I don't need a blank killing machine. I don't need to be strong."

Li Lingfeng swept Wu Yingling and looked at him with no expression. "I said from the beginning that I need him to carry out cruel and ruthless killings in complete waking and absolute autonomy, and become the most standard, the best and the most. A powerful cultivator!

"What I need is a soulful, living person, not an empty body and an idiot!"

"That, it will take some time."

Wu Yingyu pointed to his own temple, whispered. "You know his problem. Those shackles that are not scattered are still bound by his soul. No one knows when to crack.

"The brain and the soul, after all, 99% of the field is still waiting for us to explore, it is like when a deep coma vegetative can wake up, no one can figure out.

"Maybe he will figure it out in the next second, and maybe he can't figure it out all his life."

"In short, he doesn't want to kill himself. We can't help it.

"The test body No. 11453 is already the most embarrassing, ugly, cruel and least human being here, but it is still a human being! Li Jialing should have perceived that the other person is a human instead of a radiation mutant beast. Just beaten, let the other side slaughter?"

"Hey, this kid..."

Li Lingfeng frowned, staring deeply at the blood in the test room, the broken Li Jialing, muttered, "so so stubborn, really worthy"

He accepted the words in time.

"Li Daren, there is a saying that I don't know when I talk about it."

Wu Yingxi said cautiously.

Li Lingfeng took back his sharp eyes and smiled. "Between you and me, what else is it wrong to talk about?"

"Then please ask the grown-up for me to be reckless. I have been unable to figure out something."

Wu Ying used the words and said, "Yes, the test body codenamed "Li Jialing" has indeed been modulated into a perfect killing machine. It is very successful in this project alone.

"But if we count the resources and costs we put into this project, it seems that it is not worthwhile.

"After all, war is not a killing machine or a strong one can win. If the same resources and costs are invested in other projects, a thousand killing machines and 10,000 most powerful radiation mutant beasts can be modulated. And absolutely loyal, able to faithfully perform various tasks.

"And Li Jialing's fighting will has great problems. It can be said that it is a very unstable weapon. Why should adults continue to invest so much in him?

"Hey, adults should not misunderstand. The reason why I ask this is closely related to what kind of modulation he is going to do in the next stage, so..."

"I have not misunderstood, but the answer to this question is not something you should know."

Li Lingfeng indulged for a moment, said, "Let's say, he is indeed a secret weapon, but it is a secret weapon specially used to deal with a person. If the anticipation of my expectations is really going to happen, then his role will be far better than that. Thousands of troops!

"And this matchup is getting closer and closer, and it is very likely that it will come soon.

"So, no matter what means you use, this time I must find a way to defeat his psychological defense and the 'law' in his mind, so that he can kill other human beings in full waking and voluntary, if it can be launched An indiscriminate massacre is no better!

"Only by completely defeating his original beliefs, can I reshape a new set of convictions for him, a more glorious, advanced, correct, belief in our cultivation of immortals, understand?"


Wu Ying’s focus was on the head and looked at the terrible scene in the test room. He said, “That now...”

"Forget it, this green-haired Yasha is not strong enough for him. He won't shoot."

Li Lingfeng waved his hand. "Get this thing out, let him take a break, and think of another way. I will give you three more days. Within three days, I will see a brand new Li Jialing!"

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