Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2072: Change your face!


Even if Li Yao had expected it, the energy contained in the juvenile would never be as calm as the surface he showed, but the sudden change from the ice to the thunder still made Li Yao secretly scream.

Many of the cultivators have long been accustomed to the appearance of Li Jialing, who is obedient and obedient. Some people even faintly know the purpose of many modulations and experiments. They are trying to force him to kill, but they are always in vain.

Li Jialing will never hurt people. This is the concept that everyone is preconceived.

I did not expect that Li Jialing would suddenly rise and fall, and the space in the Chamber of Secrets was too narrow. Many of the singers who had been smashing the squats became a burden.

Li Jialing long spit out a sigh of gas, as if the depression of more than a decade has been spit out, and the corner of the mouth evokes a cruel sneer, as if this is his true face!

He looked at him, shaped like a ghost, turned into a stream of death, jumping up and down between the cultivators.

His palms and arms are faintly covered with a dark gold-grain pattern, forming an elusive array of characters. The crystals of super-alloyed refining, under the tears of his hands, resemble pieces of paper. And the board is generally fragile!

In Li Yao’s perception of the Yuanshen, Li Jialing’s surging spirits are madly breaking through the **** of flesh and blood and turning into an invisible eight-claw monster.

The psionic tentacles fill the entire chamber and firmly lock every breath of every cultivator.


Another sorcerer was a knives smashed by Li Jialing's flames, squatting in the chest, and the whole chest was sunken, and even the armor behind it burst open.

"Hey! Hey!"

Another cultivator wearing a super-heavy crystal scorpion rushed from the back to Li Jialing, trying to use his weight and the driving force of the crystal to press the young man to the floor.

Unexpectedly, Li Jialing is like a long-eyed eye behind her head. She grabs the front and grabs the wrist of a cultivator in front. Even the skeleton of the armor is crushed, and the machine takes the long knife in the other hand and returns. A glimpse, just in front of the chest of the cultivator.


The sorcerer wearing a super-heavy crystal scorpion released a powerful psionic shield, igniting the volcanic smoke of the magma, and it was difficult to resist the invasion of the sword.

Li Jialing's face is expressionless, his wrists are shaking, the sword is turned into a piece of debris, and under the cover of his spiritual flame, it becomes a super-high-speed metal torrent, and a brain breaks through the psionic shield, and smashes into this cult. In the chest of the person!

In the twinkling of an eye, four or five cultivators were blasted out by Li Jialing, twitching on the wall and in the corner, life and death are unknown!

Li Jialing snorted and licked the blood stains on the corners of his mouth, and rushed toward a heavy firepower that was covered with guns.

The instinct of this crystal-clearing immortal instinctively responded, and the sagittal gun, the crystal magnetic gun and the honeycomb-type flying sword launcher of the whole body burst into a dazzling light.

"Don't kill him!"

The one who was the first to cultivate the immortal screamed, "Catch the live!"

The cultivator who drove the heavy firepower crystals was hesitant, and Li Jialing smashed the left-handed sagittal barrel and pulled it.

I don't know if this cultivator was panicked, or Li Jialing's action affected his reaction. The muzzle spurted out a large group of fires, straight between the chest and abdomen of Li Jialing.

"Boom", a fireball blasted below Li Jialing's chest and above the lower abdomen!

Li Jialing was ignorant, and the speed was not reduced. The hands were directly pressed on the chest of the cultivator.


The second sound blasted, but it was a hundred times more exciting than the fireball that blasted between the chest and the abdomen of Li Jialing. With the fascination of Li Jialing from the palms of the palms, every gap in the firepower They all spewed out the messy flames, and the cultivators inside were actually burnt into coke!

The support of the flesh-and-blood body, the joints and the joints were shattered. This crystal is like a collapsed castle, and it’s falling into the ground.

At this time, everyone saw Li Jialing's chest and abdomen, and there was a bloody, horrible wound that could almost see the vertebrae through the broken internal organs.

But a bloodshot and granulation grows at a rate visible to the naked eye, quickly repairing the shocking wounds.

Everyone thought that Li Jialing had not been able to fight back because of the green hairy nightshade. How can he repair the original ability in an instant, and think of it earlier, when Li Jialing faced the brave performance of the radiation mutant beast, he could not help but swallow it. A spit, my heart is a bit comfortable.

Li Jialing did not look at them. It was like a mixture of beasts and demons. He made an excitement and slammed into the door that was closing fast!


Li Jialing ran wildly on the dark and cold ramp, surrounded by his footings, showing a strange pattern of three hundred and sixty degrees of jumping.


His expression mixed with uncontrollable excitement and remorse, but the soul is fluctuating but it is unspeakable calm. "You will not follow it?"

"I came out."

Li Yao is driving the dragon, not far from the young man, there is such a conspicuous goal of Li Jialing, but there is no need to worry that others will concentrate on the air that has nothing, "just some of you are beinghave." Shocked, did you shoot so vicious?"

"It’s these guys who have made me like this. Every bit of pain I suffer is brought by them. Now, ‘return’ to them, what’s the problem?”

The cold smile of Li Jialing’s eyes was almost obscured. After the killing, he completely became another person. “Since they want a perfect killing machine, I will give them a perfect killing machine. They should be happy!"

Li Yao silently said: "When I faced the green-haired Yasha, why didn't I shoot it? I thought you had something, oh, something like ‘absolutely can’t kill.’

"Absolutely can't kill? Isn't that an idiot?"

Li Jialing is of course gnashing his teeth. "I have a lot of people to kill, but I have never encountered a suitable opportunity. Anyway, they are all insignificant ants, let them live for a while, so that Li Lingfeng makes a wrong judgment on me. All right!

"In my confrontation with Li Lingfeng, I have almost no chance. If I can make a wrong judgment on my character and way of thinking, it is possible to create a chance that is not an opportunity, that is now!

"Don't say so much, my abdomen's wound is about to heal, you can hurry in!"

Listening to the teenager with a slightly flamboyant tone, telling himself about the challenge to the imperial big man, and seeing that he suddenly changed his face, and he was so eager to overcome the whole process of himself and others, Li Yao felt more and more big.

I was suddenly smashing such a small monster in a messy mess, how to crack it!

Also, Hante, Liuli and Boxing, how are they doing now?


Bauxite, deep in the ground.

A fierce earth-moving car battle is going to the most intense time.

The capture, escape and collision between the rigs and the deep sea submarines are similar, but they are more brutal than the submarine warfare.

Both the hunting side and the escaping side hold their breath and listen carefully to the most subtle sounds coming from the depths of the rock to determine the coordinates and direction of the enemy.

They will also spray a large number of quick-drying gels in their own rock formations and arrange dense spar bombs.

The gel is used to delay the drilling speed of the opponent, and the spar bomb can damage the other side's light drill.

But no matter how carefully you dodge, there is always no way to retreat, when there is a frontal collision.

It is often necessary to fight a soldier, even detonate all the spar bombs and fuel stored in the earth-moving vehicle, and collapse the entire rock formation, everyone will die.

No one wants to be a captive in the unfathomable rock formations thousands of meters below the ground.

That often means a more than a hundred times more terrible than death.

"Glass, be careful!"

Since the sneak peek from the abandoned mine two days ago, there is a sneak peek in the squatter of the cultivator. The left-handed sacred dragon "wearing the cloud" is unlucky to be affixed to the other side. After rushing for more than 20 hours on the left and right sides of the ground, it was still bitten by the other party. The loss was so heavy that the two little guys, such as Hante and Liuli, had to go into battle.

Seeing that the glaze was about to be swept by a bullet storm, Hante screamed, and the entire left arm bursted almost, igniting a series of arcs, turning into a tight shield, and hardly helping the glass to block the fatal blow.

But the whole person was also knocked out by the force of the earthquake. A blood spurted out and the left arm pulled down weakly.


On the opposite side, the savvy savvy stalker once again pointed the thick barrel of the rotating bombardment gun at the small head of the glass. It seemed to enjoy the pleasure of this moment, and deliberately stagnated for a moment.

Then, his sneer turned into a scream.

A steel arm was drilled out of his chest, and he lifted the whole person high into the air, and squatted on the ground, smashing into a group of flesh-and-blood scrap iron.

"Fist King!"

Hante and Liu Li screamed in surprise and joy.

The boxing champion is like a devastating storm that has just passed through. The steel warfare can be described as "the body is completely finished." Four arms are torn apart, and there are seven or eighty transparent holes between the chest and abdomen. "Shot".

However, behind it, it was a smashing, flaming stalker, and the corpse and shards of the stalker.

"Your Majesty."

The boxing face is expressionless, and the cheers of the two little guys are indifferent and faint.

Hante and Liuli had a slight glimpse, and they felt that there was a torrent of magma that had been wiped from the top of their head. The two men came back to the screams of the immortals.

"Do not be afraid."

The boxing champion guarded Hante and the glaze behind him, looked at his blood-stained fist and said calmly, "I will protect you."

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