Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2078: Threading and peeling, approaching the truth!

"From a long time ago, Li Lingfeng has been taking me to 'treat' the disease. At that time, I was still young, and it was natural to distinguish the difference between 'treatment' and 'modulation'."

Li Jialing continued, "In addition to injecting all kinds of strange medicines into my body, or repeatedly illuminating my internal organs with ultra-high doses of Xuanguang, and all kinds of unbearable tortures, he and Wu Yingxi are mainly me. Instill a lot of things into my mind.

"That's like... '醍醐 顶 top', like the sound of the ocean, the picture and the flow of data rushing into my brain, how to hide, can not hide, are all kinds of techniques for killing, and conspiracy Class of things.

"Oh, so I can have it today, I really should thank the family, and maybe he didn't even think that he could make me so ‘successful', far beyond his expectations!

"However, it is completely different to know a certain kind of killing skill, and to really unload the eight people. At that time, although I was empty, I was versed in hundreds of ways to put people to death in half a second. But the feeling of extreme disgust and fear still exists, and my soul is bound by my death.

"As long as I give birth to killing, I will be dizzy, my heart beats faster, my headaches are splitting, and even the sword can't hold it, let alone put it into practice.

"So, in the eyes of others, I am still the poor worm that is born with timidity and weak character, garbage!"

Li Yaodao: "So, when was this 'ban' was broken?"

"Two years ago."

Li Jialing said with no expression, "After a modulation two years ago, I found that the ban in the brain is gradually loosening. I don't know whether it is the role of modulation, or the ban automatically disappears with the increase of age. A year and a half ago, I was completely plagued by this **** ban.

"Although I haven’t really touched it, I can clearly perceive that I have no fear or dislike for killing. I can kill whatever I want... people who are in front of me!"

Li Yao was silent for a moment and said: "But you didn't tell Li Lingfeng?"

"Yes, why tell him?"

Li Jialing smiled and said, "I just can't kill people in the past. It doesn't mean that I don't have my own emotions and will. I have been pondering how to escape the control of Li Lingfeng long ago. He masters my real situation.

"Don't look at what he said so good now, but obviously treat me as a kind of 'test body'. Maybe 70% of his words are true. He did put a lot of energy and effort into me. , then what? The tool is the tool, the test body is the test body!

"If I told him the truth at the time, he would not wait for me to enter the 'second stage' cultivation, give me all kinds of killing missions, let me play for him, for the Li family as a horse, I present The stronger the combat power that comes out, the more difficult the task he will hand over to me. One day, I will die as a 'large cannon fodder' on the battlefield where Li is competing for interest.

"So, I chose to conceal the variability in the depths of my brain, still pretending to be a kind of natural aversion to killing, unable to do with the hands-on waste, is waiting for a best chance.

"In the most ideal 'opportunity', I can't live in the old home of Li, from which I can't escape it; and Li Lingfeng can best be entangled in certain things or a strong person to give me this. A small fish, a chance to escape the sky.

"This is perhaps the best opportunity. I can feel that Li Lingfeng has begun to lose patience with me. If I don't unblock the seal this year, I don't know if he will use more cruel means to modulate me.

"And Yao Ge, you are obviously not in the same camp as Li Lingfeng. It is very likely that there will be great contradictions. Therefore, although you are so abrupt, there are very many accidents and variables. I have no choice but to be desperate. Fight for it!"

Li Yao took a deep breath and said: "Don't you think about it, Li Lingfeng has no possibility of lying? Or he has lied about certain things, but he sincerely hopes that you can be his successor, even Will you control the whole family one day?"

Li Jialing was silent for a moment and smiled softly.

"You still haven't figured it out completely, Yao Ge."

Li Jialing looked at his burning eyes in the mirror. "From beginning to end, I never thought about becoming a person like Li Lingfeng, or I would not bother to be someone like him!"

"Even if one day he really became the owner of the Li family, one of the four major elections of the empire, he is still only a spokesperson elected by the Li family. It is a component of this huge machine. The interests of the family are exhausted, and the death is gone!

"I don't want to live like this, I don't want to be bound and manipulated by anyone, I am... absolutely free!

"So, even if Li Lingfeng really arranged for me a very smooth and dazzling way of life, I would not like to follow his fingertips to spend a lifetime!"

At the end of the day, the juvenile was a bit gnashing and arrogant.

Taking a deep breath, he smiled and continued: "Sorry, some excitement, maybe I have been manipulated for too long, too long, and suppressed for too long, how, after listening to the ins and outs, Yao Ge What do you think of the whole thing? I say 'bystanders clear'. As a 'bystander', can you guess the problems that have been bothering me in the past?

"When Li Lingfeng threw out the 'original plan', my first reaction was never to believe, but the kind of disgusting and fear that plagued me in the past is to say that it is a variant of the 'three major principles' fragment, it seems It is also very reasonable.

"So, if Li Lingfeng is lying, there is no ‘origin plan', and I have not been polluted by the evil forces of the sacred people. How should I explain this?”

"It's very simple."

Li Yao thought for a moment and said it, "You have not been polluted by the evil forces of the sacred people. However, one of your parents is a sacred person, and that can explain everything."

Li Jialing lived.

For the first time, Li Yao saw the stunned expression on the face of this precocious teenager. I don’t know why, but the bottom of my heart actually gave birth to a snicker.

"It seems to make sense."

Li Jialing’s mouth twitched and muttered to himself.

"Yeah, if it is a pure sacred person, it is naturally suppressed by the 'three major principles' and even deprived of all emotions and will."

Li Yaodao, "But if it is a 'half' sacred ally, and the person who passed on to you the blood of the sacred sect, there have been some adventures, and it has faintly begun to break through the 'three major rules of origin'. The purest sacred people, then, the ban that really inherits your genes and the depths of the soul, there are only a few fragments that are fragmented, and it is easier to break through."

"Yao Ge, just now you said that you are afraid of me."

Li Jialing involuntarily gently held down the abdomen, said, "But now I suddenly feel that you are really unfathomable, it is terrible, this is really you in a short moment, according to such a bit of information Did you feel that you are very positive, as if this is the truth?"

Li Yao’s body blinked in the star port not far away, saying: “You didn’t just say it, ‘bystanders clear’?”

Li Jialing snorted, apparently not very satisfied with this answer.

However, he is a smart person and naturally knows that there is no need to waste his strength to pursue it.

"The sacred people..."

He faintly, looking at himself in the mirror, adding a different color to the bottom of his eyes.

"If it is true, how do you feel?"

Li Yaodao, "Would you think it's a bit... awkward?"

"It doesn't matter."

The young man took a long sigh of relief and suddenly relaxed. He said, "I don’t care if I am a self-cultivator, a cultivator, a sacred person, or a descendant of any other demon or ghost. Anyway, I am my, free-spirited, lawless, as long as I can. I don’t care if others don’t come to me!”

"But now, Li Lingfeng is obviously going to provoke you and use you."

Li Yaodao, "Is advise you to pay more attention to the woman of 'Ling Linghai'."

"Right, you have mentioned ‘Ling Linghai’ from the beginning.”

Li Jialing’s eyes suddenly sharpened, “Why?”

"Assume that Li Lingfeng has been lying, the so-called 'original plan' does not exist, you are just a 'perfect test body' that he carefully crafted. Obviously he is not a whim to invest so much time, resources and effort in you, sure It is to use you to deal with someone."

Li Yaodao, "This is also the reason why you just asked him and destroyed the behind-the-scenes mastermind of the 'original plan'?"

Li Jialing had some accidents and admired Li Yao: "Yao Ge sees it?"

"Of course, Li Lingfeng said that it is very likely that he is the mastermind behind the destruction of the 'original plan', who is the one he wants you to deal with."

Li Yao smiled. "It seems that Li Lingfeng wants you to deal with Li Linghai."

Li Jialing sneaked a sigh: "I just said that I have no interest in Li Li's high-level struggle for power and intrigue. I am thinking of going to the emperor's queen when I get into the water!"

"Not interested, it is not enough."

Li Yaodao, "Have you ever thought about why Li Lingfeng wants you to deal with Li Linghai. Even if you accept the cutting-edge modulation, you will not even be 20 years old. With the current fighting power, even Wu Yingying may not be able to play. Think you are enough to deal with Li Linghai?"

Li Jialing frowned: "Hey, what is Wu Yingying? I just retained the three-point strength, but Yao Ge said it makes sense. This is indeed a huge problem."

"Is there such a possibility?"

Li Yaodao, "You and Li Linghai are inextricably linked. The reason why Li Lingfeng is confident that you can deal with Li Linghai is not simply because of your fighting power, but because of this extremely special 'relationship'?"

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