Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2080: The logic of the world!

"What, what?"

Not only the cattle, but also the powerful heroes of Confucius, the stunned heroes, and the next few Lijia teenagers were stunned. Even the other family members who heard their conversations nearby had cast a strange and inexplicable look. .

In recent days, several families of teenagers have gathered together to cultivate. This fierce hero has exhausted the limelight and has defeated many of his peers in succession. It is also a bit of a fierce name.

Everyone knows that his shots are extremely heavy and extremely hot, and he is attacking the enemy, as if he is not practicing but playing.

No one wants to provoke such a crazy and horizontal guy.

And now, this seemingly unremarkable Li Jialing dare

"You obviously heard what I said."

Li Jialing smiled and said, "Do you need to repeat it again?"


The hero's pupils are constantly shrinking, showing a scarlet luster, and a thick blue veins appear on the forehead, and there is a hot air.

"By the way, do you know why you used to do it before me, I am too lazy to fight back?"

Li Jialing took out a paper towel and wiped his mouth, and smashed the paper towel into a ball. He said, "Because your fist is too light, it is too light to even bite the mosquito. It is impossible to raise a little interest. Bear!"

Li Jialing flexed his fingers and flicked the paper group toward the hero's face.


If you are tolerated by such filth, then you will not be a hero. The young boy of Niu Gaomao screams and leans directly into the body. He stretches out his arms like a stick and wants to slap Li Jialing from his seat. stand up.

He has already grasped the shoulders of Li Jialing, and he is trying to embed the five fingers in the flesh of Li Jialing. However, Li Jialing’s backhand buckled his wrist, and then he slammed it down and then slammed it back. He passed him over the table, flew out, and fell awkwardly.

Everyone was shocked.

The high-class restaurant is silent.

Even the adult cultivators who have just rehabilitated from the "soilland" have looked at the fight between the two sages with great interest.

"How can it be?"

"Li Jialing, he"

Although most people have seen it, the heroic attack of the hero has not made any effort, and even the psionics have not used it.

However, Li Jialing was able to take him out and still far exceeded everyone's expectations.


Li hero suddenly stunned, showing fierce light, full of killing.

Li Jialing was caught off guard by a slap in the face, but it did not hurt him.

But in the eyes of the public, it is so shameful that the blow to the soul is naturally too big to be added.

Li hero only feels **** and squeaky in both ears; eyelids jump, nothing can be seen except Li Jialing’s ridiculous expression; heart beats like a drum, turns into a voice, kills him, kills him, kills He!

Li Jialing glanced at him faintly, his eyes falling down and falling to his waist.

There is a small shock dagger hanging from the waist of the hero, mainly used as a multi-tool.

He didn't think about pulling the knife, but the trembling in Li Jialing's eyes reminded him.

He snorted and pulled the dagger out and rushed toward Li Jialing.

Until now, Li hero still maintains the last sensible reason, knowing that this kind of courtesy, especially in the face of many other family members, it is best to converge a little, not to make life unprovoked.

Otherwise, he lost his face and did not eat well after he returned.

Therefore, he was only prepared to scare Li Jialing with a dagger, cut a few holes in Li Jialing's face, and scared the kid's fart.

Who knows that Li Jialing’s performance was so light and clear, and he saw that he really pulled the knife. He panicked and jumped out of the seat and tried to escape. The left foot was stunned by the chair. Instead, He slammed his neck, especially the carotid artery, into his dagger.

The hero is slightly stunned, but there is a bit of hesitation between the moments. I don’t know if I should close the knife. Don’t really cut the neck of this kid in the eyes of the public. I really want to do it. I also put it on the cultivation ground. .

However, he will not hesitate anytime soon.

Because the moment when his dagger stabbed the carcass of Li Jialing, or Li Jialing’s neck ran into his knife tip, the trembling of Li Jialing’s eyes became a smirk of incomparable pleasure.

Between the electric light and the fire, Li Jialing’s carotid artery and the shocking dagger were dangerously wiped, and then the hero’s wrist was tingling. The dagger didn’t know how to fall into the hands of Li Jialing, and turned into a lightning bolt. The hero's neck, finally pierced his heart, and completely smashed his heart!

Li heroes widened their eyes, blood rushed out from the torn neck and the chest worn by the hole, and fell back two steps backwards, crashing to the ground and twitching.

Li Jialing lowered her eyelids, too lazy to look at this guy's half-eye, and went to the self-service window to take the second bowl of soup, and sat back to his corner, which is next to the corpse of the hero, and continued to enjoy slowly and deliciously. soup.

The crisp and killing tactics made everyone shocked.

Even the adult cultivators squinted, and some looked at Li Jialing and his seemingly weak hands.

Li Yaodao: "Can't you kill him?"

Li Jialing said: "Do you think this is more in line with the character of my character? I bet that Li Lingfeng must observe me in some way through secrets. Can my performance be satisfactory and completely dispelled?

"Why, look at the look of this guy, or do you think this big stupid bear is like an innocent good man, shouldn't it be killed?"

Li Yao thought for a long time and didn't talk.

A burst of crystal cymbals came from outside the restaurant, and the guards of "City of the Sky, Manzhushahua" arrived.

Although the cultivators admire the weak meat, they do not mean that they can kill each other anytime and anywhere. Without a certain degree of law, the whole society will collapse.

In the practice field, it is one thing to "missing a hand" to hurt people; it is another matter to deliberately cause death in the usual fight.

However, this time many people have seen that it is the hero who first went to Li Jialing to challenge him. He was the first hero and the first to pull the knife. Even he finally stabbed the carotid artery of Li Jialing. With the power of the turbulent sword, it is indeed fatal.

Therefore, Li Jialing’s counterattack in the case of threats to life is not a bad rule.

Although many discerning people can see it, Li Jialing is not so simple as "self-defense counterattack", but no one cares about these details.

Therefore, when Li Jialing was taken away by many guards, but it was not brought to the confinement room or temporary cell, it was brought straight to the front of Li Lingfeng, and Li Lingfeng was full of smiles. It was not surprising. .

"You can't wait."

Li Lingfeng laughed. "Isn't it enough to kill?"

"I just want to drink a bowl of soup quietly."

Li Jialing spread his hand. "Is that big dog bear to provoke me first, can I still indulge him to insult him?"

"well said."

Li Lingfeng rejoiced, "From now on, you no longer have to accept anyone else!"

"But how do you explain?"

Li Jialing said, "I am not saying how to explain the slaughter of this big bear, but to say, after returning, how can I explain that my strength has become so strong?"


Li Ling Fengdao, "Strong, there is no need to explain."

Li Jialing gave a slight glimpse, and the light of the eyes was released, whispering: "I understand, now, where should we go?"

“Go to the live center of ‘Tianyan Group’.”

Li Lingfeng leads the way in front, faintly said, "I just told you that I really cultivated you as an heir.

"If you want to be a strong hurricane and a strong man, it is not enough to rely solely on force. You must also clearly understand the methods and logic of the world.

"Only by thoroughly understanding the logic of the world's operations, it is possible to go to ... control the whole world!"

"Control the whole world?"

Li Jialing muttered, "I don't understand."

"Come with me, you will understand."

Li Lingfeng smiled and said, "You know, our real human empire represents human civilization and controls the entire Xinghai. It has always been based on the 'real people' rule of the 'original people'. 1% of real people are the essence and future of human civilization. Is the winner in the evolutionary race, the human being who truly awakens himself!

"And the other 99% of the original people are the humanoid beasts of the shackles. They are deformed people who have no independent thinking ability and pure emotions. They are inferior products that are naturally entangled with negative elements such as laziness, cowardice, and good fortune.

"How to make these original people realize the meaning of their lives; to realize that they are fuel, and the major responsibility for the continuous burning of human civilization is the greatest problem facing the Empire in the past millennium.

"In the past millennium, the real people have always adopted simple and rude methods to rule the original people. At that time, the empire was still in the stage of expansion. Even though the central battlefield faced a huge threat from the sacred alliance, it still found new land in the rear. The ability to obtain a steady stream of resources and slaves in the land can bring some benefits to the original people. It is because the contradictions between the two sides have not intensified the world at that time, and they rely on this logic to run.

"But about three or four hundred years ago, the Empire had already experienced a period of rapid expansion. For a long time, it did not find a rich and densely populated world. Even if it was discovered occasionally, it explored, conquered and built the Star Gate to transport back. The cost is far beyond the benefits of the new world.

"In other words, the dividend of the empire's expansion has been exhausted, and we have to find ways to extract more resources from the existing territory and population to compete with the sacred alliance." (To be continued...)

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