Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2088: Loyalty education

Just as the Starlight organization resists the warriors, Gaokang, and the anxiety, waiting for the fierce sacrifice to come, dozens of thousands of worlds outside, his home is indefinite, a state-of-the-art semi-automated Xinghai mining ship, he originally thought Gao Xiaojian, a younger brother who died in the "undetermined riots" twenty years ago, is waving eight huge mechanical limbs, crawling into the "loyalty room" like a spider.

Today's indefinite star field and even Gao Xiaojian are completely different from twenty years ago.

The indefinite star field has no longer a messy and fragmented wolverine in the riots of the year. Instead, it has become a "model mining area" that is quite famous in several nearby resource worlds.

The sectarian income caused by the big riots fell sharply, the fully automated psionics were extremely poorly operated in the Star Storm, and the most important thing was that 95% of the human miners had reduced the logistical pressure, and so on. Under the ruling of the "indefinite alliance" of the indeterminate star domain, it is finally a very bad idea to rely solely on the psionics to replace humans for mining or any production operations.

Human beings are supreme spirits of all things. Even the inferior goods of human beings, it is not a dull psionic power that can be completely replaced.

Therefore, after several major accidents involving fully automated mining and mining vessels relying solely on remote monitoring, skilled miners such as Gao Xiaojian were introduced into mining operations.

Of course, in order to enable them to work more efficiently, they are more able to work with the psionics and skillfully, and have greatly modified their flesh and blood.

Basically, in addition to retaining their independent thinking brains, those fragile and delicate bodies have been removed, replaced by a variety of reinforced iron and external components that can be freely selected and replaced, for example, Gao Xiaoliang is now using This, similar to the body of a mechanical spider, is the latest technological crystallization of the unconventional alliance.

A group of highly-retrofitted human miners, on-site command of a large number of automated psionic energy operations, taking into account efficiency and security, is the most perfect mining operation mode.

Compared with his brother Gao Kang, who has not been able to extinguish for 20 years, Gao Xiaojian is very satisfied with his life and is deeply convinced.

He still can't forget the scene when he was personally interviewed by the undecided ally in the identity of "excellent miners" last year. At that time, the undecided lord even took two shots on his steel arm, and his face was sincere. He personally said to him: "We have made a big mistake in the past. How can we easily ignore the important role of 'people' in mining operations? You are such experienced and experienced miners, we are always boundless, we are The most precious treasure of the real human empire!"

Hear no, the unscrupulous lord, the sacred cultivator, praised them so much, boasting that they are the precious treasure of the empire!

If the eyes of Gao Xiaojian have been replaced by four pairs of high-resolution crystal eyes with thermal imaging and perspective functions, there was a tearful cry at the time, only to feel that the efforts of so many years have been fully rewarded. Can't repay the understanding and support of the immortal.

Gao Xiaojian deeply loves the empire and deeply believes in Xiuxian Avenue. I believe that even if he is born at the bottom of the spectrum and even has some "stains" of the original people, as long as he is hard-working, hard-working, not noisy, no one will be cultivated one day. Your own value, and thus get the rewards you deserve.

Has his own change over the past decade or so been a perfect illustration of this? Nowadays, he can manage over 800 mining rafts under his hand!

Therefore, once a week of "loyalty room" education, Gao Xiaojian never felt bored, but instead looked forward to the heart, and would like to go to the "loyalty room" to receive patriotic education every day.

Today, Gao Xiaojian was entangled in several severely damaged mining shackles. It was a little late. When he climbed into the loyalty room, the large cabin was filled with large, grotesque metal monsters that accepted him. A fully-reformed human miner, the head of each working surface of the mining area.

All the reformers are staring at the light curtain, immersed in the atmosphere of enthusiasm and forgetting, no one cares about his arrival.

"The despicable and shameless sacred people, they are not far from the end, they will be completely finished!"

As the light curtains appear to represent the sacred people, such as the walking face and image of the walking dead, the screaming sounds of the screaming screams, full of anger and hatred.

This sound not only spreads through the circulating air, but even directly through Gao Xiaojian's auxiliary crystal brain, directly explodes in the depths of his brain, so that he is also with the enemy, and the anger and hatred suddenly rise.

The weekly loyalty education, the content is basically the same, first play a few paragraphs of the world's major world of production and construction, the rapid development of the people, the people live and work, the immortal and the original people happy news; then broadcast some of the sacred people how despicable, extinct The horror picture of human nature tells the truth that some empire will win and the sacred alliance will be defeated; sometimes it will tell some stories of the black star emperor leading many martyrs and arduous struggles to build an empire.

Although the tone is the same, the content is updated every week, making these human miners look good.

But today, after denying the despicableness of the sacred people, the sharp female voice added: "However, in the interior of our great empire, there are still many sacred confederates and running dogs that are **** comprehensions. !"


Gao Xiaojian has a slight glimpse.

Of course, he knows what the comprehensions are, but with the empire and the sacred alliance fighting in the frontal battlefield, the name "realist" has not been heard in loyalty for a long time.

But since the sharp female voice mentioned the three words of the comprehension, it seems to touch a switch in Gao Xiaojian's mind. His anger and hatred towards the comprehension immediately exploded like a flood of dykes.

"The old days are high, with false masks, and the self-cultivators of the male thieves in the face of the gods, after thousands of years of hiding in Tibet and lingering, have completely degraded into the sacred minions and running dogs!"

The sharp female voice continued to scream, "In order to keep his humble and despicable life, I even look forward to a return to the past and continue to live a life of ruin and decay. The self-cultivator has given up all the dignity and the bottom line of human beings. Surrendered to the feet of the sacred puppets of the sacred alliance, it became a sly cockroach!

"At the moment, my imperial army is leaping forward on the front line and has won the most brilliant victory in hundreds of years. The enemy has exhausted all the means of madness and madness. It still cannot stop the thunder of our army. They have to jump over the wall and move them to the empire. Minions and running dogs in the territory!

"In the hinterland, there is a small thief who is not dead and has received orders from the masters. I can’t wait to jump out and scream, waiting for an opportunity!

"Unfortunately, their ghosts and tricks have long been thoroughly understood by our great empire, the heroic and fearless cultivators!"

With the increasingly high-pitched female voice, the image of the sacred sect of the zombie, and the image of the self-cultivating smirk of the sharp-nosed monkey, appeared in the dark, cold, operating room-like palace. People and comprehensions worked together to tie some of the empire's men, women and children to the operating table and buckled them on their heads with a metal funnel-like tool.

As the magic weapon began to work, the men, women and children on the operating bed were all twisted and twisted, the painful color, the white eyes, the foaming of the mouth, the expression gradually becoming dull and numb, as if the emotion and soul were taken away.

"Are you willing to let the enemy's plot succeed?"

The sorghum female screamed, "Would you like to let your wife and children become old and young, and be drained by the seven passions and souls, and become a walking dead?"

"I don't want to!"

Gao Xiaojian completely entered the state and the first one roared.

"Unwilling, not willing!"

All the remodeling miners are desperately striking their own metal limbs, and the loyalty room echoes the noise of “咣咣咣咣”.

"Do you want the great and glorious empire to be polluted by the sacred human sacred people and the despicable comprehensibles?"

Gao Yan’s female voice is also called.

"Unwilling, not willing!"

The miners shouted wildly.

"Who is the most despicable and dangerous enemy of human civilization?"

Gao Yan’s female voice asked.

"Sacred ally, comprehension!"

Under the flashing light and the changing light curtains, the miners entered the hypnosis state and answered them neatly.

"Who is the greatest guardian of human civilization?"

The female voice continued to ask.

"The immortal, the great cultivator; the empire, the sacred real human empire!"

The miners were screaming, some people screamed and some people began to cry.

"Long live the real human empire, long live the sacred human civilization, long live the seven passions and free will! Kill the sacred people, kill the light, and kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill We must fight him to the end!"

Gao Xiaojian waved eight mechanical limbs, and wanted to jump into the air to explode himself and scream.

"From tomorrow, we will conduct a week-long special loyalty education. Through a living example, we will thoroughly dissect a sublime organization of despicable and pathetic comprehensions, and their sacred sects, how to step by step. They have already been doomed to perish!"

The piercing female voice shouted.

“A week of special loyalty education?”

Gao Xiaojian’s eyes are bright, and the joints of the whole body are fast and crisp. I feel that tomorrow will be able to open my eyes and appreciate the ugliness of running dogs, minions and poor worms.

"Tomorrow, what can you see tomorrow?"

Gao Xiaojian squatted down and thought about the flesh-and-blood brain that was carried in the center of the mechanical spider. "I really look forward to it..."8

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