Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2096: The miracle begins!

"City of the Sky, Manzhu Shahua", No. 1 Star Harbor.

A black starship condensed together with three swords slowly slides out of the orbit, and the seven-star plum blossom-like power spurts out the blaze of flames, causing it to instantly reach its limit and almost tear the entire universe. The Xinghai, which has begun to boil in the distance, has gone wild.

This is the flagship of Li Lingfeng, "Hurricane"!

Li Lingfeng Zhuo stood on the bridge, Li Jialing was a little worried and pacing back and forth, and they were surrounded by a flashing light curtain.

Every scene that happened in the Xinghai and the underground, including the words of Wu Yingzhen’s desperate words, all of them have their eyes.

"Wu Yingying said this sentence is wrong. How can we say that there is no miracle in this world? This kind of words is heard by a desperate farmer, miner and assembly line workers. How bad and disharmonious?"

Li Lingfeng played with a colorful ring, like a rainbow ring that condensed the rainbow together, smiled. "The world, of course, is miraculous, but all miracles are created by our cultivators! What miracles do we want? , you can 'make' what kind of miracle, what kind of person can happen to someone who wants a miracle!"

Indeed, miracles are created and controlled by the cultivators.

At this moment, in the "City of Sky, Manzhushahua", Tianyan Group has a professional team of more than 50,000, specializing in "creating miracles."

They are the most brilliant script architects, screen editors and special effects engineers, as well as journalists, directors and psychologists.

At the moment, the war in the Xinghai and the siege of the underground, the pictures taken through various crystal eyes, are only the most primitive materials.

Directly sent out to the general public to see, on the one hand, the propaganda effect is not enough impact and education, on the other hand is not easy to grasp the occurrence of unexpected factors.

So, nominally "real-time transmission", there will actually be a delay of one to five minutes depending on the situation.

And the expert team of 50,000 people will be responsible for a series of screening, editing and splicing in this crucial five-minute period. It is necessary to apply grease, remove flowers, turn black and white, and create nothing. The image of "impact" can carry out the cultivation of the immortals to the greatest extent. More precisely, it is the will that Li Lingfeng and Wu Yingjun want to implement.


At the moment, the entire empire, including Gao Kangda’s underground Gao Xiaojian, has received thousands of ordinary people’s images carefully compiled by the cultivators.

The underground comprehensions in the picture were arrogant and ecstatic, and then lost and desperate. The faces that were twisted to the extreme were so pitiful, so awkward, so ridiculous.

Gao Xiaojian and the mechanized transformation of the whole body of the workers all laughed, and the expressions of the "stunned and sturdy" by the self-cultivators were amused.

The star-studded joint fleet of the tattered starships, under the brilliance of the imperial main fleet, is so shabby, desolate and thin, completely at first touch.

Coupled with the screams, mourning, and the sound effects of "we are finished" in the later stages, it is really a slap in the face of "the big tree, ridiculous and not arrogant".

"Before I knew this, why bother?"

Gao Xiaojian shook his head in disapproval, and skillfully used the way of thinking that was instilled in him to think. "Working hard and working hard, being a real person, isn't it stronger than anything? It is obviously a lazy, self-satisfaction that leads to tragedy, and must blame society." The system and the government go up, coupled with the infiltration and incitement of various extraterritorial hostile forces such as the sacred alliance and the demon, and finally take risks and do things that are illegal and chaotic. The only result is harming others!"

"The empire has achieved a decisive brilliant victory on the front line, but our enemies will never be willing to fail in such a silent way. Even if they know that the robbery is inevitable, they will still dying and will collude with various ambitious forces within the empire. Pick up the last wave."

In the picture, a sword eyebrow star, tall and tall, and an imperial officer wearing a uniform of uniforms, "but the empire is invincible, the enemy is destined to perish, for the empire, for the thousands of imperial people. Living and working in peace, for the rise of human civilization, we will never let any enemy succeed!

"Go ahead, the Imperial Army, completely eliminate the walking dog comprehension of these sacred people!"

"Go forward, empire!"

"Long live, empire!"

"Destroy the self-cultivator, destroy the sacred people, long live the empire, long live the immortal, long live human civilization!"

For a moment, Gao Xiaojian was awkward, as if he had become a tall and handsome imperial officer. He was riding on a mighty superstar ship and galloping between the stars and the sea.

The artificial blood that surged around the body all poured into the brain, and he felt that he was burning all at once.

The thunderous roar in the phonetic array, the roar of Gao Xiaojian and the shouts of the workers, almost broke through the dome of the entire "loyalty room"...



On the "Hurricane", Li Lingfeng smiled and looked at Li Jialing. "You are the biggest "miracle" we have to create in this battle. From this moment on, you are the eagle who soars and flies, free to release your potential, go... ...take the whole universe!"


Li Jialing stopped pacing, took a deep breath, and clenched his fists slightly. "I can't wait."

"That's good, be prepared to kill, I will let your most elite ‘Gale Team' follow you.”

Li Lingfeng said, "Remember, there is no need to entangle with the enemy's miscellaneous soldiers. Your goal is the enemy's starship. If you can blow a starship with a crystal, it is quite propaganda."

Li Lingfeng did not bring much of the main battleship support for Wu Yingjun.

After all, the war between the front line and the sacred people has not ended. The empire has swallowed up a large number of stars, and the line of defense and the logistics supply line have been pulled for a long time. The fleet is stationed everywhere to guard against the squad's counterattack.

Moreover, the Imperial Army itself is not a monolithic piece. The various fleets are nominally subordinate to the supreme emperor. In fact, they belong to the great aristocrats and the world's landlords. The commanders of the military, the finance, and the various levels are all controlled by the nobility and the landlords. In their hands, they have long been unable to do so.

The newly-launched Guangxu Star Field is a big cake. In order to divide the big cake, the Imperial Fleet, which represents the interests of the great aristocrats and the strong, may have to play the dog's brain.

At this time, who is willing to give up the benefits of a whole planet and even a big world, stupidly, the fleet is coming back and Li Lingfeng fights what comprehension?

Comprehensions are nothing but jealousy and mice. It’s all right to fight or not, even if one is not killed, what about? what is the benefit? Can the comprehension become a few resource planets, and give hands to the immortals?

Li Lingfeng himself, although a leader in the Li family, is known as "the future election of the emperor", but after all, it is a illusory future.

At least for now, the family of Lijia is not him. There is no such thing as "one of the four major electors". There are many peers and even uncles in the family who are squatting at him. It is not bad to slap him in the back. How can you come up with your own private soldiers to help him?

I really want to start a network of people and put together a few fleets. It is not without his means.

The problem is that people are not stupid. If you really want to draw a large number of troops out, you will have to reach out to the "Tianyan Group" and reach out to the "killing live broadcast" platform to share his core interests.

“Tianyan Group” is nominally Wu Yingjun’s holding. In fact, it relies on his support of “the future of the election”, including the construction of “The Battle of the Earth” and the “City of Sky, Manzhu Shahua” and the current epic "Task, destroying the starlight", all that has been done is only one purpose, paving the way for his "one of the family and one of the four electors", providing a constant source of money, connections, fame, media control and even military exploits. support.

Li Lingfeng is absolutely intolerable, and anyone can insert the tentacle into his core interests in any form.

Therefore, he and Wu Ying thought about it, and made the most accurate estimation of the comprehensive strength of the Starlight organization. In the end, he decided to rely on the Tianyan Group’s armed forces, Li Lingfeng’s own private soldiers, plus a few simple money transactions. The mercenary fleet is used to solve the problem.

Comprehensions are all rabble, and with the power of their hands, it is easy to defeat the comprehensible.

However, Xinghai is too vast after all. If the comprehensions really do not care about escaping together, and want to eliminate these cockroaches without leaving the land, it is really necessary to plan carefully.

Therefore, even Li Lingfeng personally led the flagship out of action, in order to achieve the most perfect ending, and to consolidate this battle to the extent that there is nothing to say.

"Until now, everything is in our hands. These entangled in the whole millennium, finally we have to be completely trampled to death!"

Li Lingfeng made a heavy shot on Li Jialing’s shoulder. “Go, our ‘miracle moment’ begins, to create your miracle!”

"it is good."

Li Jialing smiled and looked at Li Lingfeng deeply. He gave him a courtesy and bowed his eyes. He took the opportunity to hide his eyes in the shadow. "I will let you see, an earth-shattering miracle!"


"The City of the Sky, Manzhushahua", in a cold star harbor, and the corner of the dark Xinghai only one wall, Li Yao opened his limbs, and the word "big" squatted on the ground, slowly opening the scarlet eyes.

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