Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2115: Gas to vomiting blood!

When a singular singer is driving the ultimate weapon of the Xinghai, and screaming out the flames of the weather, and posing like a madman who wants to go with his opponent, there is hardly any power to stop him.

And when this madman is like a madman, after posing with the same attitude, suddenly turned around and ran, and then... there is no power to stop him.

Li Yao’s nine secluded mysterious bones are like this.

In the first second, the spirits and arrogance of the flames broke out, and various sound and photoelectric effects of bright eyes and human eyes erupted, and a pair of spirits and spirits were burned and the same.

In the next second, it turned into a black stream of thieves, and it was drilled in from the broken hole of "City of the Sky, Manzhushahua", and it was far away!

From the same to the end of the run, the switch between brave and wretched, flowing, natural, and impeccable!

Even Li Lingfeng was stunned by the act of this mysterious god.

He has seen countless gods and grotesques in his life, or he is not afraid of death, or mad like a devil, or as majestic as a mountain, as vast as the ocean, as unstoppable as the sun.

I have never seen such a wretched god!

The other side wants to escape, Li Lingfeng naturally only chasing after.

But he immediately found himself in an extremely embarrassing dilemma.

We must know that although the mutant prisoners and Li Yao have just destroyed and carried out crazy killings in the "City of the Sky, Manzhushahua", it is a large and intricate maze-like city of Xinghai. It is impossible in short. It was completely destroyed within half an hour.

At this moment, the main structure of "City of the Sky, Manzhushahua" is still intact. Although it slowly falls into the atmosphere, the buffer array wrapped around the **** flowers has begun to run and flicker, and a gentle flame is spewed out. Coupled with the optimal cut-in and landing trajectory set by the master crystal brain, the possibility of safe landing is extremely high, at least half of the structural integrity can be guaranteed.

Now, in this starry sky battle, there are still many immortals who are far from the core area still alive. Many of them are the children of the major families of the empire and the top of the military. It is impossible for Li Lingfeng to offend.

They became the best shield for Li Yao.

What about Li Lingfeng?

In the "City of the Sky, Manzhu Shahua" and Li Yaoda hit the two hands, the two giant soldiers smashed up and down, the star wars and castles were completely bombed, by the way all the suspected and still alive the immortals killed?

If this is the case, Li Lingfeng can't afford to face the raging anger of the major families of the empire and the various fleets of the military!

Everyone knows that the big gold lord behind the "Tianyan Group" is him. Many of the cultivators are selling his face before they go to the "Soilland Paradise" to try out, vacation and negotiate business. Here is the core of the circle of others. It is his most important lair outside the Li family. How could he possibly destroy it here?

What's more, there are countless advanced equipment and experimental results in this Star Wars Fortress. All of them are the precious crystallization of his decades of hard work, and he is the biggest capital in his competition for the election of the emperor. How could he ruin his decades of painstaking efforts?

Li Lingfeng’s heart is bleeding, no, it is bleeding.

Until now, he still couldn't guess what Li Yao was killing.

Li Yao obviously can't be a queen's person, but if it is really a self-cultivator, how can he have the strength of the gods, how can he control such a powerful giant soldier?

Li Lingfeng was full of anger and nowhere to vent, and the alveoli were almost blasted.

The shackles of Li Lingfeng are also the embarrassment of the Fleet of the Immortals.

At this time, many star-trainers who have cultivated the immortals have broken free from the chaos and approached the "City of the Sky, Manzhushahua". They did not suffer too much damage and still maintain a strong firepower.

But what if they can fire all?

It is not so easy to lock the evil spirits of the giant soldiers. I am afraid that I have not hit Li Yao. I first shot the "City of the Sky, Manzhu Shahua" and ruined the insiders. exploded!

Therefore, they can only look at the dilemma of "the city of the sky, Manzhushahua" in the atmosphere deeper and deeper, irretrievably falling toward the earth.

Li Yao is like seeing through their cockroaches, while holding a squirrel in the "City of the Sky, Manzhu Shahua", while smashing the "Nine secluded mysterious bones", the damage is serious, and the "God of Storm" can not be eaten. Frontal collision, but slamming in the Star Wars Fortress, trampling a few bug-like cultivators, exploding some sophisticated and fragile advanced magic weapons, naturally three fingers to catch the snails, a breeze.

Li Lingfeng chased behind Li Yao’s buttocks, watching his life’s **** crystallization in the burning of the raging and serial explosions. There were also countless sacred bodies that had been twisted and smashed from his giant soldiers. They smashed and smashed, and they were so violent. I cried without tears, and even the heart that was holding Li Yao together to die.

"Stop, don't run!"

The spirit of Li Lingfeng reads the ripples, with a bit of ghosts crying, "What kind of person are you!"

"call out!"

Li Yao drove the nine secluded mysterious bones into a group, just escaped the three waves of light **** from Li Lingfeng. The shock wave generated by the light ball explosion traversed, and another room was opened next to a secret room where hundreds of cultivators were hiding. Let them all taste the smell of the shock wave.

The realm of these cultivators is not high, and most of them are not combat-type. Under the confrontation of two giant soldiers, the ending can be imagined.

Li Yaotou did not return, and even laughed: "Everyone is a god-dead, please, can you say some deep lines, don't say nonsense, 'Stay, don't run, who are you'? How do I? May stand, how can I tell you who I am!"


Li Lingfeng looked at the hundreds of cultivators who were spurred by two giant gods and burned into a roast duck. They were so angry that they wanted to vomit a blood. "I will not let you go, you must let you die." Land, never super life!"

"Look, you are these nonsense. Is there any constructive topic to talk about?"

Li Yao laughed. "In fact, there is no fundamental conflict of interests between you and me, and violence can't solve any problems. Why can't we turn it into a jade and talk about it calmly?"

Violence can't solve any problems...

Turning it into a jade...

Have a good chat and talk...

Li Lingfeng looked around in a messy and terrible environment, and suddenly felt that he should not continue to communicate with this mysterious and wretched mysterious god.

Because you continue to communicate, you must be mad at life!

"Take your calculations of the level of God to think about it!"

Li Yao is continually transmitting noise in the spirit of Li Lingfeng. "My purpose is to explode the city of the sky, Manzhushahua. Now the purpose has been reached, even if you dumped me eight pieces, and frustrated, It’s impossible to restore this starry sky battle to the original! So, I may not be your biggest problem at the moment. At the moment, the most problem that you have a headache is your sister, the emperor’s queen, Li Linghai. what!"

The spirit of Li Lingfeng screamed and shouted: "What do you know?"

"Know that you stole the sister's child!"

Li Yao’s “嘿嘿” smiled. “The Li Jialing is definitely the spirit of Li Linghai. Your relatives are outside, but he is by no means the blood of our emperor. I don’t need to swindle you. This is the truth!”


Li Lingfeng did not respond positively, but he was low. "You can't be a queen, and it's even less likely to know it from her!"

"Yes, of course I don't know all about it from the Queen, because even the Queen may not know the whole truth, right?"

Li Yaofei said quickly. "However, it is not important for me to know about it. What is important is whether I can make this secret public and let you bear the anger of the Queen from the Queen!"

"This... This is the Queen's big scandal. Once it is made public, I am afraid that the Queen will have to face the thousands of people, and it will never be lost!"

Li Lingfeng sneered in a sneer. "Being the queen of the real human empire, I should have the mother of the world, but secretly gave birth to the wild species. Once this kind of thing is exposed, we will not let her go first, she still relies on it. What to deal with me?

"I want to use this to ask me, you are too naive!"

"If I believe in your slang, it is really naive!"

Li Yao’s “嘿嘿” smirked: “Slightly move your mind and think about it. You have stolen Li Jialing to secretly make it, at least for a dozen years. If you really want to put your sister in the dead, or to maintain the home. The reputation of the boy should have been handed over to the family and elders of the Li family. It is up to them to decide, and in order to safeguard the best interests of the family, of course, the first time will not kill Li Jialing!

"After all, the queen is your sister, but also the surname. Her scandal is the scandal of the Li family. Once this kind of thing is smashed, the blow to the Li family is too heavy to be added. How can Li Jiarong tolerate Jialing? !

"But Li Jialing has been alive and kicking until now, and has accepted your various modulations. You have been trained to become an extremely dangerous super soldier. I guess, you should be doing this with the help of the family and the elders." Right?

"Yes, it must be like this. Otherwise, there are naturally various secrets and magical powers within the Li family. You can modulate Li Jialing. Why do you want to go far and send him to the city of Sky, Manzhushahua for reinforcement?

"So, in this matter, you are also playing your own small abacus. You want to use Li Jialing to marry your sister to achieve a certain purpose, and this purpose may not be beneficial to the whole family.

"In the final analysis, your loyalty to Li is very suspicious, Li Lingfeng, Li Daren!"

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