Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2117: Li Yao's ambush!

Numerous sinners living in coastal areas have stunned to see this apocalyptic scene.

The wave of one after another far exceeds the largest tsunami they have seen in their lives. The tidal wave is like a gun, and it is like a flood of beasts. It overlaps and continues to impact the coast.

There are also countless wrecks that have fallen directly to the shore and set off a spectacular sea of ​​fire.

A group of mushroom clouds vacated and swayed in the dim sky, like another "big trial"!

Before they came back, the largest piece of debris, the main part of the "City of the Sky, Manzhushahua" where Li Yao and Li Lingfeng are located, has fallen down.

The sea has not yet touched the sea, and the shock wave has pushed the sea out of a pit with a diameter of several kilometers. The waves rising from the edge of the pit have risen to the height of hundreds of meters, and it is really a shadow of the sky!


The collision of the "City of the Sky, Manzhushahua" and the sea surface, the sound of the buzzing sound caused the eardrums of countless sinisters in the coastal area to tear directly, and the blood of the cockroaches flowed out, so that they could not hear The huge waves devour the coast, the sound of rolling, only to see a deep blue high wall, swallowing the world, unstoppable, rolling!

This is a big collision outside the atmosphere, which can be observed with the naked eye!

The wave that bloomed in a circular shape lasted for more than half an hour and gradually subsided.

In many places, the waves have invaded into more than 100 kilometers of land, forming a flood of floods.

Whether it is the cultivators and prisoners trapped inside the "City of Sky, Manzhushahua", or the sinners living in the coastal areas, countless people are swept by the waves, even rolling out hundreds of miles in one breath, into chaos .

Among them, including Li Yao.

Li Yao and so on are the moment when "The City of the Sky, Manzhushahua" fell.

The violent collision in a flash, the fascinating mist of the flaming water in the sea, and the ubiquitous explosions and shock waves became his best cover.

At the moment when the Star Wars hit the surface of the sea, Li Yao, who had been planning for a long time, took back the giant Shenbing "Jiuyu Xuan Gu" at the fastest speed. Even the crystal scorpion was not rehabilitated, and the heartbeat pulse adrenaline secretion and the soul fluctuations They all converge to the limit, pretending to be a dead corpse everywhere, letting him smash the waves and throwing it to the depths of the land!

Rao is a refinement of Li Ling's weathering of the gods, and he has to face the shock and chaos that the "City of the Sky, Manzhushahua" hit the sea.

When his giant **** "The God of Storm" jumped out of the waves hundreds of meters high, when he scanned the whole scene with God, where did he scan for the presence of Li Yao?

Even if you are eccentric, there is no way to "catch the needle in a haystack".

What's more, Li Yao said that "the words of heartlessness" are still "speaking in the ear"!

When I think of the many troubles I am about to face, Li Lingfeng has a headache, a thunderstorm, and a big urge to vomit blood!

"I can't spare you, I can't spare you!"

In the depths of the raging sea, there was a scream of screaming and screaming like a madman.


Ten minutes later, the coastal flooding area.

Between the rugged reefs, Li Yao, who was covered in scars, was soaked in the sea like a fat sea, lying in the mud, looking at the black tail flames in the sky, the sky that was crossed from time to time. The city, Manzhu Shahua "shards, while vomiting blood, while laughing.

I really didn't think that I really took this cannibal cave down!

Although there is a small error with the expected, the falling speed is three or four times faster, and the "City of Sky, Manzhushahua" and the land table have suffered severe impacts. However, the "forced landing procedure" has not completely failed, or To the greatest extent possible protection.

Otherwise, it is not as simple as the tsunami hitting the coastline for dozens of hundred kilometers. Instead, the “City of the Sky, Manzhushahua” completely vaporized at the moment of the impact, and knocked out a super large pit with a depth of hundreds of kilometers. The shock wave covered the entire planet. On the surface, all the creatures on the surface were killed.

Li Yao implicitly perceives the existence of vibrant, chaotic, and turbulent volatility in all directions.

It is a person, a survivor!

No matter the prisoners or the sinners, most of them are strong and strong, and they have cultivated all kinds of supernatural powers. Most of them are struggling to survive under the double ravages of shock waves and tsunami, and they are driven by survival instinct. Get together.

They are either discovering the debris left by the "City of the Sky, Manzhushahua"; or dragging the starship that fell with the Star Wars Fort, trying to inject fuel and repair it; even some guys who can't wait to see the sky The shackles in the smashing were completely shattered, and even with the small magic weapon such as the flesh or flying swords and crystal scorpions, they skyrocketed and flew outside the atmosphere!

Yes, people here have been sealed for too long, and have not seen the sky outside for hundreds of years or even a whole thousand years.

At this moment, the seal was completely relieved, and almost no one did not want to escape from this "soilland paradise" and went to see the stars above the sea.

Freedom, the instinct of life!

Li Yao closed his eyes and spit out a small fish, laughing in a low voice.

This is not a flawless, impeccable combat operation.

However, as a single-handed man who sneaked into the rear of the enemy, he really did his best.

After he was so troubled, in the joint fleet of Starlight, more or less can escape some starships instead of the whole army?

The "City of the Sky, Manzhushahua" fell to the offshore area of ​​the bauxite, a large amount of materials were washed by the waves to the ground, it should also be enough to support the sinners to survive for some time.

The most important thing is that the seal of the dead sky has disappeared.

Li Yao believes that with the strength of the sin victims and the desire for freedom, they will be able to find a lot of useful things from the wreckage of "City of the Sky, Manzhushahua", repair and piece together some small starships, escape This **** magic cave!

As long as the war between the frontline empire and the sacred alliance is not over, the empire is unlikely to invest too much force in these insignificant sinners, even if it is necessary to rebuild the new "city of the sky", it is not a matter of time, at least It will take decades.

For decades, no, three or five years, Li Yao has the confidence to set a bigger wave in the heart of the empire, in another way to help the sinners, completely get rid of the fate of the "test body."

"Escape, in any case, you are free humans, not the guinea pigs and the puppets who control them!"

Li Yao looked at the beam of light rising up and grinned.

In the distant sea, there is a faint roar of Li Lingfeng.

However, Li Yao will reduce his body temperature to the reefs around him. The earth is boiling again. How can Li Lingfeng scan him in the blink of an eye?

Li Yaochao pened the **** in the direction of Li Lingfeng, gently swaying.

A red mans flashed over and hovered over his head, the dragon of the **** heart.

"Li Lingfeng is there, I am already confused and mad."

The blood-colored demons seriously said, "At this moment, he is a flaw in his body. It is the best chance to kill him. How about it?"

Li Yao indulged for a moment, and spit a blood again: "Forget it, God has a good life, I am not a cruel and killing person, let me let him go!"

"is it?"

The **** demon is cold and cold. "I really don't go up and fight with him again. What are the jade and the burning?"


Li Yao vomited blood while shaking his head. "The overall situation is heavy. I still have this brain..."

"You have a ghost brain!"

The blood-colored demons suddenly screamed. "You have a brain that just won't be hot, and your mind is fainting and rushing out and fighting with others. It's really heroic, really powerful. It's really a **** cool and refreshing! It's okay now, Our giant soldiers have been smashed and smashed, and you have been beaten and vomited. The bones of the body have been severely impacted. The number of the gods has been seriously affected, which is not much better than the previous days. After a while, I finally recovered my mind and thought that I still have a brain. You go, you continue to play with others, and then go to fight and fight for danger and life, I will never stop you, go!"

Li Yao: "... don't get angry, listen to me!"

Scarlet Devil: "Hey!"

Li Yao smiled bitterly: "Do you think that I just rushed to fight with Li Lingfeng, just relying on the courage of a **** mind, is it a stunned mind?"

Scarlet Devil: "Is it not?"

Li Yao’s “嘿嘿” smiled: “Of course not. We are not clearing a lot of intelligence from Li Ling’s reaction?”

The **** demon is cold and cold: "These information can be confirmed slowly from other channels in the future, not to mention that you have exposed some of your own intelligence, so that Li Lingfeng will be more and more obsessed with us, and will never let us go. This sale is not necessarily worthwhile!"

Li Yaodao: "You are right, confirm that the intelligence is only the second, or that it is to cover up my true purpose. The reason why I rushed up and worked hard with Li Ling was to prepare for our escape plan!"


The **** heart is amazing, "How do you say?"

"Do you know, in the field of melee combat, where is my biggest advantage compared to Li Lingfeng?"

Li Yao’s eyes are stunned and he said, “Yes, he is a veteran god. Whether it’s repairing or fighting experience or getting fire support, it’s far above me. Positive confrontation, I’m not His opponent, even if he wants to go a long way, completely get rid of his entanglement, it is difficult to go to heaven.

"However, I have one of the biggest advantages. It is Li Lingfeng or the vast majority of the entire empire. It is not necessarily comparable to the study of giant soldiers!"

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