Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2120: Escape from the earth!

"Escape from the earth!"

This is what all resistance fighters have dreamed of. .

"First talk about what is happening with you now?"

Li Yao’s eyes were so beautiful that he looked at the boxing champion as if he had two heads at the moment. It’s a sloppy look, but it’s a slight glimpse. “Boxing, what’s going on with your style, where did you get one? Sophisticated crystal brain core?"

“We did find the ‘Sacred Sanctuary, Global Sword Strike System Control Center’.”

Boxing champion, "But you should have already guessed it. It is a trap set by the cultivator. Wei Longtao betrayed us. The psionic spirit of a large number of cultivators was surrounded by us, and then played the city of Sky, Manzhushahua. 'The battle screen inside and outside shakes our will.

"There are a lot of resistance fighters who are desperate, but at the last minute, those live broadcasts have all become the images of your destruction, and the spiritual power of all the immortals is also paralyzed."

Li Yao nodded, and the spiritual power of the cultivator was directly controlled by the "City of the Sky, Manzhushahua". Since he completely blew the control center, these psionics were all ineffective.

The boxing champion continued: "There are only a few sorcerers who are overwhelmed by the psionics, but they are scared by the pictures of you who have been ruined and smashed, and we immediately broke through and started in the 'temple' Field battle.

"Subsequently, when we were all devastated and insane around us, I accidentally discovered the deep structure of this 'temple'. The so-called 'global sword net strike system' does exist, perhaps in the 'trial war' Zhongdu played a certain role, causing a heavy blow to the immortal, and then suffered devastating damage, and has been annihilated to the bottom.

"I can't fix the 'global sword net strike system', but I found this crystal brain core. This is a very advanced computing magic weapon, just to strengthen my computing power.

"Relying on the increase in combat power after the strengthening of computing power, I, Zuo Jingyun and Xiahou unintentionally came out with a group of soldiers. Wei Longtao and other immortals were sealed by the ground, and they could not come out for a while."

"It’s useless to figure it out."

Li Yao said with a smile, "Now the city of the sky, Manzhushahua' has completely collapsed. In a few months, the immortals don't want to re-block the entire sky. At this moment, this world is the world of sinisters. If Wei Longtao and those who cultivated the immortals dare to drill on the ground, waiting for them must be the sea of ​​anger and anger of the sinners. I am afraid that the end will be terrible!"

"But after all, it is not a place to stay."

Boxing champion, "Sit here and wait, after all, will be re-blocked by the immortal, must escape, escape at all costs!"


Li Yaodao, "Your thoughts coincide with me. Now the fleet of the immortals is in chaos. There are still a number of starships still in the Starflight Joint Fleet in the sky, which is the most promising gap to escape. I estimate that every day, even every hour, the hope of escaping will be greatly reduced. After a few months, the cultivator rebuilds the order. At that time, it is necessary to escape and it will pay a very bad price. !

"So, no later than forty-eight hours at a time, you must find a starship with the ability to jump in the Xinghai, and then escape and say it!"

"Yao Lao"

Hante and Liuli were anxious. "But what about the Taiping City Wall, what about our relatives and friends?"

"This is a war, and there is not much weakness and hesitation in the war."

Li Yao looked at Hante and Liuli and said seriously, "Tell me, do you want to completely save the Taiping City, save your loved ones and friends, and even save the whole piece of land, the whole Wu Yingxing?"

Hante and Liu Li looked at each other and focused on "Of course!"

"Then you must first escape."

Li Yaodao, "You should know now, how powerful is the Xinghai, how powerful is the real human empire? Even if you destroy a 'city of the sky, Manzhushahua', the empire still has the ability to rebuild ten, one hundred! You are worried My loved ones and homes, staying here, just repeating the past life, and struggling with the loved ones in despair, I feel that I can't see the little experimental mouse and the puppet!

"If you don't want to continue the fate of such a tragedy, don't want Wu Yingxing to continue to be a 'soil', don't want to repeat the killings and looting that have been performed for hundreds of years, then you should first escape and go to the Xinghai to continue to cultivate and grow. Own, to create a real, powerful starlight organization, I believe that one day, you will return here with thunder and angry flames, completely liberating the whole piece of clay!"

In one word, all the resistance fighters said that their breathing was rushing.

Yes, in the past few hundred years, they are the descendants of the star-studded resistance, but they are just stone mice hiding in Tibet in the depths of the earth.

But the fragmented sky is in front of us. From this moment on, they are fully hopeful to gallop the stars and the universe, to awaken the power of sleeping for thousands of years!

"We, we can really be a member of the Starlight organization, the real resistance fighter, the real ... the comprehension?"

Hante and Liu Li could not believe it.

"of course."

Zuo Jingyun couldn't help but smile. "You have been brave in acting. There are only a handful of people who fight with us. You are of course qualified to become a star organization, a real member!"

"Go, if you really want to protect your homeland and save the Wuying world, you should kill the depths of the Xinghai. The more you move in the depths of the Xinghai, the more secure the Wuying world is, the more you may be. I still don't understand it for a while, but believe me, it must be true!"

Li Yaozhen nailed the railway. "I believe that even if the village chief of ancient Zhengyang is here, he will definitely agree with my choice. Perhaps he is now trying his best to collect materials and build a starship to break through the sky!"

Hante and Liu Li seriously thought for a moment, looked at Li Yao’s eyes, and confirmed again: "We will definitely come back, right?"


Li Yao smiled and reached out from the crowd. He held the boy's hand and said gently and firmly. "We will definitely come back. When we come back to the earth again, it is not a blast zone." Sky City, Manzhushahua' is so simple.

"Remember what I said?

"This world is wrong.

“So, when we return to the earth, we will change the whole world!”

Hante and Liuli took a deep breath and took a deep breath. Finally, they looked at each other and nodded their heads: "Understood, Yao Lao, we are with you, together with the boxing champion and Yun sister, we fight side by side! ”

Li Yao smiled and smacked the hand of the boy, and turned his eyes to the boxing champion: "How are you going to leave?"

"The city of Sky, Manzhushahua has a lot of cracked pieces scattered all over the coast. We are going to go there and try our luck to find some magic weapons and fuel."

The boxing champion knocked on his own brain. "Don't forget, I am also a refiner with more than a few levels. With a wealth of magic wrecks, it is entirely possible to assemble a small starship, or a space shuttle. class.

"As long as there are small starships, space wars, and crystal scorpions, we have hopes to fly outside the atmosphere, meet with the star-shaped branches of the starlight organization, and even capture a starship of the sacred sacred, and then carry out the original plan of the Xinghai hopping. ,That's it."

"No, it's too risky."

Li Yao shook his head. "Although the cultivators are in a temporary chaos, apart from ‘the city of the sky, Manzhushahua’, their main fleet is not seriously damaged. It is impossible for you to easily capture a warship.

"In this way, the Star City of the City of Sky, Manzhushahua is anchored with a large number of civilian transport ships. It also has the ability to jump in the Xinghai. I estimate these star-studded buildings with anti-gravity facilities during the fall and impact. It is impossible to destroy them all.

"On the way to the rush, I have scanned the location of the big wreckage of the 'City of the Sky, Manzhushahua'. I will give you a coordinate. Let's try our luck and see if we can find a good civilian. Transport ship.

"However, even if you find a civilian transport ship, the crew of the starship is still a big problem, forget it, find it first!"

The direction of the dragon was turned and the coordinates of Li Yao were whistling away.

At this time, almost all the people on the entire territory drove all kinds of magic weapons, scrambling to rush to the coastal area, like a lively "God-giving ceremony."

Some people have worked together to smash the wreckage from the earth; some of them have not changed their lives, and they have to fight each other; more people are escaping from the "city of the sky, Manzhushahua" The big eyes and small eyes, then staged a scene of your life and death.

There were fires and smoke everywhere, and the whole coastal area was turned into a battlefield. The scene was chaotic and it was impossible to add.

However, in the face of the wreckage of mountains, mountains, and labyrinths, all the sinners of the earth have given the urge to worship and forget the struggle between each other.

These wrecks, the smallest diameters are hundreds of meters, if the skyscrapers are condensed together.

The largest block is even more than a kilometer in diameter. It is like a giant city standing on the ground.

It can be clearly seen that many of the structures of the wreckage are quite complete. They are not torn by hard, but under the control of the "forced landing procedure", they are actively detached and turned into zero, in order to reduce the impact to the limit.

Therefore, the personnel, supplies and even escape cabins and small starships are also very likely to remain intact.

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