Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2125: Who can stop me!

Ten hours later.

The bauxite ushered in another dark night.

But this time, in all directions of the ridiculous land, there are colorful and colorful lights everywhere, tearing the dark sky and breaking through the atmosphere.

In a crack in the rocky cavern of the rugged mountainous area, Li Yao slowly opened his eyes and watched the liquid medicine in the empty medicine and the medicine in the intensive nutrient jar all absorbed by him. Each bundle of cells is in each mitochondria.

After ten hours of adjustment and recovery, his physical strength, spirit and warfare all climbed to the highest point.

It's time to break through!

In order not to bring trouble to Han Te, Liu Li, Quan Wang, Zuo Jingyun and Gao Dakang, Li Yaoyun’s healing is where the mountain is five or six hundred kilometers deep.

There are no one in the wilderness, only the distant horizon, the shadows shine with the fire, seemingly calm.

But Li Yao knows that tranquility is just an illusion.

Li Lingfeng and his fleet will never let him go so easily. He must bite his teeth and sharpen his knife and ambush outside the atmosphere. He waits for his flaming arrogance, and starts at full speed, highlighting the moment of encirclement.

Li Yao only hopes that in the eyes of Li Ling, he is more worthy of catching than the "Starlight Organization", so that he can give Hanter, Liuli and all the people who are eager for freedom on the earth, and lead the immortals to win precious time. !

"Little black, it depends on you again, then stick to it!"

Li Yaomo took the black box on the index finger and lifted his arm high.

A group of black mucus surged out of the Qiankun ring, and it glowed with mercury, and wrapped him in an instant, if you put on a mysterious crystal.

This is the body of the little black and black wing sword. It is a kind of material that is more flexible and tougher than liquid metal. It has a strong psionic interaction and a function of increasing the mind.


After being blackened by Xiaohe, every inch of the skin was properly protected. Li Yao opened his arms and slowly suspended into the air.

A black and red stream of light continued to spew from his ring, and he outlined the outline and skeleton of the giant soldier, followed by a network of blood vessels and nerves. The last thing that was filled in was the structure. Extremely sophisticated, it can inspire the magic weapon unit of thousands of magical powers.

The giant gods, nine secluded mysterious bones, once again stand on the ground of the earth, facing the boundless night, stirred up the tsunami-like flame!

The spirit of Li Yao seems to be integrated with the giant soldiers.

He can clearly feel the scars of the nine secluded mysterious bones, and even the tingling sensation in the nerve endings.

This kind of needle-like pain has made him more excited, and the intensity of the burning of the soul has reached the limit.

The 枭龙号 turned into a red streamer, circling around the nine secluded mysterious bones, as if surrounded by the planet's satellites, adding a bit of unpredictable, mysterious and deep taste.

"Leverage, even if you have a whole fleet in hand"

Li Yao’s mouth twitched and stared at the night’s eyes. There was an infinite flame in the depths of the eyes. “Although I can try it, can I stop my ‘vulture Li Yao’!”

boom! Booming!

The nine secluded mysterious bones spurted out the violent and unrivalled spirit flame, instantly covering the land on the square of the square. All the bumpy hills were all bombarded into powder by the air waves. The stone with the size of the nails was firstly powered by the giant gods. The field captures, and the giant gods fly around the giant squadron, and then landed heavily, and the sound of "噼里啪啦" was issued.

Just when the hill was smashed into gravel, and the gravel was heavy and landed, the nine secluded mysterious bones vacated and flew into the sky, turning into a scarlet beam of light, screaming like a shining rifle, screaming the sky!

"Yao old..."

Hundreds of kilometers away, Hante and Liu Li hold hands and stare at the scene. The two little guys have some crystal clear things flashing in the corners of their eyes.

The boxing champion stood silently behind them, and the crystal eyes burst into a disorderly light. It seemed to be deeply confused. I don’t understand this extremely special human being, why should I do this.

All the other resistance fighters of the Starlight organization knew that Li Yao was trying to help them lead the cultivators. Only then did they break out in such a big way. Some of them were full of blood and tides, and they clenched their fists secretly. In the bottom of their hearts, they shouted for Li Yao and cheered.

Li Yao’s huge breakout was also seen by countless sinners on the territory. The Yin Hong’s long gun that pierced the sky and remained for a long time was deeply penetrated into their hearts.

Perhaps after a long time, this scene will become a legend of countless sin victims!

Wu Yingxing, outside the atmosphere.

Li Yao originally wanted to attract the attention of all the cultivators, and did not conceal his existence. Instead, he violently ignited the flames and released the heat and radiation, which is more than the main propulsion unit of a super heavy starship. Naturally, Instantly scanned by the cultivator fleet outside the gravitational circle.

Li Yao just rushed out of Wu Yingxing's gravitational circle and entered the dark and innocent Xinghai. He immediately felt that a strong spiritual wave was coming toward him.

It is Li Lingfeng!

This guy really did not let his plan go, is to play the trick of waiting for the rabbit.

Not only the spirits, but even distributed around, the hundreds of starships of the entire fleet of the Immortals were all mobilized by Li Yao, and if countless blood-stained fangs, the momentum smashed toward him.

"Hey, I want to surround a giant soldier in the vast sea of ​​innocent, unobstructed, unstoppable?"

Li Yao sneered in a sneer. "It’s just stupid!"

This is not a catch-up on the ground.

Xinghai is innocent, let alone hundreds of starships of Li Lingfeng, even if it is thousands of starships, it is also a drop in the ocean.

The distance between the two starships is at least a thousand kilometers apart. It is not enough to completely control the entire star field around a planet. Ordinary material weapons can't catch up with his speed. Only the mysterious weapon that advances at the speed of light. It is possible to hit him but it is necessary for the other party to lock him first!

Before the fuel and psionic power of both sides are exhausted, only the giant spirits of Li Lingfeng are likely to catch up with and intercept his giant soldiers, creating opportunities for the surrounding fleet.

But Li Lingfeng’s giant soldiers...

"The speed is very fast, and the name "The God of Storm" is really not wrong."

Li Yao smirked and smiled, showing shiny teeth, and the bottom of his eyes glowed like a weasel that had just stolen the chicken.

Li Lingfeng could not know the coordinates of his initial breakthrough in the atmosphere, so the two were separated by tens of thousands of kilometers at the beginning.

Even if the "God of the Storm" is fast, and wants to swallow such a long distance, it has to be stimulated to the limit output state.

The result of the long-term limit output is that when there is only a distance of more than a thousand kilometers between the two people, it can be described as "a moment away", and the flame of the "God of the Storm" suddenly flashes strangely, followed by The speed is slowing down!

In the initial confrontation, Li Yao paid the price of “Nine Secrets and Mysterious Bone Holes” and the scars of scars. The “dark arrows” ambushed in the power unit of “The God of Storm” finally broke out!

Perceive that the other party's speed is getting slower and slower, it is impossible to catch up with yourself, Li Yao laughed and laughed, and boldly went wild!

Not far from the front, there is a single-spotted sacred starship that fires his fascinating light and crystal magnetic bullets in vain, in an attempt to delay his speed.

“It’s the empire’s piranha’s arsenal!”

Li Yao's eyes are shining, and the corners of the mouth are swaying, and there is a cruel taste. "The arsenal of this series, if you want to completely blast it, I only need... seven seconds!"

The voice has not fallen, and the nine secluded mysterious bones are like a smattering black smoke that disappears or melts into the universe.

The attack of the other side of the storm has fallen into a void, only a circle of faint shackles.


In the next second, the nine secluded mysterious bones appeared strangely above the Imperial arsenal ship, condescending, cold condensation gazing at each other.

Although the nine secluded mysterious bones at this moment were severely damaged, they were riddled with holes.

It does not hinder the surge of a psionic scorpion on its arms, condensing into a red lotus-like drill bit, which easily tears the arsenal of the arsenal, which looks like a solid armor, such as entering the unmanned environment, ramming in the cabin. Great destruction!

Just seven seconds later.

"Booming and banging!"

This armed-to-toothed empire "Piranha"-class arsenal ship turned into a dazzling ball of light. The ammunition depot and the spar warehouse issued the most violent explosions, generating a large amount of radiation and high-energy particle flow, completely disrupting Li Lingfeng. And the detection and locking of the rest of the sacred starship.

The cosmic vacuum, no friction, the starship explosion produces fragmented debris, all like a meteor rushing away from the distance, if there is no external interference, they can continue to drift until they fly out of the Wuying world!

Just at the moment of the explosion of the arsenal, Li Yao retracted the nine secluded mysterious bones under the cover of severe psionic fluctuations. He only wrapped himself in the mustard battle suit and the mysterious "liquid crystal brain", and curled up in a small piece. Not a small wreck, flying away from the periphery of Wuying.

Such wreckage, there are no tens of thousands in the sky, and Li Lingfeng wants to scan all the pieces, at least one day and one night.

"Hant, Liuli, I can only help you here!"

Li Yao looked at the martyrdom of Wu Tuxing, not far away, and his heart was full of emotions. He said everything in a thousand words. "I wish you, as well as your friends, all good luck!"

Realizing that he was fooled, Li Lingfeng, who was thunderous, did not let Li Yao mean.

Also, Li Yao has many secrets. Even the relationship between him and Li Jialing can be broken. It is indeed more valuable than the Star organization.

Li Lingfeng really threw a mess and temporarily cleaned up the unspeakable martial arts, and mobilized all the forces to make a desperate attempt to catch up with Li Yao.

However, he made a wrong direction. He couldn't think of it. Li Yao did not continue to flee to the outer stars of the Wuying world. Instead, he followed the tide and secretly fine-tuned the direction and flew to the ninth satellite of the fifth planet of Wuying.

The biggest capital of Li Yao’s escape, the most invisible exploration ship of the Xingyao Federation, the “bell number”, is hidden there!

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