Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2140: Past events a hundred years ago

The wrath of the gods is not the same, no matter how fierce the spirit of Li Lingfeng is in the face of sudden setbacks, the fighting power of the realm of the realm of God is here.

Once the desperate posture was set, the earth was torn by him, the rock was crushed by him, and even the thunder and lightning were disturbed by the magnetic field of his life. Together with the gravel and the wind and rain, he was condensed into an indestructible fortress around him. Shifting the mountains and the sea, the momentum of the sky.


Even Li Lingfeng preemptively shot, the naked blue spirit visible to the naked eye can open the earth like a sword, a gap of pythons, oh, all the way extended to the foot of Li Linghai!

The pure white crystal scorpion stopped at the end of the crack, and the ladder of lightning was transformed into a shining throne, which made her stand in the thunder and storm, and if the devil came.

Even though the mask of the white jade was smashed, there was no ripple that could be called “expression”, but it was a moment to perceive her deep disdain.

"Don't escape?"

The Queen of the Empire, behind the white jade mask, gave a faint sneer.

Her voice is very weird.

As soon as I heard it, the indecent pearls and jade, the graceful and indifferent, and the indifference and indifference of the high-ranking ones, are the kind of "Queens" that should have, the most standard, the most perfect, the most impeccable voice.

But listening to Li Yao's ears, I always feel that this sound has been carefully processed, and every wave in the syllable is fine-tuned to be just right, and then sent out through the phonetic array.

This is a well-modified voice. Even the feeling of sarcasm and indifference is disguised, but it hides the true emotions and will of the voice master. It is completely unpredictable. The depth of the light.


Li Yao shrinks to the extreme pores and can't help but expand, infiltrating a drop of cold sweat.

The pressure that the Queen brought to him was too great. It was just three words that were plain and unpredictable. It seemed to be much more terrifying than the one that had been swaying in the past few days, and sometimes it was so inscrutable.

Li Yao even faintly felt a mistake. I don't know the three words of the Queen. It is said to Li Lingfeng, or I am attached to my own ear and whisper to myself.

The apex of the heart could not help but shudder.

Li Lingfeng also trembled around the body, clenching the sword, and his voice was very strong: "Li Linghai, you don't want to bully too much! If I really do not care about everything, and escaping all the way, I will not be able to catch up with you for three days and three nights. When the army of Li and other families came, what can you do with me?

"Just, it is not good for you and me to do this. It is the situation where everyone is holding together!"

"You and I are a compatriot, a brother and sister of the same mother, and I don't want to do such a good thing for the deceased, so I am here to wait for you, I want to talk to you, but it is not me. afraid of you!"

"The loved ones hurt, the enemy is fast?"

Under the white jade mask, there was a deep laughter again. Li Linghai said with a faint voice. "It turned out that over the past 100 years, you still remember that you are my father's brother, we are relatives! For more than 100 years I haven’t talked about it. At this moment, what do you want to talk about, talk about our 'brother and sister's feelings?'

"The feelings of brothers and sisters, naturally, it is time to talk about it. Maybe in some things more than 100 years ago, you misunderstood me, but after so many years, everyone has undergone earth-shaking changes, brothers and sisters, always There is no resentment that can't be solved, isn't it?"

Li Lingfeng’s eyes quickly turned, “But don’t talk about ‘brother and sister’s feelings right now, talk about ‘mother and child’s feelings’, talk about your flesh and blood, kiss your son!”

The sound under the white jade mask is not a little bit stagnation and fluctuation, even like pre-recorded, the recording that is played at the moment: "I and my Majesty have twelve emperors, which one do you want to talk about?"

Li Lingfeng sneered and said: "My good sister, the grandmother of the world, the Queen of the House, everyone should not waste time to circle. The nature I want to talk to you is not the twelve princes you and your Majesty, but the thirteenth. The one you and the sacred life, that is, the one you are going to kill today!"

White jade mask, silent.

Li Lingfeng said: "If you don't talk, I will be your default. I honestly tell you that I did kill them all the way to Shaman, but Shaman is not a barren land, but there are several starships. Here!

"How come these starships come? It's very simple. You know that the Shaman and Wuying circles are very close, and it has been closed for two or three hundred years. It is specially used to cultivate the devil's head, and it will be opened in a few decades.

"I and Wu Yingxi are very interested in the Shaman community. I want to open this place into the second 'Bare Earth Laboratory', and occupy the geographical advantage. I often sneak here to investigate and explore, for the sake of convenience and safety. Is it strange that you secretly hide a few small starships filled with fuel and easy to operate?

"I tell you, even if you kill me now, it's useless. This little guy with the blood of you and the sacred people is still able to drive the starship to run around the universe. This... not so good?

"So, let's talk, find a way to properly solve this problem, and then deal with the annoying old guys in the family, how about?"

The white jade mask continues to be silent, and it is simply wrong to think that this is not a crystal, but a statue without life.

After half a minute, Li Linghai gently touched the left temple of the helmet, slowly disintegrating the helmet and retracting into the crystal, revealing a stunning and beautiful face.

Li Yao’s pupil suddenly shrank and couldn’t help but scream in his heart: “Wow, white-haired witch!”

In front of this imperial queen, according to the age of at least 150 years old, even close to two hundred years old, but still have a pair of old faces that can solidify the time, bright teeth, magnificent, Pour the country into the city, and reverse the sentient beings.

Moreover, her facial features are weak and soft, like... a lonely and bitter flower in the hurricane, I don’t know how much suffering and suffering, so I can’t help but give birth to a desire to protect. There is no sound in the air. Indifferent and ruthless taste.


All of this is under the premise of ignoring her hair and eyes.

If you count her pure white hair like the ice crystal waterfall, crystal clear and transparent, plus the pair of almost transparent, faintly white light, can not see the black eye, the gentleness becomes a sharp, delicate will change It became a hot, seemingly soft line, but it set off the indifference and coldness of the high!

It may be inappropriate to describe her as the word "mother world".

But this pair of thrilling shapes is definitely worthy of the title of "Hermitage of the Real Human Empire"!

"Your mom is cool!"

Li Yao sneaked into the brain and sent a weak ripple in the past.

The young boy turned his head and twisted his head. He gave him a look.

Unloading the helmet, as if to unravel some kind of seal, Li Linghai's momentum is even more unrecognizable, almost to make the sky thunder in front of her, her head full of white hair without wind, staring with almost transparent eyes Li Lingfeng looked at it for a while and said: "How much do you know, who else knows?"

"I know more than you think. If you don't believe it, I might as well tell a short story for you, good sister."

Li Lingfeng’s eyes turned, and after waiting for Li Linghai to answer, he couldn’t wait to say, “One hundred years ago, in the deep-rooted and powerful family of the real human empire, there was a gift of talent, intelligence, potential. The infinite elite female warriors defeated many competitors in a series of in-house competitions, and were appreciative of many elders and amnesties. They were prepared to put more resources on her and taught her a more profound and unpredictable family secret. .

"Only, this near-perfect elite female warrior has a little bit of a small scorpion to cultivate the immortal. She has a tyrannical fighting power, but the temper is a bit gentle, even too weak.

"In order to get rid of her sentimentality and kindness, the family decided to carry out more practical training for her as a trial, and then she was incorporated into the deep-sea exploration team of the family, to explore the unknown debris in the depths of the Xinghai. world.

"As everyone knows, the empire has expanded to this day. Almost all the world has been discovered. The cost and difficulty of continuing to explore the Xinghai Sea are too high and not worthwhile.

"But there are still countless small and fragmented worlds, that is, the 'fragmented world' is scattered between the stars and the sea. There may also be vestiges of tens of thousands of years ago, the secret treasures of the predecessors, and even the super-weapons of the ancient era. !

"So, in addition to the front line against the forces of the Holy Alliance, the deep space exploration team used to explore the debris world is the most elite arm of each family, and this newly emerged young female soldier is incorporated into the family's deep space exploration team. It can be seen that the family attaches importance to her.

"Unfortunately, this young female soldier is not very lucky. When she first carried out the exploration mission, the starship she was riding encountered a star storm. It was blown by the violent starry sky to somewhere, and the starship was fragmented. And it also damaged a large number of people.

"Unexpectedly, it is not known in the depths of this Xinghai. It is really a mysterious piece of debris world!"

"But in this mysterious world of debris, they have encountered another expedition from the empire, the enemy of the sacred empire, the sacred world exploration team of the Covenant League, this sacred exploration team is also blown by the Xinghai storm It’s got seven and eight, and it’s all the way to here.

"The narrow road meets the brave and wins. There is nowhere to escape in the debris world. Two exploration teams that lost their weapons and lost a lot of materials are eager to seize the spoils from each other to repair the starship. Naturally, they will not be able to meet when they meet.

"Kill it and kill it. At the end of the game, almost everyone will die together, leaving only the young female soldier who is out of the mission for the first time, and... a refiner of the Holy League!"

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