Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2146: Make another trick!

Li Yao suddenly realized. .

If the mysterious fragmented world that Li Linghai and his righteous father were trapped in the past was the "Golden Holy Cross" of the emperor's fall, then everything would make sense!

The emperor is an uncompromising "Emperor of the Ages", and the strongest person who has reached the peak, not to mention his full inheritance, even if he receives 1% of the inheritance, it is enough to completely change a "naturally weak, sentimental" girl, She became a far-sighted, extremely deep city man?

The righteous father was originally a sacred man who was suppressed by the seven emotions and six desires, but it would not be surprising if the power of the emperor leaked out of the "Golden Holy See" and broke through the shackles of the so-called "three major principles."

After all, it is not surprising that the legendary emperor has received three volumes of the book of God and has a deep understanding of the Pangu civilization. It is possible to come up with the solution to the three fundamental laws.

Moreover, there should be a large number of secret treasures of the emperor in the "Lingyijie". The crystal scorpion, the starship, the giant squadron and all kinds of heavenly treasures are all in the air. The queen uses the secret treasure of the emperor to recruit and raise the minions. The difficulty of cultivating the wings is greatly reduced.

At the same time, the Queen got from the "Ling Yujie", I am afraid that it is not a simple force, but also part of the emperor's heart.

The legendary emperor, although established as an "empire", is a dictator, but he is an ancient man 10,000 years ago, and his historical limitations are not too demanding.

At least in today's evaluation, the views of the emperor are quite positive, overthrowing the rule of the demon, saving the people in the waters and fires, ending the disputes in the three thousand worlds, leading the human civilization to the second peak since the era of ancient times, laying the foundation The foundation of modern self-cultivation civilization and the establishment of the belief that "the self-cultivator is the sword of human civilization", thus completely distinguishing the "modern self-cultivator" from the "ancient self-cultivator".

Piles and pieces are his great achievements.

Therefore, despite being a relatively dictatorial emperor, modern people still regard the "emperor" as a true self-cultivator, including the implementation of the civil election, the parliamentary republican system, and the empire that the emperor is the common ancestor of all. The well-deserved hero, the Star Alliance, also lives in the spirit of the Xinghai Empire.

In short, the same emperor, "Emperor" and "Black Star Emperor" are completely different, is a relatively bright, positive and just image.

Therefore, if Li Linghai really gets some of the Emperor's inheritance and Taoism, the real human empire that is so smouldering and decaying will naturally give birth to natural hatred. It is necessary to "renovate the empire" according to his own ideas. It’s amazing.

Of course, there are still many problems in the details, such as the weak body of Li Linghai, how to bear the enormous inheritance of the emperor, and so on.

But in general, Li Yao believes that Li Lingfeng's speculation, at least 50% of the possibility, is correct!

Very simple, the evidence is in Li Yao’s Qiankun Ring, Xiao Hei and the half key, which are obviously the products of the Xinghai Empire era.

Therefore, the world of debris discovered by Li Linghai and Li Yaoyi, even if it is not the "Lingyujie" of the emperor's fall, must have a very deep relationship with the emperor!

Li Yao thought about the electric turn, and in a moment he thought about the cause and effect.

Then, I want to cry without tears. Li Lingfeng is really a **** teammate. If you die, you have to drag people into the water. You said that you can see that the spirit of the spirit is the Emperor’s "Dragon Royal Heaven". Ok, why are you still sneaking out and explaining it so clearly?

Now, Li Yao and Li Jialing have clearly heard this big secret.

If you say that Li Jialing's life experience is still a solution to the problem, but "the Queen's Highness has the inheritance of the 'Emperor'", this earth-shattering secret is heard by them, and the Queen may put them a horse. ?

Li Yao screamed at the Queen and Li Ling.

However, the arc that shines around the empress is getting brighter and brighter. For example, thousands of dragons will entangle the wind and wind, and the more they tighten, the more the muscles, blood vessels, nerves and bones of Li Lingfeng will be broken!

Li Lingfeng, a high-level old monster of the gods, was completely rebellious under the suppression of the Queen’s overbearing “Long Yu Tianji”. His field has completely collapsed and turned into a fragmented shackle in a squally shower. Twisted, sorrowful, and annihilated in a moment.

He struggled desperately and shouted screamingly: "Rao, spare me, I am sincerely cooperating with you, no no no, I am willing to surrender to you, to help you deal with the four electorate families and other powers and gates, help You become the generation of empresses who are in charge of the Galaxy, gather the supreme power, and create a new empire!"


Li Linghai squinted and smiled very scornfully. "There are a lot of people who are willing to surrender to me. You are not qualified enough!"

Li Lingfeng's eyes wide open, eyes, nostrils, ear holes and mouth, there is a lightning like a magma flowing out, shouted: "I, I am your brother!

The purple scorpion deep in the eye of Li Linghai gradually swayed, just like her ambition to bloom.

The queen of the real human empire smiled: "What about that?"

The voice did not fall, and the lightning that Li Linghai shot to Li Lingfeng suddenly became a hundred times brighter!

In an instant, the wind, the heavy rain and the thunder seemed to be solidified, and the whole world was eclipsed by the lightning, turning into black and white.

Only this electric imperial purple flame with imperial domineering power turned into a sword of true dragon that stirred the starry sea. With the speed exceeding the lightning speed, it was easy to tear the last psionic shield shielded by Li Lingfeng. His chest!

The real dragon secret sword was inserted into the body, and immediately burst into a purple flame dragon with nine claws and claws. He went to the deep limbs of the spirits and the depths of the internal organs, tearing each of his meridians, each blood vein and every cell. Burn, melt, and annihilate!


Li Lingfeng issued a scream of unbelievable and unsatisfied, and the Yuanshen turned into a secluded blue-light bead, fleeing to the sky without fear, but was chased by three purple flame dragons, and between the moments, tearing apart and turning into pieces Called 涟漪, was eaten by the Purple Flame Dragon!

Nine purple flame dragons hovered between the blasts of lightning and thunder, and after a while, all returned to Li Linghai, and her white hair like snow and purple glittering shape became more mysterious and overbearing. match!

The gods and spirits have been burned so that even the bones and slags are not left with a star and a half. Within a few ten seconds, they will be wiped out and never surpassed!

If the heart can sweat, then Li Yao’s heart must have been dehydrated for a while.

Comparison of the strength of the two sides:

Li Linghai is at least the peak of the gods, and also has the thriving arrogance of the emperor martial arts "Dragon Royal Tianji" increase, the pockets do not know how many magic weapons from the "Ling Bianjie" did not come out, it is estimated to hang The middle and lower stages of the distraction are easy.

Li Yao only has the middle stage of the gods, but his soul is quite special. No one knows that he still has the second **** of "Blood Demon". It is an ancient extraterrestrial demon, and then it is again and again, absorbed. Incomparably huge solitude, in addition to no entity, it is also considered to have the cultivation of the gods.

Therefore, Li Yao can't really be regarded as a simple middle-aged stage. In terms of extreme combat power, it is "two gods, sharing the same body."

This is a more powerful and stranger realm than the two "souls of the heart".

Even close to the "distraction period" that separates the spirits and separates the magical powers of each other.

Therefore, Li Yao is not very imaginary when he encounters high-level and even peaks in the normal period.

But... before the horrible queen, there are ghosts!

Can you escape?

Li Yao’s brain cell “噼噼啪啪” bursts open and concludes in a flash, never!

If you can escape, half a minute ago, when Li Lingfeng blamed the word "emperor", he should have fled.

But even if he had a 1% chance to escape, Li Jialing could not escape.

Li Jialing may be the only blood of the righteous father, and Li Linghai is also very likely to be the only woman the righteous father has ever loved.

Li Yao and his father had deep feelings. They were abandoned by their parents at an early age. He was struggling alone in the darkness. He regarded the righteous father as a relative.

How can he watch the woman and the child of the righteous father, the mother and the child are disabled, and stage a tragedy?

Also, from a higher level, if Li Jialing is really the only flaw in the heart of the imperial queen, it can be said that it is the last line of defense for her "humanity."

If she really let her kill the child who really wants to live, the queen will become a ruthless, extinct monster!

Such a monster is very likely to have mastered some of the "Imperial Heritage" and is ambitious to control the supreme power of the entire real human empire.

If it is really successful for her, what will the real human empire under this monster rule become, the Starry Federation, can face such an empire?

Therefore, in public and private, whether for the righteous father, or for the federation, or for their own and Li Jialing's life, Li Yao must withstand the pressure, never escape!

"I... still firmly believe that the old singer's deep love, the real Li Linghai, should not be like this!"

Li Yao gritted his teeth and violently mobilized the gang. "You must find a way to preserve the last trace of humanity in the heart of Li Linghai, and slowly wake her up. It is best to change her back to the kind-hearted woman whom the old lady loved!"

"Even, the old empire is also a self-cultivator. Li Linghai, who has been passed down by the emperor, has a hint of possibility. From the cultivation of the immortals to the self-cultivators?

"Maybe, she is missing one of the most critical people, pushing one in her heart, just push a hand...

"No way, since the combat power is definitely not her opponent, it seems that only the trick at the bottom of the pressure box can be applied!"

The blood-colored demons drilled out from the depths of Li Yao’s brains. They were also a pair of enemies. They were very nervous. “You have to use tricks. The tricks at the bottom of the box are not pats the ass, the distance, and the escape? ”

"Who said that?"

Li Yao’s gangsters and tongues were shocked by the high frequency that could not be seen by the naked eye. “The trick I said was ‘three inches of bad tongue’!”

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