Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2169: The golden front of the sharpness of the front!

The idea of ​​"hybrid" is that when a practitioner needs a crystal scorpion or a giant soldier to fully output, his dantian or singularity or deep in the brain or the whole body is used to store the "psynge reactor". The organization first inputs energy into the wafer reactor of the wafer, through the intricate fusion process in the reactor, and the high concentration of the spar fuel carried by the wafer itself, and then through the output pipe of the reactor. It is transmitted to every power matrix and combat unit around the crystal, and finally, the transformation breaks out from various forms of light, flame or jet power.

That is, the original two power sources are combined into one power source.

The difficulty can be imagined.

Because the psionics of the practitioners themselves are ever-changing, extremely disorderly, and even very difficult for them to control.

When Li Yao rushes to the crown, burns his life, and the soul is close to the explosion, he may not be able to precisely control the eruption of each sac in his own cells.

However, "Crystal Reaction Furnace Ding" is a magic weapon unit that requires high stability and high precision.

Like Li Yao’s youth, when he first entered the refining system of the Great Wilderness War, it was because of the small problem in the experimental crystal cell reactor that led to the big explosion of the laboratory, and the entire refining system was almost destroyed.

That is still only the mass-produced mysterious warfare. The temperature and pressure that the crystal cell reactor should cope with, "relatively speaking", is not too high.

If it is a high-end crystal enamel dedicated to Yuan Ying Lao Ge or Huashen eccentric, like Li Yao’s now equipped with “Xuan Bone? Blood Wing”, how severe temperature and pressure changes will be faced by the wafer reaction furnace in the fierce battle. How violent psionic fluctuations are output?

At this time, the psionics of the different natures, degrees, and oscillation frequencies of the Yuan Ying and the Huashen Powers must be added together and react together. Is this not a death?

"Hybrid" must be rectified from a whimsical assumption, truly in reality, and there are too many problems to be solved, involving materials science, new fuel science, psionics synthesis, aerodynamics, and of course The most basic form of matrix and dynamics... all-encompassing, varied, difficult to go to heaven!

Numerous refiners at Xingyao Federation are conducting research in this area, including Li Yao’s own explorations and a series of less mature models.

However, in the face of various unsolvable problems, even Li Yao has to admit that his own strength is far from enough, or that the federal accumulation in materials science and dynamics is not in place, perhaps hundreds of years. In order to throw a mature and reasonable "hybrid" layout.

Even so difficult, there are still countless refiners going to the relevant research.

Because of the benefits of hybrid, it is really obvious.

One crystal, two power sources, no matter how coordinated and synchronized, can not reach the "synchronization rate of 100%" degree, up to 99.99%, and is close to "perfect synchronization".

It seems that the prosthetic legs are carefully refined, and there is always a difference between the real legs and the real legs. Even if others can't see them, the users always have numbers.

The higher the number of users, the greater the interference caused by the "prosthetic leg".

Let a short-distance race champion, with a real leg and a prosthetic leg to make a 100-meter sprint, will have a great impact on the results anyway.

This is a lot of high-level practitioners, do not like dual power sources, the principle of "linkage" layout

If the cultivator's own psionic energy can be input into the wafer reactor, after a series of complicated reactions, after greatly increasing the amplitude, and then erupting through the reaction furnace, there is no "uncoordinated or unsynchronized". "The problem, because there is only one power source!"

That is the effect of "one plus one is greater than two."

Also, in the "linkage" layout, there are two power sources, so there are actually two sets of matching psionic power transmission circuits.

One set is the psionic energy transport pipeline connected through the crystal cell reactor, and the other is used to transmit the psionic energy generated by the human body itself.

The latter set of psionic circulation loops may not have a substantial "pipeline", but in the design of the wafer, it is still necessary to consider the loop unblocked and not interfere with each other.

A set of crystal enamel, two psionic circuits, is too cumbersome and too confusing, and has a great influence on the maneuver and defense of the crystal enamel.

The crystal enamel is a magic weapon for "doing a dojo in the snail shell." It is necessary to accommodate tens of thousands of symbols and thousands of magic weapons units between square inches, and to inspire at least hundreds of different magical powers. Doing the brain with a subtraction method, even if it can be reduced to a nail cover size of the magic weapon components, the performance of the crystal is greatly improved.

If the "hybrid" layout can be successful, it can reduce the setting of a set of psionic circuits, and finally the hundreds of magic weapon components can be cut, and the overall design can be more whimsical, freely and freely.

With such a crystal, the overall combat performance has increased by 10%?

Masters fight, life and death are between the slightest, not to mention the performance improvement of 10%, even if only 1% increase, can be called a "revolutionary breakthrough", how can not let the crystal design experts, "mix What is the dynamic layout?

Li Yao and the deputy commander of the Black Wind Fleet, Di Feiwen, had an in-depth exchange. They knew that the empire began hundreds of years ago, and reached the limit with the territory. At the same time, it entered the bottleneck period of “technical stagnation”, which was in the refining division for hundreds of years. In the circle, there is even a bit of “dead” taste, and “all the magic weapons that can be created, all created, we only need to constantly strive for perfection and achieve perfection”.

In addition to the advantages of "light film theory", "multiple refraction black light clustering technology" and other practical areas, the Imperial Crystal is not much advanced than the Federal Crystal.

The problem of "hybrid layout", the federal did not solve, the empire did not solve.

However, this master of Jin Tianzhong...

Li Yao thought about electricity and immediately guessed where the so-called "蹊跷" was.

If the master of Jin Tianzhong did make a breakthrough in the field of "synchronous layout of the crystal," he was really "damn."

The chain of interest that is inciting here is too strong, the interest groups are too big, and the water is too deep!

Compared with the “linkage type”, “hybrid” has an absolute advantage and belongs to the undisputed “new generation technology”.

If "new generation technology" is really being developed, what about the "old generation technology"?

Jingjing is the king of magic weapons. The crystal refining industry also occupies half of the entire magical refining industry. The number of giant gods is too small to support a huge industrial system and the upper and lower industrial chains. Jingjing is the real one. King!

Now all the refiners and the Jingjing Refining Center use a “linkage layout”.

How many highly respected refining masters have devoted their lives to constantly polishing the "linkage-style layout" and going to "learn and seek perfection"?

How many crystal refining centers and military complexes, under the astronomical figures, to develop the next generation of "linkage layout", and strive to increase the synchronization rate of the two power sources from 99.9% to 99.99% to 99.999 %?

The emergence of "hybrid crystal enamel" is very likely, and it is easy to beat the "linking crystal shovel", and the rice bowls of countless "Taoshan Beidou, refining masters" are all smashed, even touching the four electors. Under the family name, the interests of the military complex!

The birth of new technology has never been a problem in a "juvenile country" that is full of vigor, prosperity, and enormous pressure to survive.

Most people will only rush to learn and improve new technologies, form a healthy competition, and strive to continue to make cakes bigger.

For example, the "Yoshio Group" and the major sects of the Xingyao Federation will spare no effort to invest in resources to study "hybrid crystal enamel."

The reason is very simple. The federation may be destroyed by the empire at any time. Only the newer and more powerful magic weapon can make everyone live!

And everyone has confidence that the federation will continue to grow, and the cakes of the future will be even bigger. Even if some small cakes are lost now, they will soon be able to make back in technological progress.

However, in a "big empire" that has reached the limit of expansion and is highly monopolized in all fields and tends to be conservative, this may not be the case.

"The real human empire is the strongest in the universe. As long as the 'linkage crystal shovel' is polished to 100% perfection, it can destroy all enemies. Therefore, it is necessary to take great risks to engage in 'hybrid crystal smashing'. Causing great confusion?"

Li Yao believes that there must be many "masters, masters" in the circle of imperial refiners.

There are no "golden" surnames in the four electorate families.

From Jin Tianlong’s evaluation of “iron-faced selflessness”, he has not mercilessly criticized the academic scandals of hundreds of four family members. His relationship with the four major families is not much better. It is very likely to be a “stabbing head”. "The existence of."

“Even if the ‘hybrid 铠 真’ is really possible, this key technology should be firmly in the hands of ‘we’, rather than letting an ‘outsider’ take it with it.”

Li Yao believes that 100% of the refining centers and military complexes controlled by the four families will give birth to this idea.

In summary, the sharp master of the Jin Tianzong, why from the professors, academic leaders, laboratory leaders of the Imperial College of Technology, fell to today, and the ambitious gambler of the Queen Li Linghai mixed Together, it is understandable to engage in some activities that conspiracy to subvert the current system of the empire.

Li Yao was originally only interested in the giant **** of "the **** of the storm."

However, listening to Li Jialing’s saying that, after an analysis, the interest of Master Jin Tianzhong is more than the “God of Storm”.

"Go, go see the highest level of refining in the empire!"

Li Yaoxing was very excited and strode into the repair shop.

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