Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2184: A group of git!


At the sight of Dongfang Tuo, the Qingyixing military politician who was talking and laughing at the parade was immediately standing upright, clenching his fist in his right hand, clinging to his heart, and slightly bowing to him.

The empire is five hundred yuan old, and its status is extremely respectable. Even if it does not hold a position in the army or the government, it still has the majesty and power above everyone else, just because they are empire!

The oriental extension was like a water, nodded to the crowd, waved at random, indicating that you don't have to be so nervous.

Qingyingxing is the logistics transit base of the Imperial Expeditionary Force.

The "military logistics" is such a key area with oil and water, which is naturally controlled by the nobility and the gatekeeper.

Therefore, today's qualified military and political dignitaries who are qualified to stand on the parade and greet the triumph of the army, all come from the four electorate families and their vassal forces, all of which are "own people."

Since it is a "self", many topics can be said freely.

Unlike the "Long live the Empire", which is popular among the frenetic people in the streets and alleys, there is not much ecstasy in the whispers of these military and political officials.

"It is another 'great victory', a new resource planet, huh, huh, but I have heard that the sacred strategy of implementing the 'hard-walled clear-field, scorch-resistant' squad, all the mines have been blown up before the retreat, even used Very sinister method, all the underground veins are polluted. It is expected that it will be a matter of pollution control. It will take several years, but I don’t know how much money to spend. What is the resource planet and a bottomless pit!"

"Yes, there are those people left by the sacred ally, all of which have been severely brainwashed. The resistance to the empire is very high. Without long-term enlightenment, I am afraid that there is no way to become a good labor force of the empire. A lot of food to feed them, can't all kill the light? Kill the dozens of people in the world that have just recovered. Who dares to make such a decision? Really... It’s distressing!”

"The support of the rear people has reached the limit. No matter how 'inspired', no more potential can be stimulated. Instead, the accident rate is rising, and small-scale riots are also on the rise. Most of the power of the empire is concentrated on the front line. There is no way to suppress the riots in the rear, so that the day before yesterday in the Wuying world of the poisonous star cluster, there was a terrible incident in which the self-cultivator destroyed the entire starry sky battle, and even the self-cultivator invaded the spiritual network, and the whole process was broadcast live. , shame, it’s a shame of the empire, and it’s been a little self-cultivator...”

"A small self-cultivator still can't afford too much wind and waves, but the inflationary pressure we are facing now is too big and has reached the critical point of collapse. If the war continues, the vicious depreciation of the imperial crystal coin will be inevitable. After a detailed deduction, if the war is carried out at the current intensity for one year, or the current supply of resources, then, at the latest until February next year, the Imperial coin will depreciate at least 300%, and by the end of next year, it is highly likely to depreciate. Ten times, the catastrophic consequences are more serious than the 10,000 comprehensions!"

"So, the most important question now is how to end this war decently!"

Dongtou’s eyes are slightly stunned and expressionless. It seems to be indifferent to the arguments around him, but it is clear that every word is heard.

He knows that the arguments and complaints of these Qingyi Star military politicians are largely deliberately told to him. He hopes that he will propose a motion in the Senate as an elder elder and quickly end the war.


In the heart of Dongfang’s sneer, these military and political officials thought that the Senate would not want to end the war “decently”, but how can it be easy to give the empire a “decent” to the sacred gang that has just been torn apart by blood? What?

"The front line of those Qiu eight, do not understand the hard work of the rear of the operation of goods, full of only a rib, you know to fight, fight, fight! If you continue to do so hard, our logistics system will be completely collapsed!"

"Yes, I heard that the 27th Fleet stationed in the 'Tianyue Star Field' has recently caused a metamorphosis. The young and middle-aged officers are somewhat unstable and unwilling to execute the 'in-situ' command. I also want to continue the attack, expand the results, and further lengthen the front."

"These guys with developed limbs and simple minds, what do they want to do, ‘expanding the fruits of the war?” Expanding the results of the war, after recovering the new planet, they come to feed those highly brainwashed people, it’s really a confession!

"These guys who are hustle and bustle, just thinking about their own exploits and medals, never think about the overall situation of the entire empire. Once they are full of blood and stunned, they are doing everything, and now there is still one. The very worrying phenomenon comes from the young officers of different worlds. It seems that they are connected in series and exchanged their voices. They seem to have done a lot of organizations like 'clubs, federations'. They don’t know what to do. It’s really worrying. ""

"These are all indulgent of the landlords. The lords of the remote world of the empire are all a bunch of ambitious, selfish, sinister, greedy, never considered the big deal!"

Dongfang Tuoxin sighed again.

As the president of the Empire Development Bank, the logistics leader of the expeditionary army operating astronomical digital military, he is very clear about the topics that everyone is talking about.

In one breath, it has swallowed dozens of worlds. The empire has reached the limit of staged expansion. Once it expands blindly, it will become an infinitely expanding behemoth, and eventually it will be crushed to the beach by its own weight. Whales explode from the inside out.

Therefore, considering the overall interests of the empire, regardless of "decent" or "indecent", we must quickly end the empire counterattack that has lasted for more than a decade.

However, the officers at the forefront who are eager to make meritorious deeds, especially those young and middle-aged officers who are ambitious and enthusiastic, and who have been brainwashed by the slogans of "Imperial Invincibility" and "Long live the human civilization", do not think so.

They are eager to make contributions to their careers, eager to expand their territory, and long for the history of the Qing Dynasty. They are eager to become the hero of the rise of human civilization!

Will be outside, the king is not immune, in a universe war that spans dozens of thousands of worlds, tens of thousands of light years, the rear is the most difficult for the deep-sea fleet that wanders in the depths of the innocent Xinghai. controlling.

Each deep-sea fleet has a superstar ship with a length of more than ten kilometers. It has a self-circulating air and water purification system. It is often stored for more than ten or twenty years. Although the taste is unpleasant, it can satisfy Synthetic food required for basic energy.

With these things, each deep-sea fleet is a self-sufficient small entity that can persist in combat for several years even without replenishment. The so-called "deep space" is the meaning of deep exploration, fighting and conquest. .

Many times, what did the Deep Air Fleet do on the front line, there is no way to observe it at the moment, even if it is observed, there is no way to stop it.

More importantly, the Deep Air Fleet is not directly controlled by the four electorate families.

The empire is too large, and the vast and innocent Xinghai determines the ultra-difficult emperor of the centralization. It is impossible for the emperor to completely control the entire empire. The four electorate families cannot do it.

At this moment, only half of the hundreds of fleets stationed on the front line are directly under the four major electoral families, and the other half are from the relatively independent outer world of the empire.

Although the "Expeditionary Army Base Camp" was established to unify all fleets, the actual masters of these fleets are the landlords of the peripheral world. They are warlords who are unruly and insatiable.

These warlords are often happy to see the radical performance of their young and middle-aged officers.

After all, you can lay down a resource planet, and these warlords can accumulate a little more.

And before others come, they can also rob the newly recovered planet. Even if the sacred alliance really implements the "scorched earth strategy", as long as they are willing to dig three feet, they can search for some broken copper and iron.

For the warlords who were outside the nest of 18,000 light years, they didn’t even think about controlling the most front-line resource planets for a long time, but they were holding the idea of ​​“getting a hand and going”. Acting is even more unscrupulous, completely a band of robbers.

As for these, what was first to be dealt with by the Holy League, and then how to deal with the planet, which was smashed by the Imperial Army, and how to deal with the ever-expanding frontline, the pressure of logistics supply has doubled... These messy problems All of them were handed over to the "Expeditionary Army Base Camp" and even the "Imperial Senate". The headaches were good. Anyway, they patted their ass, with a lot of exploits and medals, "Arc de Triom" came!

Thinking of this, Dongfang Tuo strongly agrees with the military and political officials on the front line that the evaluation of Qiu Ba is a group of idiots!

At this moment, the impassioned marching sounded, the turbulence of the air and the earth became more and more fierce, and the crowds in all directions, like the volcanic eruption, screamed with tears: "Long live the Empire! Long live the Imperial Army! Long live the Emperor!" Long live human civilization! Long live! Long live!"

The triumphant army appeared.

In the sky, it is a floating mountain-like strike ship. It seems to float slowly over hundreds of steel cast iron castings. On the ground is a top-armed armor and a murderous Quanjing battle group. Stepping on the majestic drums and advancing toward the main road and the parade.

"Conquer! Master the Immortal! Conquer all the sorrows, the demon outside!"

"Reign! Real humans! Rule this dark sea of ​​stars, cold universe!"

"The warships are rolling over the waves! The glory of the empire will shine forever!"

"Glory, empire! Glory, Imperial Army!"

The battle songs of the real human empire, along with the cheers of the people, resounded through the heavens and the earth, in all directions.

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