Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2186: Shocking!

The imperial guards stationed in the Qing Dynasty were finally late.

But at this time, the chaos of nearly a million people has reached an unmanageable level.

The comrades-in-arms of these blood league assassins may not be involved in the conspiracy, but under the stimulation of the comrades-in-arms of life and death for more than a decade, they still intentionally or unintentionally expand the chaos and interfere with the reaction of the local defenders.

"There is no good thing in the logistics department and the military department!"

"It was because of the supply of ammunition and the supply of spar fuel that it did not lead us to expand the results!"

"The frontline soldiers are all good guys, and the high-ranking officials are all bastards!"

This is the consensus of almost all frontline forces.

Even if it belongs to the frontline troops of the four major electors, it will instinctively think like this after more than a decade of **** killing.

When the local defenders, who had been ruined, finally rushed to the parade, the assault ship that had made the jade burned had already slammed into it.

All kinds of air-to-air magic weapons can certainly shoot this assault ship with a lot of holes, but there is no way to annihilate the tens of tons of metal invisible.

The fragmented, raging assault ship is like a screaming meteor, squatting on the parade. The soldiers who rushed to the rescue wave hundreds of meters away are flying high, the flames are transpiration, the smoke is filled, what? Can't see it!

Until now, the imperial elders of the East have not yet died.

His loyal personal guards blocked the assassins on the parade, and even some people spared the life, using the spirit and the spirit to interweave into a powerful defensive shield to help the imperial elders block the impact damage caused by the impact of the assault ship.

"Protect the veteran, the elders are going!"

A team of Qingyixing local defenders escorted the seriously damaged Oriental Extension.

They slap the elliptical magic weapon at the waist, and each person has a translucent curved shield behind them. The seven or eight shields overlap, like a strong turtle shell, which strengthens the east. Real, dense and impenetrable.

Before that, a leaflet was fluttering, and it came in through the gap of the shield and fell to the face of Dongfang Tuo.

Dongfang Tuo looked up hard from the suspension stretcher, barely transported enough spirit to read the contents of the leaflet carefully, only to see half of it, his face was white, his mouth overflowed with blood, and his fury was extremely extreme.

"This is a gangster, it’s a big deal, it’s lawless!"

The imperial elders grinned and snarled, "the army... has been penetrated to such an extent, it is simple, simple, and simple."

He hadn't said anything behind "simply", and he heard a heavy and messy respite around him.

A slight glimpse, turned to look at it, but saw a green scorpion local garrison staring at him, the same sweating, double redness, cerebral twitching.

Dongfang Tuo’s pupil instantly shrank into a needle tip: “...and so, this is not true!”

"Slay the thief and defend the empire!"

The local defender of the Qingyixing screamed and smashed his own crystal scorpion, revealing the following transformation surgery, removing most of the internal organs, filling the horrible body with a strong destructive spar bomb, facing the eastern topology. Up, before the rest of the soldiers have not yet reacted, they will hold the imperial elders.

"Long live the Empire!"

The soldier laughed wildly and shouted in a scream.


Inside the light ball, which is made up of overlapping psionic shields, an extremely dazzling red-hot fireball bursts out. The original imperial elder Dongfang, who was seriously injured, was killed on the spot.

The other party's spar bomb seems to have adopted a special design and extremely sinister formula, specifically for the destruction of the soul.

When the situation was finally brought under control, when the defenders sent the coroners of the East Extension to the hospital for rescue, they could not save even a soul, and they were completely lost.

This is the "Blood League event" that was born three days ago and will soon shock the entire empire.

The vast real human empire controls hundreds of thousands of worlds, but in all fields, there are only a total of five hundred veterans.

The status and value of each of the imperial elders can be imagined.

In the past, it was not without the sacred assassin who assassinated the emperor.

However, in broad daylight, especially in the triumphant ceremony of the emperor's triumph of millions of people, an imperial elder is actually assassinated by his own army, which is the first time since the empire began to open up.

The spar bomb embedded in the blood of the members of the League of Nations, although only bloomed for 5. 5 seconds, but the shock wave that it picked up is far from stopping. After killing the East Tuo, it still has the degree of light, throughout The empire swayed, and in all major worlds, forces, countless fleets, sects, and planets, there was a great uproar.

Three days later, the shock wave shocked the bridge of the deep sea fleet's flagship Longyuan. The dead silence made the imperial queen Li Linghai stare at the information on the light curtain. He couldn't spit a word for a long time.

"Why did this kind of thing happen, it just broke all of my overall plan, and suddenly pushed our innovation to the cusp of the wind, the edge of life and death!"

Li Linghai could not wait to burn a few holes in the light curtain, and stared at Li Yao next to him for a while.

"This is really not my business."

Li Yao said innocently, and paused again and again. "Isn't your people doing it? The purpose of this blood league will sound like the idea of ​​the reformist!"

"Of course not. We were not ready to completely break with the four electorate families. How can we assassinate an imperial elder with such a serious matter!"

Li Linghai squinted his eyes and gnashed his teeth. "The Blood League is a radical organization established by young and middle-aged officers in the front line of the empire. Now there are dozens of big worlds on the front line. There are still many similar organizations. What is the 'real dragon', 'Wan Ying Will ', 'acoustic club' and the like, as I said a few days ago, is not to see the way out, and strongly feel the unfair grassroots young officers, the product of arrogant anger.

"The Blood League is the most radical and extreme of many youth officers."

"I have not thought about compiling these young military officers' organizations and uniting them all.

"But the things in the army have always been particularly sensitive. The young officers who have swords and guns and the star-studded starships are hot, and they will make troubles out of the chaos. So our infiltration in the army has always been very careful. At most, these young officers exchanged some thoughts about 'respecting the emperor and renovating the empire'. The arguments were quite concealed, but they never asked them to organize such a strong assassination!

"This is good, an imperial elder is assassinated, and the entire Senate will be furious. Despite this incident, but under the thunder of the Senate, the blood league will certainly disappear, but other youth officers Even the major forces of our reformists will inevitably be ravaged by the fish, and in the end, our cause will be hit hard!

"What we originally thought, the strategy of lurking the claws, secretly concatenating, waiting for the time to mature and then surfaced, is completely unworkable!"

Li Yao thought for a moment: "Is this empire veteran Dong Tuo, so important?"

"Of course important!"

Li Linghai’s voices are all with hail. “He is an important figure in the Eastern family. He is very influential in the empire financial, banking and economic circles. He is also the president of the Empire Development Bank, the Imperial Development Bank, responsible for this 'empire counterattack. 'In the middle of the expeditionary army's military operations, he co-ordinated the logistics in the expeditionary base camp. Every day, astronomical figures and resources flowed from his fingers. Do you say that it is not important?

"However, the position of the chief of the logistics department of the expeditionary army base camp is also a hot potato with hidden barbs. It has co-ordinated the military logistics for so many years, and there are many people who hate the East."

Li Linghai explained carefully that Li Yaocai understood the way.

This time, the real human empire has exhausted the power of the whole country, counter-attacking against the Covenant League, overwhelmingly covering the fleets and battle groups of the Galaxy, and the daily consumption of military supplies is naturally a terrible number.

With so much military supplies, it is impossible to rely on a large world supply, but all the great worlds can work together to support the army's front line operations.

The problem is that every big world has different levels of abundance and infertility. It has different views on this war. It has different confidence in how much benefit it can get after the war. How to collect enough resources from these big worlds? Is a very subtle art.

I honestly squeezed out the resources of my own world and helped the empire win the war. As a result, it was not my own stupid thing to get the benefits. No landlord or warlord was willing to do it.

"The world of Laozi clearly has so many resources available to the front line, but the frontline Laozi's fleet is often not replenished, and the rust on the screws must be cleaned up, and the most difficult combat missions must be undertaken; instead, It is the direct troops of the four major electorate families who eat red light every day. Does the fart oil feed the resources of Laozi all these bags?"

Warlords and landlords from the peripheral world often complain like this.

In all fairness, Dongfang Tuo may not have done the job of secretly supplying the four major electorate family fleets.

However, every day there are astronomical military funds to be arranged in an all-round way. It is impossible to find the resources that the world has collected, and it is so difficult to supply which world's fleet.

What's more, for many warlords and borders in the peripheral world, the facts are not important at all. They just want to use their incomparably strong position to get some benefits for their fleet.

Although the empire is vast and rich, resources are always limited, especially as the front line becomes longer and longer, and the distribution of the front fleets is becoming more and more stretched.

No matter how it is distributed, there is always a dissatisfaction with the fleet. It is believed that the "logistics of locusts and military squads" of the East is deliberately targeting themselves and deeply resent the empire.

Therefore, the truth about the "Blood League event" is still hidden in the fog, it is not known!

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