Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2192: The real emperor!

Li Linghai may not be a conspiracy who is extremely calm and unpredictable.

But from her unrelenting smothering of her brother, Li Lingfeng, and even the murder of her son, it can be seen that she does have the kind of heart and soul, and she has no choice but to dare to drag the entire universe. The momentum is a red-eyed gambler who engraves the word "desperate" into his own marrow.

Now, scattered around the Xinghai, people floating, fearful, a mess of the reforms and the opposition of the four electorate families may need such a madman and gambler to lead.

Everyone was deeply shocked by Li Linghai’s half-madness and half-firm momentum.

She was also completely attracted by her deep transparent eyes like a whirlpool, and she could not help but fall into the mind of Li Linghai.

Many reformists are big powers in the locality. They are very strong in independence. Since they dare to disobey the orders of the four major electors, it is naturally not that Li Linghai can drive them at will.

But now, apart from their absolute belief in the imperial queen who is about to be officially declared to have died, what other options are there?

The meeting lasted for six hours, and all the innovative cultivators who crouched in the depths of the darkness surfaced one by one, contributing their resources, force and intelligence channels, and solemnly promised in the name of themselves, their families and factions. : Must crush the bones, liver and brain, and fight for the construction of a new empire!

Many people used to contact Li Linghai in a single line. They didn't even know that they were so deep in the cause of "respecting the emperor and reversing the spirit of the gods." Hearing that the reformists could mobilize so many resources and force, they could not help but be surprised. The confidence that sank into the bottom of the valley was once again burning.

Li Linghai's brain is as high as a brain-like brain, dazzling, lightning-fast distribution and integration of resources.

From commanding many reformists, they first concealed and evaded search, how to rescue the already arrested Taoist friends, and how to connect the entire Xinghai force, and the opposition of the military, politics, economics and media, etc. On the top of the Temple of the Emperor, they attacked the Senate, which was controlled by the four electorate families, and even how to incite the frontline troops, especially the grassroots officers and soldiers, and strive to bring the army together. All of them have made decisions and spread them in an orderly manner.

Even Li Yao saw her calmly and arrogantly, and there was no gap between them. There was a kind of artistic beauty, and she could not help but admire in her heart.

The white queen's general imperial queen, the fighting power is stronger than his wife Ding Ling, and the crazy and hot, but like the enhanced version of Jin Xinyue.

It would be like putting two people, Ding Ling and Jin Xinyue together, and magnifying them ten times.

If such a woman is leading the entire "new empire" in the near future, will it be better or worse than the current situation?

If it is even worse, how can Li Yao stop her from transforming?"

When every order is made out, there will be a senior officer of the deep-sea fleet leaving the communication room, or a light and shadow of a telecommunication disappearing, to race against time.

Six hours later, Li Linghai made the last order without expression.

Jin Yuyan, Yue Wushuang, Dongfang Sheng, Tu Zhengdao, all of her left and right arms have left the communication room.

The revolutionary Thunderstorm, a Jedi counterattack that swept the entire empire, is about to begin.

The vast secret communication room, the sleek spherical palace, the smooth curved mirror-like walls around the square can not see a half-way gap, giving a cold and oppressive feeling.

Only the imperial queen Li Linghai, and her personal bodyguard "vulture Li Yao" two people.

Li Linghai silently watched the last string of words on the light curtain disintegrate, turning into a little bit of light, like a burning butterfly, smashed into the darkness, suddenly slamming, always covered with frost covered face, overflowing with a bit of painful color, The figure was slightly trembled, and it was about to fall on the floating plate.

Even if it is a deep and unpredictable peak of the gods, it seems that the humanoid brain has continuously processed six hours of intricate intelligence and commands with high intensity, and the brain is also seriously overdrawn, on the edge of burning.

Li Yao was a bodyguard and was duty-bound. He stepped on the floating plate of Li Linghai and carefully supported the imperial queen.

Some unexpectedly, the high-spirited, frosty Queen's Highness did not reject his kindness, but closed his eyes, his face was pale, and his forehead ooze a layer of fine sweat.

It seems that the four major electorate families were suddenly difficult to completely obliterate her from politics to **. This incident has dealt a great blow to her, and she is not as fanatical and strong as she is in front of others.

Li Yao even made a mistake in the daytime, as if he could see a twisted and fragile spirit through the carefully embellished face of the empress and the thick armor behind the face, another real spirit!

However, this "fragility" is only a moment. When Li Linghai opened his eyes again after five seconds, the bottom of his eyes is still a cold ice that has never changed. It has once again become the imperial queen who is desperate, bloody, and unyielding!

"I heard the news that I was obliterated. Almost everyone gave birth to a moment of vacillation. Only three people were completely unmoved, and the moon was unparalleled, Jin Yuyan, and you."

Li Linghai looked at Li Yao intently and seriously. "Moon Musou and Jin Yuyan are the most deadly reformists. They are the most intimate comrades I can trust. It is your performance, and some are beyond my expectations."

"Oh, I am used to it."

Li Yaoqi said with a blind eye, "Moreover, the reason why I am standing on your side is not because you are an empress queen, but because you are a woman whom my righteous father loved and died, I will rely on this. I can't give up on you, seeing you die."

Li Linghai lingered for a long time, suddenly smiled and said: "I really did not expect that when my career fell to the lowest point, almost collapsed, standing next to me turned out to be a comprehension.

"Your appearance is really a gift given to me in time. For the next time, I really need a strong bodyguard like you. Once the four major families choose to kill them with biochemical viruses, it’s not me. It will definitely move the second round and the third round of assassination.

"Although I have gained a lot of inheritance from the 'Golden Holy Cross", but before the situation has stabilized, these inheritances are absolutely unseen, so in many cases, I am not convenient to personally, everything depends on you. It is.

"Of course, you are so loyal to me, I will never treat you badly. Do you want to see it, the secret treasure in the ‘Golden Holy Cross?’

Li Yao’s pupil suddenly shrank, and the breath suddenly rushed.

It is no wonder that he has not been able to calm down the chaotic brains, but it is the inheritance of the human supreme Emperor 10,000 years ago!

Li Linghai was willing to share the inheritance of the emperor with him, indicating that his trust in him has reached a new height.

Li Yao took a deep breath and shook his head hard. He knew that there was no white lunch in the world. Li Linghai was so generous and must have pictures.

He did not want to fall into the rhythm of Li Linghai, and reluctantly calmed down: "The inheritance of the emperor, of course, must be well-informed, but not eager for a moment, or let me talk about the next move."

"Since the Queen's Highness is willing to share such a precious inheritance with me, obviously it is necessary for me to carry out a difficult task of a crisis and a life of nine deaths?"

Li Linghai gave a slight glimpse. He did not expect Li Yao to be unshakable in the face of such a huge temptation. He raised his rating on Li Yao and nodded. "Yes, there is indeed a very difficult task, but it will never Let you be alone, but all of us are dispatched. In any case, the Thunder must rescue General Lei Chenghu. This is the key to the success or failure of our cause!

"Rescue Lei Chenghu?"

Li Yao thought for a moment, "Where is this sacred general, General Lei Chenghu, who is known as the ‘God of War,’ is so domineering?”

The word "God of War" is not something that anyone can afford.

It must be in the military or the military world, the Weizhen Xinghai, the suppression of the empire, and the best figures of the best, can be worthy of such a hegemonic nickname.

"General Lei Chenghu is the legend of the emperor. In addition to the generals of the four major electoral family systems, the elders have the oldest, most martial and most prestigious generals. The word 'God of War' is not exaggerated. It is the most pertinent evaluation of countless local warlords and miscellaneous soldiers."

When mentioning the experience of "Lei Cheng Hu", Li Xinhai, the emperor of the arrogant emperor, brought a reverence in his tone. "General Lei was born in the 'Guangyuan Leijia', which is considered to be among the four major electors. Between the small aristocrats and the small aristocrats, a medium-sized family can also be dwelling in the world of one's own side, free and easy, drinking wine, and comfortable for a lifetime.

"If you have a little ambition, you will lead your own private soldiers, and fight with the warlords in the near world, rubbing each other, fighting for power.

"But General Ray is an odd number among the nobility and the warlords.

"He is the kind of real, pure, selfless cultivator. After he controlled all the resources of 'Guangyuan Leijia', he really expanded his armaments, exhausted the family's resources, and formed an extremely powerful private soldier. .

"But he did not use this fleet to expand toward the neighboring world, but instead went deep into the starry sea to fight the star thief in the dark.

"For four or fifty years, General Lei has led his own fleet, traversing the battlefield against star thieves, almost sweeping the empire's fourth quadrant into dozens of thousands of worlds and hundreds of star-studded star thieves. In the end, as long as the transport team that is coming and going draws the emblem of Lei Chenghu on the starship, the star thief will be stunned and escaping.

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