Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2195: The power is high, the bird is full of bows!

Li Yao secretly swears, if the emperor is treated as a whole, the general Lei Chenghu is a well-deserved "military squad".

Li Linghaidao: "When the empire finally moved to the strategic counterattack, the troops of General Lei Chenghu took the lead, and the first rushed into the five worlds, such as the black wind, which was occupied by the sacred alliance for a hundred years, five wars and five saga, one hundred years of homeland, one The recovery has also cleared the way for the large-scale attack of the follow-up forces.

"After more than ten years, General Lei Chenghu's thundering fleet has been galloping on the most difficult battlefield, and many times with the Holy League **** to fragmented, almost lost the degree of establishment.

"The prestige of General Lei Chenghu and the love of the middle and lower-level officers, coupled with the anxiety of the time, the need to open the situation, even the four major electorate families did not dare to stir up and rebuild the thundering fleet. Only the latest sharp warships that have just been refined can be transferred to the generals of General Lei.

"Of course, the people of the four major electorate families will not easily listen to the generals of the Thunder, so they have been added to the thunderstorm fleet again and again, often the local troops and miscellaneous soldiers who were beaten in the **** battle.

"After more than a decade of strategic counterattacks, naturally there are countless troops being defeated and losing their numbers. These low morale defeats will be the garbage that no one wants, but they will pass the sluggish breath to other troops, but General Lei Chenghu did not refuse to come, and all accepted it.

"After a series of **** battles, General Lei’s troops have long become a source of hodgepods, gathering remnants from all over the Xinghai.

"There are even many people who admire General Lei’s personality and heroic achievements. They clearly have better places to go, but they take the initiative to go to General Lei, making the composition of the thundering fleet more complicated.

"This kind of 'mixed army' is placed in the hands of any commander, but the generals Lei Chenghu is an incredible supernatural power. In the shortest possible time, the people of the Uighurs can be trained to be elite and give them and their enemies. The courage of jade burning.

"General Lei Chenghu may not be the empire's one-handed soldier, but when it comes to training, it is the most recognized empire!

"In short, General Lei Chenghu led such a miscellaneous army, always rushing to the front line against the sacred alliance, and made a great contribution to the empire.

"At the moment, the situation is slightly stable. The fourth joint fleet of the Expeditionary Force under General Lei Chenghu, known as the 'Thundering Fleet', is the largest number of main battleships, the most sophisticated and combative, with the exception of the four major electoral systems. The strongest fleet, and in terms of the will to fight, even far above the private squad of the election of the emperor, the big waves and the sand, the hundred refining into gold, after a hundred years of iron and blood screening, now General Lei Chenghu’s majesty, neither greedy The coward who is afraid of death, and the villains who are not selfish, are the most excellent soldiers who are most purely ideal and willing to throw their heads and sprinkle blood to defend the empire!

"At present, General Lei Chenghu, as the admiral of the Imperial Super League, commanded the Fourth Joint Fleet of the Expeditionary Forces and served as the Commander of the Third Theater. The Third War Zone has four worlds of war just recovering and dozens of quite rich. The resource planet also has two twisted stars that are very suitable for the collective jump of large-scale fleets. It is the hub of the military."

After listening to Li Linghai's introduction, Li Yao slammed for a long time: General Lei Chenghu was really the empire's 'Qingtian Giant Pillar and Seamount Golden Beam'. The four major electorate families dared to be so mad and to this extent, just want to fight against innovation. It’s just like sending a military squad like this. Isn’t it afraid that the front line will change? ”

"You are wrong."

Li Linghai faintly said, "Whether the four electors of the emperor want to deal with the reformists, swiftly sweep away General Lei Chenghu; or the goal of the four electorate families is General Lei Chenghu, to deal with our reformists as smoke bombs. Not yet known!"

Li Yao indulged in a moment and widened his eyes: "The high power of the earthquake, the birds do the bow?"

"Yes, remember that when I introduced the situation of the Empire a few days ago, I said that after more than a decade of **** battles, the troops that were originally scattered in the various worlds of the Empire have come together and gradually awakened the will of the military. Are you eager to make your own voice?"

Li Linghai smiled and said, "Guess, if the 'military' really wants to get rid of the control of the four electorate families and grow into an independent behemoth, who would it choose to become its leader?"

Li Yao blurted out: "General Lei Chenghu?"


Li Linghaidao, "General Lei Chenghu is almost a perfect emperor. No matter the prestige, the merits, the personality charm or the stalwart image in the minds of many grassroots officers and soldiers, no one can match, the word 'God of War' Absolutely worthy of the name.

"The military wants to get rid of the control of the four major electorate families and even the Senate. It is impossible to rely on the spurs of the "Blood League". It is also necessary to have a real weight of the military to lead them. Lei Chenghu The general is the only candidate!"

Li Yao thought for a moment and said: "What does General Lei Chenghu mean by himself? What is his opinion on the so-called "reformist"?"

"The attitude of General Lei Chenghu himself is not important. I believe that General Lei will never lead the army to resist the intention of the Senate. It will not be related to any 'blood league'. If he has such ambitions, he would have been a hundred years ago. I will not ruin my family's martyrdom. I will go out of my nest and fight with the sacred alliance. I absolutely believe that General Lei will struggle all his life and make everything out. It is just for the words "sincerely loyal to the country."

Li Linghaidao, "Only, since the name of the "God of War" is carried, many things are unavoidable by General Lei, including being called by the extremist organizations such as the 'Blood League', and calling and inciting in his name. Other officers and men, even when the time was right, were picked up by countless fanatical young officers and pushed to a throne that he did not want to sit on!"

Li Yao’s pupils contracted to the extreme: “Understood, that’s ‘yellow gown plus’!”

Li Linghai gave a slight glimpse: "What does it mean to add a yellow robe?"

Li Yao blinked: "Hey, this is an allusion to our Firefly, don't worry about it. In short, what you want to say is a meaning. I can fully understand the delicate situation of General Lei Chenghu."

"Then you should be able to understand more, why the four major electors have risked the instability of the front line, and they must solve the problem of General Lei Chenghu, even more than solve our innovations?"

Li Linghai sneered a sigh of relief. "A hundred years ago, the four major electorate families did not rush to solve General Lei. They were not soft-hearted, but at that time, General Lei had not formed enough threats, and the front line was also used, and the generals of Lei were urgently needed. 'God of War'.

"But now, the independence of the military is stronger every day. The position of grassroots young officers is more radical day by day, and the prestige of General Lei is increasing day by day.

"In addition, the squadron has lost its armor and collapsed. It seems that it is no longer a major threat to the empire for decades. Is it the best time for ‘the rabbit is dead and the bird is bowed?’

"God of War, huh, God of War! In a millennial empire controlled by the nobility and the gatekeeper, what is the man who is called the ‘God of War’?

Li Yao took a long sigh of relief and wiped the sweat from his forehead. "Since the general prestige of General Lei is so high, how can the ‘special investigation committee’ easily take away the generals from the thundering fleet?”

"It is General Lei who took the initiative to follow them."

Li Linghai sighed. "You don't know General Lei. He is a pure soldier. The soldier who obeys the command of the vocation is the soldier of the empire. The Senate represents the glory of the empire. He did not completely die for the Senate. Before being completely desperate, it will only obey the orders of the Senate unconditionally.

"So, the investigation committee does not need many people at all. Even if two civilian personnel with no hands are allowed, General Lei will leave his fleet and return to the nest of the four electors."

Li Yao stunned for a long time and smiled bitterly: "I didn't expect it, there is such a cultivator."

"General Ray is the model of the military and the immortal in our ideals. Whether it is his friend or the enemy, he has to admire his great personality."

Li Linghai said, "Many people say that General Lei was born in the wrong age. He should have been born in the era of the Black Star Emperor a thousand years ago, the vigorous, enterprising, fair and honest human empire.

"If that is the case, perhaps he has already helped the Black Star Emperor to annihilate the Covenant Alliance as the Marshal of the Empire, and at least he can wipe out the embers of the old nobility and the gatekeeper!"

Li Yao’s eyes turned two times and said: “Listen to the Queen’s Highness, I think that General Lei Chenghu is quite a model of self-cultivation!”

Li Linghai smiled slightly: "I know what you are thinking. Do you think that there will be an opportunity to convert General Lei into a self-cultivator? Then you are very wrong. Be careful. If you can meet with General Ray, you should never reveal your self-repair. The identity of the general, General Lei, is abhorrent to the self-cultivator."

Li Yao lived: "Why?"

"General Ray is one of the most determined cultivators, and he has suppressed the riots of the practitioners several times."

Li Linghaidao, "Of course, that is not necessarily the 'real comprehension', at least not the riots organized by the stars. Many star thieves and private squadrons like to play the banner of the comprehension. Who is true and false? clear?

"Seeing the evil form of these 'study', and seeing the ignorance and madness of the ignorant people who are swayed by them, do you think that General Ray will have any good feelings for the comprehension, regardless of the sacred sacred or the sacred devil? The comprehension is the same in the eyes of General Lei, both, the enemy of the Empire!"

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