Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2201: Gambling national luck!

Oriental White is really stunned.

The three dogs that wanted to smash the corpse of the giant beast suddenly found themselves to be the prey under the sharp fangs. They could not help but tremble under the gaze of Lei Chenghu.

"Open, kidding?"

The oriental white is stuttering.

Lei Chenghu smiled a little gloomyly. His eyes were full of disdain and hate iron. He sighed and said: "You, hang the slogan of 'natural selection, survival of the fittest'. At the mouth, when faced with a specific number of tens of hundreds of original people, they dare to trample and trample on each other's lives, but when they want to move the real thing, they all become shrinking turtles.

"What kind of cultivator are you, eh? It's just a scorpion of the cultivator, satisfying one's own desires, showing his strength in the bullying, and indulging in this boring pleasure, the ants, the poor worms. Nothing!

"These words are what I want to say to the Senate. I am responsible for every word I have said, and there is no such thing as a joke.

"Although with the sacred alliance in the black wind world confrontation for a hundred years, but I did not agree with the rush to launch a strategic counterattack.

"But at the time the Senate had issued a general mobilization of the war, I can only faithfully execute the orders of the Senate.

"When the army is in a strong momentum, hit the line of the "Shenying Furukawa" and conquer the 18th world, I have written to the Senate and demanded that I immediately turn from a strategic attack to a strategic defense. After at least 50 years of hard work, a new round of offense can be launched.

"But, in the Senate and the expeditionary base camp, those who are eager to smoke and squint have thrown my advice aside, like a wild dog that smells meat, desperately mad, until today, swallowed dozens of breaths. The world is so vast that the division of troops and logistical pressures are too big to be added.

"At this time, you know that you are afraid. If you want to see it, you will receive it."

"Tell you, it's late!

"The sacred people will never look at the empire to operate the Sunbeam complex. For more than ten years, our army has captured so many inhabitable planets and resource planets, but it has never captured the signs of the sacred alliance. It is the biggest hidden danger!

"I don't take long to guarantee the head of the man. Maybe it's just in the infighting of the empire's imperial temple. I figured out how to divide the 'victory fruit' that I just got. The main force of the sacred alliance will definitely be the most unexpected. The coordinates have been killed and the largest counterattack has been launched so far. If our army can't resist this counterattack, it will not only lose all the new world of light, but will even completely lose its strategic initiative and expose the entire hinterland to the blade of the sacred alliance. Let the enemy kill!

"It's just that it's hard to ride a tiger. It's just precarious. It's ridiculous that you are sitting in the back office, all day long against the crystal light curtain, the daydreaming guy, but still ignorant!

"The best defense is offense. Originally, I was not in favor of launching such an immature 'empire counterattack', but since he has already reached this point, then the opposition will not help, and it will disperse valuable troops to dozens. The world that has just recovered, the resources are scarce, and the people have been severely brainwashed, in the shackles of passive beatings and shackles everywhere, I would rather concentrate all the forces and continue to attack, attack and attack the sacred hinterland!

"If you want to completely penetrate the last line of defense of the sacred alliance and force the enemy's main force to come out of a strategic decisive battle, then the scale of the expeditionary force must be expanded by at least 20%!"


The three reviewers, such as Dongfang Bai, were completely stupid, and they couldn’t speak for a long time.

"I know there are difficulties in the rear, but there is no difficulty in the war."

Lei Chenghu said faintly, "I have carefully studied a series of economic policies and rewards and punishments regulations implemented in the comprehensive general mobilization. I have found that you have not explained the great significance of this war and the sinister bureaus currently facing the empire to the public. The spirit of loyalty and patriotism and sacrifice for human civilization has not been thoroughly stimulated.

"In my opinion, there is still great potential in the rear. I am writing a "The Next Stage of the Strategy", which has a 'concentration camp system', which was originally prepared for the Shin Kong area in Shin Kong, for those who have been brainwashed by the Holy League. Severe public use, but at such a critical moment, for the world where some riots and ruthless people are polluted by the rear, it is also possible to set up some 'concentration camps'. I believe that the efficiency and patriotic enthusiasm of the original people can be greatly improved. At least, They can greatly reduce their consumption, save more resources and ensure the supply of front lines.

"In short, the war has reached the most critical time. The Empire and the Holy Alliance are like two corners, the panting, the exhausted bull. At this time, it depends on whoever collapses first, as long as there is a sign of a trace of collapse, then all Finished!

"Yes, from now on, you must do it for another three or five years or even ten years. If the front and rear add up to sacrifice at least 50 billion people and want to win, please ask the Senate to consider my Strategy."

Oriental White swallowed hard and took a step back.

It is as if the tiger in front of the WISP is smashing the barrier of the Xinghai and directly biting his throat.

"The Senate will not agree to such a crazy plan."

The head of the "light system" spoiled hard and swallowed, and the voice was swaying like a candle in the wind. "Not to mention, the current supply of resources, the local aristocracy and warlords are called bitter, and all kinds of confrontation How can it reinforce the strength of the general mobilization?"

Lei Chenghu smiled and his face was "I know you can't do it." The words turned and said: "If you can't do it, then prepare for a strategic retreat!"

Oriental White was completely messed up: "What?"

"The dozens of big worlds in the Shin Kong complex area are destined to be impossible to hold."

Lei Chenghu’s endurance explanation is not for the oriental white, but for the many veterans behind the oriental white, “especially the more than 20 worlds that have been conquered in the last three years, purely the bait thrown by the sacred alliance, with thorns. , toxic!

"If the Senate can't continue to increase its troops to the expeditionary force, I suggest taking the initiative to give up more than 20 worlds. The whole army will shrink to the 'Shenying Furukawa' line, which will also reduce the logistical pressure while concentrating the troops. Maybe there is a chance to resist The sacred alliance’s Jedi counterattack.

"Of course, even if you choose this more conservative strategy, you really retreat to the 'Shenying Furukawa' line, the expeditionary force must not be abolished, at least to maintain the current scale, and further concentrate the highest command, only to have enough combat effectiveness. , waiting for the opportunity and the main force of the sacred alliance, strategic battle!"

"This is even more impossible!"

The oriental white blurted out. "The enemy has been defeated like a mountain and fled. The army has to retreat and take the initiative to give up more than 20 big worlds. This is simply"

"Yeah, it's really impossible. Those hungry dignitaries have long stretched their necks to prepare for so many delicious and splendid trophies. Who will be willing to spit out the fat in their throats?"

Lei Chenghu shook his head and sighed. "The timidity is not the path of ruin. The greed is not the same, but it is both timid and greedy, or greedy in the timidity. When you are greedy, you are timid and you are looking for a dead end!"

"This is a good example of this, and all the kings are good at it!"

Lei Chenghu slowly closed his eyes and fell into meditation.

This is the first time he claimed to be "Ben Hou".

"Liao Haihou..."

At one time, Dongfangbai was somewhat helpless. After a long period of time, he said, "You are too alarmist. 'Take the enemy deeper' is a common trick of the military, but since ancient times, who can go crazy to pay for dozens of worlds? The price comes to 'encour the enemy deeper'?

"This is a few dozen inhabitable planets plus hundreds of resource planets, an inestimable population, veins and resources!

"With such a huge amount of resources, a slight loss will be absorbed and absorbed by the empire. At that time, the sacred alliance will be ruined, and it will be defeated!

"Even the most mad gambler, it is impossible to adopt this desperate strategy. This is purely a gamble on the national transport!

"After more than a decade ago, when the empire launched a strategic counterattack, the sacred alliance clearly had the upper hand. Is there any reason to be so mad at the national slogan?

"So, the base camp and the Senate have not considered the enemy in the ‘to lure the enemy,’ but the possibility is minimal and there is no such thing!”


Lei Chenghu once again opened his eyes and burst into the light of the mixture of beasts and gamblers, word by word, "Bet National Games? This word is used well!

"Indeed, if the sacred ally is as powerful as it seems to be, and it has always maintained its advantage over the empire, there is no need to gamble on the national movement.

"But if the sacred alliance does not look so powerful?

"If the enemy is a strong foreigner, has long been hollowed out in the millennial war, has fallen to the brink of collapse?"

"If the sacred people do not engage in the trick of tempting the enemy to go deep, and the empire has spent decades on the frontal battlefield, is it destined to collapse?"

"In this case, is there any enemy who will bet on everything, and may be desperate? Please tell me!"

The oriental white face was shocked and speechless.

"Compared with the empire's system, the greatest advantage of the sacred system is the brainwashing that has been implemented through the genetic stage, which has completely curbed the free will of the people's desires."

Lei Chenghu said faintly, "In this way, the strength of all the people is highly concentrated together, and there is almost no internal consumption. The internal friction coefficient of social operation is infinitely close to zero, rather than to the empire, and it is endless.

"But such a deformed system has its own fatal flaws.

"Without free will, there is no creativity and initiative. Without emotions and desires, there is no way to push civilization forward. The whole world is dead. Everyone is step by step, just a bunch of machines that are full of clockwork.

"The only factor that can push forward the evolution of the sacred alliance is that the ruins of the Pangu that they continually unearthed are upgraded through the technology and magic that ‘God’ gave them.

"A thousand years ago, the sacred alliance used the "advanced technology of Pangu ruins" and the "zero friction system with little internal friction" to beat the empire and was caught off guard and achieved a strategic advantage over the empire.

"But war has always been the fastest way of civilized exchange. After the millennium war, the empire has also reached the technical level close to the sacred alliance through various channels.

"And the sacred society lacks creativity and initiative, and the fatal weakness of the dead is constantly exposed.

"Moreover, for thousands of years, the empire has always firmly occupied the most prosperous world in the center of the Xinghai. The comprehensive national strength is above the sacred alliance. Even if the front line encounters several fiasco, it can continue to replenish its strength and resources. The sacred alliance is absolutely not consumed. From the beginning.

"The war of the sacred alliance against the empire is a typical small country. It can be a miracle in a miracle. It is a miracle in the miracle. Now the tricks are over, and at most three or fifty years, it can only be ridiculously gambling, it is very strange. ?"

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