Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2203: Firewall

"and also"

The blood-colored demons continued, "Lei Chenghu also forced a large number of original and real people into his troops, purely used as cannon fodder to consume, which only won a valuable breathing time, so that he can gather a piece of loose sand, reorganize Line and get enough maneuvering power.

"On the other hand, he also called for the soldiers to go to the civilians to 'kill the country,' and gave all the people in the theater the 'Long live the bomb' and various excitement drugs for the battlefield, and repeatedly brainwashed, instilling in the people 'Zhongjun patriotism, jade and burning 'thought of."

Li Yaodao: "What is the ghost of the Long Live?"

The Scarlet Mind: "It's a shoddy spar bomb. Under the theater he controls, almost everyone has one."

"Lei Chenghu asks the people, once the squad of the squad is really landing, he will inject the stimulant into his carotid artery, and after receiving the instant strengthening stimulation, he will scream "Long live" and throw it up with the spar bomb and the enemy. At the very least, use these spar bombs to squander and leave yourself with a 'decent citizen'.

"Of course, it doesn't make sense to do this. After all, once the planet is occupied by the Holy League, the people are caught by the sacred alliance, and they will be sent to the 'temple' to brainwash, deprive them of their desires and self-will, and turn them into only Know the flesh and blood machinery that faithfully enforces the order and strengthen the power of the Holy Alliance.

"However, from the perspective of the self-cultivator, of course, it would be too cruel to think of Lei Chenghu.

"In short, Lei Chenghu is the earliest implementation of 'scorched earth tactics', and the most thorough implementation. Once he wants to evacuate a certain planet, he will never leave half of the granary or spar mine to the sacred alliance. As for the various weights Industrial facilities are even more clean.

"As for the people, he will use the means of iron and blood to organize the people to evacuate with the fleet with the highest efficiency, to maximize the preservation of the living forces, but those who are really unable to evacuate, but he does not care about their lives, and even openly encourage them to die, for The empire relieves the burden, lest it be 'caught for the tiger' and become the cannon fodder of the enemy.

"Lei Chenghu's many ruthless and even mad tactics, even inside the empire, there are many criticisms, especially those who forcibly seized all the property, even forced him to become the cannon to the frontline, and all the interests involved. The group later launched a crazy attack on him.

"However, after a series of impeccable victories, these angry and ruthless guys have to admit that Lei Chenghu's approach is completely in line with the cultivator's avenue, and at that time, if not, the sacred army is very likely to pursue the victory. , rushed into the hinterland of the empire, it is all over!

"In any case... If there is a true cultivator like a textbook, Lei Chenghu is. He seems to regard everyone including himself as a pawn, as a sword to defend the empire.

"I really appreciate such a character man, but as a self-cultivator, are you sure you want to rescue such a hard-working **** savvy?"

Li Yao thought for a long time.

In fact, he does not need to say that he is faintly convinced that he is eager to worship the Imperial Army, the Liao Haihou, the most elite deep-sea fleet, and a whole theater. How could it be a good person?


"I think that we are mainly considering now, not even whether the reformists can seize the highest power of the empire."

Li Yao pondered and cautiously said, "The subtle situation inside the empire is only one aspect, and the sacred alliance is equally important. On the other hand, the gang of gangs is just awkward, not a dead person. Is it really a tens of dozens of pieces lost in one breath? The world is indifferent, and is it silly to watch the Empire digest the fruits of victory and complete internal integration?

"When we were still in the federal, we discussed this issue in depth with the deputy commander of the Black Wind Fleet, Di Feiwen. From the perspective of 'bystanders clear', Di Feiwen also felt that the brilliant victory of the 'empire counterattack' was too easy. Too bad.

"After devouring dozens of worlds, the phenomenon of 'uneven and indigestible' will surely happen, and that is the opportunity for the sacred alliance!

"So, although I don't know why the sacred alliance is going crazy, taking dozens of big worlds as a bet to make such a horrible bet, I believe that the sacred alliance must have a conspiracy!

"Looking back to look at the current empire, according to Li Linghai's words, it was really the end of the dynasty, and there were all kinds of contradictions and sharp contradictions.

"The small and medium-sized aristocrats and the four major electoral families have contradictions. There are contradictions between the emerging warlords of the outer stars and the veteran powers of the central star domain. There are contradictions between the real people and the original people. There are also contradictions between the low-order immortals and the high-ranking immortals. The expeditionary forces and the elders The hospital is more contradictory.

"Even if you want to use the bodies of the four electorate families to eliminate all the contradictions of Li Linghai yourself, is there any hidden ambition that will arouse greater contradictions? Who knows!

"If, when the various contradictions of the empire come to a total outbreak, the sacred alliance seizes the opportunity to kill a ‘returned carbine.’ What will happen?”

The **** demons silenced for a long time: "If the sacred alliance really wants to seize the precious opportunity of all the contradictions, then they must know the situation inside the empire."

"It is not impossible. Remember the sacred ‘Tang Qianhe’ that we met in the Kunlun ruins more than 100 years ago?”

Li Yaodao, "Tang Qianhe Ming Ming is a sect of the sacred alliance, but he can vividly simulate the normal feelings of the seven people, but also penetrated into the investigation team of Su Changfa, who did not notice.

"Su Changfa later told us that the exploration of the "simulated emotions" technology of the sacred alliance is far superior to the "spirit test technology" used by the empire to prevent the penetration of the sacred alliance. I don't know how many secret sins are placed inside the empire, many secrets. The spies are all so-called 'silencers', and they will never reveal their identity without encountering unexpected situations.

"It is good to say that Tang Qianhe is a sacred spy. She found tears and disguise when she found a living Pangu.

"Think about it. If we didn't find a living Pangu at that time, is it possible for Tang Qianhe to follow the Su Changfa and the fire like a fire, infiltrating into the Federation?

"The Empire and the Holy Alliance have carried out the millennial war. There are countless sectarian spies lurking inside the empire. It is normal to send intelligence back to the sacred league!

"But on the other hand, the imperial espion wants to lurk into the interior of the sacred alliance. I am afraid that it is not so easy to completely erase the feelings of the seven emotions and the free will. It is too difficult to simulate!"

The **** heart said: "When you say this, I also think of ‘Tang Qianhe’. It’s terrible that the woman is crazy to turn herself into pure energy to wake up the Pangu.

"If even a small expedition can hide the secrets of the sacred alliance, then in the various key departments of the empire, there are more secret spoofs that may be hidden. It is indeed possible to accurately grasp and even secretly manipulate the empire. Some contradictions have intensified and erupted."

"and so"

Li Yaodao, "The millennium balance of power has not been so easy to break. The so-called "grand victory of the empire's counterattack" has been greatly reduced. Even if the Imperial Army is really in the front line, it is more dangerous and more vulnerable.

"Slightly inadvertent, the sacred squad is counter-attacking, and the empire that is fighting in the middle of the battle is completely unknown!

"Once the empire collapses, it will have two consequences.

"First, all the people living in the hundreds of thousands of worlds in the empire, regardless of whether they are cultivators or ordinary people, will all be involved in the infinite war, falling into a situation that is more than a hundred times worse than now, not being brainwashed into blood, It is with them and their homes are gone.

"Although I am very reluctant to admit it, no matter how evil the real human empire is, in the past millennium, it has finally maintained the unity of the densely populated world of the Xinghai Central and the general peace.

"Ning is the Taiping Bridge. It is hard to imagine that the Millennium Empire will collapse and it will be a **** horror."

"Secondly, once the empire collapses and receives most of the power from the sacred alliance, it really needs to expand into a giant that devours the universe. The glory of the constellation will face the pressure of this behemoth alone.

"The Black Wind Fleet and the Imperial Homeland still maintain a minimum liaison. The existence of the Federation is destined to be concealed for a long time, up to one or two hundred years, to complete the engulfing and integration of the Empire. The Holy League will definitely extend its claws to the Union.

"One or two hundred years, what is enough for the federation, is it possible to learn from the former Xinghai Republic and build a big ship to escape?"

"Once the empire and the federation have collapsed and the sacred alliance has nurtured and awakened a large number of Pangu people, is there still hope for human civilization? Will it be completely discarded by the Pangu people, just like the tools for accomplishing the mission?

"So, no matter from the perspective of hundreds of millions of ordinary people in the central part of the Xinghai Sea, or from the perspective of the national interests of the Starry Federation, or even the entire human civilization, to maintain a stable empire, acting between the Federation and the Holy Alliance. The firewall's, and continue to promote the situation of 'two tigers fighting, stalemate', are the best.

"Looking at the entire empire, if someone can withstand the deadly attack of the squad, it is the ‘God of War’.

"Not to mention, the four major electoral families are now under house arrest of Lei Chenghu, and may not necessarily kill him. It is more likely that the two sides will reach an agreement, or Lei Chenghu will use other methods to get out of the way. In short, we can’t interfere with him at all. .

"With Li Linghai, I rescued Lei Chenghu and placed him in the 'innovationist' camp. We can also observe and interfere with him at a close distance. In the most extreme circumstances, there is still a chance to kill him. He heard that he is a veteran. God is strong, but after all, it is the commander of the fleet, the commander of the theater, and the big man in the field. He is good at the combat and commanding art of the big corps. It is really a matter of getting started. There is no reason to fight more than us, right?"

“It’s a bit reasonable, your mind is getting clearer and clearer.”

The **** demons indulged for a moment and suddenly screamed, "Be careful!"

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