Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2206: The old monster is terrible!

"No Shadow" Duan Rui was completely messy.

The whole brain is like a super-high-speed crystal train that slams into a whirlwind, and only feels that the whole world is in an instant, beyond recognition!

This is Wang Hao, this is the "blood-blood" Wang Hao, but he is standing there casually, let them twenty or thirty desperate people who are afraid to come close!

So humble and awesome to this unremarkable youth?

Duan Rui heard the sound of cold air coming from behind him and behind him.

Even he himself forgot the taste of breathing.

Still not responding, the "blood slaughter" Wang Hao has made a move that makes them even more wrong.

This incomparably murderous machine, even stepped to the side, holding a large towel in both hands, bent over to the "predecessor".

When Li’s predecessor passed by, he grabbed two cans of high-energy nutrient and watched it and watched it.


Duan Rui’s brain was blank and completely lost his ability to think.

When preparing to assassinate Wang Hao, he once watched a training video from the other side.

That is in the harsh environment of Baidu near Baidu, Wang Hao naked, hands-on against a fierce beast "Ice Rock Giant Bear" cultivation scene.

Three seconds, just three seconds, Wang Hao's hands twisted the ice rock giant bear neck more than half a meter in diameter, and even hard to tear the head of this beast with a hard iron-like spine.

It is this video that reinforces the determination that Duan Ruining can turn his face with the killer organization he belongs to, and he will never dare to be enemies with Wang Hao.

But now, this pair can instantly tear the big hand of the ice rock giant bear, but shivering slightly, holding two cans of high-energy nutrient, ready to serve?

Duan Rui can't believe his eyes.

But the heartbeat was unable to contain it faster and faster, and the muscles of the whole body shivered involuntarily, and even the bone marrow felt the stinging pain.

Duan Rui blinked, and there was an abyss of fear from the bottom of his heart.

He suddenly realized that from the time he first entered the war room, the momentum that made them dare not go forward easily was not released by Wang Hao.

Wang Hao has already scared this look, and where will there be any "forced momentum"?

From the very beginning, they scared their twenty or thirty desperate people to the pupil contraction, muscle fibrillation, and dare not go up the first half of the step, which is the momentum of this unremarkable youth!

The young man did not even have to spend a little effort, deliberately stretching the block, releasing the psionic power to scare people, only after the fierce battle, the aftermath of the aftermath of the war, so that so many strong, murderer, jealousy and madman Dare to go to the pool half a step!

"Where did the Queen's Highness find such a terrible monster?"

Despite knowing that the other party and the other are in the same camp, Duan Rui is still in a burst of heart, this is the instinct fear of the small carnivore on the wild beasts. "Where is he sacred!"

Li Yaozhen was immersed in the hearty battle that just happened, and did not care how these "hero heroes" recruited by Li Linghai from all sides looked at him.

After all, the true human empire is truly elite, and most of it is concentrated in the major families and sects.

In the old saying, these "heroic heroes" are the so-called "people in the rivers and lakes". Without the support of huge forces, they are all limited.

I wiped out the sweaty body and took two cans of high-energy nutrient from Wang Hao’s hand. Li Yao then took a look at Wang Hao: “You are... 'Blood Tu' Wang Hao? ”

"It’s the younger generation to return to Li’s predecessors."

Wang Hao’s atmosphere didn’t dare to go out, not to worry about the problem of being in the face of the “Duan Rui”. The fist slammed into the chest and applied a gladiator’s highest etiquette to Li Yao. “However, in Li In front of the peerless gods of the predecessors, the word 'blood slaughter' is unstoppable, and the Queen’s Highness must come to the younger generation, the older generation...”

Li Yao smiled slightly, not waiting for Wang Hao to finish, suddenly extended his hands and held down Wang Hao’s shoulder.

Hands like a dragon, like a snake, along the shoulders of Wang Hao all the way down, from the chest to the waist and then to the thighs, all touched by Li Yao.

Duan Rui and other desperate people who have just returned to the world are more and more astonished.

Many people have seen that Wang Hao is not willing to let the other party seize.

It is the speed of the other party is too fast, and with an inexplicable genius to suppress Wang Hao's instinctive defense, just like the smashing of the shackles, holding Wang Hao in his hand!

It seems that you can easily reach out, but like two overwhelming mountains, and change to any one of them, you must be caught by this unfathomable "Li predecessor", let the other side squat !

It is only a small understanding of the people that the "blood-blood" Wang Hao, who kills people like numbness, bloodthirsty, and fearless death, respects this "Lee seniors" to this extent.

"The boy is very strong!"

Li Yao touched Wang Hao and gently patted his shoulder and smiled. "Don't be nervous. I am not malicious to you. Your Royal Highness wants you to come to me from these rivers and lakes. Let me help you adjust and strengthen." Crystal, I naturally want to figure out your physical condition and combat characteristics, in order to play your strongest fighting power, isn't it?"

"Blood butcher" Wang Hao was touched by Li Yao as earthy. Even if Li Yao touched his most terrible Dantian, he couldn't afford the counterattack. His voice stuttered: "Yes, yes, everything has a senior." What did Li’s predecessors want to do, even though they told me!”

"Well, you help me see these people."

Li Yaochao Duan Rui and other desperate people glanced at it. "My Royal Highness wants me to help you adjust and modify the crystal, but my time is extremely limited. It is not a master of more than one level. There is no need to waste my time. These people You should know most of them and see if there are any guys who don’t have enough money. Don’t get in the way."

"Yes, this is a serious observation of the younger generation."

"Blood butcher" Wang Yu promised, turned his head, really widened his eyes, carefully looked at it, and then turned back after a long time, "Return to the words of Li's predecessors, the Queen's Highness carefully selected these people, indeed They are all well-known masters in the empire's border area, and they should not become the burden of Li's predecessors on the battlefield."

"That's good."

Li Yao smiled slightly, carrying his hands and walking again toward the test field. "The inside has been cleaned up. Come in with me and start the second half!"

Li Yao Gu went to the test field.

"Blood butcher" Wang Hao is also following the trend.

"No Shadow" Duan Rui and other desperate people did not dare to speak out, carefully walking on the shadow of the two people.

Just when they couldn’t help but ask questions, they heard the "blood-blooded" Wang Hao’s supernatural powers, which were condensed into a needle-like voice: "You both give up the spirit of Laozi, just listen. When I arrived, I gave you a ticket in front of Li’s predecessors. I can get the training of Li’s predecessors. It’s your creation. I’m careful to wait for Li’s predecessors. Don’t anger this old monster, or I’ll live. Peel off your skin!"

After a meal, "Blood Tu" Wang Shuo knows everyone's doubts and continues to whisper. "This old monster is called 'vulture Li Yao'. It is the **** of the queen who does not know where to recruit, and is proficient in battle and The compounding **** of the refiner!

"He is now a close-fitting guard and a magical advisor to His Royal Highness, and the magic weapon used by His Royal Highness, the Queen, is responsible for it. What is this concept, are you **** clear?"

Personal bodyguards and magic advisors!

Duan Rui and other desperate people were shocked.

Of course, they know what it means. On the position and class, "personal bodyguards" and "magic advisors" are nothing, or even no product.

However, these two positions are vital positions of life and death. They often come into contact with the most secret secrets. Only the most intimate confidants can be used, and once they are released, they are often the powerful ministers!

"Vulture Li Yao", a strange name, has never heard of the empire and such an old monster of the number of gods.

However, if it is the Queen's Highness, the mysterious master who has been secretly cultivating for decades, can understand it!

"You just didn't see the madness of this old monster. When you see it later, you know that every word I say is true!"

"Blood butcher" Wang Hao continued to swear, "And, this old monster's refining technique is also superb and fascinating. The Queen's Highness can win for me to adjust and strengthen the crystal by the 'vulture Li Yao'. Opportunity, it is important to pay attention to me, you should take good care of it, don't make mistakes yourself. If anyone provokes this old monster to be unhappy, he pats his **** and walks away. If you don't give us a strong crystal, I must take him a thousand knives. Wan Hao, a piece of meat is fed to him to eat!"

Duan Rui and other desperate people are all awkward and confused.

When I was overwhelmed, suddenly a smile came in: "Ha ha ha ha, don't listen to the king, but I am very easygoing, very low-key, very personal, as long as you can make me happy. It’s cool and refreshing, I will definitely help you adjust the crystals!”

It is the voice of the old monster "vulture Li Yao"!

Many of the perpetrators were horrified. I didn’t expect the old monster’s cultivation to be so horrible. Even the “blood-blooded” Wang Hao’s master’s voice could be intercepted and monitored casually.

You must know that Wang Hao is talking while moving, and when the voice is secret, the frequency of seven or eight kinds of sound waves is obviously changed!

But still by this old monster, I heard a transparent word!

"Blood butcher" Wang Hao is like a lightning strike, a blush to explode, the whole person is completely stupid!

"Don't be so restrained, I said that I am very easy-going, very approachable, very personal, and everyone talks casually, when I don't exist!"

Li Yao continued to carry his hands, slowly swallowing forward, to pass the sound into the secret, while laughing at the twenty or thirty dead, "However, I don't like the name of the "old monster", if you If you want to talk about me in the back, you may call me 'Lean Devil'.

"Well, here is the random gravity test field. Come on, relax, show all your means, let me see what your so-called murderers and desperados are enough to qualify for the modified crystals." It’s not enough, I’m fighting alongside my 'vulture Li Yao’!”

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