Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2208: Ventilation pipes can run horses!

Li Yaoyi also thinks that the self-interested character of the immortal, as well as the brutal competition of the four elites in the family of the emperor, watched the others in the same generation rush in the front line, and took a lot of hard work, of course, A kind of spoils to hit a higher realm, set foot on the peak of life, but they can only keep in the bitter cold and a bunch of prisoners with big eyes and small eyes...

This is simply another form of "fitting"!

It is no wonder that the defenders of the gods and prisons will have grievances.

“The unparalleled work is fruitful, and of course we have to pay a high price.”

Li Linghai smiled. "Fortunately, once we can control the Senate, all kinds of empty fats are enough to satisfy the appetite of a deputy warden and the deputy chief of staff of the fleet.

"The people who have invested in the reforms have already passed our tests. Loyalty is definitely not a problem. I will not make fun of the future of the entire reformist. You can rest assured."

Hearing here, Dongfang Sheng and Jin Yuyan finally breathed a sigh of relief and his eyebrows became active.

"The original Queen's Highness has long been prepared for the rain."

Jin Yuyan laughed. "It is no wonder that General Lei Chenghu was secretly under house arrest in the imperial prison. The Queen's Highness is still so calm."

"It’s not a rainy day. It can only be said that the real human empire has a national war, and we are destined to be a ZTE empire!"

Li Linghai said with a sigh of relief, "I have long been prepared to launch a strategy against the gods and prisoners when the opportunity is ripe, and rescue a large number of prisoners held in it. Many prisoners have previously played an indispensable role in the huge bureaucratic system of the empire. The defeat of the imperial family's political struggles was only filthy and framed, and they became prisoners. They will be an important force for us to continue to maintain the normal operation of the empire after we control the Senate.

"In order to hide the news, the four major electorate families secretly transported General Lei Chenghu to the gods and prisons. They thought that God did not know what it was, but who knows it is in the middle of my heart!"

Oriental Sheng Shen said: "If there is a deputy chief of staff of the Shenwei Fleet, the captains of several main battleships are all 'battlefield uprisings', and if there is another deputy governor who should be outside, it is indeed possible to be in the four major electors. Before the family has reacted, it will take the thunder and battle, and attack the gods and prisons!"

"It is not possible, it must be done, the empire is booming. In this war, the generals of the East, the burden on your shoulders is very heavy!"

Li Linghai squinted his eyes and said murderously. After a meal, the sound line softened slightly. "However, I have absolute confidence in the Deep Sea Fleet and the Eastern General. I believe this battle will surely win a full victory."

"The only problem is the safety of General Lei Chenghu.

"It is not our ultimate goal to conquer the gods and prisoners. It is only to rescue General Lei Chenghu.

"The deep-sea fleet is, after all, a fast-strike force for development in the dark. Even though it is all elite, the scale is not comparable to the super-fleet of the four elites.

"Even if there is internal cooperation, after attacking the gods and prisons, it will certainly be a heavy loss. It is impossible to continue to fight with the enemy for too long.

"In any case, we must all woo the 'Thundering Fleet' and other troops on the front line who are dissatisfied with the four electorate families and stand firmly on the side of the 'renovation'.

"To do this, General Lei Chenghu must be alive and stand on our side.

"Without the invincible prestige of General Lei Chenghu, it is difficult for us to get support from the frontline troops in a short time.

"This is the biggest problem in this battle!"


Dongfang St. Hesitantly said, "Even if we are all descendants of the gods, it will take some time to break into the inner prisons of the gods from outside. During this time, God and the prison can completely handle General Lei Chenghu.

"In my opinion, for the four major electors, the best choice is of course to continue to be under general control of General Lei Chenghu. Through his slow control of the thundering fleet, it will not intensify the situation.

"But, if General Lei Chenghu has the possibility of escaping or being rescued, they will definitely choose to secretly execute General Lei Chenghu in a situation where they have to, and never suffer!"

"The general of the East said that once the gods and prisoners confirmed that they could not resist our offensive, they would definitely kill the killers and secretly execute General Lei Chenghu. Then our hopes were completely shattered."

Li Linghai squinted. "So, before our army launches a strike, we must first send people into the gods and prisons. There is only one mission to find and protect General Lei Chenghu, and no one will hurt General Lei until the Deep Sea Fleet. Completely capture the gods and prisons!"


Oriental St. and Jin Yuyan looked at each other and thought for a long time. "It's very difficult!"

"Not very high, it is hard to climb to heaven!"

Li Linghai slightly frowned. "So, you must send a fighting force to be arrogant, and you will be proficient in the disappearance of the latent form, camouflage penetration, explosion damage, and will be tempered. It is best to be proficient in various organs, symbols and magic weapons. To complete this task."

Said, Li Linghai will be full of anticipation, cast to Li Yao.

Dongfang Sheng and Jin Yuyan suddenly realized that Li Linghai had Li Yao also participated in this secret meeting at the highest level.

Li Yao had already reached a deal with Li Linghai to help her complete an extremely dangerous task. Li Linghai opened a blank cheque for the "Imperial Elders". Li Yao certainly refused to buy it. The two sides bargained and ended up with ten pieces intact. At the expense of the Emperor's Secret, Li Yao took this risky shot.

All the "Emperor's Secrets" have been carefully examined by Li Yao one by one. At this moment, they are firmly hiding in Li Yao's Qiankun Ring.

Including people's money, and people's disasters, at the moment, Li Yao coughed and stood up, and the eyes burst into a firm light.

"Original, the month is unparalleled is the best person to carry out this task."

Li Linghai’s face could not see the pain of the “Emperor’s Secret Treasure”. He looked at Li Yao with a glance and smiled. “But now the situation in the Imperial Capital is changing rapidly, and it is extremely necessary to sit in the center of the town. Can you ask my personal bodyguard 'vulture Li Yao' to take the shot, will you not object to this candidate?"

Unparalleled in the month, Oriental St. and Jin Yuyan will certainly not object.

There are not many reformers of the gods, and it is not that all the gods are suitable to sneak into the ghosts of the gods and prisons to take risks.

Most of them are the hegemons of the one side of the town, like the Eastern St. and Jin Yuyan. They are all big figures with high weight, strategizing and overall perspective.

It seems that Li Yao has cultivated to the gods, and he still likes to go to the front line all day long, and he acts as a "pointer".

He is undoubtedly the first person in the current situation.

"Li Daoyou!"

In the voice of the Eastern Saint, there is a hint of admiration. "The task of sneak into the prison of God is extremely dangerous, and it is related to the plan of our 'respecting the emperor, the revolution of the gods,' and even the grand plan of the future of the empire. It’s really... hard work for you!”

"Nothing, from the day I wake up to Linggen, I have already sent a vow to my heart, to cover the liver and brain of Xiuxian Avenue, to break the bones, and to die!"

Li Yao’s eyes are firm, his expression is Shen Yi, and he is arrogant. “The so-called 'cultivating immortal is not afraid of death, fearing that death does not cultivate immortality'. Our cultivation of immortals is the sword of human civilization, the flame of the moment, for the sake of the real human empire, my generation Monk, why not fight!"

Li Linghai: "Hey, Li Shiwei, almost."

Li Yao: "The rise and fall of the empire, the responsibility of the husband, the turbid darkness of the world, is the perfect time for my generation of **** men to change the world, turn the tide, reverence of the emperor, and the innovation of the martial arts! The future of the real human empire depends on us to defend Even though the princes are relieved, even though I have broken bones, scattered souls, and every cell is dying out, I will use the last sorrow to guard the generals of Lei, guarding the empire! This is me, the most determined oath of a cultivator. If I can't do it, I would rather be riddled with my heart and night, and I will never be free forever!"

Oriental St., Jin Yuyan, and Moon Unparalleled have moved: "Li Daoyou..."

Li Linghai: "Really enough, Li Weiwei, everyone knows that you are loyal to the Empire. It is a true, pure and tried-and-tested cultivator. It is just that you are hiding in the dark for our great cause of innovation. In so many years, you can see your loyalty to the Empire and Xiuxian Avenue. We understand your sentiments, don't say it anymore."

Li Yao: "...oh."

Li Linghai looked around: "Is there still a problem?"

Li Yao jumped out again: "Yes."

Li Linghai's brows are deeply wrinkled: "What problem?"

Li Yaofei blinked quickly: "I would like to ask the Queen's Highness, is there a detailed structure of the gods, especially the part of the ventilation duct?"

Li Linghai nodded: "Of course, we infiltrated the deputy warden, the original purpose is to get the most detailed structural drawings of God's prison, including ventilation ducts."

"That's great."

Li Yaomei opened his eyes and smiled. "But I don't know what the ventilation pipes of God's prison are. Are there any special organs, arrays, defense systems, etc?"

Li Linghai thought for a moment: "There is no special institution and defense system, it is a common structure, and in order to supply hundreds of thousands of prisoners and jailers to breathe fresh air, the air duct of God's prison is extremely large, with two diameters. Above the meter, all the way is unimpeded, it is easy to drive!"

"So exaggerated?"

Li Yao suspected that he had misunderstood. "The ventilation ducts with a diameter of two meters or more are still unimpeded. There is no special defense system. Then, don't worry that the enemy will sneak into the ventilation ducts, or the prisoners will climb along the ventilation pipes. Going out to escape?"

"Of course I am worried, but any agency and defense system will go wrong, so the prison has taken the most stupid way."

Li Linghaidao, "God's prison has arranged a large number of jailers, and they are stationed in a spacious ventilation duct, one every 20 meters, to ensure that each jailer can be seen by at least two companions.

"There is also a special random password. Every minute, every jailer has to report his latest password to it. Every day, more than one thousand different passwords are reported, and the daily passwords will be disrupted and rearranged. The law can be said.

"Li Weiwei, how suddenly did your face become so ugly?"

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