Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2210: Each has a calculation

"Really enough, Li Weiwei."

Li Linghaidao, "All the structural maps of Shenwei Prison and all the sentry posts, the monitoring of the crystal eye and the position and range of the ray of light, I will immediately send it to your crystal brain. This infiltration operation is extremely difficult and requires 100%. Absolutely accurate, so I think you should race against time, and now go back and start the simulation training."


Li Yao hurried up, "This is going back to simulation training, but..."

Li Linghai frowned deeply: "What else is there?"

"The subordinates did not expect that this mission would be so arduous. The secret weapon that has been refining seems to need to be comprehensively strengthened."

Li Yaozheng said, "But the last batch of Tiandi treasures that have been transferred has been exhausted, and I am afraid that the secret weapons cannot be modulated into the most perfect form."

"Got it."

Li Linghai took a deep breath. "What materials are needed? You can take it yourself. As long as you can successfully complete the mission of sneaking into the gods and protecting the generals of Lei, what do you want, what is it!"

"Thank you, Your Royal Highness!"

Li Yaomei opened his eyes and smiled. "The subordinates promised to the Queen's Highness that the secret weapon will surely surprise everyone!"


Three hours later, the No. 1 repair workshop of the Deep Sea Dragon Palace.

Starting from a week ago, the largest and most advanced maintenance workshop, mainly used to maintain and reinforce the giant warriors, has entered an unprecedented level of alert.

Not only do all the idlers and so on can easily get close to hundreds of meters, even the refiners who have been working here have been transferred to other repair workshops, and they have been stricted in the deep sea fleet, and any dare to approach this maintenance. Half-step shop, kill innocent!

All this, just so quietly lying in the center of the repair shop, this has been dismantled and smashed, and then remodeled to the unrecognizable giant gods and nine secluded mysterious bones!

Nine secluded mysterious bones have been exposed in the killing live broadcast of the entire empire, everyone knows that this is the ultimate weapon of the comprehension.

If you want it to be able to make a big splash in the emperor, you must "explode" until your aunt doesn't know.

Just as Li Yao got a lot of rare heavens and treasures from the "Emperor's Tomb" from Li Linghai, it was not his style. It was naturally a brain that was stuffed into the nine mysterious bones.

Even if the body can't be stuffed, I can find a way to use the external components and attach it to the armor.

For the sake of confidentiality, the whole process of Li Yao used only Li Jialing as an assistant. The work of a large number of heavy and crude benzene relied on a large number of spider-shaped engineering and mechanical special psionics to assist.

In order to achieve the level of the gods, the calculation power is strong to the extreme, coupled with the assistance of the level crystal brain, while manipulating hundreds of spider-shaped maintenance special psionics, the most delicate work on the giant soldiers, not too Big problem.

In addition, it is to take out the power system structure diagram of the nine secluded mysterious bones, and explore with the master of Jin Tianzhong, try to apply the "hybrid" energy transmission and power injection model to the giant soldiers.

Master Jin Tianzhong was originally a power unit expert in the real human empire. He couldn’t be in the theoretical field, but he accidentally injured his hands and lost his hands.

Now, Li Yao used his secret method to help him treat his hands, and gave him a liquid metal formula that can be condensed into reinforced gloves. This saved his life and saved his life.

Master Jin Tianzhong naturally also played the spirit of 120,000 points. In the overall upgrade of the power unit, Li Yao made a lot of whimsical ideas.

The refining masters of the two gods of the gods joined forces to create a new nine-nine mysterious bone at the moment.

This is a...

The bells are whistling to the extreme, like a giant warrior.

Originally filled with mysterious and sultry black and red main colors, Li Yao was changed into a bright golden painting of the hedgehog. This painting is derived from a material called "Star Sand" in the emperor's tomb. It has strong anti-magnetic interference performance, and the full mirror effect has very good reflectivity for all kinds of radiation and black light. It can be said that 8o% of the light can be reflected without opening the psionic shield. Class attack.

The only problem is that it looks too luxurious, too high-profile, and shows off a little.

Li Yao also refines a large number of singular peaks and exaggerated to the poles of the strengthening members, densely packed with the armor of the nine secluded mysterious bones, and even a high-pitched cockscomb on the head is not known to be a fin, the same is The golden color of the human eye is bright, lest others can't see him in dozens of miles.

No way, the past nine secluded mysterious bones, the styling features are too bright, not changed to be more distinctive, more unforgettable, can not eliminate the imprint of the past.

"The new look... it’s a good time to go."

On the console, Li Yao, while manipulating hundreds of spider mites for final polishing and painting, said, "This should be regarded as ‘nine secluded bones? Gold special edition’?”

The younger "Golden Lion", Li Jialing, was by his side, helping him to fight and watch him, and he stopped talking.

"What do you want to say?"

Li Yao put his head in the control interface, while fine-tuning the connection between the various magic units, he asked, "From here I am back, you are there to swallow?"

"Yao Ge"

Li Jialing couldn't help but say, "You really have to sneak into the gods and prison to rescue General Lei Chenghu. This is really dangerous."

"Of course it is very dangerous, so I need to be such a top-ranking master who has experienced many battles, wisdom and courage, astuteness, and invincibility!"

Li Yao casually said, "And I believe that your mother, although your mother is a mad gambler, it is not wrong, but will never participate in the gambling that must be lost. Since she is confident that she can rescue the general, it must be Will give me the greatest support!"

"Don't mind the woman calling ‘my mom’.”

Li Jialing whispered, "Do you believe her?"

"Why don't you believe?"

Li Yaoli said, "The battle against the gods and prisoners really failed. The biggest loss is your mother, not me. What reason does she have to do her best?"

Li Jialing stunned for a long time and said: "It seems that you also have reason to believe her, but I just can't figure out what reason, she has any reason to believe in you, want you to perform such a crucial task? The Heavenly Trial Court is unparalleled. Isn't it more suitable than you?"

"Then you are wrong. In fact, the ability to throw away is not very good. I am actually your mother, the most trusted person of the Imperial Queen Li Linghai."

Li Yao smiled slightly, "Whether the moon is unparalleled or Jin Yuyan or the East Saint, it is not so much the spirit of Li Linghai, but rather her political allies, everyone came together for the common good, formed the 'innovationist 'This camp.

"But the interests can change at any time. This second is an ally. The next second becomes an enemy. If the four electorate families can come up with more benefits than Li Linghai, anyone can betray at any time.

"After all, most of your mom's current can be opened, even if the promised official position is bigger, the benefits are more, and it may not be able to rival the real gold of the four electorate families.

"But I am different. Aside from our personal relationship with Li Linghai, I am a self-cultivator. I am a conceptist and have a heart! As long as your mother can abide by his promise, he can be more kind to the whole empire than the four electors." The average person, I will always support her!"

"Right, when I say it, I want to ask again."

Li Jialing was puzzled. "General Lei Chenghu is a cultivator in the cultivation of immortals. Even in Li Lingfeng, I have heard countless legends about him. This is one, a heart of stone, ruthless, for Do you really want to save him for the purposeless and unscrupulous?"

"This is..."

Li Yao blinked and said, "Yes, from the perspective of the self-cultivator, Lei Chenghu is indeed a heinous cultivator. It is a big villain."

"However, from the perspective of the comprehension, your mother, the imperial queen, Li Linghai, is also a full-blown conspiracy, full of ambitious big villains.

"Do you think that I am facing a big villain, or is it better to face two big villains at the same time?"

Li Jialing pondered for a long time, and suddenly realized: "Yao Ge means that the position of General Lei Chenghu and His Royal Highness may not be the same?"

"Yes, even if the positions are the same, the interests may not be the same. I have collected countless information about General Lei in the past few days. This is by no means a person who can be freely manipulated. The four major electors can’t be at his disposal, and your mother may not I can control him completely."

Li Yao smiled and said, "Look, your mom has a deep sea fleet, there is a Wanshang business alliance, there is a heavenly court, and there is such a big deep sea dragon palace. We have nothing, how can we fight with her? At this time, if I personally rescued General Lei and then established a relationship with him. It may not be possible to form new checks and balances."

Li Jialing stared at Li Yao for a long time and said: "It turns out that you still don't believe in the Queen's Highness."

"Please, I am not a cold and ruthless person. I also want to fully believe in the woman I love my father."

Li Yao sighed. "However, you also saw your mother's sharp shape like a white witch. Is it easy to make people completely believe?"

"What's more, don't you think that the recent events are too coincidental?

"Just your mom ran out to chase down his brother, it broke the blood league event.

"It’s just that the reformists have penetrated the gods and prisons, and General Lei Chenghu was secretly under house arrest to the gods."

Li Jialing's eyes gradually solidified, saying: "What exactly does Yao Ge want to say?"

"Nothing, just a little cranky."

Li Yao smiled and once again turned his gaze to the golden glancing, the giant soldier who stabbed the human eye. "But well, don't say anything else, just say that I got these emperors from your mom." ', this adventure, you will make a big profit!"

"Right, these days, Yao Ge has been refining something with the rare materials that the Queen's Highness has received, and it is also said to be a 'secret weapon'."

After all, Li Jialing was a young man's heart, and Li Yao shifted his attention. He was curious. "What is that?"

"Let's say, you should know that there is a special magic weapon called ‘God of War suit’, which is specially attached to the outside of the crystal enamel to greatly enhance the combat power for the crystal scorpion.”

Li Yao’s smile is getting more and more splendid, and there are two godlike figures slowly appearing in the depths of his eyes. “Have you ever thought that the giant soldiers can also have their own God of War suits?”

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