Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2213: End or a new beginning

"Do you know, Dad, from childhood to big, what I hate most is yours. It seems that the whole world has betrayed the empire. Only you are fighting for the empire. I have... completely fed up!"

Lei Honghai changed his title from "father big man" to "dad". The sarcasm between the eyebrows and the rebellion of the mouth became more intense. "It's a pity, no matter how much you are righteous, the mouth is good, you are good. Nothing can be done now.

"The empire is so good that you don't need to save, not to mention that you can't save yourself at the moment!"

"Let me tell you what will happen next.

"Even if you insist on not publishing a public statement, it doesn't matter. The special investigation committee can make a statement instead of you. As for the imprint of the gods, I am your son, and your blood is flowing in the blood vessels. The two gods are very similar. With a little adjustment, you can use my gods to replace you and issue a command.

"Of course, it may be seen, then what? The Senate is ready to start the thundering fleet. Since you insist on toasting and not eating fine wine, your **** subordinates are also stupid and stinking." Hard, then we have to use a flash of fire, lightning, and a way to solve it!

"Don't blame the son for the uncles of these uncles. The Senate gave them the opportunity and gave you the opportunity. I and they have no innocence, just want to protect themselves, and keep the Lei family up and down so many people, you know, There are so many people in the family, and there are so many people who are so eager to 'destroy the family'.

"As for your personal safety... rest assured, although your dear son is extinct and ruthless, watching your son go to death is indifferent, but my son, will never be as cold as you are. Or will you be filial to you.

"You are not going to die. This is one of the conditions that I have talked with the special investigation committee. When I have dealt with the problem of the thundering fleet, the situation has stabilized and you can send you to a beautiful place, birds and flowers, bigger than here. Going to the manor, you can raise the sky there, and by the way look at how I used a completely different way to control the thundering fleet and expand the entire mine!

"This is all the things that will happen next. Keep your eyes open and look at it. Dad, I will prove it to you. The ideas you have always believed are all wrong. You are not as correct as you think." Important, if you are missing, the empire will run at a high speed, and it will flourish, and our Lei family will rise at a hundred times speed. Have you heard it?"

Lei Chenghu looked at the eldest son's gaze, as if he was looking at a skeleton.

In the face of his son's more and more excited, more and more sharp voice, he still indifferent, listening silently, until his son vented, and waited for a while, then faintly said: "Understood, so you have made up your mind, in order to To seize the command of the thundering fleet, betray me?"


Although the father is already a tiger trapped in a cage, pulling out his teeth and claws, and hearing the words "betrayal", Lei Honghai couldn't help but feel a guilty heart. He resisted the twitching of the corners of his eyes and mouth. "Oh, I never want to betray you, my father, but whether I am a lot of people in the Lei family or even the thundering fleet, we all want to live, and we don't want to be buried for a ridiculously ridiculous reason!"

"On the battlefield, the more people who are greedy and fearful of death, the faster they die. Only those who die and die, can only be killed from the blood of the dead sea. You have been following me for so many years. I don't even understand?"

Lei Chenghu slowly shook his head, his eyebrows were full of confusion, as if he was wondering how he gave birth to such a stupid son, he stared deeply at the eldest son, just like the next second can no longer see, from the sharp lips The sound that is spit out is more bitter than the cold wind with hail on the ground: "Let me tell you what will happen next, silly boy.

"Yes, at first, your plan may be successful. With your cooperation, the Senate can easily remove all the forces that are loyal to me in the thundering fleet, and even use your spiritual seal to counterfeit my orders. The front line sends out the sound of 'Liao Haihou'. This is your only use value.

"When your use value has not been squeezed clean, they may make you the commander of the thundering fleet, but it won't last long. It won't take long for you to happen that the thundering fleet has been penetrated by people. Hundreds of holes, beyond recognition, and you are just a shackle on the table.

"Without the consent of the veterans, you can't even command a seesaw.

"Don't think about how you can get between the four major electors. It's useless. Your ranks are too different. It's not an opponent.

"But maybe you can't wait for such troubles.

"Because before that, the expeditionary army had been abolished and reorganized. The group army that had been condensed together and maintained a high level of alertness and the highest level of combat effectiveness returned to the original system, dispersed to the local level, even to compete for dozens of The ownership and development rights of Daqian World are striking, rubbing each other and causing serious internal friction.

"At this time, the main fleet of the Covenant Alliance will definitely come out of unexpected places, killing a scattered sand-defense imperial fleet and leaving the film, leaving the entire empire in a state of panic and extreme chaos.

"At that time, the four major electorate families who were stunned and helpless would still think of me, and once again, let me command the rest of the remnants of the army to fight against the imposing sacred army like a hundred years ago. The same as the crash.

"There is something, son, you are wrong.

"I am indeed the pillar of the empire. Maybe I can save the empire alone. Without me, the empire will not function properly and will even collapse completely.

"The reason why the Senate did not dare to kill me is based on this, not because of what ‘conditions’ you talked about.

"You choose to betray me today, I don't blame you, just feel very sorry. I thought you would be at least smarter than your younger brother. After learning the lessons of the last time using the starship to seek personal gain, you would not overestimate your own." Wisdom and ability to do things like stupid things like 'rushing into the golden dragon, getting mad into the temper.'

"I didn't expect that you were stupid than him, stupid ten thousand times.

"Remember my words, son, you can betray me today, but one day you will regret it. I hope that when the day comes, you can stand up and face the consequences of betrayal like a man, vigorously for the empire. Let's die!"

Lei Honghai’s lips trembled for a long time.

Originally I wanted to argue about something, but after thinking for a long time, I was still screaming back, just sneer a few times, and I was deeply prayed to Lei Chenghu: "Have a good rest, father, a few days, everything is over. ”


Lei Chenghu’s eyes passed through his son and the wall, and he didn’t know where to shoot. “Perhaps, everything... is over.”


The glare of the anti-gravity array of the "New Life 2" transport ship gradually disappeared into the depths of the ice and fog, and soon the outline of the starship disappeared with the wind.

With nine gates that were ten meters thick and slowly closed, the biting chill in the ice and snow was also blocked, and they could not penetrate.

The gods and prisons once again become a sealed environment that is impenetrable, waterless, and difficult to fly.

Five hundred frozen prisoners, under the guard of thousands of jailers and a larger number of psionics, are conducting the first heavy test, "identifying the body."

While Li Yao precisely controls each muscle and every cell, he continues to pretend to be a deep-sleeping form of living dead. While carefully driving the dragon, he enters the hidden form and patrols in the underground star harbor.

The Nine Dragons scanned a low-altitude attack ship that was parked in Star Harbor to avoid the snow and ice.

Thousands of psionic scorpions and armed jailers armed with high alertness are also available.

Not to mention the entire Star Harbor and every martyr, the one that looks at the intensive phobia episodes, the crossfire points that are intertwined with dogs, and the dark castles that are deeply embedded in the rock formations.

It’s really more and more sad.

Fortunately, there should be help inside, otherwise Li Yao will never sneak into such a ghost place.

Several jailers led a team of psionics to come to Li Yao and opened his hibernation chamber.

Li Yao quickly moved the blood gel that Li Linghai had already prepared to the position that the other party was ready to collect.

Perhaps in the jailer responsible for testing the prisoner's identity, there are also innovative people. This kind of pass has not encountered any trouble. After only testing the blood and skin samples, the test magic weapon in the other hand emits a soft green light.

The jailer replaced Li Yao with a new identity bracelet and waved it, saying that “God of the Prison” had already accepted the prisoner and would enter the next “thaw” procedure.

"The first pass passed smoothly!"

Li Yao took a sigh of relief in his heart. "The next step is to use my powerful personal ability to instantly kill a jailer and replace his identity. Then I will play my spirits and ghosts to the fullest, flashing the post. Monitoring the scanning of the crystal eye and the black light ray, God does not know that the sneak into the generals of General Lei Chenghu is a super difficult challenge, but I have a hunch for a hunch, today's luck seems very good, there will be no danger to complete!

"There are still more than half an hour, and Li Linghai will launch an attack. If you can spend most of the time in the calm, you will be 99% successful!"

Scarlet Devil: "Hey..."

This thought was just swaying in Li Yao’s brain. He felt the deepest part of his feet, and there was a tremendous vibration, and there was a deafening explosion.

The harsh buzzing sounds around, the red awns instantly enveloped the whole gods, and all the jailers, battle squads, dark castles and firepower points were activated, entering the most urgent operational state, and the screams of screams were heard in all directions.

"Enemy! Enemy! There are enemies invaded!"

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