Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2215: Chaos frenzy!

The **** heart screamed: "Yes, as long as General Lei Chenghu died in the gods and prisons controlled by the four electors, the incident was smashed, and the contradiction between the front and the rear could not be solved!

"To defeat the immortals into a king, selfish, self-interested, first to be a strong character, it is impossible to sit down and communicate well, calmly and calmly solve this matter, the four electorate families will definitely 'do not do two ', strong suppression of small and medium-sized aristocrats and warlords, and these non-dip units will certainly fight for their own lives, and when the two sides fight to the incomprehensible, the sacred army will fight back, drive straight into, destroy, and no one will ever Be able to resist!"

"Bastards, the sacred alliance's penetration of the gods and prisons has reached this level. At this moment, there must be many assassins who have flowed to the general forbidden generals of General Lei Chenghu!"

Li Yao bite his teeth. "Li Linghai's fleet is still stupidly waiting for most of the hour to launch a 'raid'. I don't know that Lei Chenghu was a dead ghost at that time. We must race against time and grab the front of the sacred assassin. come out!"

Li Yao took a deep breath and the last cell was full and full of strength and vitality.

Even if the face is as frozen as ice, the light flowing from the depths of the pupil is already like a diamond shining in the midday sun.

All the flustered jailers and embarrassing wars are all around, and every jailer has a series of numbers on his head. That is Li Yao’s rough calculation of their speed, strength, fighting style and threat level.

The underground star port seems to be turned into a huge chessboard. Everyone is a black and white chess piece. Only he is a chess player sitting at the end of the chessboard. The cold condensation is on the other side of the chessboard. Chess player!

Li Yao quickly locked in the target.

It was the leader of a suspected "small captain" in the jailer. He was on one knee, activated more than a dozen crystal light curtains, and contacted his superiors with anxiety and understanding of the latest situation in the depths of God's prison.

Li Yao’s tongue was lightly rolled, and a singular ring was sent out from between the lips.

"Qian Kun Ring" is just a name, not necessarily to be made into the shape of a ring.

This Qiang Kun ring is like a small button, not much thicker than the blade.

Li Yao gave a glimpse of the thoughts, gently entangled the Qiankun ring and sent it to his left hand.

The left hand and the five fingers flashed, and immediately a spar bomb was quietly stuffed behind him, followed by a "bang" burst, and the hibernation chamber was smashed and shattered, and a large group of black fog was released, covering a radius of 100 meters. The sight of everyone.

Just as the spar bomb burst open, Li Yao has jumped up and turned into a streamer, faster than the shock wave, flashing to the newly captain's side.

The hand knife is not light and not cut in the back of the small captain's neck. The psionic madness rushes into the brain, and the other party can't even make a sigh, and then stunned and fell to the ground.

While holding up and down the other's clothes, Li Yao used the psionics to fix the other's crystal brain. "噼噼啪啪" released the light curtains and carefully studied the latest sent battle reports.

The situation in the depths of God’s prison is quite serious.

Originally, there were three main energy supply base stations, plus a backup base station powered by geothermal energy. All the automation defense and prohibition systems of Shenwei Prison are absolutely not going to collapse. No enemy can simultaneously break through three main energy supply base stations.

The problem lies in this standby base station powered by geothermal energy.

"Geothermal energy" is an inexhaustible treasure trove.

Any solid planet, even if the surface temperature is low, it seems to be snow and ice, but the temperature in the depths of the earth must be extremely high, and the energy of billions of years is stored here in the form of magma and high temperature and high pressure.

The geothermal energy is slowly released, providing the entire heat of the gods to withstand the cold, but also as an emergency energy source. This is a wonderful design.

However, once the geothermal energy base station is controlled by the enemy, and I don't know what method is used, the iron-nickel magma mixed with various unknown elements in the ground is spewed out, tearing the geological fault and activating the earthquake band. The power, that's terrible.

This is exactly what happened at the moment.

Initially, the pressure in the underground high-pressure magma layer suddenly increased by several tens of times, causing gaps in the valves and pipes connecting the alternate energy base station to the magma layer.

Then, the main control crystal brain of the standby energy base station was invaded by the sacred people, and the wrong defense measures were chosen. Instead of trying to divert the raging geothermal energy, they blocked it and tried to block every gap.

Manpower is sometimes poor, and the size of God's prison is bigger. Compared with the whole planet, it is just a small dust. Want to block the most primitive, hottest and violent force in the depths of the whole planet?

How can it be!

The master crystal brain, which was invaded and controlled by the syllabus spies, sent the wrong data to the staff of the standby energy base station, and they mistakenly thought that all the systems were all right.

When the earth began to tremble, the temperature of the standby energy base station continued to rise, and the floor seemed to melt like a sticky, there was no power to stop it. A small but high-intensity volcanic eruption was staged in the depths of the gods.

The valve exploded, the pipe was torn, and the deepest part of the gods and prisons became riddled with holes. It was comparable to the ultra-high pressure of tens of thousands of standard atmospheric pressures, and the underground magma, which was calculated by tens of millions of tons, was injected into the standby energy base station along the gap. It was submerged in an instant, and then followed by a well-connected pipeline, especially a ventilated pipe that was so spacious that it was able to take a ride and sneak into everything, like a screaming wave that swallowed everything.

To make matters worse, the outbreak of the “underground volcano” also caused a chain reaction, which caused the dormant seismic zone to be awakened, creating a series of small-scale earthquakes, which made the bottom of the fragmented Shenwei prison worse.

Perhaps this is no coincidence.

Instead, the sacred people have long used some clever method to understand the geological structure of the underground near the gods and prisons, and buried the spar bombs at key nodes.

The Scarlet Mind said: "I have been studying the combat style of the sacred people these days and found that they are particularly good at using the terrain conditions on every planet.

"Thinking is also true, the sacred people are the shackles of the Pangu people, and the Pangu civilization is the master of the three thousand worlds before the human civilization. Their civilization development is far above human beings. At that time, it must be three thousand. All the inhabitable planets in the world have been thoroughly explored.

"The planet where the gods are in prison, although it is snowy, resource-poor, and lifeless, but there is a thin atmosphere, and the original life like moss and mushroom blankets will not be missed by the Pangu people.

"In other words, in the database of Pangu civilization, it is very likely that there is all the information about this planet, including geological structures and key data of underground volcanoes, faults, and seismic zones.

"Since the sacred people have received a lot of Pangu inheritance and obtained these data, it is reasonable to know that the biggest weakness of this planet!"

Li Yao looked at the chaos in the depths of the gods and prisons that were constantly displayed on the light curtain, and there was a red light on the three-dimensional structure diagram, indicating that the enemy was partially occupied or was fighting. The teeth seemed to be hard. Unplug the general pain.

The underground volcanic eruptions and small-scale earthquakes made by the squadrons completely defeated the invincible defense of the gods and prisons, and the four energy supply base stations failed one after another.

By the time of the last energy base station, although it was barely able to supply power to the entire god, it also reached the limit of crumbling.

Li Yao first heard the explosion from the depths of the ground, the sacred people who infiltrated into the gods and prisons, and the suicide attack launched by the opportunity, in an attempt to completely destroy the energy supply base station.

And the sacred prisoners of war who were detained in the depths of God’s prison were not in any way. They received the calls and orders of their companions. When the defense system was weak to the extreme, they escaped from the prison and smashed inside the prison. riot".

Not only that, but also the imperialist criminals who are extremely wicked and evil, are also destroyed by the sacred people in the energy base station. The computing power of the gods and prisoners is reaching the limit, and it is quietly invaded on the verge of collapse and released!

Eligible to be detained in the prison of God, in addition to the political enemies of the four electorate families, those who are "political criminals", if they are criminals, must be psychologically perverted, murderous, extremely dangerous, and cause serious damage to the current system. Guy.

Think about it, even the cultivators think that these guys are "sinful and wicked," and their murder is evident!

These blood-thirsty madmen no matter what the empire and the sacred war, not to mention that they are unable to understand the situation in the chaos, only know that under the drive of the killing instinct, the prisoner who is closest to him flies past, The other person's internal organs are chewed out and chewed, and vented the pleasure of being banned for a long time!

Chaos, chaos, chaos!

The whole **** is in the depths of the prison, and it is a mess!

Everywhere is chewing on human flesh, making a ridiculous humanoid demon, turning the prison into a more terrible Shura abattoir than the deepest part of the nine clear yellow springs!

Even so, this is probably not a successful action in terms of the standard of “hijacking”.

Even if the plan of the sacred people is so subtle, how fast the raids will be, and more confusion created in the gods and prisons, will not solve the most critical problems how to escape.

There are still countless imperial military squads on the ground and low-earth orbits of the ice and snow. All the attacking ships on the ground are firmly locked in every exit of the gods and prisons. At any time, they can launch a devastating blow to ensure that no fly can escape.

This is also the biggest reason for the sacred prisoners who did not expect the sacred people to come to jail.

But if it is not "hijacking" from the beginning, but the assassination of "hijacking" as a cover-up, it is another matter.

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