Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2223: The rhythm of God of War

Rao is a Yuan Ying strong person like Yun Chenghua. Under the swords and swords of hundreds of guards, he was shocked by Lei Chenghu’s natural and natural gestures. It took a while to reflect, a face. Gloomy can screw out the water, bite the teeth: "Liao Hai Hou opened a joke!"

He is quite eager to try and wants to catch up with Lei Chenghu's posture.

However, after Lei Chenghu was behind him, Li Yao’s unpredictable eyes stared at him, and the five internal organs seemed to be punctuated by ice cones. He could not help but secretly complained. I don’t know where Lei Chenghu came from to find such a super expert.

"I still can't see the situation clearly, Yundaoyou!"

Lei Chenghu did not panic and continued to step on Yun Chenghua, the warden of God's prison. "Since I can stand in front of you, I prove that God's prison has been infiltrated by people. I am under house arrest. It is not a secret at all!

"As early as half a month ago, my news here has been secretly revealed. Now, the special mixed team consisting of the thundering fleet and the garrison loyal to His Royal Highness is tearing the four-dimensional space and jumping to the black ice world. The devastating blow to the Shenwei fleet will be implemented soon!

"Trust me, since we dare to make a desperate attempt, we will never lose!"

"Not to mention, there are still a large number of sacred prisoners of war in the depths of God's prison. At this moment, the suppression of riots is enough to consume your strength. What do you take to fend off the thunder and the garrison? Attack, or do you want to fight against the end, and destroy with God's prison?

"Oh, even if you want to go your own way, when the four dignitaries of the emperor family choose the filial sons and loyal ministers, then think about so many children around, there are so many jailers and guards outside, you want so many people to go meaninglessly Dead?

"I swear in the name of 'God of War', if today I can't shake away and leave here, then the whole planet will turn into a sea of ​​fire, and the icebergs that have not been transformed will be boiling up. Everyone here, whether jailer or prisoner, is all I want to be buried with me!

"Cloud friends, hundreds of thousands of lives are in your palm, you still think, I am joking?"

Every time Lei Chenghu throws a question mark, he takes a step forward, like a Wanshan mountain, crushing the warlord.

Yun Chenghua, the warden of the Yuan Ying series, has a combat power that is above the top of Lei Chenghu, but it is his aggressive posture, crushing the cold sweat of the size of the soybeans.

"The thundering fleet and the garrison loyal to His Royal Highness?"

Yun Chenghua’s eyes are turning hard. “This, this is impossible...”

"It's impossible, you know it right away."

Lei Chenghu cold and cold, "If it is not a big soldier, the soul will be smeared, why should I be alone in danger to come here to persuade, you can hide in the depths of God's prison, and then wait for the opportunity to escape!

"This is the last chance for you to have so many people in the gods and prisons. I am not so soft-hearted every time, so grasp, Yundaoyou.

"In my opinion, even if you want to be a loyal filial son of the four major electorate families, there is no chance. Look at these arrogant sacred prisoners of war on the light curtain. It has destroyed most of the gods and prisons. This is God’s prison for hundreds of years. Come, the tragedies that have not happened in the hands of dozens of prison governors have happened within your tenure.

"After such a serious riot and jailbreak incident, there must be someone responsible. Even if it is not a man, you must be rid of a layer of skin. In addition to being a warden friend of the warden, who else can smash this black pot?

"You are the governor of the dual talent Yuan Yingqiang, acting as the warden of the gods of the prison, originally had the meaning of 'sending the frontier', and carrying such a **** pot on the body, in the four electoral family system, really Eternal life can never turn over.

"Not just you, and these are loyal to you, knowing that I am standing behind a fighting god, and dare to point our gun at our guards. Hey, they are the best fighters, only It’s a pity to have a leader like you, but it’s going to follow you in the bitter cold for decades, hundreds of years, hundreds of years, or as cannon fodder, meaninglessly consumed!”

Yun Chenghua’s face was ugly to the extreme, and the big hand covered with blue veins smashed the knife at the waist. With a single stroke, the throat of Lei Chenghu could be cut off, but it could not be pulled out.

"Yundaoyou, you know very well, every word I say is true. The so-called "God of the Warlord" is originally sitting on the crater, dedicated to the black pot."

Lei Chenghu said faintly, "If today I am really dead in the prison of God, once the news spreads, all local troops, including the thundering fleet, will definitely be excited. The lamb came out to appease the public. Can you guess who's head is enough to block the mouth of the warlords? You are, Yundaoyou!

"So, from the day I was under house arrest to the prison of God, no matter whether there was an accident or not, this black pot is backed up, and you are really loyal to the life of the four electors!"

The original white face of Yun Chenghua rose red, and all the thick and sturdy blood vessels emerged and violently twitched.

The surrounding guards were silent, and there were a few fears and confusions in their eyes.

"The biggest problem for the empire to go to the end of today's end of the road is that you can't do your best and make the best use of it!"

Lei Chenghu continued, "A Yuan Yingqiang who has the dual talents of fighting and management, led hundreds of loyal and savvy soldiers. If I am kneeling, I will be hit by dozens of planets in the past ten years. The golden medal, even the chest can not hang!"

"But in the past ten years, I have rarely heard the name "Yun Chenghua". Perhaps it will be the same in the next hundred years. It is really a pity for you and you, and it is a sigh for the Empire!"

"Don't, don't say it!"

Yun Chenghua "哗啦" will take half of the waist knife, his eyes are red as blood, bite his teeth, "Liao Haihou, what do you want to do!"

Li Yao stared at Yun Chenghua's sword, and his unsightly gaze seemed to poke two holes directly on the blade.

Lei Chenghu didn't even look at the cold-sworded sword, and continued to use his incomparable red eyes and hot eyes, staring at Yun Chenghua, reaching out to his only right arm, one word and one word: "Today's Empire Just like the gods and prisons at this moment, you are at the juncture of life and death, bringing you all the eagerness to make a contribution, and save the empire with me. The empire needs you to make the right choice!"


Yun Chenghua’s face was indefinite, and half of the sword was stagnant in the air. He sighed. “Even if you can overcome the gods and prisons, what are you going to do next?”

"As long as the gods and prisons are conquered, there will naturally be a series of Thunder plans that will continue to be launched until we can make our own voices in the Senate, and even have our own position. In the process of conquering God's prison, the price paid is higher. Small, the higher the probability of success in the next phase of the plan, so your role is crucial!"

Lei Chenghu suddenly turned his eyes to Yun Chenghua, and at the same time, the voice turned. "However, our strength is far beyond your imagination. All key positions in the entire empire have our friends, including God's prison." Otherwise, do you think that the power to rescue me will come so quickly?

"The fighters are fleeting. I don't have time to talk nonsense. If you are still obsessed with it, there will naturally be a lot of people to replace you and have a good time with us!"

Yun Chenghua was shocked and completely fell into the rhythm of Lei Chenghu, and even adjusted his breathing and heartbeat with the breath of Lei Chenghu.

His gaze also followed Lei Chenghu's gaze, and he turned slightly toward his right rear.

Standing in the right rear of him, he was the deputy governor Luo Wenyao.

Under the gaze of Lei Chenghu's burning eyes, Luo Wenyao's breathing was scattered, and his look was somewhat unnatural, as if he was under tremendous pressure.

Yun Chenghua instantly perceives the subtle changes of his deputy.

Reminiscent of this earlier sneaky behavior, the brain suddenly sounded a big bell.

At this moment, Lei Chenghu suddenly turned his eyes and screamed: "Do it!"

It sounded like a thunder, and it was a **** flower.

Poor Na Luowen Yao, although Li Linghai had already bought the inside, he was given a lot of high-ranking officials, so that he could help to rescue Lei Chenghu’s actions, but never thought of personally going to the warden.

There was a ghost in his heart. A spider silk hung in the air, and the tension reached the extreme. The right hand clung to the miniature sagittal gun next to the thigh, nervously twitching.

After being caught up by Lei Chenghu, he was caught off guard. The instinctive reaction was to pull out the gun. After the gun was pulled, it was a bit stunned. I didn’t understand the meaning of Lei Chenghu.

Yun Chenghua has long been under the guidance of Lei Chenghu, and noticed every move behind him.

His nerves are more acute than the birds of the stunned bow. The sword was originally drawn out. At this moment, the deputy was shot and the bell in the brain became a scream. The knife was lightning-splitting, and the home turned, swung, and spined. The strange and thick flames rushed out, condensed into a ruined knife, and slanted through the wrist of Luo Wenyao who had just pulled out the sagittal gun, and wiped the neck again.

The deputy warden, Luo Wenyao, was stiff and had two thin, long blood marks on his wrists and neck. He circled his wrist and neck, and the dead fish-like eyes were also protruding.

"Call! Huh! Huh! Huh!"

The governor, Yun Chenghua, took a breather and looked like a plain knife. It really consumed him too much effort.

Lei Chenghu stood still in the same place, except for the violent drink of "hands-on", there is no point.

Li Yao still stood behind Lei Chenghu, four black crystals slowly lingering, ready to fill his task is to protect Lei Chenghu, as the deputy warden Luo Wenyao's life and death is naturally not considered, and he also said I did not expect that Lei Chenghu would suddenly play such a hand. How can I stop a near-instinctive attack by a Yuan Ying Lao?

more importantly

Whether Yun Chenghua, Luo Wenyao or Li Yao, I don’t understand what Lei Chenghu means!

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