Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2231: Soldiers!

"Despite the rest assured, Lei Daoyou never thought about playing a long-lasting civil war, but to solve the problem quickly."

Li Linghai’s ten fingers fluttered lightly, and a golden three-dimensional light curtain was opened between the two. It was a map of the vast territory of the vast stars.

Under Li Linghai's ten fingers, the map of the empire's territory is constantly magnified, magnified, and magnified. In the end, there is only a huge planet in the center that is shining and shining.

Li Linghai smiled. "My deep sea fleet, Lei Daoyou's thundering fleet, and an additional Shenwei fleet, the power of the three together, turned into a flood of innovative empire, is it possible to suddenly hit here, What are you upside down?"

"Here, the emperor?"

Lei Chenghu’s eyes widened, and looking at Li Linghai’s eyes was like watching a madman. “This is impossible, absolutely impossible!

"First of all, without the guidance of the large-scale star gate, we can't make a system to jump to the emperor's sky. We must know that the emperor's 'very heaven, the celestial star' is near the star field is full of dense automatic magic weapons, all kinds of unmanned flying swords And the automatically activated cosmic mines almost filled all the channels!

"Once our warships are jumping to the vicinity of 'Polar Heaven and Heavenly Stars', even if they don't wait for the elite fleet of the four electorate families, they will be smashed and smashed, and it will be very difficult to gather together. .

"Secondly, the emperor's "Essence of Heaven, Tianji Star" itself is a huge starry sky battle. As early as the collapse of the black wind front 100 years ago, the empire took into account the possibility of the sacred alliance killing the emperor all the way to the 'extreme heaven, the celestial star 'Continuously strengthen.

"A hundred years of construction, today's emperors have been armed to every street and alleys, there are more permanent shelters and spar and magic treasure warehouses in the bottom of the earth! Any battle to attack the imperial capital will become a war of consumption, and we lack Logistics supply can only support a quick battle, it is impossible to capture the Imperial Capital!

"Third, and most importantly, since the ‘the Blood League Incident’, the empire’s imperial elders have transferred a large number of military forces to the Imperial Capital, called the “Qing Wang”, and in fact naturally protect themselves.

"Today, the fleet that gathered in the Imperial Capital is three times more than in the past. How can we get in? The choice of the emperor is the goal. It is self-investing in the net, and it is self-seeking to die. It has ruined the death of the priests and ruined the last hope of the empire.

"So, if this is the plan of Li Daoyou's "Respect for the Emperor, and the Reform of the Gods," I can't agree!"

"Thunderball friends are a little bit safe, your intelligence is slightly wrong. At this moment, the four major electors of the Emperor's family are elite, not three times as old, but at least five times, and once they hear about 'Imperial Queen Li Linghai' and 'God of War, Lei Chenghu' joins hands and erects the big chess of 'Respecting the Emperor's Rebellion and Shenwu's Innovation'. If you want to enter the Imperial Capital and implement the 'Bingyu', then under the soul of the squad, the strength of the assembly will be more than five times, and it is very likely to reach Ten times, isn't it?"

Li Linghai smiled. "But even ten times the strength, it is impossible to prevent us from going straight to the emperor, using the life and blood to carry out the 'Bingbing', exposing the ugly face of the warlords and the dignitaries, and awakening all the worlds that are insensitive, right?"

Lei Chenghu snorted: "What's the point, it's just a mess!"

"There is no point in it. It is not worthwhile to rush into the emperor to fight for the 'Bing Biao'. Even if it is lucky to kill a few veterans, it will not be worthwhile. Instead, the Thunder Fleet, the Deep Sea Fleet and the Shenwei Fleet will be completely destroyed, and the emperor will be defeated. In the heart of the empire, causing heavy losses, the rule of the four electorate families is faltering, and it is a situation of both losses."

Li Linghai turned his head and turned his eyes, and his eyes sparkled. "We know that we will never do this stupid thing about burning jade, but the other party doesn't know it? No matter if I am a thundering friend, it is like a gambler who is desperate at the moment. With the psychological support, it is not surprising to do anything that is mad.

"So, knowing that we are going to enter the emperor's news of the ‘Bing 谏’, the elites of the four electorate families will rush to the Imperial Capital and be locked in there!”

Lei Chenghu gave a slight glimpse, and the flame at the bottom of his eyes instantly burned the entire secret room, muttering: "Yes, the news that God's prison is being confined can't be concealed for a long time. Within a day, the four electorate families will know that I have Escape, and the existence of the 'innovative faction' huge forces!

"And entering the emperor to implement the 'Bingbing', it seems that we are nowhere to go, the only choice!

"So one..."

"As you can think, please see Leidao."

Li Linghai once again narrowed the map of the imperial territory and pointed to a red-red Xinghai Road on the outer edge. "Now two-thirds of the elites of the four electors are concentrated in the Imperial Shin Kong area, on the one hand, against the sacred counterattack, but More importantly, they are staring at the fleets of the new warlords and small and medium-sized nobles, and even pinning each other to ensure that they can seize the favorable position when they divide the cake.

"This part of the fleet will not move.

"Then, to strengthen the defense of the emperor, you can only mobilize the remaining one-third of their own nest."

"Once we know that we are going to enter the emperor to engage in the ‘military squad’ news, these elites will surely race against the emperor, and the four nestings of the emperor’s family are not emptiness?

"With the combination of the thundering fleet, the deep sea fleet and the Shenwei fleet, it is impossible to conquer the emperor. Is it still impossible to fight the four nests of the emperor family?"

Lei Chenghu pondered deeply, and from time to time zoomed in and down the map of the imperial territory, and concentratedly studied the direct territory of the four electorate families. After a while, he looked up at Li Linghai: "Even the nest of the four electorate families, It will not be easier to overcome than the emperor. Our casualties will be extremely heavy and we will not be able to confront four huge interest groups that have been passed down for thousands of years."

"Who said that we have to deal with four? Just one is enough."

Li Linghai smoothed out the white hair of the frantic dance, faintly said, "Even one doesn't even use it, just like what happened to God's prison today, 'the soldiers are not bloody.'"

The flames that Lei Chenghu’s eyes spewed out were condensed into magma. He said sincerely: “How did I not notice the superb characters like Li Daoyou? If you are not in the deep palace, but in the front line, you must have long been Make a meritorious deed and become the pillar of the empire!"

"It's ok."

Li Linghai smiled slightly. "As Lei Daoyou said just now, even in the palace, you can do a big business, isn't it?"

Lei Chenghu also laughed and returned to the topic: "So, where is the end of this action? I think that the empire that is now ill and threatened by foreign enemies is not suitable for a major surgery, with surgical operation. Accurately attacking, removing some of the enemies in the Senate, and letting the remaining elders change their minds, retaining and strengthening the establishment of the 'Expeditionary Army Base Camp', initially achieved the goal."

"Yes, the four major electorate families are deeply ingrained. We can't fight them at the same time. Therefore, even if we hold high the banner of "respecting the emperor and reversing the martial arts," they should not be labeled as "reverse thieves."

Li Linghai said, "Our purpose is very simple, that is three.

"First, the current Prime Minister of the Empire, Wang Wang, resigned from his post, and the "Oriental Cabinet" was completely down.

"Second, appoint Lei Daoyou as the "expeditionary commander", the Canadian dollar title, become the imperial elder, and reorganize the expeditionary army according to your will.

"Third, let His Majesty return to the palace, giving His Majesty the dignity and glory!"

"As for all kinds of things, it is not too late to wait for us to take advantage of the Senate."

Lei Chenghu’s line of sight penetrated the illusion of the empire’s territory, and it became unfathomable under the refraction of thousands of stars.

"The old minister obeyed and was willing to owe allegiance to His Royal Highness, and he was ruined by the slogan of "Respecting the Emperor and Renovating the Emperor".

Lei Chenghu got up and went to Li Linghai to respect a textbook-like "unity". Because of the lack of an arm, this ceremony was especially fierce and fierce. "Give me another half-day to clean up the gods." Everything, take all the important people away, then go back to the frontline third theater and call my fleet.

"Now I am the commander of the third theater, the highest commander of the thundering fleet. Even if the Senate wants to withdraw my position, it will take a while, that is enough!"

"Working hard, General Ray, not... Lei Yuanshuai."

Li Linghai also changed his title. "The empire will not forget your contribution. You will become the greatest soldier of the true human empire in the millennium. The safety of my brothers and the future of thousands of people will depend on you. Now!

"Now the situation in the third theater is changing and speculation. The fleets of the four major electoral families are monitoring you nearby. If they are aware of the news of the fall of the gods, they may make any excessive moves, and do not need my fleet escort. You go back?"

"No, it is enough to have a Shenwei fleet."

Lei Chenghu grinned. "As long as I have a precise jump, I can go back to the third theater. That is my site. No one can take me anyway!"

"Okay, then I will enter the full set of operational information into the crystal brain, and then we will contact through the secret communication channel."

If Li Linghai has nothing to do, "In order to ensure the smooth communication between each other, please ask Lei Marshal to bring a liaison officer. Since you and the vulture Li Yao are already familiar with each other, it is better to bring him, just take him. In the event of an accident, you can also protect your safety. Isn't it two things?"

Lei Chenghu frowned deeply and stared at Li Yao for a long time.

However, he did not reject Li Linghai's "good intentions" and nodded.

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