Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2248: Attack it is not ready!

There is a saying that "God of War" Lei Chenghu said it is very correct.

After humans mainly explored the three-dimensional universe in the form of "star-sea jump" and conquered thousands of worlds and tens of thousands of resource planets, in any cosmic war, "offensive" is always 100 times simpler than "defense". .

Lei Chenghu is not an alien enemy. He is a member of the Imperial Army. He is a sandbanker who has been mingling for two hundred years in the Imperial Army. He is more likely to receive help from the mysterious forces of the Imperial Capital and the navigation map of the various worlds of the Empire. The distribution of forces and the coordinates of jumping are well known.

He can choose his own target as he wants, and suddenly appears in any star field.

But the defensive side is destined to be able to spread all the forces evenly to every world and every planet, so that it will only be broken by each and only focus on it.

The offensive side has a near-infinite attack initiative, and limiting them is a resource.

That's right, the attacker can choose the target indefinitely when jumping for the first time, but this choice and the next battle will also exhaust all the fuel and ammunition they have.

If the first battle can't achieve brilliant results, and there is no effective supplement, it will not be able to launch a second jump, and will be killed and alive on the burning battlefield.

This kind of offense and defense is somewhat like a gunman's duel with two flintlocks.

The rifle can only be fired once. It is of course an advantage to get ahead of the fire, but if you don't hit it, you almost cut off all your hopes.

Predicting the first attack target of the thundering fleet became the top priority of the "post-shooter".

When the words “Respect for the Emperor and the Revolution of the Gods” spread throughout the streets of the Imperial Capital, including the ears of the Senate, Lei Chenghu’s goal was clear.

Yes, for the resentful officers and men on the front line, for the remote and small and medium-sized world interest groups that are aggrieved, what other places are more suitable for the big one than the emperor?

The "rebels" that have been rushed together in the third theater are theoretically unable to attack the imperial capital.

But in the war, everything is possible in the past, the border general of the Xinghai Republic, Wu Yingqi, not in the way of "dagger tactics" to go straight to the capital, to control the parliament, the slaughter, to trigger a chain reaction, and finally usurped the whole country?

The foresight of the "founding emperor" is so clear that it is impossible for the patriarchs of the Senate to be shocked and stunned. For fear of repeating the same mistakes, today's Imperial Senate has become the Republican Parliament of the millennium.

In the depths of the streets and even the bottom of the gap, ghostly rumors came.

Many people know that the banner of the rebel army has been lifted up everywhere in the Xinghai. It will soon sweep the imperial capital with the thunder and thunder. Even if it is impossible to conquer the emperor, the heart of the starry sea will be ruined.

The more secretive information of each channel is eloquently said that the investigation of the "Criminal League Incident" some time ago has aroused strong dissatisfaction in all aspects. Now, in addition to the four major electors, the emperors have already had various forces. Many people secretly turned to the rebels, the "innovationist" camp.

As soon as Lei Chenghu’s fleet appeared on the periphery of the extreme heavens, these forces will rise up and be combined with the thundering fleet to win the imperial capital!

The intelligence systems of the four major electoral families flocked at a speed of ten times, looking for the source of these rumors, and they were really caught by many sneaky guys and even cracked the secret bases of several reformists.

The result of severe torture of members of the reformists is a clear-sky news.

The reformists led by the imperial queen Li Linghai have been working hard for decades in the imperial capital, and they have penetrated into the key nodes of the imperial capital. The seemingly impenetrable defense system has long been riddled with holes.

These shocking intelligences, like the poisoned dagger, have broken into the throats of the veterans.

The veterans have long been wary of Li Linghai's ambitions, but no matter how vigilant, she only limited her to the category of "court battle", but did not expect that she would use such crazy means, outside the imperial capital, the empire On the periphery, pull up a strong rebels.

From the Queen's Li Linghai's penetration of the Imperial Capital, coupled with the powerful combat power of the Thunderbolt fleet, the reforms are really desperate, and recklessly go straight to the Imperial Capital, at least two to three percent of the grasp, capture part of the ground area of ​​the Tianji Star.

If the two sides really hit the ground on the emperor's ground and split the heart of the empire into two halves, then the millennial empire would be destroyed.

The elders from the four major electoral families may not be so loyal and passionate about the word "empire", and even many ambitious guys have been obsessed in the heart more than once. If the empire is really falling apart, they control the dozens of twenty. A thousand worlds are self-contained, and they also get an emperor, but they are not addicted?

However, these Yuan Ying and the gods of the gods have great computing power and high rationality. Knowing the word "real human empire" is the "largest convention of various intricate interest groups." number".

The empire may be very bad and annoying, but without the empire, hundreds of thousands of worlds will once again become a loose sand, into a new, more cruel than the past "Xinghai Warring States era."

They are bound to kill each other and attack each other until everyone is exhausted, both lose and they are destroyed by the Holy League.

Since any of the four electorate families did not grasp the entire Xinghai Sea with one breath, the Empire became the existence they had to defend.

To defend the empire, the emperor must not have an accident. Any large-scale war that took place in the imperial capital will inevitably lead to a series of unpredictable chain reactions. Under the increase of the butterfly effect, it will evolve into a Jedi storm that sweeps across the empire!

"Never let the rebels break into the atmosphere of the celestial star!"

"It is necessary to kill the thundering fleet and the ambitions of the reformists in the icy stars outside the extreme heavens!"

This is the unanimous voice of the elders.

In order to achieve the goal, the military machines of the four electoral families have been rumbling in the most violent posture.

A month ago, when the blood alliance event occurred, the four major electoral families dispatched countless family elite warships to the Imperial Capital to control the situation.

Today, they spared no expense in fuel and starships, and ordered more elites in the family territory to appear in the extreme heavens and celestial stars as soon as possible, instead of those who are very likely to be unclear with the reformists and suspiciously loyal. military.

In just 24 hours, more than 15 fleets have jumped to the Imperial Capital.

Even if it is full of space wrinkles and stable wormholes, the Emperor's capital, which is densely populated by the Xinghai waterway and is famous for its star-studded ships, rarely meets so many super-ships at the same time, tearing the pieces of the four-dimensional space. If the waves of the sea are ups and downs, it will not be calm for a long time.

It is ironic that regardless of the reformist "rebel army" or "rebel army", or the elite of the four electorate families, the reason for the rapid summoning is the same emperor who defends the wise, invincible and infinite great!

The reinforcements of the fifteen fleets, together with the more than ten fleets that were originally stationed in the Imperial Capital, are now scattered in the extreme heavens and the fleets of the celestial stars have reached nearly 30 horrific numbers.

The essence of the entire real human empire, in addition to the major battlefields on the front line, all gathered in the emperor, quietly waiting for the emergence of the thundering fleet.

The rebels will definitely come, and all the veterans are convinced of this.

Because there is no rebel in the rear base, the resources can maintain the daily consumption of the fleet for up to one month.

Every day, the triumphant balance tilted one point toward the four major electors. In this struggle of the will, the first collapse is destined to be Li Linghai, Lei Chenghu and the so-called "renovation"!



The real human empire, the second quadrant, one of the four major electoral families, the core of the Li family, the rainy world, the rain god.

This is a planet rich in rain, rich in resources, and ideal for planting a variety of psychic crops.

What is even more rare is that the earth's bottom of the planet contains a variety of rare spar and metal veins, forming an extremely rare "industrial and agricultural composite planet", which is highly rated in all the planetary sequences of the empire.

Lijia naturally built a continuous lingering farm and spar mine around Rainstar, and developed a splendid city with a population of tens of billions of people. It also built a giant mega-synchronous orbit in the rain orbit. The space dock can refine almost all grades of warships below the heavy destroyer.

In a nutshell, this is one of the most important core worlds of Li, and even shoulders the heavy responsibility of transferring resources to several nearby worlds.

This is evident from the door of the super-giant starry sky that stretches over thousands of kilometers long from the periphery of the synchronous orbit of the Rain Star.

The gates of these three stars are like three giant beacons with equilateral triangles. The radiant light is enough to tear the four-dimensional space and instantly spread throughout the empire, guiding the star ships from all sides of the empire. Rain star is coming.

Rain Star, the gate of the third starry sky.

In the past twenty-four hours, there have been too many fleets from all over the world to jump into the rainy world. After adding fuel and ammunition here, they will jump to the emperor, and even the staff with three starry doors will overdraw their lives and burn their souls. , playing with the navigation.

At this moment, the emergency transfer has come to an end, and everyone’s tight nerves have relaxed a little. Many people are sleeping in a messy operation room. Even those who are still in the post are exhausted and can’t stop fighting. I can't afford the spirit of the boss, and occasionally there are a few guys who rely on drugs to bring their spirits out, but they are full of faces, hiding in the corner, whispering the revolutionary who suddenly jumped out of the darkness, and The imperial drama that will be staged.

Just then, a sharp alarm rang through the control center of the entire Star Gate 3.

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