Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2253: Golden Death!

This heavy-duty giant soldier named "The Tiger of the Nebula" was also driven by the strongest of the peaks of Li Jiayuan's infants. When the murderous temperament hit, it also stirred up a lot of impurities floating in the vacuum, forming a long body. The flashing belt of several kilometers is really like a tiger nebula with claws and claws. .

However, Li Yao’s own combat power is higher than that of his opponent’s big realm, and he continues to devour the deepest power from the Emperor’s flames.

The predecessor of the "Golden Oyster", "Nine Secrets and Mysterious Bone", is the original magic weapon that was excavated in the depths of the Nüwa battleship. It is 100% intact and has undergone intensive renovation by a large number of emperors.

Regardless of the strength of the driver or the ranks of the giant soldiers, both sides are far apart.

Destined to this earth-shattering collision, there is only one result.

Booming and banging!

The golden streamer and the tiger's nebula slammed together, and even the naked eye could see hundreds of raging psionic ripples, like the shock waves in the atmosphere, spreading in all directions, even the crystals a few kilometers away. Influence, the psionic shield was instantly torn and shattered, and the power bursts burst one after another, turning into an icy iron coffin before that, the inside of the sergeant had already been bombarded with the internal organs and even the brain, and there was no pain in an instant. The earth is dead.

The first-ever giant soldier "The Tiger of the Nebula", even if the sword did not have time to wave, it was slammed by the "golden scorpion", the magic weapon failed, and then the arms were locked by the trend, and the wrist was twisted and twisted. The driving joints of the elbows and shoulder blades are all ground.

Between one breath and one breath, Li Yao can clearly grasp the most subtle structure of the other giant soldiers, and launch attacks, such as Kenting's solution to cattle and mercury.

The psionic energy erupted like a volcano and slammed into the cockpit of the "Tiger of the Nebula", causing heavy damage to the driver. At the same time, it ran through the psionic power loop and smashed the entire giant soldier, almost destroying the sensing chip and power unit of each limb. The "Xingyun Tiger" is like a three-legged cat that is stunned and violently twitched. The orange-colored lubricating fluid and the coolant spurt out and become a cloud of fog in the vacuum.

At this time, the second wave of bullets from the Valley Rain Fleet was killed.

Under the precise control of the cluster fire control system, the original devastating Xuanguang, Psionic missiles and magnetic magnetic projectiles rushed to Li Yao at the same time.

Li Yao snorted, one red and one black in the enchanting eyes, the two rings of shiny gold rings became hotter, and the golden palms of the two palms together became two sharp hand-knifes, deeply piercing the "Nebula The tiger's breastplate completely smashed the opponent's ability to move. Then, the gold huddled into a ball, and wrapped the whole body with a large golden wing, like a golden giant egg.

The "Tiger of the Nebula" has become the shield of "Golden Scorpion", and the attacks of squally showers and destruction of the earth are all on the back of the "Xingyun Tiger".

Li Yao’s speed is too fast. It’s hard to capture any of his most subtle movements. Any starship, giant soldier and crystal scorpion, just scan a series of light balls, such as deformed tumors, swelling wildly. The two giant soldiers were completely swallowed up.

Although one of the giant soldiers was also trapped inside, the commanders at all levels of the Valley Rain Fleet were terrified to the extreme. The long-range long-range attacks such as the flooding did not dare to stop. It lasted for three minutes. One paragraph.

However, just as the grape-like light ball collapsed and annihilated, the golden scorpion jumped out in a more dazzling posture than the light ball, and seized one leg of the second giant soldier.


Thousands of golden arcs were thrown out of the palm of the golden scorpion, and the second giant squadron couldn't move at once, but after being smashed by gold for a few laps, he smashed the past to the third giant **** soldier!

The third giant warriors were a few kilometers away from them. Naturally, they were not smashed by the second giant gods. However, the evasiveness of the chaos also hindered his 100% vigilance against Li Yao.

And it turns out that even the vigilant 99.99% of the peers like "vulture Li Yao" is not enough!


Everyone on the battlefield saw perhaps the most dazzling golden stream of life.

This stream of light not only tears the bleak star sea, but also tears their retinas, causing them to burn like pain from the eyeball to the bottom of their heart.

It is the knives of the wind and the electric power, dragging a full ten kilometers, was stirred by the flames, has not been annihilated for a long time or may never be annihilated!

At the end of the knife, the golden scorpion puts the sword to the extreme posture, the knife does not sheath, and the person does not look back.

On the path of the knife, the two giant soldiers have made a strange gesture, like a dying zombie.

Finally, two dazzling golden lights burst into the chest and abdomen joints, and at the same time they tore two shocking cracks at the same time, seemingly lost most of their mobility.

One knife, two giant soldiers!

All the officers and men of the Valley Rain Fleet, especially the sorcerers who wandered around the four giant soldiers, were like the most terrible nightmare, breaking their hearts and tears.

All the officers and men of the thundering fleet, including the giant gods commando that flew to the enemy's wings under the leadership of Lei Wuya and Shen Tumeng, were also shocked by Li Yao's shocking performance, and could not be calm for a long time.

The heart said that the royal family has a thousand years of inheritance, and the hundred insects die without being stiff. This "angel" vulture Li Yao is really extraordinary!

Up to now, apart from Lei Chenghu and Li Jialing, no one doubts the identity of Li Yao’s "angel" on this battlefield.

If the facts are in front of you, if you don't get the royal family's millennium heritage, how can the golden screams stir up such a strong tyrant!

In the midst of millions of intricacies, or horror, or the gaze of adoration, the golden scorpion once again turned into a fierce and unconstrained, arrogant golden streamer, and in a flash, madly followed the three giants. The scorpion of the gods attacked the cluster.

The confrontation between the giant gods and the giant gods, the crystal is only an aid.

Now, the three giant soldiers of the Valley Rain Fleet have almost lost their combat power, and the remaining crystals are naturally not the opponents of Li Yao.

When the golden gongs flashed, a group of fireballs swelled rapidly, and in a short time they spread into the scorpion magic flame. Hundreds of the most advanced crystal scorpions were destroyed by the golden scorpion.

If it is a century-old **** battle, experienced and resolutely determined fleet and crystal battle group, you should understand that "the horror of the giant soldiers have the limit", such a high-intensity battle, regardless of the durability of the armor Still storing ammunition and fuel are madly consumed.

For the golden scorpion, this cruel truth cannot be exceeded.

Therefore, the more this situation, the more you have to fight in the end, the use of human tactics hard to kill the gold, killing, even with dozens of self-destruction of the crystal to reinvent the golden shield of psionics and armor Then, using dozens of crystal scorpions to trap the limbs and power units of the golden scorpion, and finally hundreds of starships and guns will be able to kill the enemy's super giant soldiers.

However, such experience, courage and courage to die, have always been pampered in the rear, and enjoy the success of the Valley Rain Fleet, it is impossible to have.

In the middle of the battlefield, Li Yao’s crazy performance greatly shocked the flagship of the Valley Rain fleet and the Central Fleet Group.

On the flank, the giant warrior commando team led by Lei Wuya and Shen Tumeng also caused a serious blow to the arsenal and magneto-magnetic interference ships deployed by the Valley Rain Fleet. Both giant soldiers were in a mess. Deterred the formation of the Valley Rain Fleet.

In the vicinity of the No. 3 star gate not far from the battlefield, with the martial arts of the giant gods, the main battleships of the thundering fleet all jumped out of the Xinghai, and the space on the body was cleaned up. The land has joined the increasingly large and fierce battlefield.

They are not eager to launch an attack, as if the enemy opposite is already in the bag, the bottom of the fish!

In the face of such a situation, the Gu Yu fleet looming signs of a full-line collapse.

The thing is clear, their only hope of victory is to defeat the thundering fleet before the thundering fleet has completely jumped, and to defeat the thundering fleet by a group of giant soldiers, and then "half-crossing", and the thundering fleet is caught off guard.

The thundering fleet is the elite force that condenses dozens of worlds in the third theater. Once the jumps and the formation of the troops are completed, it is not destined to be a regional defense force that they cannot compile.

The gunfire of the Valley Rain Fleet was messy.

The original arc-shaped attack formation, which has been perfect, has become uneven. Many starships hesitate whether they should continue to move forward or flee.

Li Yao keenly grasped the enemy's panic.

These stupid guys shouldn’t have given him so much interest and preparation time.

The golden scorpion is standing in the flame of the void. The huge wings and arms are open at the same time. The sensibility of the hundreds of bright lights visible to the naked eye extends in all directions, covering the wreckage of the crystals that have just been destroyed by themselves.

The raging wreckage in the dual reaction of psionics and fuel has been dismantled into the most basic pieces, and all the pieces have been condensed and reorganized into a handle with different lengths and different forms, but equally gorgeous. A sharp, sharp sword.

In the void, there is a glimpse of the ancient sacred spirits, which have been absorbed by the giant swords, and turned into a sword-like inscription.

In a short period of time, hundreds of golden swords swayed around the golden scorpion, accompanied by Li Yao’s one breath and one breath, gently rhythm, bursting with a stinging radiance.

The golden scorpion slowly raised his right hand, and the tip of hundreds of giant swords trembled wildly, like a snake that found prey.

Li Yao's black and red eyelids instantly shrunk into two golden flash points of the size of the tip. The gold shackles manipulated the right arm and smashed the golden awns around the hundreds of giant swords and turned them into hundreds of pieces. The magnetic channel, so that the giant sword after the rapid rotation, the electric shot, issued a scream that is enough to tear the vacuum, and flew to the remaining crystal smash attack cluster!

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