Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2256: Last night!

"Cough, cough, cough, hahahaha!"

Li Jiande is like coughing out the heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys, and like a crow who laughs and is about to break his breath. He releases two small rays from the constantly swaying wrinkles, and the haze is staring at Li Linghai. "You are carrying the family first." In the dark, there are many small and medium-sized forces in the periphery of the empire. They have also developed a secret armor of the squad, and have rolled up the storm and the family has been grilled on the stove.

"When things get out of hand, the dog jumps to the wall and kills the family to bite a bite. If the eyelids are not smashed, they will kill thousands of family children and destroy the elite fleet of the family."

"Doing this kind of food, you can’t tell me, this is for the future of the family. I really thought... there is no family law!"


Seemingly dying, even the weakest cold wind can not stand the old man, suddenly rounded his eyes, the skinny palm of his hand slammed, even the three stereoscopic light curtains burst into bursts of smashing, almost to be one of him The palm is broken.

"The ancestors were a little more sloppy, and listening to the grandchildren slowly explained."

Li Linghai was not intimidated by the lord of the family. Even a crystal-clear eyebrow did not tremble, and still smiled slightly. "The grandson does not want to make this decision. It is really forced to be the most powerful of the current family." They all have eyes and no beads, look forward to the future, fearful and timid, like a generation of pigs, such as my father's pigs, if the grandson directly tells their plans, in addition to scaring their courage, let them add up to get rid of my mind, will not There is a second result.

"Only the ancestors, you are the talented, far-sighted, and able to see the superb characters of the situation changes hundreds of years later.

"But after all, you have a high age. In the past, the family has been exhausted, and it has been exhausted. It consumes too much. Nowadays, most of the time, it is necessary to retreat. Many things in the family are inevitable, and the result is that Being dragged by teammates like these pigs.

"If you don't use this method, even if I am in the capacity of an imperial queen, I will have the opportunity to see you, let these pigs shut up, let the family believe in the possibility and seriousness of this matter, and let you Listen carefully to your grandson's words?"

"If I don't want to hear it?"

Every wrinkle on Li Jiande's face exudes a knife-like cold light, and he scrapes together in front of the light curtain. One word and one word, "Good granddaughter, you hear clearly, I don't know how much you have except the thundering fleet." Strength, but Rain Star is a strategic place for the family to work hard for hundreds of years, including I have personally designed and perfected the defense system of Rain Star.

"The whole rain **** is covered with large and small, bright or dark battle bastions. There are millions of battle squads and elite squadrons. The underground ordnance and grain are enough to support years of high intensity. Resistance, no three years and five years and countless flesh and blood bodies to fill in, you can take the rain star!

"Oh, let alone three or five years, in just ten days, the four major electorate families can mobilize a large number of elites and jump to the rainy world.

"Yes, we lost the jumping coordinate signal of Gu Yujie. It seems that you have occupied and destroyed three star gates, which made our fleet unable to jump into a large-scale system, right?

"How about that, what we have is a portable assembly stargate component mounted on a starship. As long as several starships jump to the edge of the valley, you can build several small stargates in a day or two to summon large troops.

"How many starships do you have in your hands, is it possible to monitor the entire vast expanse of the Valley of the Rain, and find all the secretly built small star gates and destroy them one by one?

"Not to mention, the Valley Rain Fleet is not so easy to be completely eliminated by you. Even if it is a pig, it is also a pig armed with the most advanced starships and crystal scorpions. I don't believe that you can completely control the whole valley in a month. !

"So, I am very curious, tell me, my granddaughter, what do you think, just by doing this, can force the whole family to sit down and negotiate with you?"

Li Jiande sat back again.

The black-eyed small eyes of the mung bean are slightly closed, and it seems that they have lost interest in this conversation and will cut off the communication at any time.


Li Linghai grinned, and the jade-like fingers swayed slightly. "The ancestors, you made a mistake. I am not coming to negotiate with the family, but just coming to the family for an ultimatum."

Li Jiande’s eyes just closed again.

The gaze of the gloom, as if the chest of the heavy-duty crystal can be opened.

"I never thought of occupying any of the habitable planets of the rain **** or the family, so it would be so stupid not to send troops into the atmosphere to carry out the **** landings on the streets.

“I just want to get the resources stored in the low-Earth rails, warehouses and Star Wars, mainly fuel and ammunition.”

Li Linghai raised his wrist and looked at the time and work progress on the miniature crystal brain. "In 12 hours, my fleet will remove all the materials on the outer track of Rain Star, and we will be captured by us. Those starships, the spar ammunition and the psionic fuel above will also be transferred.

"After that, I will tie these captive starships and the Star Harbor, the dock, the Star Wars and other facilities on the synchronous orbit, and use the power of more than a dozen or twenty starships to drive all the synchronous orbits. The starry sky facility cut into the atmosphere and landed straight on the ground.

"As for the goal, I have already set it up. It is the 20 most populous cities in the world. I believe that the defense of the rain **** must be very strict, but dozens of stars and stars with a weight of 10 million tons. When the war smashed down and pushed the speed to the limit, what a huge quality and impact would be formed. Even if advanced anti-aircraft artillery could not make such a big quality annihilate invisible?

"I estimate that in the end I can completely destroy ten of the 20 megacities of Rain Star. I am lucky, maybe fifteen?

"Then, the whole rain star will be shrouded in horrible smoke, and the strong smoke will obscure the stellar glory. In the course of more than ten or twenty years, the rain **** will become a cold **** below zero, perhaps It takes thirty or fifty years to see the beauty of the spring blossoms again, and the surviving people will wait patiently!"

Li Linghai smiled at Li Jiande.

The more the other's eyes are darker, the more she smiles, and she fully regards that look as an appreciation.

"This is only the first step, and the grandson has not finished yet."

Li Linghai continued, "After all the facilities in the low-Earth orbit and all the star-capped ships of the captives are pushed to the major cities of the rain god, our revolutionary joint fleet will leave the valley and jump to the other thousand. The world goes.

"Since ancient times, there have been only a thousand days to be thieves, and there is no one-day thief. Even if the family is more eager to wait, it is impossible to spread all the forces evenly to every big world. If it is so stupid, it would be fine.

"Yes, grandchildren certainly can't control all the stars in the world, but the ancestors did not say it. There is a magic weapon in the world called 'detachable small star door'. Unfortunately, the grandson's fleet is just right. It also carries a few such star gates, enough for the grandchildren to carry out a long-lasting harassment and destruction inside the Li family!

"Each jump to a new world, destroy the fleet there, devour all supplies, and destroy as much as possible, directly destroy all inhabitable planets and resource planets, at least destroy the living conditions of inhabitable planets, let these planets The environment has become extremely harsh.

"Before the family's main force has not yet reacted, we can complete the destruction, destruction and transfer, and then look for the next target, or simply squat for a period of time between the vast sea of ​​stars, anyway, the resources looted are enough.

"When all the weaker defense worlds have been looted and destroyed, we will jump to the core world of the family, and the ancestors will fight with the most elite of the family!"

"Yes, perhaps the system that we jumped over was very incomplete. We couldn't talk about the semi-point formation. All the starships were scattered in the vast expanse of the sea, and it must be defeated.

"But I believe that with the determination to die, with the goal of 'burning jade and burning all together,' I can at least drag the family's 30% elite into the nine secluded yellow springs before the smog?"

"This is my plan, my ancestors, even if there is a little discount in the actual operation, I will be satisfied if there are seven or eight planets plus three or five elite family members to bury me."

A huge silence, between Li Linghai and Li Jiande.

"Silver Fox" Li Jiande, who was known for his enthusiasm and enthusiasm in his prime, was known for his killing and killing, and there were thousands of people who had fallen to his head and had done a lot.

But I don't know if the older the person, the softer the many organs, the cold and ruthless on his face, and began to slowly split.

Li Linghai pierced Li Jiande's shake at a glance, and the smile in the transparent eyes was more intense. The soft tongue licked the sharp teeth and said: "The four electorate families are like four tigers who are hungry and hard to fill, but usually Unite to fight against the trailing hyenas, jackals and leopards, but why not look at each other?

"One mountain can't be two tigers, although the Xinghai is vast, but the four tigers are too much. If one of the tigers is seriously injured, the skin is fleshy and scented, and it is full of seductive blood and meat. The ancestors, you guess, the other three hungry tigers will Give it healing, help it recover its strength, or rob it, smash it down, divide it thoroughly, take it into the abdomen, and don't even have bone **** left?"

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