Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2259: Bet over the fire!

The rainy world is far from the star's outer star, the stellar radiation is weak to near nothing, and the **** chasing and slaughter is going on in the dark and cold cosmic swamp.

The Valley Rain Fleet is like a panicked little beast. It fights to be farther away, darker, and more cold in the depths of the universe. Even desperately want to launch the Xinghai Jump and flee to other big worlds that Li Family belongs to.

The fastest destroyer of the Thunder Fleet is like a sharp tooth, tearing the softest abdomen of the fugitive from all sides, tearing a horrible wound on the shell of their starship before the turbulence of the space around them. They are forced to stop the operation of the Xinghai Jumping Unit, reduce the conventional cruising speed, and entangle the scalp and the chaser.

Then, it’s the turn of the golden scorpion and so on.

Under the cover of his own fierce artillery, Li Yao once again drove the starship of the gold squadron into the Valley Rain Fleet. The slashing knife was like a canned screwdriver, and it was easy to open a layer of armor.

As long as he is drilled into the starship by the golden scorpion, there is almost no power to stop him from slashing and killing the Quartet.

Li Yao did not deliberately kill too many cultivators, but he was long-distance and straightforward. With his deepest insight into the starship, he directly destroyed the energy center and blew down all the singular shields and power units of a starship. , completely lost the fighting power, can only be captured by the opponent.

Jin Mang, which was hidden in time, became the biggest fear in the hearts of the Gu Yu fleet. It also became the brightest cheer in the officers and men of the Thunder Fleet.

Under the powerful offensive of the thundering fleet and the unstoppable attack by Li Yao, this remnant is like a small beast that has been dragged into the swamp by crocodiles, and struggles are getting weaker and weaker.

Suddenly, it seems that there is a strange wave that spreads all the starships of the remnants. All the starships of the Valley Rain Fleet have a white light.

Even the starships that are about to leave the theater have actively reduced their speed and slowly closed the Psionic Shield and Power Unit.

Li Yao, who was preparing to invade the new starship, raised his eyes. After a while, he received news from the rear that the Valley Rain Fleet and the Rain Star Ground Force all surrendered. The attitude of Li Jia was one hundred and eighty degrees. U-turn, willing to support the reformist justice, and jointly issued the "innovation empire" buzz!


The thundering fleet's flagship "Iron Stream".

As the joint flagship of the expeditionary force's third theater, the Tieliu is equipped with three or five giant soldiers, and naturally has a well-equipped giant warrior maintenance and repair center.

Li Yao’s golden shackles temporarily used the “Iron Flow” as a nest. After the fierce battle, the most comprehensive maintenance must be carried out here, supplemented with ammunition and injected with new fuel, in order to be included in the ring.

As soon as I climbed out of the giant soldiers, I saw countless pairs of eyes in all directions looking at myself with awe. No matter the thundering fleet or the other dozens of the world’s strongest people in the third theater, all of them had a deeper understanding of Li Yao’s "angel". The understanding of the first layer, the glorious image of "vulture Li Yao", has finally erected.

Li Yao didn't have time to bow to many officers and men, and smiled, and even had no time to overhaul the giant soldiers. He was summoned by Lei Chenghu to discuss the next move.

However, when he came from Lei Chenghu's command room, he found that there was only Lei Chenghu in the command room, and no other commanders of the joint fleet had even holographic projections.

"The Li family compromised, and the first game won."

Lei Chenghu crossed his hands, his flesh fingers and steel fingers overlapped, his cold eyes crossed his hands and stared at Li Yaodao. "The latest news is that Li Jia is currently the owner, one of the four electors, and has the name of 'Silver Fox'. Li Jiande’s sudden illness, unsatisfactory personnel, and the inability to handle family affairs, was the place where the Queen’s father, Li Mingxuan, was the host of the family.

"Li Mingxuan had just become a temporary homeowner and immediately ordered the Yuyu garrison to surrender, and expressed deep understanding and absolute support for the reformists and our frontline **** officers and soldiers, and supported our call for justice.

"Do you know what you know beforehand?"


Li Yaofei blinked his eyes. "The old master Li Jiande is going to have a sudden illness. Then the new owner is the father of His Royal Highness. When he is on the top, he announces full cooperation with the reformists. Is this the Queen’s full confidence? Li Jia Nei should be her father, our empire's 'national' Li Mingxuan? It feels a bit strange!"

"You really don't know?"

Lei Chenghu observed the color and carefully analyzed Li Yao’s expression. He was slightly surprised. The two thick eyebrows overlapped together. “It seems that the Queen’s Highness does not tell you all the confession!”

"I said, I am not too familiar with the Queen's Highness, just an ordinary friend, where is the confidant!"

Li Yao scratched his jaw and snarled. "I always feel that the progress is too smooth. We just came over and the old master is hanging. The father of His Royal Highness has become a new owner, and there is a With such a strong control, can all of the defenders in the Guyu world surrender all of a sudden? This should be too...what is it?"

"Not a new homeowner, but a temporary homeowner."

Lei Chenghu knocked on the table. "There is something to remind you that Li Jiande, the oldest of the four major electors, is a famous old man in the imperial political arena. He was seriously injured a hundred years ago. After being dismissed as the prime minister of the empire, it is said that there have been very serious health problems, and he has been dead for a long time.

"But I have been dying for a hundred years, and I have not seen him really going to die. Instead, I have been a former enemy, and the enemy who has jumped out of this place for a hundred years, all died."

"There are even rumors that this old immortal has no serious illness at all, but has cultivated a special secret law, at the expense of his usual health and last life, in exchange for the horror realm of the distraction period at a critical moment! ”

Li Yao was shocked: "Distraction!"

"Yes, cultivation to the realm of Yuan Ying, from the strength of strength and computing power, has reached the limit of the human body. From the beginning of the transformation of the gods, it gradually breaks through the limitation of the word 'human' and develops in the direction of legends and myths. The so-called 'distraction' is even more horrible to immeasurable. Now the empire's strongest cultivator is the realm of distraction. 'Silver fox' Li Jiande stands at the peak of the empire's cultivating world, and has not died for a hundred years. So embarrassed, is it sick to die?"

Lei Chenghu carefully analyzed, "And this 'national man' Li Mingxuan, honestly, is not a superb figure, the qualification is only mediocre, a common elder of the family, and how can the silver from the old The fox grabbed the power in the hands of the thief? Even if he was forced to take power, he had no reason to settle the tyrants so quickly, and then ordered the Gu Yu fleet to surrender."

Li Yao’s eyes turned: “Understand, yes!”

"Yes, I guess there are nine out of ten. Li Mingxuan is just the sputum of the 'Silver Fox' Li Jiande pushed to the table, carefully picking out the poor worms."

Lei Chenghu’s faceless expression, faintly said, “Now Li Jiande pretends to be seriously ill, unconscious, and has the power to fall, and Li Mingxuan is on the table, representing Li Jia’s full support for the reformist.

"Once the wave of innovation really sweeps across the empire, Li can naturally take advantage of it, at least to preserve its current status and status.

"But if the momentum is not good, the fire of innovation is going to be extinguished, hey, this old man who is 'unconscious" will definitely be the first time to jump out of the 'big righteousness', and kill his own son Li Mingxuan and his granddaughter Li Linghai. , on behalf of Li Jia 'set out the chaos anyway', annihilate the innovation!

"As a result, the two teams stand in an invincible position, and they will not lose money."

Li Yao seriously thought for a moment and couldn’t help but nod. “‘Silver Fox’ Li Jiande, really good means!”

"But your majesty the Queen, isn't the means more brilliant?"

Lei Chenghu’s gaze firmly adhered to Li Yao’s face, and he said quietly. “I used to guess that the Queen’s ambush in the Li family should be who, who has this wrist and strength to challenge the 'Silver Fox’ Li Jiande, and then Control the entire Li family? I did not expect that the Queen's internal should actually be Li Jiande himself, then naturally can get the full support of Li Jia in an instant.

"At that time, the situation was compelling. Every minute was on the verge of being a thousand miles and never being ruined. I didn't have time to think about it. But now the overall situation is a little bit, and I think about it, but I find that the whole thing doesn't make sense. If the Queen had already obtained Li Jiande's Support, there is no need to fight so fiercely in the Gu Yujie real gun, and suppose the Queen did not get Li Jiande's support, how did she do this in just half a day?

"I put myself into the Queen's role, deliberately thinking, after repeated deductions, I finally thought of the only way, a ... and my strategy in the gods of the prison is like a withdrawal, but even more terrible.

"Li Daoyou, you, have you thought of it?"

Li Yao’s eyes seem to fall into the deep blood pool, and the **** demons continue to roll in the depths of the brain.

For a moment, deep and deep chills.

Lei Chenghu smiled and smiled like a ghost: "You also thought about it."

"I really don't know about this."

Li Yao solemnly said, "General Ray, please believe me."

"I believe in you and trust my instincts."

Lei Chenghu took a deep breath and muttered. "My experience, reason and computational power all tell me that if I want to save the empire, the only way I can go is to cooperate with the Queen; but my intuition is still a reminder. I, the Queen's Highness is a terrible, terrible person who can't calculate or even snoop. She and all the immortals are even different from the four electors. No one knows how she will eventually transform the empire, or even ... completely destroyed the empire!

"Li Daoyou, although everyone is not long, and what you said is often ridiculous, but I don't know why. My intuition has told me faintly that many of the things you said are true. On a certain level, you seem to be more than The Queen's Highness is more trustworthy.

"I really want to know, if one day, your Queen's Highness really gambled over the fire, it might destroy the empire, where would you stand, what would you do?"

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