Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2261: General of the Miscellaneous!

Extremely heavenly, celestial star.


At this moment, the situation in the central star of the Xinghai and the heart of the real human empire is like the frozen river in early spring. Although the ice layer is already undercurrent, but from the shore, it is still a dead ice. All the small fish and shrimps were firmly sealed in the ice, and there was no sign of ice and snow melting.

The rebels who are loyal to the reformists did not attack the imperial capital as much as the intelligence said. Instead, they played a trick to tune the tiger away from the mountain and scream to the west. The movement to sneak into the hinterland of the family was too big, and naturally the other three eyes and ears.

However, Gu Yujie was too sensitive after all. Li has blocked all news, claiming that he must first mobilize the elite and solve the rebel army himself. The other three families are also rashly rushing to the heart of the Li family to "help the rebellion". Look at the wall.

What's more, the rebellious spirits of the rebels and the fierceness of the devils have left too much impression on the four electorate families. The small-scale riots and various rumors of the emperor have never stopped. Who knows whether this is a strategy of the rebels, perhaps four The family relaxes their vigilance against the emperor, and the rebels will make any big moves in the emperor.

Therefore, the elites of the four major electoral families are still stationed in the Imperial Capital, and only the Li family is slightly transferred back to some of the main forces.

Thinking in the dark, the other three may not be secretly laughing in the secret. It is best that the rebels can get more and more chaotic between the internal organs of the Li family. Even if the Li family wants them to help out, they must talk about the conditions first. It!

After a long time, the paper must not contain the fire.

But within three or five days, the situation still maintains a delicate balance and even static.

On the other hand, the real human empire is too big, and the consequences of any serious riots are difficult to affect every corner in an instant.

The empire is like a dinosaur hundreds of kilometers long. Even if the tail is on fire, the nerve endings send a signal of pain. It still has to be transmitted long enough to reach the brain. Even the entire tail is burned, and every cell in the body may not be able to perceive it. To.

This is especially true for bacteria and bugs that live in the folds of the super dinosaurs of the Empire.

No matter how the top layer is overwhelming, how to intrigue, how to reinvent the old, how to promote the empire, victory, human civilization, such impassioned, confusing words, the most important question for these bacteria and bugs is how to pay Yesterday's bill and find today's food, so that I may have family members, and survive to survive.

The main mainland where the Royal Palace and the Senate are located, the Black Star continent, the underground city, and the 36th district.

It’s true that “pleats” are used to describe the dark corners of the glory of the empire.

Because these former emperors and blood gods fiercely smashed the torn gorges, narrow and deep, mixed with dragons and smog, and indeed like a criss-crossing, smudged wrinkles, all over a huge monster.

Each fold is a large area. From top to bottom, from several kilometers to 10,000 meters, there are millions of people and even tens of millions of people, more than a mega city in the outer world.

During the day, these “pleats” release smoke and steam to the ground, and at night, there are faint and dim light, such as flashing smoke.

This is the ant who lived in the darkness of the darkness all day long, showing the only signs of being and still alive.

The 36 districts are relatively close to the Imperial Palace and the Senate. They belong to the “land of the best” and the security and environment are relatively good.

The area of ​​the next two hundred meters is still in the shallow zone of "the opportunity to shine in the sun at noon", which is considered a "high-level area" for the entire dungeon system.

There are two main types of people who have the qualifications and financial resources to live in this area.

The first category is the outstanding ones of the original people, often the foreman of the underground factory, the lucky few who succeeded in entrepreneurship, the family of the immortal or the senior dog.

The other type is the loser of the real person who cultivated the immortal, the bankrupt who has nowhere to go, and the waste that has been seriously injured by the fire.

The "small meat and strong food, the winner-take-all" is regarded as the truth of the world of cultivation, and the survival competition is extremely cruel. This cruelty is not only reflected in the oppression of the "original person" by the "real person", but also in the inner life of the immortal. Unrelenting struggle.

If you want to win, you must do everything to cultivate to a higher level; regardless of your own situation, the crazy impact of higher realms will result in a very high probability of ignorance and moral collapse; once you have cultivated problems, or are cruel In the competition, failure, injury, serious illness, and even the natural law are slowly aging, causing the realm to fall to the bottom, become waste, and when there is no use of value, the end is often extremely miserable.

As the saying goes, "One will make a thousand bones dry," while a cultivator rushes to the sky, perhaps there are ninety-nine cultivators who fall into the abyss, especially for the combat-type cultivators who are bloody.

Because of their professional characteristics, they are many times more likely to be seriously injured and enchanted than other cultivators. And they will be killed all the time, and it will inevitably leave many hidden dangers to the body, and it may also end up with many endless enemies.

When the spring and autumn are prosperous, the blood is booming, and the peak is repaired, it is natural to have a wine pool, a rampant, and a prestige, but if you are sick, injured, aging, or ignorant, you will not be able to teach a few powerful descendants on weekdays, and there is no savings. It is easy to fall from the top of the valley to the bottom of the valley.

The disappearance of the name to the underground world has almost become their only way out.

In the past, the strong men of the past, in the poor and stumbled, nowhere to go, to become a fighter, mercenary, killer, the lowest level of the underground arena fighters such as the case is not uncommon.

Overdraft life, burning souls, draining the last drop of blood and sweat in exchange for a handful of empire crystal coins, immediately converted into ultra-high-intensity medical and painkillers, even with strong numbness and hallucinogenic stimulants, Can't wait to be injected into the deformed and inflated blood vessels, stumbled in the dark and damp corners, imagining that the mountains are coming back in the grotesque dreams, and the body is slowly cold and stiff. This is a sad and inevitable ending for many immortals.

In some ways, these cultivators are even worse than ordinary people.

Ordinary people can go to the sweatshop to work. As long as there is a bit of synthetic food such as chewing wax, they can survive. If the porridge can be added with a few slices of fat and pressed "ham slices", it is delicious.

However, the cultivators, even those who are old and weak, and who suffer from internal injuries, can never pull their faces together with the "original people" to work, and become a common component on the assembly line.

What's more, work in exchange for that little money, even filling their bottomless stomach is not enough, let alone the same astronomical medical expenses.

Once you cultivate the immortal, you are embarking on a road of no return, which can only go forward until it is destroyed, but you can no longer return to the head.

In the 36 districts, they are crowded with people who are not human, ghosts and ghosts, and there are no wastes that the sects, forces, groups and families are willing to take.

In the past six months, the amount of such waste has surged tenfold, making the underground world, which was already crowded, more and more chaotic.

These frustrated people who have recently flown to the bottom of the ground are the officers at all levels who have been reduced by the Expeditionary Force. They are mainly school-level officers who have been seriously injured in the miscellaneous army, repaired and plunged, and smashed the troops.

Thirty years ago, the empire decided to launch the largest strategic counterattack in the past five hundred years, and thus implemented an unprecedented national mobilization to expand the army. Even if the foreign world's miscellaneous army that did not allow too strong fleets in the past, they received the central promise. It swells like a blow.

In order to seduce the squadrons of these miscellaneous army to sell their lives for the empire or to take the fire for the four electors of the emperor family, in addition to various military assistance, the ranks, numbers, medals, and titles are even more scattered. Go out.

In the early hundreds of years, the empire was quite strict in the evaluation of the rank and title. In the absence of a large-scale war in the past few hundred years, there are really a lot of people who have been mixed up for a lifetime, and they have to comment on the majors and lieutenants. occur.

But this time, it can be said that "the mud and stone, chickens and dogs ascend to heaven", just a golden world of the peripheral world, as long as they can pull up a team, even if the civilian transport ship modified semi-armed transport fleet, it can also mix the "less majors" The head of the regime, the Lord of the Empire, is wearing a sturdy hat, no matter how big his head is.

Such people, in the upper class of the capital, are called "general generals", which are not worth mentioning jokes.

But there are quite a few unseen peripheral world cultivators, or ambitious people who want to be desperate, to fight for a wealthy guy, with these hats like "the colonel chief of staff, the generals of the generals", with the hometown of the son We, daring, screaming, rushing forward.

These guys with well-developed limbs and simple minds, how to be the opponents of the four generations of the Electoral family, are not easily played in the applause, and become the chess pieces and cannon fodder of others.

Among them, luck is better, and it is dispatched to the third theater to be the "God of War" Lei Chenghu, and perhaps to save his own troops and heads. Even if he is dead, he will be dead and vigorous.

But more "general generals" are really being sold and they have to help the number of people. They don’t know how they die. They don’t have a few years of hard work. The troops that are brought to the front line are all lighted up. They are all on the battlefield. On the bloody, seriously injured, the realm fell and even lost his arm and broken legs, Dan Tian and Ling Gen burned a mess.

In exchange for it, it is either a few jingle medals, or a "first-class, first-class upgrade", or a variety of empty checks, such as "final victory", how to deserve, where Where are the land and the like.

As for what is called "final victory," I am sorry, and the final interpretation is firmly in the hands of the four electorate families behind her. (.)

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