Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2273: The world crow is generally black!

The vast expanse of stars, radiant, gathered into a gleaming torrent, expanding into all directions of the dark universe, accompanied by a battle of conquest and destruction, and gradually formed the territory of today's real human empire.

This is the scene on the west side of the Imperial Tomb, the central hall of the National Museum, above the dome, constantly surging and circulating.

Li Yao shoulders his hands and stands in the middle of the National Museum. His eyes gradually slide from the development of the Imperial Territory to the front.

In front of it is a throne with a black dragonfly inlaid with a golden dragon. There is no one above the throne, but there is a black crystal cymbal sitting on the golden sword, and the angle of the fork is poked around like a steel jungle. Unspeakable brutality and domineering.

It is said that it is the black star emperor Wu Yingqi, who used to smash the wind and crush the stars.

Appreciating this pair of black crystal enamels at a close distance, Li Yao once again came up with the feeling that "the coffin board of the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi is about to be pressed."

The imperial queen Li Linghai ventured back to the emperor, naturally there is a total plan, and will never rush back to the palace to die.

Inside and outside the Imperial Tomb, there are millions of Guardian Army, miscellaneous generals and disabled veterans, and countless people who are filled with indignation. This is the safest place for the emperor at this moment.

She used this as an excuse to soothe many well-instituted officers and soldiers and stayed here.

I don't know what kind of ironic mentality, she even regards the National Museum as a temporary base camp, transforming the office area of ​​the top two staff into a secret meeting room and command center.

Li Yao is nominally Li Linghai's personal guard, but he knows well that Li Linghai inherits the emperor's inheritance and has the strong existence of the legendary "God of Heaven". The combat power is far above him. He does not need him at all. protection of.

In addition to occasionally playing in front of people, Li Yao is happy and free to spend a few days to explore the national museum of the real human empire, a deeper understanding of the history of the real human empire, even in the nearest distance, Watch the many relics of the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi.

This is naturally a dream before he can sneak into the real human empire.

Li Yao can't wait to send his dream-like experience back to the Stars Federation immediately, giving Ding Ling and Jin Xinyue a big surprise.

It’s a pity that since he was blasted by “The City of the Sky, Manzhushahua”, he has been with Li Linghai, Lei Chenghu and hundreds of thousands of immortals. He really can’t get away to find a hidden and uninhabited person. Where, building your own ultra-long-range communication base station, there is no chance to contact the home.

You can only continue to compress the full belly and laugh, and wait for it to be released later.

Stepping up the stairs, I came to the third floor of the National Museum. When I was facing the window of the Imperial Tomb, I saw Li Jialing’s positive eyes and looked at the people in the distance who were worshipping the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi.

"You have been watching these people for a few days."

Li Yao walked over and said, "I still think about it all day, what are you thinking about?"

"It's nothing."

Li Jialing shook his head, silent for a while, and could not help but said, "I just think that these people are both pitiful and sad, no matter how they are used, it is as if I have been used by people since they were born."

Li Yao gave a slight glimpse and said: "I don't know if the Queen's Highness is using these people, but in my case, I really want to help these people get what they deserve, whether it is warfare, dignity, or Or just the power to survive.

"This kind of approach may be too radical and extreme, and may even bring extreme risks, but they can't live any longer. This is the only opportunity and the last chance."

Li Jialing looked at Li Yao with some surprise: "They are the immortals."

"Yeah, they are cultivators."

Li Yao sighed. "The immortal is naturally the biggest enemy of the comprehension, and these 'common generals, the commander of the light pole' are not the good men and women who eat the Buddha. Many people are bullying the tyrants in their hometowns, taking advantage of them and sinning them. People, even **** suppressors of the people's resistance.

"But one yard by one, no matter how many heinous crimes they have committed, at least in the fight against the invasion of the Holy Alliance and the defense of human civilization, they are all meritorious.

"No matter what their motives for participating in the 'empire counterattack', even if it is only for personal fame and fortune, at least from an objective point of view, without the killing and sacrifice of these cultivators, perhaps the stars have long been sacred Those who have seized and even collected enough resources and energy to resurrect the tens of thousands of Pangu people will be the ultimate disaster of human civilization and irreparable.

"The credit can't offset the sin, and the sin should not cover the merits. These people are both criminals and heroes. I would like to see these cultivators stand on the trial table to accept the sanctions they deserve because of their past sins, and even personally explain them. The official code, but never want to see them after they have been all about human civilization, they are kicked open, and in the depths of the streets, they die silently like dogs.

"The difference between the two, can you understand?"

Li Jialing thought very seriously for a moment and nodded.

"not to mention"

Li Yaodao, "Even if these 'Miscellaneous Generals' have committed unforgivable crimes in the past, these disabled veterans, these low-level cultivators during the refining period and foundation period can still... How do you say, my It means that they are not guilty, but that if they can change a soil, change a system, and switch to a mode of education mode, they may not become a self-cultivator.

"I can't kill all the cultivators in the center of Xinghai, but I really want to find a way to completely destroy the soil that breeds these cultivators."

Li Yao’s gaze crossed the shoulders of Li Jialing and cast a row of ordinary empire veterans who stepped on the neat pace and went to the front of the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi’s giant statue. The feeling was really deep.

Li Yao himself is the "disability veteran veteran" of the Starry Federation. Whether he participated in the college entrance examination in his youth or returned to the Federation, he was defiled by the Gorefiend. In the end, he relied on the selfless help of veterans to survive the storm.

He has deep feelings for the army and the veterans.

Although the real human empire is an enemy country, he can't hate all these veteran soldiers who have dedicated everything in the war against the sacred alliance and defending human civilization.

The same is a disability veteran, the gap is too big, what is wrong with this country, Li Yao can not help but fall into meditation.

"The four major electoral families are too stupid and too greedy, including the Oriental Prime Minister."

Li Jialing is hard to find a channel. "Don’t they know that this is the act of swaying the country. Is it going to make a big mess? How can we not know how to solve it properly beforehand? It’s too much!"

"It can only be said that the real world is not playing games. It is impossible for those in power to press a button at a glance, so that everyone below is like a machine, and 100% obey orders without compromise."

Li Yaodao: "Even if the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi is strong, there is no such thing as a yin and yang sin, a latent fang, and a heartfelt speculation. Will it eventually breed a tumor like the four families? How can you manage the following people? ?

"I believe that with the pattern, vision and wisdom of the East, I have long known that the abolition of the school and the disregard of the disabled veterans, but the manpower is sometimes poor, the following people are thoughtful, each has their own ideas, maybe even The disfigurement of the hair on the back of the banned geese has been plucked, and there is a way to blame it. What is his solution?"

Li Jialing frowned: "The Oriental look is called 'the iron and blood prime minister'. Even this little thing can't be solved. Some people even dare to succumb to the disability and veteran allowance. It is just a matter of killing it!"

"If the corruption is a deep-rooted, ruthless power of the forces, is it killing?"

Li Yao asked, "If the corruption is a fierce family, the other is to protect the gods, but also to kill all the sinister gods? If the corruption is an oriental family's own god, the eastern hope Can you break your hands and feet and kill your own god? If you don't separate the family, the oriental family, or the other two, the four strongest families have long formed a hidden rule. The world crow is generally black, and there is no one who is not greedy. How can the East look?"

Li Jialing stunned for a long time: "These superb powers with superb computing power, have not considered the consequences one by one, why are they so greedy and short-sighted?"

"This has nothing to do with greed, stupidity, and short-sightedness. In the final analysis, it is an institutional problem, or it is a deeper idea. It is a philosophy and a heart. It grows up from the roots."

Li Yaodao, "Because the cultivation of immortals holds the concept of "weak meat and strong food, the winner is king", the strong is the winner, the winner can eat everything, the weak is the loser, and the loser will lose everything.

"So, any rational cultivator has extremely strong motives, omnipotently plundering all resources and interests, and constantly strengthening himself.

"As to whether this method of plundering is reasonable and legitimate, and whether it will cause any disastrous consequences in the long run, it is simply not considered.

"Because, now that we are not madly plundering, we will become a weak and loser in the short term, and we will lose everything in the cruel internal competition. What long-term and overall interests are we talking about?

"Most of the rational, imaginative people with normal thinking ability, as long as there is an opportunity, will definitely "goose plucking hair, swearing corruption" to enhance their chances of survival, and any resources once they reach their pockets, often It’s extremely difficult to get out again. It’s a matter of reducing your chances of survival. How can a normal person be willing?

"Maybe when the real human empire was born a thousand years ago, there are still some 'imperial, moral' cultivators, that is, Lei Chenghu's 'pure cultivator', but in the long survival competition, these It is as if the cultivators are destined to be eliminated. If there is no such thing as us, these squadrons and disabled veterans who are desperately fighting are destined to be eliminated.

"The heroic sacrifices, the immortals who fight for death are all eliminated, only the most selfish, the most shameless, the most daring, the most dare to corrupt and corrupt the immortals can survive, after such a generation of 'reverse screening', the remaining immortal What does it look like, do you still use it?

"Today's real human empire is made up of thousands of such cultivators. Under the seemingly glamorous appearance, the rancid pus flows, the grotesque, the devil's sorrows are endless, even if the top characters want There is no way to turn the tide, any top-down means of change will become an excuse for interest groups to further squeeze the bottom, and the situation in the lower classes of society is getting worse and worse. What is strange?"

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