Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2275: Entered by the devil, by the road into the devil!

"The whole people are really new empire!"

Li Jialing was stunned first, and then suddenly realized that "Yao Ge is for this purpose, only to cooperate with the Queen and General Lei Chenghu!"

Li Yaodao: "Of course, otherwise I am such a bright and upright, grand and selfless, the big man, the self-cultivator of the country for the people, how can he participate in the "innovation" of the cultivation of the immortal for the soup, the treatment of the standard, and the "innovation" So hard?"


Li Jialing thought for a moment and sighed. "Except for the city of the sky, Manzhushahua, the guys who escaped are not counted. Now there is only one comprehension of Yao Ge in the sea of ​​stars. How are you the Queen's Highness? How can an opponent of General Thunder build your ideal country?"

"I didn't think I could succeed in just a few hundred years."

Li Yao said seriously, "But at least, this storm of "respecting the emperor and reversing the martial arts" can completely tear the cloak of the so-called "sacred, powerful, and glorious" of the immortals, so that more and more people can see the Xiuxian Avenue and Innate, irreparable defects and ugliness, innovation continues, there will always be people who will slowly think about the road to repairing immortality. When they realize that this road is nowhere, will someone re-think the road to comprehension?

"How, listen to Yao's heart-throbbing teachings, what is the feeling, do you feel that the blood is boiling, can't wait to plunge into the arms of Xiuzhen Avenue, become a glorious and proud comprehension?"

Li Jialing used her furry claws to scratch her hairy head. When she thought about it, she still shook her head: "No, I always feel that you are fooling me."

"is it?"

Li Yaofei said with a quick eyes, "So, even if I was fooled by me, wouldn’t even have a little bit of sentiment?"

"That... there is still a little bit."

Li Jialing pondered for a moment and scolded the door. "I realized that there are indeed great problems in Xiuxian Avenue. There are very serious internal defects and fundamental contradictions. It is not enough to guide the huge organization of the real human empire to continue to work well!

"But there are a lot of problems with the road to comprehension. See the end of the Xinghai Republic!"

"The biggest problem of Xiuxian Avenue is that it is too simple and rude, too cold and cruel, ‘too ugly to eat,’ and the road to comprehension is covered with warmth and vagueness. The relationship between people and people is more harmonious and harmonious!”

Li Yao’s eyes sparkled and looked at the teenager with anticipation: “So?”

"So, if you can combine the repairing avenue and the Xiuxian Avenue together, then it is invincible!"

Li Jialing said with excitement, "Yao Ge, you see, in order to survive in the dark and cruel universe, Xiuxian Avenue is indispensable, but even if we do the cultivation of the immortals under our hands, it does not hinder our mouths from advocating. Comprehension Avenue, right?

"In this way, with the cultivation of the skin as the skin, the cultivation of the immortality as the bone, the resources are also optimized and the social atmosphere is harmonious. Isn't it the best of both worlds?"

"Ah, I finally understand where the problem of the real human empire is. The problem is that the empire is too straightforward! 'The weak meat is strong, the winner is all-taken', it should be in your heart, you know it, how can you go all day? Everyone is so popular in propaganda, everyone has a strong heart, can the country not be confused?

"To promote advocacy, we should promote the advocacy of the ‘Those for me, I am everyone’, even if it is a cultivator in private, and on the surface should pretend that he is a self-cultivator. This is the true meaning of the new empire!

"Thank you, Yao Ge, I realized it, I really realized it!"

Li Yao: "..."

Li Jialing: "Yao Ge, how do you go further and further, what do you go to the corner to do?"

Li Yao: "Nothing, you don't want to talk to me for a while, I want to be quiet."

Just as Li Yao’s mind was complicated and mixed with feelings, there was a slight shock from the wrist crystal brain, and a new message “God of War” Lei Chenghu came.

Of course, Lei Chenghu’s true body does not need to be easily involved. It resides in the mysterious and star-studded domain beyond the extreme heavens and the celestial stars. It can make the four electors of the emperor family thorns in the back, and can better protect Li Linghai and Li Yaohe. The core figures of the reformists are in the security of the emperor, and they echo with them.

Therefore, when Li Yao and Li Linghai and others rushed to the Imperial Capital all the way, Lei Chenghu first led the thundering fleet to continue to crouch in the valley of the rain, supervising the smooth implementation of the Lijia and Reformation covenants.

After the Lijia and the Oriental family completely tore the face, everything was completely irreparable, and the thundering fleet was filled with fuel and ammunition. The pair had to make a large-scale Xinghai jump again, and rushed to the east home’s heart-shaped domain. Not confidential, deliberately leaking information to the East.

In this way, the imperialism of the Prime Minister of the East to solve the problem by force was firmly contained, and he was allowed to vote.

At this moment, Lei Chenghu’s true body is still the commander of the reformist army. Under the support of Li’s resources, it’s not like a sword that is about to be unsheathed.

However, through remote control, he controlled a psionic scorpion and replaced him to the depths of the imperial mausoleum to participate in the secret meeting of the next step of the reformist.

Li Yao is the liaison officer between Lei Chenghu and Li Linghai. This psionic training and commissioning work is naturally responsible for him.

With the message that Lei Chenghu is ready, he extracted the psionics specially designed to collect the extra-terrestrial signals from the Qiankun Ring, debugging the frequency of receiving signals, and activating all the arrays. And antenna.


The psionic spirits trembled softly, and the whole body was bright and bright, and the light and shadow of the road were blurred, which became the appearance of Lei Chenghu.

"General Ray, the Queen's Highness is waiting for you, please!"

Li Yao let Li Jialing take all the guards to guard between the third and fourth floors of the National Museum, but it has brought "Lei Chenghu" to the fifth floor of the comprehensive blockade.

Along the way, I thought about the discussion with the little guy of Li Jialing. It was too addictive. I couldn’t help but ask: "General Thunder, many 'Miscellaneous generals, light pole commander', and the experience of disabled veterans, you I have seen it. I don’t know what you think about it. If you change to the highest authority, how can you properly solve it?"

"Well, I saw it. To be honest, when I was killing the front line in the third theater, I didn't expect the situation in the back to be so bad. It's no wonder that the power of the reformist can develop in the dark in just a few decades. It’s really impossible to innovate if you grow up to an empire that is out of control."

Lei Chenghu sighed, but he turned his head and said, "But these generals and the light pole commanders have fallen into today's fields, and they are hard to blame!"

Li Yao bowed and said: "General Thunder means that they are so overwhelmed, shouldn’t they adopt the extreme practice of 'Crying the Emperor'?"

"No, I mean, they should have been on the front line."

Lei Chenghu said faintly, "In this way, their first name is saved, and the country's financial burden is not so serious. It will not happen such a regrettable thing today."


Li Yao once again has nothing to say.

"Since being an imperial soldier, since I have decided to die, I have to pay attention to my country, the country and human civilization. I always have the consciousness of jade, especially knowing that I have been seriously injured, and that inspiration and Dantian have been blown up. When it comes to recovery, it takes a lot of hands and resources."

Lei Chenghu frowned. "At this time, if you are afraid of death, you will become a burden on the country. It is better to drag a sacred person to the front line. This is the real warrior, really the immortal!"

Li Yao couldn't bear it: "General Thunder, this is too exaggerated. Who can do it?"

"I can do it."

Lei Chenghu turned his head and looked at Li Yao. He said, "I believe that if there is such a day, I will never become the burden of the army. The burden of the country will definitely drag the enemy to the enemy for the first time. Make the biggest loss and make your last contribution!"

Li Yao said for a long time: "You can... of course, but it is not unrealistic to ask ordinary soldiers with such high moral standards. After all, most of the immortals have family members, and it is impossible to be like the Holy League. People are as desperate as they are, and they are less than disregarded by their wives and children!"

"This is where the problem lies."

Lei Chenghu coldly said, "In a well-functioning and truly cultivated country, the plan for resource allocation should be fair, just and open. All children can receive equal care, education and screening, and the soldiers will work hard. The battles that have been fought will never be encroached on and greedy.

"When a soldier knows that his war will never be encroached and greedy, and his wife, children and children will be able to get excellent care, he will have no worries. How can there be no courage?

"And once these disabled soldiers are on the front line, the state finances will reduce a large part of the burden. These money can be used to expand the results of the war, but also to the rear, and their widows and blood vessels form a virtuous circle.

"And in a state of cultivation and immortality, there is a variety of corruption, darkness and injustice. The best and strictest systems have been eroded. The front line is chilling and there is no sacrifice. The courage and the jealous consciousness, instead of dragging the remnant back to the rear to consume resources, further increase the pressure on the state's finances, leading to a vicious circle such as the collapse of the front line and the rear, is inevitable."

Looking at Lei Chenghu’s natural expression, Li Yao spent a long time and suddenly said: “Actually, I think the first kind of 'well-running world of perfection’ that General Lei said is not too cold and ruthless, but it is a bit ...the taste of the comprehension."

"Maybe, the avenue of three thousand, the same way, the magic of entering the road, from the Tao into the magic, cultivation to the extreme, perhaps the same?"

Lei Chenghu smiled uncontrollably. "I am a soldier. I am not interested in these imaginary theories. The military only kills people. The battlefield is the most unreasonable place. No matter the sword of the comprehension or the sword of the immortal, as long as it can kill people, Good knife!"

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