Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2277: Eat people to practice!

The three-dimensional image of the hospital behind Li Linghai gradually faded, replaced by a crane-faced child, a kind-hearted, and spirited old man.

No, in addition to the gray hair and deep eyes, this is a middle-aged man who is a fierce and fierce, and full of vitality between his hands and feet.

"Oriental Renxin, Dean of Tianxing Hospital, Vice President of Imperial Medical University, Vice President of the Imperial Royal Medical Association, one of the five hundred empire of the Empire, a doctor, a meditator, a pharmacist and a psionicist at the level of the gods, At the same time, it is also the owner of the East, the pro-brother of the Prime Minister of the Empire, who is a very close brother. He is already three hundred and ninety years old this year. Can’t you see it?”

Li Linghai pointed to the three-dimensional light curtain, faintly said, "Two hundred years ago, the Eastern Renxin is the empire's premier 'heterogeneous organ transplant expert', and is best at eliminating all kinds of different kinds of raw materials, that is, monsters, beasts, stars and animals. The human body's rejection reaction transplants the organs of these beasts into the human body, and uses this unique approach to strengthen human combat effectiveness.

"In the most successful case, he replaced a heart diseased liver, spleen, lung, kidney, and many organs of the visceral organs with all kinds of organs from the sacred beast. After that, this seriously ill patient still survived. In eighty-two years, even the original exercises and strengths were retained. In the end, they did not die from organ failure, but were killed in battle.

"In other words, if you live honestly, you can still live. This ‘total xenotransplantation surgery’ is a great success, and it is much better than the conventional ‘female replacement surgery’.

"As we all know, the most headache in organ transplantation is the problem of rejection. People and humans still have to face serious rejection reactions, let alone people and monsters, but Dongfang Renxin has successfully solved this problem. The problem, as well as the publication of many monographs, won the highest award in the imperial medical world and became a member of the Imperial Royal Medical Association.

After the success of his fame, he expanded his research field to the refining of various pharmacy, exploring how to make the powerful demon blood, demon bones, demon dan and demon nuclear into the most effective strengthening agent. The high-order cultivators of the series should know that the fortified remedies made from biomaterials and the human body also have strong rejection reactions, which need to be slowly refining, and if they are slightly careless, they will be enchanted. Right?

"The problem that Dongfang Renxin wants to solve is this problem, but no matter how well he solves it, the gap between human beings and monsters and beasts is always too big, let alone the stars and animals that are completely different from human beings. How are all there.

"In practice, there are very few monster organs that can perfectly match the patient's body. The matching degree is often less than one in 100,000. That is to say, an organ-disabled patient finds oriental benevolence, at least To screen 100,000 heads of monsters, it is only possible to find a monster that can be matched.

“This has created a very high threshold for the implementation of ‘transplantation of heterogeneous organs.’ Although the technique is very good, not many people can enjoy it, and it has become an unmistakable ‘Slayer’s Technique’.

"However, I think that human beings are also kind of animals. From the physiological point of view, they are not much different from monsters and spirits. The organs of the beasts can be transplanted, and the human organs can be transplanted naturally. The beasts can refine drugs. Can humans refine their medicines? The demon, the demon nucleus swallow it, the roots and the golden dragons swallow it, is it also very supplementary, and the rejection is much smaller?"

Li Linghai smiled and licked his tongue, as if he enjoyed it.

Even if everyone is a sultry, sinister and sinister cultivator, still feels chilling.

Li Yao was even deeply breathing for dozens of times, only to firmly settle the soul.

"The way of cultivation, such as going against the water, does not advance, but the more it is cultivated to the upper realm, the more difficult it is to go further. It must take countless efforts and resources to be able to maintain it. It is like a parabola. It’s easy to maintain the peak, and it’s extremely difficult to maintain the peak. The higher the price, the faster it falls. No matter how high or low, it will always fall. Let’s take it for yourself. It’s sure to know the taste of 'the height is not cold’. What?"

Li Linghai shoulders his hands and continues to be cold and cold. "The old and the sick, the natural law, the way of cultivation, is to go against the sky. When the old age is weak, it is necessary to be revenge by God. No one can escape this robbery."

"There are, 'cultivation' and 'power' are two sides of contradiction. The cultivation is focused on one-mindedness and one-mindedness. However, if you control power, you will have to take care of everything, be disturbed by all kinds of trivial matters, and have a mountain of business to deal with. Three hundred and sixty-five days a year, every day for 24 hours.

"If you want to maintain your peak, you have to retreat at least half of the time, but if you really spend 12 hours of retreat every day, how do you control your power, how to drive your people, how to deal with official duties, is not being emptied in minutes, Was it played by the following people in the applause?

"This kind of distress, which friend is there in the audience?"

"The Queen's Highness is very much said."

Li Linghai’s remarks are about the hearts of the people. Lei Chenghu said, “To be honest, since being the commander of the third theater, every second has been overwhelmed by the frontline warfare, and the entire fleet, the entire theater. Up and down, big and small, messy and eccentric affairs are swallowed up, and there is very little time for them to think, summarize and practice, and the body and the spirit are seriously overdrawn.

"Now, although it is still the realm of the gods, but it is all in the past, it is easy to dare to mobilize the computing power of the **** series, and then burn and overdraw, as the age is getting bigger, I still don't know how to How long does the realm of God last?"

Li Yao is deeply convinced.

He was young and strong, and he was in his prime year. He was in the rising period of combat power. After coming to the empire, he had a series of adventures and gains. He got the treasures such as "Dianhuazhu", and the realm has been soaring.

However, Li Yao is also very clear that his realm is like a straight sword. The arrogant flying sword needs a constant supply of energy to continue to accelerate. When the energy is exhausted or only the energy is insufficient, it must fall. .

The universe is eternal, and the practitioners are just brilliant fireworks. The pursuit of the embarrassment of the moment is to be extinguished.

Why does Li Yao drive the golden shackles, can be arrogant in the emperor, arrogant and arrogant, seemingly invincible in the world? No one is his opponent, no one comes out to manage this ‘vulture’?

Of course not. The masters of the four major electoral families are endless, not to mention Li Linghai. There are still many masters who have above the combat power, but these masters practice in the conventional way to the level of the gods, and the youngest is almost three hundred years old. They are all uncles, elders, and old bones. How can they come out and Li Yaohuo, and even if they are hard-working, they will kill Li Yao, and maybe they will go back to sleep?

Not a hibernation, Li Yao's real age is less than one hundred years old. If nothing unexpected, it should be the youngest fighting **** in the sea of ​​stars, taking up this big cheap, this is the biggest capital of his arrogance and coquetry!

How can we always maintain the peak of the peak, one yen baby, the life of the baby, the day of the god, the whole life is the god. This is the ultimate ideal that all practitioners have dreamed of since ancient times!

Li Linghai said quietly: "All of you agree, for the high-ranking monks who have high powers, great abilities, and gradually become old and weak, it is really difficult to maintain the realm. We say that we are the ancestors of our family, 'Silver Fox' Li Jiande was good. After being the prime minister of the empire, he was also bothered by many trivial chores. He eventually went into flames and fell from the realm of the gods.

"Although after all, there are quite a few elements of acting, but he was enchanted in the past, but it is true.

"But the Oriental family, do you think about it when you think about it carefully. In the past 100 years, many older masters of the East have maintained their peaks. It is rare to hear that there is a devastating event, even in the third. More than a hundred years old can still go up to the next level, breaking through a new realm!

"According to the "average peak time", the strongmen of the East are obviously longer than the other three strongmen, and they have nearly doubled. People can maintain their peak for 50 years, and they can maintain a hundred years!

"On the other hand, the proportion of the geniuses of the Orientals in the past century has also been so high that they are scary. What happens in the '100 years of rare cultivation genius, the rare existence of rare phoenix', the joint ratio held within the four major electoral families In the middle of the battle, the teenagers of the East have won the championships for a long time, and they have been splendid for decades. They are called the 'Golden Generation'.

"It is precisely the dragons of the older generation that are fierce, and the sudden emergence of the younger generation. The strength of the East has continued to expand. Until today, it is far above the other three. You have thought about it. This is why?"

Lei Chenghu said: "My Royal Highness, you want to say that someone in the East is ‘cannibalism’?”

“‘Eating people to practice’? The word is summed up!”

Li Linghai smiled. "Yes, I mean this. I am headed by the benevolent heart of the East. I have a secret research team. I am dedicated to helping the senior members of the Eastern Party’s core high-level, 'eat people to practice', and then have the situation of the East. !"

Lei Chenghu took a deep breath: "There is a lot of evidence, there must be solid evidence, why did the Queen's Highness come from such a shocking intelligence?"

Li Linghai took a moment to say: "This kind of confidential information is not spear from the outside, it is from the inside of the East."

Lei Chenghu frowned: "In the East, why do people want to leak such information, isn't this self-destruction?"

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