Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2281: Self-contradictory queen!

Li Linghai stared at Li Yao for a long time and sighed: "Vulture Li Yao, so far, we have taken all the necessary needs, and we have been working very well together, so I really don't want to miss you for a moment, you are alive, you Go, then I will send a batch of materials to you, of which 30% will be returned to you, and the remaining 70% will help you to strengthen the magic weapon for the unparalleled witches of the month, the specific style and requirements, let the month matchless and you say."

Li Linghai turned around and stopped looking at Li Yao's half-eyed eyes and devoted himself to studying the topographic map of the Oriental Renxin Secret Research Institute.

Li Yao took the chin and carefully looked at the holographic photos of the Eastern Mingyue for a long time. Suddenly, the ghost asked God: "Wait, Your Royal Highness, I am really having problems. When you last met this Oriental Moon, she would not be in the palace." Do you manage the Royal Library or clean the library?"

Li Linghai suddenly turned back, and the eagle-like gaze shot on Li Yao’s face, as if to poke Li Yao’s face into a hole. This is naturally impossible: “Why do you ask?”

"It's very simple. The imperial power has declined for five hundred years. Now the palace has been infiltrated by the four major electorate families. What secret information is there, and it is worthwhile for such a mysterious master to sneak in and investigate?"

Li Yao blinked and didn't change his face. "But I heard that the Royal Library is an information storage institution that has been handed down thousands of years ago. There are many precious secret books and classics in it, and perhaps there is some value for investigation.

"I don't want the Queen to say that I actually tickle my heart. I really want to go to the Royal Library to find some magical skills and come out to cultivate it! So push people and people, just guess, how, I guessed it?"

"Yes, this time you really guessed it."

Li Linghai was silent for a moment and nodded. "At the time, this mysterious Oriental Mingyue did work in the area to which the Royal Library belongs. Maybe you really want to steal the secrets of the Royal Library?

"Only, huh, the internal structure of the Royal Library is intricate. As in the labyrinth of the ninety-nine locks, many techniques and supernatural powers that have been passed down for thousands of years are all banned. If you want violence to be opened, it will even be destroyed. once.

"At the earliest, only the ancestors and the princes mastered the secret of opening the seal. Later, the imperial power declined. After several generations, all of them died. The secrets of the princes were not able to stand before the death. The secret of how to open has long since passed away. No one knows.

"The four major electorate families certainly deliberately want to violently crack the secrets of the Royal Library, but they have tried nothing for hundreds of years, and they are afraid that too radical means will destroy the entire library, so that those thousands of years ago The secret law, magical powers, technology, treasure maps, secret star maps and the like are all annihilated, but they dare not be too arrogant.

"They haven't played the idea of ​​the Royal Library for decades. Is it true that the Eastern Mingyue has mastered new means to open the deepest ban in the library? This matter must not be inadvertent..."

Li Linghai fell into meditation and waved Li Yao to leave.

In Li Yao’s heart, there are also thousands of threads in the buzzing buzz, while thinking about going out.

When I walked to the door, I heard a little hesitant voice from the Queen of the Queen: "...and so on."

Li Yao looked back with some surprise: "Is there something else under the Queen's Court?"

"The fragments of the Emperor Flames..."

Li Linghai’s face was completely hidden in the mottled light and shadow. He could not see the expression on his face, but his voice became more and more entangled. “Have you cultivated Li Jialing, how is the progress?”

It seems that Li Linghai is fierce on the surface, and he still cares about his son. Li Yao said with a smile, "The Queen's Highness is relieved. Li Jialing's kid is a rare cultivation genius. The roots and qualifications are outstanding. The existence of a rare apex is just a line worse than my teenage years. It is incredible!

"In addition to the careful guidance of my peerless powerhouse, and all kinds of auxiliary pharmacy desperately smashed down, he absorbed the Dimensional Flame Beads very quickly.

"The emperor's domineering spirit contained in the Emperor Flames is also combined with the various experiments he has done in the past ten years, and the intricate forces infused into the body have formed a wonderful spiritual response. The current combat power is better than the Queen's Highness. When you get to him, it will be five times higher! In addition to the lack of combat experience, you can be among the best players!"

Li Linghai's body has shrunk into the depths of the mottled light and shadow, but the sound is not a little bit happy, but it is full of cool taste: "Yes, isn't it, there is no stagnation?"

Li Yao’s eyebrows provoked and raised his eyes to separate the mottled light and shadow. He said: “Why do I feel that the Queen’s Highness is not happy to hear the news of his son’s cultivation? If you did not take Li Jialing from the beginning When you are flesh-and-blood, why bother to bring out the treasures like the Emperor Flames to cultivate him? Wait, the Emperor Flames will not have any problems?"

Li Linghai took a deep breath and smiled bitterly: "You are a master expert in fighting and refining. You are also practicing with the Emperor Flames. What problems can you overcome your perception?"

"That is, I have carefully examined and probed all aspects of the fire. There is absolutely no problem with the Emperor."

The confusion in Li Yao’s eyes is getting more and more intense. How can he not be separated from the mottled face on Li Linghai’s face? “That’s the Queen’s Highness, are you having problems?”

Li Linghai did not refute, but suddenly changed the topic: "The strength of the Eastern Mingyue is unfathomable. I believe it is an extremely dangerous enemy. In the next stage of the battle, her hunting hunter association will surely search for the reform of the Imperial Capital. The appearance of Jialing now, you can safely stay in the emperor's hat without having to bend into a trick. It is quite troublesome to stay in the emperor.

"I, I controlled a secret star port in the 47th district. There is a transport ship that has been carefully disguised. Can you help me to **** Li Jialing to board the ship and let him go to a world outside the empire to avoid the limelight?"


Li Yaozhen’s eyes widened and it’s hard to set the channel. “Her Royal Highness, do you feel that your orders are very contradictory? At first you want me and Li Jialing to keep up with you, saying that this will not happen. Leak your secrets; then you want us to go to General Lei Chenghu as a liaison officer, and make it clear that Li Jialing is going to be opened; but a few days ago, you want us to join the emperor with you and re-enter Li Jialing. Get yourself around; now you have to send Li Jialing to the outer world of the Empire?

“In just two months, you have changed three times. I can curiously ask, is this why?”

Despite hiding in the mottled light and shadow, Li Yao can still hear the sigh of the Queen of the Empire.

"I have to say that the excuse for the Queen's Highness is really bad."

Regardless of disregard, Li Yao continued to linger. "I am afraid that Li Jialing’s appearance is being taken away by the Hunting Demon Association. This sample of the model is what you have come up with. With your strength and technology, it should be easy. Li Jialing has returned to its original state. Is it necessary to send it to the outer world of the Empire so far away?

"And, since the Eastern Mingyue is a mysterious and dangerous enemy, do you think she must not know where your secret star harbor is? Maybe you will have been eyeing you for a long time, just to put a long line to catch big fish, and Li Jialing left the emperor. It is possible that she will be caught by her, but it is even more dangerous!

"You are so strong as a mother, Li Jialing can still take care of you while staying with you. I really fled to the outer world of the empire. If there are any three long and two short, you and I will be beyond the reach!"

Li Linghai thought for a long time and had to admit: "What you said makes sense."

"His Royal Highness, I have never seen you so suffering."

Li Yao stepped forward and raised his voice. "I am a man who has a bowel to the end. There is nothing to do with the big old man. I just said that you have nothing to hide."

"What can I say is hidden??"

Li Linghai finally found his head from the mottled light and shadow, but his face was paler than the white one. He stared at Li Yaodao. "For the past two months, I have been practicing my commitment to achieve maximum innovation at the least cost. There is no big mess in the empire, and there is no blood flowing in the innocent, isn’t it?

"And now I am dealing with the two brothers of Dongfang Wang and Dongfang Renxin. Of course, my personal purpose is to pursue the supreme power, but at the same time, it is also to kill the people and completely eradicate these evil people. It is very suitable for your path. heart.

“Although they are all cultivators, the reformists are more advanced than the four electors. The new empire controlled by the reformists is definitely better than the old empire controlled by the nobility and the gates. It will be more tolerant to ordinary people. ,is not it?

"In this case, what are you still worried about? I have said that I will definitely abide by the promise. After the event, I will give you a completely independent world. As long as the authority of the empire is nominally obeyed, I don't have to be in this. On the small things, betrayal, rest assured!"

Li Yaosi didn't even figure out where the problem was. He could only say: "It is true that the words are correct, but I always feel that there is something wrong with it. Perhaps it is the style of the Queen's Highness that is too cloudy and ghostly. At a glance, there are a lot of intrigues and tricks? Actually, have you considered ironing your head, dyeing a hair, making a makeup, and smiling with a sunny face, is this better? After all, you want Go out to the mother of the world!"


Li Linghai has once again shrunk back, letting the hive area in the shadows of the emperor swallow his face. "You go out."

"Roger that."

Li Yao thought for a moment, "Where is Li Jialing, don't you have to send it away?"

There was no response in the depths of the light and shadow until Li Yao walked to the door and heard the erratic voice of the imperial queen: "No, you are right, no matter where he flees, he will always be found. This is... ... destiny!"

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