Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2289: A new mystery has appeared!

"Are you sure that this is 'two evils take their lightness'?"

Long Yangjun means deep and profound, "Even if the four major electors are stubborn, innocent, mad, and mad, it does not mean that the reformist and your queen is what a good man, if you drive away four wolves, but change Is it really good to go to a tiger?"

Li Yao’s heart moved: “What do you know, is there any problem with Li Linghai?”

"Look at the fact that you really treat me as a friend, and kindly remind you that the Queen's Highness behind you is not easy, even... extremely dangerous."

Long Yang Jundao, "When I first arrived in the real human empire, I once lurked in the palace, had an encounter with her, and even almost played against each other."

This incident, Li Linghai also mentioned with Li Yao, but did not say the details of the two people almost clashed.

Li Yao could not help but widen his eyes.

Long Yangjun continued: "I told you when I left the Federation. I am very interested in the Royal Library of the Real Human Empire. There are many ancient books in it, which record the tens of thousands of collapses from the Xinghai Empire to the real human empire. The history of the years may help me light up the road ahead.

"So, the most important thing I came to the real human empire was to find ways to get into the palace and to explore the mysteries of the Royal Library.

"It is at the bottom of the Royal Library. I have encountered Li Linghai.

"The Imperial Library of the Empire is divided into two upper and lower areas. The upper level is a public area. It is open to the core children of the royal family and even the four major electoral families. Although the materials and books stored therein are precious, there is not much secret. Many of the versions are rare, and the same content can be found outside.

"The lower area is a truly top-secret restricted area. It stores a lot of secrets of the royal family, treasures, treasures, and even the mysteries of the ruins. Originally, only the emperor himself, and a handful of the most favored princes. Browsing, from the era of the Black Star Emperor, set up a heavy ban, outsiders can not open, and rashly open, will only destroy the collection of books, jade and all kinds of books.

"Unfortunately, since the beginning of five hundred years ago, the real human imperial royal family has been turbulent. For several generations of emperors have died, not even leaving direct blood, they have to choose a new emperor from the side, and the method of undoing the ban is also annihilated by time. In the middle of the river, it can be said that no one can open the lower area of ​​the Royal Library under the universal sky.

"I didn't know about this at first. Even if I knew it, I didn't put this ban on it. I thought I had a way to crack it. After I sneaked in it, I found that the mystery of the ban was far beyond my expectations. Exhaustion of all kinds of methods, can not enter.

"When I was trying to return without success, I ran into Li Linghai."

After Li Yao’s thoughts, she lost her voice: “What did she do in the lower area of ​​the Royal Library?”

"This is the key to the problem!"

Long Yang Jundao, "Since Li Linghai is the emperor of the emperor, there is no reason not to know the rules and secrets of the Royal Library. The law of prohibition and cracking in the lower area has been lost for nearly 500 years, no matter whether the emperor or the four major electors do not know. Even the brute force is extremely difficult to do. Her 'Queen' is just the four secretaries sent to monitor the emperor's secret espionage. In fact, it is also an 'outsider'. There is no reason to know this secret. She has no reason to come down. It’s useless to come.

"But I can clearly perceive that she is coming to open the lower level of the Royal Library, which is the real 'Tibetan Pavilion'!"

Li Yao listened to God and could not help but say: "And then?"

"Then no."

Long Yang Jundao, "I saw her as if she was very familiar with the lower organs, secret passages and prohibitions of the Royal Library. Every step was exactly the same, and my heart was amazed, so I crouched in the dark, and I breathed and physiology. The activity converges to the limit, ready to spy on her follow-up, and she is still discovered by her at the last minute."

Li Yao’s heart is awkward.

Long Yangjun converges, and the hidden martial arts. He has just personally taught that even if he knows the existence of Long Yangjun and raises the vigilance of 120,000 points, it is extremely difficult to find her from the crowd.

Not to mention that she crouched in the darkness, convulsing her breath and physical activity, so that she could be discovered by Li Linghai?

How terrible is Li Linghai?

"In an instant, I felt extremely intense killing."

Long Yangjun thought very seriously. "Let's say that Li Linghai's killing at that time was ten times sharper than the sword of the "Sword", and I was almost conditioned, and the speed was reached to the limit. The emperor fled, even a trick is not willing to interleave with her.

The same thing, spoken in Li Linghai and Long Yangjun, is two versions.

I don't know why, Li Yao is more willing to believe that Long Yangjun has more: "So, Li Linghai knows how to open the lower area of ​​the Royal Library, why?"

Li Yao’s first reaction was that it was related to the inheritance of the Emperor Li Linghai.

But when you think about it, there is no reason. The emperor fell or escaping to the depths of the "Golden Holy Grail" in 10,000 years ago. The Royal Library of the Real Human Empire was built only a thousand years ago. It’s gone.

Even if Li Linghai receives all the inheritance of the emperor, there should be no relationship with the secrets of the royal library.

"This question, I have to ask you, you are the "heart" of Li Linghai!"

Long Yangjun stabbed Li Yao without hesitation. "Although it has been two years, I still remember Li Linghai’s fierce killings until today. It seems that I broke through her secret secrets. I am the same.

"In that encounter, I fled in time, she should have not found my identity, but in the next few months, the guards responsible for guarding the Royal Library, as well as the palace ladies working in the nearby area, there are more than ten or twenty It’s violent, I want to come, she is secretly tracing the 'mysterious man’ who saw her strange move that night, scared me to stay in the palace and sneak away.

"Your Queen's Highness is so fierce, how can I trust her easily?"

Li Yao said: "I don't really care. In fact, I also feel that there is a lot of wrong things in the Imperial Queen's Li Linghai. So I have to lurk around her, and I will snoop and understand her plot and stop her in time! If you have more information. If you want to take it out, let's take a look at it. Maybe we can combine the intelligence of both sides to outline the truth of the whole thing?"

"Be careful and self-defeating, Li Linghai is so dangerous, even I don't dare to be enemies with her easily. You have such low IQ and want to lurk around her to control her?"

Long Yangjun chuckled, "As for the exchange of information, next time, someone is coming!"

Li Yao’s heart glimpsed, and God’s thoughts stirred up to the limit, and it was felt that there were dozens of rather weak atmospheres approaching.

There is also an ultra-high-speed crystal rail train roaring behind Long Yangjun.


The two men jumped to the sides of the tunnel in time, and the super-high-speed crystal train passed by between the two. Li Yao could perceive that Long Yangjun seized the outer shell of the crystal train, and the air drifted farther and farther, but he would Deeply embedded in the maintenance groove next to the tunnel, ready to wait for the crystal train to pass, escape from the road.

"Li Linghai has a way to open the core secret area of ​​the Royal Library... This matter should be true. If it is not personal experience, Long Yangjun can't make such details, and lie to me at this fine detail. What are the benefits?"

Li Yao thought quietly in the darkness. "But why, what secrets Li Linghai hides, what is her ambition under the words of "Respecting the Emperor, and reforming the gods!"



An almost transparent but unpredictable wind blade shot silently from the gap between the super-high-speed crystal trains, and all the goose bumps on Li Yaozhen’s body were erected. If they were not habitually still holding the last warning. It is almost necessary to cut the neck aorta by this wind blade!

"What are you doing!"

Li Yao roared, "Long Yang Jun, you did not go?"

"It has already gone."

Long Yangjun’s silver bell-like laughter came from the darkness. “But look at you alone and stupidly thinking here. It’s like a little bit of defense. The chances are really good, so the itch can’t help but shoot again. You have a sword, I didn’t expect you to be prepared?"

"You have a problem!"

Li Yao’s anger is unstoppable. “I just said that human despicableness and cruelty make you unable to understand or even fear. You don’t want to be such a human being, like a pure white lotus, but I see you playing this despicable fraud and sneak attack. I am very happy!"

"Yes, who told me that before I awakened the blood, I have been a human being for more than a hundred years, and it has been badly broken by these human beings!"

Long Yangjun smiled and said, "No way, I am such a contradictory and fickle person. Since everyone is a friend, you should be more tolerant, right?"

" right, well, I will bear you again, the last time."

Li Yao said as he whispered a thin knife like a flap from the ring of Qiang Kun, and screamed in the direction of Long Yangjun’s laughter. "Resist you a ghost!"

The sword has naturally emptied.

Long Yangjun's laughter is getting farther and farther away: "Look, this is the human being, and I just said that it is a good friend. So I turned my face so ruthlessly.

"This time I really went. I finally remind you that the fast-reacting 'fire knife squad' of the Eastern family is surrounded by all directions. There is a big man who wears a heavy flame crystal scorpion. It’s agile and smart, and it’s quite difficult. Don’t be fooled by him, turn the boat in the gutter!”

Long Yangjun is really gone.

Instead, there are looming waves of heat in all directions and maintenance lanes.

Li Yao took a sip and re-taken the sword into the ring, and the ten-finger joint was active.

He doesn't want to use a knife now.

Just want to punch the flesh to the meat, and vent your heart!

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