Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2314: Bloody Imperial City!

On the day of the Silver Moon Sea west of the main star of the Great Star, when the sea was dyed with red blood, the sunset over the palace gradually fell into the mountains in the eastern part of the main continent, and the last glimpse of the afterglow The rolling hills swept over, the same as the **** sea, gathered into a huge wave of eating people, covering the entire palace.

Inside and outside the palace, the red mist is transpiration, and the blood is shining.

Because the whole star field is full of space cracks and wormholes, it is very suitable for the jumping of the Xinghai. As early as hundreds of thousands of years ago, when the Pangu civilization alliance was at its peak, the extreme heavens and the celestial stars were a high-level development. The big world.

Even though the Pangu and the Lahu people have fallen in the war of destroying the earth and destroying the earth, the extreme heavens and the celestial stars are still the center of the three thousand worlds.

In the era of ancient studies, only the most powerful sects were qualified to win the hegemony of the extreme heavens. Which sect can completely control the extreme heavens means that they have the capital to expand in all directions, and they can create a heritage. The majority of the year's giants.

In the 30,000-year-old dark age, the extreme heavens are also the political center of the monster kingdom, controlled by the most powerful demon warlords.

The Emperor overthrew the rule of the Yaozu, but it strengthened the position of the extreme heavens, making this world a well-deserved heart of the stars!

Over the past 100,000 years, countless powerful people have used the extreme heavens as the king's hegemony to work hard. They have built numerous caves, mountain gates, military fortresses, war bases and palaces, and collected resources from the Xinghai Quartet.

The palace of the old dynasty was just razed to the ground in the artillery fire. The palace of the new dynasty couldn’t wait to be in the middle of a mess. The light was from the collapse of the Xinghai Empire, to the establishment of the Xinghai Republic and the right of the real human empire, just over 10,000 years. This kind of thing has happened countless times.

If the crust near the palace is cut vertically, it will be able to find layers of layers and textures, such as the layered cake-like geological layering. Each layer represents the glory of the past era, and the oldest can even be traced back to a dozen. Twenty thousand years ago, it was a fossil-like existence. It was no exaggeration to dig up tens of thousands of wrecks and wrecks of tens of thousands of years ago.

In the process of excavating the ancient palaces and Dongfu, various ancient seals and bans were triggered, and the ancient and fierce beasts that were extremely vicious and evil were released, or the earth-shattering explosions were triggered, and hundreds of miles were smashed, and thousands of people were killed and wounded. There are many records in the classics, and there are always tragedies.

Some even inferred that the fierce battle between the emperor and the blood **** was staged in the depths of the celestial star. As a result, the aftermath of the fierce battle between the two touched some kind of slumbering power or destruction machinery in the era of the ruins, causing the celestial star crust to tear everywhere. They are huge gaps, and the whole planet is almost destroyed by the horrors.

Even with such risks, the strongmen and rulers of the dynasties have gone on and on, building large-scale palaces and excavating the secrets of the deepest underground.

Among them, the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi can be called the masters of thousands of years.

It is said that after stealing the supreme power of the Xinghai Republic, he first eloquently told the fearless comprehensions that they would be able to give them a way of life and give them a 'rehabilitated' as long as they contributed 50% of their property and resources. The opportunity to become an imperial citizen.

Most of the self-cultivators were fooled, gave up resistance, handed over property and resources, and became a big source of money for the Black Star Emperor to build the palace.

But when the Black Star Emperor really took control of the overall situation, he did not need to succumb to these self-cultivators and immediately turned his face and ruthlessly. He took all the self-cultivators and acted as slave laborers in the construction of the palace, using the lives of these poor people as a bargaining chip. Second deception.

Relying on the resources and life of the comprehensible, the real human imperial palace has reached an unprecedented scale of 30,000 square kilometers, and it is a magnificent super city.

On the ground, the palaces, command centers and the defensive system of the dog's teeth are not to be said. In the depths of the intricate labyrinth of the underground, there are numerous war bases, military fortresses and magic treasures. The new crystal urns and even the giant soldiers are carefully preserved by secret methods. Even if it has been eroded for thousands of years, it can be activated at any time and can be put into battle at any time.

It is said that the Black Star Emperor has also tried hard to find nine worlds of debris, and consumed infinite resources, and transferred the entrances of the nine fragments of the world to the depths of the earth.

As for the mystery of these fragmented worlds, or the hidden beasts and magic weapons, there is no second person to know except the Black Star Emperor.

Even after the Black Star Emperor, the emperors of the real human empire did not know the 100% secret of the "underground palace", especially the nine fragments of the world, and even more illusory legends.

When the four major electorate families seized the imperial power, a series of **** court coups and battles broke out. Countless royal families and ancestral chambers fell into a pool of blood. The secret of the "underground palace" also sinks into the depths of the earth. Unless you cut the whole planet in half, you never want to see the sky again.

Today's palace, there is no longer the glory of the era of the Black Star.

The four major electoral families exchanged checks and balances, but they deliberately neglected the central position of the extreme heavens and the celestial stars, and replaced the palace with the Senate.

After five hundred years of downfall, the original undulating and magnificent palace is like a ghost town. There are occasional palace ladies and guards passing by, like a lonely ghost, especially In the setting sun, there are more winds and swells, ghosts and sorrows.

Li Linghai holds a very rare animal skin scroll, slowly stepping out of the Royal Library, facing the empty palace to the ridiculous palace, the blood fog of the setting sun has dissipated, and the night falls like a black ocean, one by one. The waves swallowed the last red smeared of the sky.

Li Linghai's gaze penetrated the dragons on the distant palace, staring at the first dazzling star on the horizon, full of thoughts, thoughtful.

With the successive exposure of the "Eating people's cultivation event" and the "Blood League event", the downfall of the Oriental Cabinet is a foregone conclusion. The total collapse of the Eastern family is only a matter of time. The reformists are more closely related to the other three electoral families. Many reformist members have been able to appear on the streets of the Imperial Capital, promoting their own ideas, and have been welcomed by a large number of middle and lower level cultivators and even the bottom people.

Because the Emperor Shenwu’s Majesty is still in the hands of the East, many imperial elders have asked Li Linghai to return to the palace to stabilize the hearts of the people.

In addition, the treatment of the generals and disabled veterans gathered in the Imperial Tombs has gradually been resolved. The "Crylings Incident" will soon have a happy result, and Li Linghai has no reason to stay in the Imperial Tomb.

She could not hide in the Imperial Tomb for a lifetime, weighed again and again, or returned to the palace.

Li Linghai naturally does not completely trust the guys of the three electors of the Electoral family, and it is impossible to protect their own safety by relying on the ancestral pheasants of the ancestors.

In addition to the thundering fleet continued to be deployed in the hinterland of the Li family, far away from the three electorate families, the elite of the deep-sea fleet was also led by the Eastern Saint, and was stationed in the palace, with a slight change, ready to vacate.

In addition, the control authority of all the defensive bats inside and outside the palace, all falling into the hands of Li Linghai, can be described as safe and sound.


Li Linghai looked at the empty palace like a ghostly field and smelled a dangerous atmosphere.

The corner of her mouth twitched with a touch of sneer. She licked her white hair and did not care about the "small problems" where the guards deployed outside were going, but sighed, alone, slowly Go ahead.

In front, the last **** light of the setting sun, the three figures were dragged very long, just like three blood-colored blades, all pointed to Li Linghai.

These are three people who have different shapes but are equally violent and overbearing.

They shredded the calmness of the imperial city indifferently, and the killing condensed into an arc visible to the naked eye, and "squeaked" and surrounded the spirits from three directions.

The strong man standing on the east has a very big head, and the bare head is full of bumpy sarcoma. At first glance, it looks like a horn, giving a kind of "big head doll" as funny. feel.

But anyone who hears his name will never laugh.

Because he is the master of the real human empire, the spiritual world is cultivated to the depths and horrors of the nine secluded Huangquan, the most powerful spiritual warfare expert of the empire, known as the "magic" Li Jianyi!

The reason why there is a "magic" is because anyone who has eaten his mental assault and is involved in his hypnotized state is like breaking into the abyss of the demon, and absolutely cannot climb!

The strong man in the south seems to be of a moderate size and plain, but has a pair of big fan-like hands.

These hands can not only crush the hardest diamonds from the air, but also tear the most fierce beasts in the sky. They can even "smash" a crystal scorpion into a metal shack.

And this person is also the dean of the Imperial College of Martial Arts with such a pair of iron hands!

"Hate the ground and no ring", the vast sea, the fierce name, shocked the entire empire a hundred years ago!

The strong man in the west is a woman with a stature.

On the figure, it is the shortest of the three strong, but on the momentum, it seems to be the most amazing one.

She is covered with a layer of translucent pale gold blade, each of which has only the size of the nail, but with her breathing constantly tumbling and rhythm, dragging out a golden awn, just like a thousand flying swords, eager to try.

Known as the empire's first flying sword master, one of the four electorate families, the Songjia Wanqian cultivator's sword chief instructor, "broken star sword" Song is true!

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