Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2336: I understand everything!

The last "了" character, like the screams of all the gods and demons overlapping in the nine days and tenths, the voice has not fallen, the body of the "Hell Star" disappeared, and the black sea water in all directions stirred up the huge vortex of six groups. Gradually, six faces of different shapes but equally awkwardly emerged!

Six faces, with a tail connected to the vortex, like six grotesque Warcraft, surrounded by Long Yangjun's giant **** "Tianjing"!

"Tianjing" is not to be outdone, and more and more crystal clusters are formed in the whole body, which are condensed into the spikes and collision angles of the forks, and the body shape suddenly expands several times.

There are countless diamond-shaped crystals lingering around the body, rushing in the sea, rushing to the speed, wherever you go, the waves are transformed into crystal clear crystals!

The black star Emperor Wu Yingqi, the wilderness of the dragon Yang Yangjun, two mysterious and peerless masters, all of the life magnetic field stirred to the limit, disturbing and manipulating the surrounding materials, condensed into a unique "field"!

This is not even the confrontation between two people, but the two worlds of the world!

The sea water of Wu Yingqi became a viscous black material. The six large faces of black matter became more and more fierce and embarrassing. If you look closely, you can even find that the six big faces are countless and incomplete. Incomplete and constantly squirming body!

The waters of Long Yangjun's body are all condensed into substances like ice and crystal, but they maintain the fluidity of some liquids, which looks both noble and mysterious.

At the edge of contact between the two fields, it is like the collision of magma and icebergs, making a "beep" sound, swallowing and transforming each other, and knocking out an orange-red high-energy reaction wall!

"The original strength of Long Yangjun is so strong!"

Li Yao still stuck in the deep pit of the sea, but it is not that his injury is so serious, but the three residual limbs of the "Golden Oyster" are deeply embedded in the hard rock formation, and the metal fatigue reaches the limit and forcibly tears. If you are very likely to break the limbs, he has to be careful, manipulating this broken big guy, a little bit away.

While fine-tuning the action of the "Golden Big Bang", while watching the top of the battle, Li Yao could not help but feel awkward.

I thought that I had a **** demons, and I was sure to have the upper hand in the friendly match with Long Yangjun. I didn’t expect Long Yangjun to have reservations. The last two attacks were really just playing with him.


Long Yangjun did not lie to him, even if the strength is stronger, there is still a certain gap with the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi.

Li Yao estimates that Long Yangjun’s ultimate combat power is at most above the peak of the Huashen period, but has not yet completely broken through the stage of distraction.

She is very likely to master some of the mystery of solitude, but has not yet reached the level of free movement and freedom of movement.

The black star emperor Wu Yingqi, even if the strength is greatly reduced, is also a distraction of the full red gold.

When the realm reaches the level of Yuan Ying, the combat power will not be as infinite as the bulls. The advantage of higher realms is often the “induction”, “alertness” and “big picture” that cannot be described by pen and ink.

The realm of distraction, as the name suggests, can split the spirit into dozens of ways, expand the field tenfold, and control every inch of space in the entire field. It can be superfluous, even multi-tasking, and can be divided in several battles. A few souls from the perspective of "bystanders" to calmly analyze the overall situation.

This is the case between the eyes.

In terms of style, Long Yangjun seems to have played the ultimate goal of chess and blood. The attack is like a shot, and occasionally it can achieve excellent results, breaking the field of Wu Yingqi. , from the "Hell Star" fell a few metal tentacles, and even torn a curved armor.

However, Wu Yingqi seems to be playing Go, quietly expanding the field, squeezing Long Yangjun's activity space, and occasionally releasing a black mist indiscriminately, seemingly meaningless, but in a recent attack, Play a vital role.

The two sides have been staggered for more than half a minute, and Li Yao has been able to perceive the swaying of the dragon spirit.

More and more crystal material is eroded by black fog, and a black vein spreads rapidly between the crystals.

Even though she is the inheritor of the ancient civilization, she must have the magical skills above the realm.

However, Wu Xing, the black star emperor, is not a martial artist who is purely crushed by the realm. He must have a more aggressive move that has not yet been displayed, including... legendary, his exclusive giant soldier "black hole heart"!

"This is not the way to fight."

Li Yao took a sip of blood and the sputum of the back molars. "Long Yangjun will lose no doubt!"

"Who is this time who still manages their wins and losses?"

The **** heart is in a hurry. "A good end of a giant warrior has just completed the upgrade less than half a year, and you are about to be scrapped. I found out that you are eating a crystal or a giant soldier? In short, don't say so much. Let’s put the 'Golden Oyster' together and turn it forward!"

"That won't work."

Li Yao didn't want to, and shook his head hard. "No matter what happens, no matter what they become, loyalty still has to be said!"

“Is there anything wrong?”

The **** devil shouted. "You don't look at who Long Yangjun is, and talk to her about loyalty. Don't forget, she is also likely to be in the same level as the Black Star Emperor, even more terrible than the Black Star Emperor. Big devil, maybe she is secretly planning a big plot of speculation, even more uncertain... Come back to save you as part of the conspiracy?"

"Then I can't even go to the bones on this section, let her go!"

Li Yao coughed a few times, and swallowed the blood that had poured into his throat. He firmly said, "I believe that Long Yangjun not only has the composition of Pangu, but also the composition of the female Yi, and must have human ingredients. She hasn't figured out which way to go, everything is possible, and what she will eventually look like, how the world will be to her!

"She is the world that I bring to the outside world. I will not let her disappoint the world outside. Believe me, as long as I am firm and consistent, I will continue to touch her with noble sentiments. The personality of Wei'an is edifying her, Guanghe and The idea of ​​justice transforms her, and in the end, she must... will not let the world down!"

Bloody Devil: "...Yes, are you sure you will not be counterproductive? But even if you want to make a difference, 'Golden Ode' is badly formed, and the field that is close to the two will be disintegrated. Helpers are powerless!"

"Who said that?"

Li Yaoxiao laughed, the two fists were clasped together, and the phalanx was “squeaky”. It really took out hundreds of colorful intensive medicines in front of the ring, “Don’t forget, we have the last. One...secret weapon!"

The **** demons glimpsed a little, realized what, sucked in a cold air, and screamed: "You are crazy, absolutely not, that 'thing' is still in the test, there are still hundreds of loopholes, can not be applied at all In actual combat!"

"I know."

Li Yao bitterly opened a fortified medicinal agent, and even swallowed it with a tempered glass, and gnashed his teeth. "But I am going to do a shot of his mother today!"

"No one has ever done this before, we don't even know, it has never been thought of before, or someone has tried refining, but it has had disastrous consequences!"

The blood-colored demons screamed and screamed, "not to mention the fact that now 'golden cockroaches' have lost one leg and broke two hands. The overall frame is like a comminuted fracture. Where can the support be sustained? A shot goes down, Wu Yingqi's I don’t know how the giant soldiers are, but the gold aunt is sure to reimburse! We only have this giant soldier, and no matter whether the black star or the empress or the four majors are all enemies, in other words, the giant soldiers are seriously affected. After the damage, you can't find enough resources and the regular magic weapon factory above the level to repair, you really don't understand!"

"I understand very well."

Li Yao squandered dozens of fortified pharmacy in one breath. The mouth was cut by sharp tempered glass fragments. The corners of his mouth, his chin and his chest were full of blood flowing out. He reached the extreme. He didn’t even rub it, he didn’t care. Grinning, "But I am going to do the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi anyway today!"

"Your body can't support it either."

The **** devil shouted, "Don't think that you are the 'youngest **** of the gods in the sea" is much more amazing, the faster the cultivation speed, the more side effects, the more psychic antiphasic, even your The soul is so special that you can’t hold it!”

"You are right, I understand everything."

Li Yao injected the last batch of intensive medicinal agents into his own carotid artery. Even two medicinal agents were directly injected into the jade pillow of the hindbrain. The thick and sturdy blood vessels immediately protruded from the roots. Even if he wants to tear the flesh and the skin to vacate, he makes a wild and roaring roar. "But the battle of today is really too sinister. No one can abuse my 'vulture Li Yao' so miserable. Do not find this scene, how can I go out to repair it in the future?

"So, no matter how bad the consequences will be, no matter how much the consequences will be caused, today I am **** to kill the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi, his 18th generation ancestors!"

Bloody Devil: "It doesn't have to be so exaggerated. Many people have abused you to the end of life. It is miserable! Yanbei has abused, white boss has abused, Xiao Xuan has abused, and the ancestors of the phoenix have been abused. Abuse, Lv drunk, Long Yangjun is also abused, and then, the demon Mo Xuan abused, the Tianmo Lu light dust also abused, so now it is nothing to be abused by the Black Star Emperor, very common, long ago Should I get used to it?"

Li Yao: "...Bastard, don't let me down when I am so angry and rushing to the crown! Do you really understand where the focus is? The point is that the ultimate strength of the Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi is definitely more than just what we see, but He has all kinds of concerns, I am afraid that there will be any troubles left behind, so I am not willing to display them.

"But, continue to fight with Long Yangjun, and the war is escalating. In the end, he certainly can't help but expose the strongest form and we are desperate. At that time, everything is over!

"Our only chance is to use his unwillingness to do everything he can, to kill him, to take back his most powerful strength, and to make him want to fight hard, he can only reverse the situation. Beyond this, it’s a dead end!”

This is a very convincing reason.

The **** demons spent a long time and finally shut up.

"Do you understand now?"

Li Yao’s “嗬嗬” giggles, and the mouth, nose and ear canal are all spewing out scarlet blood, as if wearing a **** mask that the six parents don’t recognize as crazy, “I’m going to drag our giant cannon out. I can’t wait. I want to know the answer to that question!"

A crystal scorpion can increase combat power by three to five times when it has a "God of War" increase.

What if a giant warrior is equipped with a super-large "God of War suit", what a horrible picture?

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