Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2346: The younger brother has grown up!

Li Jialing rarely did not obey Li Yao. Instead, he gave a strong light from the bottom of his eyes. He whispered firmly: "I have not been fooled by the dragon sister, and I don’t think that every word she says and everything she does is right. But can't say that her every sentence is unreasonable!

"Yao Ge, do you know? Before I came here, I only knew that there were some towns with the number 10000' or more in the depths of the emperor. I thought it was no different from the ordinary underground towns. The most resources were a little scarce, and the order was slightly A little chaotic, the environment is a little bit worse than the ground.

"Unexpectedly, it will be scarce, barren, chaotic and bad to this extent.

"There are two worlds here and the ground. The underground people and the ground people can indeed be said to be... two species!

"Oh, I used to think that the world that grew up from a young age was a burning hell, and Li Lingfeng and Wu Yingxi were the most evil and scary demons. Until now, I saw the real **** and found out how naive and ridiculous I was. .

"Yes, Li Lingfeng and Wu Yingjun did use a variety of cruel means to modulate me. Every time I tasted a thousand knives, I was not as painful as death, but they never gave me a limit on resources, no matter what I want. I want to cultivate resources at any time, even if I don’t want them, I will still instill in my body.

"In addition to resources, there are all kinds of magical powers, knowledge and information, and they are constantly instilled in the depths of my brain. It has opened up my wisdom. No matter what the spirit of Li Lingfeng is, I want to make me a secret weapon. Dealing with His Royal Highness, at least, he never restricted my emotions and desires. On the contrary, he did everything he wanted to activate my emotions, release my desires, and strong behaviors I opened one after another, brand new The door!

"At that time, I really hated him. I hate him for hating to die. I don't understand why he wants me to learn so many things. I have to master so many magical powers. I have such a strong and unrivalled power. I don't like them at all. I thought I was the most tragic person in the universe.

"Until today, I saw people who were sealed on the ground, I realized how pretentious and disease-free I was. What I hated and resisted in the past is what these underground people dream of, no matter how they struggle, they can even think about it, even I can't think of it!

"Li Lingfeng may not really be good, but he also really used me as a successor to cultivate and discover the infinite possibilities of the future. Even if he sins to die, I no longer hate him as I used to. .

"And my companions, the people at the bottom of the family who are close to the branch, I thought that their lives were hard enough to get the resources less than one-tenth of the main pulse, but also to bear the heavy family tasks. Even the main pulse is to live as a target to practice, and when it comes to the forefront, it may be sinister.

"But at least, they are okay to eat and wear warm, and there is a certain possibility in theory. Step by step to climb out and get out of the crowd, even if the possibility is very small, only 1% of the main pulse, that is also a glimmer of life!

"But what about the underground people here? There is no sunshine, no resources, no security, no inheritance, no hope of even one billionth. From the fall of the earth, their fate is already doomed, that is, slowly solidifying in the darkness. And decay, and finally into the rock silently, turned into dust.

"When I saw their life like this, I suddenly felt that all my complaints, hatred and anger in the past were so pale and weak. I even had a kind of subtle guilt feeling that I didn’t deserve to have such a life and so strong power!"


Li Yao is hard to set the channel. "No, are you really Li Jialing? How come within ten days, suddenly matured so much, think so deep?"

"Maybe I was very mature, I could think of a lot of things, but I didn't want to be so mature, I didn't want to think about it."

Li Jialing looked at the towns in the depths of the fog, faintly said, "In the past ten years, I have been struggling to fight against Li Lingfeng and Wu Yingwei. Every day, I carefully pretend myself and activated brain cells to the limit every second. I am thinking hard about the law of resistance.

"They secretly instilled in my mind those magical secrets, conspiracy tricks and intrigues, and also consumed a lot of my computing power, so that my soul always wants a tight bowstring, and every day is weak and bitter. Words.

"So, once they escaped from their control, the tight bowstrings suddenly came out, and I let go of everything, I didn't want to think about anything, I didn't want to think about it, I just wanted to be free and spend my life freely. .

"Yes, I am actually resisting and escaping. I am against Li Lingfeng and Wu Yingwei planning a good life for me, escaping the fate that I should bear.

"I want to wander to the star beach and just find a place in the backcountry to spend a lifetime in obscurity. This is an escape. Everything follows the arrangement of Yao Ge, completely treating you as my protector, and why is it another? escape?

"Many times, I know that you may not be telling the truth, or even do not make sense, but I am too lazy to argue with you. Anyway, 'is it's a kind of attachment to you, I will hand it over to you, I know you. The heart is good, it must be for me, then why should I bother to work independently to think about it? I was not a love and a person to argue, love the up-and-coming people!"

Li Yao: "Hey..."

Li Jialing’s expression has never been so serious: “But, seeing those who live without a little hope in the earth, and the fate they suffer, which is far more tragic than I am, I suddenly realize that my life is not like the original The unfortunate self-blame, but the super invincible luck!

"At least, after all the tortures and sufferings, I have the power of tyrannical power, have strong desires and strong emotions, and have a clear understanding of the world! If I can't use my own strength, do it. If anything, what qualifications are there to bear this, and the underground people will never get lucky?"

Li Yao was shocked by the glare of the young man's eyes. In the meantime, he felt that the arrogance of the "Dragon Flames" was smashed out from the depths of the youngsters. He could not help but wonder: "What do you want to do?" ”

"I have not decided yet."

The glare of Li Jialing’s eyes was deeply confused. He shook his head and said: “I haven’t figured out which road I want to take, but it’s okay, I still have enough time to observe this carefully. The world, slowly thinking about your own way."

"Youth, I didn't expect you to finally understand!"

Li Yao put the hot hand on Li Jialing's shoulder and expressed his emotions. "In fact, Yao Ge, when I saw you at first sight, I saw that your talents are different, the bones are strange, and the roots are thick and strong. Like a big tree, there is a splurge of fire coming out of the heavenly spirit, just like a volcanic eruption! You are a dragon and a phoenix in the human race. It is not a fish and shrimp at the bottom of the pool. It is destined to do a big business!

"I saw that you are still young, and you are not in a hurry. Since you have had such deep feelings today, if you haven’t said it, let’s come to repair the truth with Yaoge, then save the world and defend the peace of the universe!”

"Sorry, Yao Ge."

Li Jialing quietly pulled Li Yao's claws away, and he said, "First, I don't want to live up to my own... special life, but it does not mean that I will save the world!"

"Second, more importantly, can comprehension save the world?"

"Of course!"

Li Yao didn't want to, and blurted out. "The road to comprehension is very powerful. Yao Ge, I have cultivated to the realm of the gods at a young age. It is all the merits of the road to comprehension. It is almost a shot that will be the ancestor of the black star, Wu Yingqi. It’s murdered! You don’t fix it on such a good road. Do you still insist on cultivating the sage?”

"Yes, Yao Ge, you have cultivated to the gods at a young age, and it is rare. There is a slight existence in Yu, but..."

Li Jialing has a difficult color. "Hey, what should I say? I still don't want to cultivate it like you."

"What do you mean?"

Li Yao’s eyes widened and he touched his cheek. “What is ‘I’m like this?’ What’s wrong with my appearance? Isn’t it enough for Jianmei Stars, Fengshen Jun?”

"No, I mean, comprehension or cultivation is not the focus of my thinking. It is not important to kill the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi!"

Li Jialing pointed to the surrounding roads. "The underground people have lived in the depths of the dark for 10,000 years. They have been living this life long before Wu Yingqi and the immortals were born. Is it true that Yao Ge will shoot a black star? Can the great Emperor Wu Yingqi be boiled into a meat sauce to save the underground?

"Even if Yao's strength is ten times stronger, a shot of the imperial prime minister's Eastern Hope, another bombardment of the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi, and then bombarded the four major electorate families are smashed, then All the people, including the underground people, can be reborn and reborn, and they will be rich in resources, worry-free, and life-like.

"If so, please tell me how to do your specific steps, maybe I am willing to go to your avenue!"

Li Yao was speechless and stunned.

"Forget it, I know that this topic is really too big. Where can I find out the answer between a moment and a half? Don't say that Yao has no answer. Long sister has no answer. The black star Emperor Wu Yingqi will not have an answer. Perhaps no one in the universe can find a perfect solution, including the Pangu and Nuwa people of the past. Otherwise, how can they be completely destroyed?"

Li Jialing in turn patted Li Yao’s shoulder and comforted him. “I’m just thinking about it, just talk to you casually. Don’t go to the heart, don’t waste precious brain cells to ponder these illusory problems. Now, you are still not hurting well, or to maintain your body and brain. As for my avenue, I will think slowly and explore for myself."

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