Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2464: Shell man (sixth more!)

"Magic civilization?"

The boxing champion repeatedly chewed the name. "It is quite appropriate to succumb to the will of the four-dimensional space ‘God and Devil’ and rely on the ‘mana’ of the four-dimensional gods to extract and use the name of the three-dimensional universe.

"So, the visitors of these magical civilizations have traveled far and wide to the three thousand worlds where the cultivation of the true civilization is, and what do they want? Are they coming to invade and conquer here?"

"That's not the case. Despite the help of four-dimensional life, I see that their civilization is far from being developed to the extent that they can easily conquer hundreds of millions of light years and have a strong self-cultivation civilization. They are coming to 'refuge.'"

Bai Lao Avenue, "I have inferred from their remaining words that their homeland, the extremely unstable universe, the three-dimensional creatures and the four-dimensional gods can communicate freely, encountering an unprecedented cataclysm, a sweeping The catastrophe of the universe.

"Their homes were swallowed up by the catastrophe, and the entire magical civilization was destroyed. The survivors had to take countless starships and rushed to the Xinghai, looking for a glimmer of life. It is not in our world of comprehension. It is very common. After the destruction of many homes of planetary civilization, it is necessary to transfer the civilization to the starship and become the 'starship civilization' of the wandering star river.

"Even, I suspect that the catastrophe experienced by the magical civilization on the other side of the Xinghai is not limited to the interior of their civilization, but is... but the entire Xinghai, which is opposite to us, perhaps with countless civilizations. In the wake of the catastrophe, countless civilizations were swallowed up by the catastrophe, struggling in the whirlpool of destruction, and the fugitives encountered the magical civilization of the exiled starships. They had exchanges, battles and killings. Of course, those civilizations did not leave any information. I don't know what to call them."

The boxing eye is getting brighter and brighter, and the sound carries a heat flow that cannot be cooled: "A catastrophe that swept half of the universe, countless civilizations were wrapped up and destroyed? Think about it is spectacular!"

"It is indeed a very spectacular doomsday scene."

White boss sighed, "Imagine that such a picture of the flooding floods rolled up hundreds of meters of turbulent waves, sweeping through the dark forest. There are countless animals in the forest, both insignificant ants and gentle and lovely. White rabbits, there are many insidious hunters who sharpen their swords.

"However, regardless of the ants, white rabbits or hunters like the wolves and tigers and leopards, under the roar of the floods, there is no resistance to a little bit of resistance. They can only come together and escape without a fuss, but no matter how fast they run, Faster than the speed of the floods, eventually, most of the prey or hunters in the dark forest were drowned, and only a handful of survivors survived for the time being.

"This may be what happened a long time ago on the other side of the universe."

The boxing champion listened quietly and threw out new questions: "White boss, you just said that these magical and civilized human beings believe in and surrender to the four-dimensional life, and regard the four-dimensional life as their 'devil'? Since the disaster, Why not ask the life of life to drop the boundless 'magic' and help them escape."

"This is not what I can know."

White boss spread the stalls. "There are mountains outside the mountains, there are days outside the sky, perhaps above the four-dimensional life, there are more powerful five-dimensional, six-dimensional and seven-dimensional life, and this catastrophe is the punishment of higher dimensional life, those who are The four-dimensional life known as the 'devil' is itself a mud bodhisattva crossing the river itself is difficult to protect?

"Maybe, the four-dimensional life also has different factions, classes and ethnic divisions, and the magical civilization I discovered, the devils they worship and believe, are just a few of the four-dimensional life, the third, the miscellaneous fish , such a small role that does not flow into the stream?

"Even, four-dimensional life is just a three-dimensional universe as a pet or even a parasite on the body, a small flea?

"Some parasites live between our skin and hair, relying on the oil we secrete to make a living. As long as we don't hurt, we don't necessarily care about it. But do we really care about the lives of these little bugs? By the same token, why should the demon in the four-dimensional universe care about the survival and destruction of some small bugs in the three-dimensional universe?

"There is still a possibility that the magic civilization of the three-dimensional universe has just sprouted, and the civilization of the four-dimensional life has actually been destroyed. The magical civilization is only developed by sucking the dead bodies of four-dimensional life. Their so-called gods are nothing more than a pile. The corpses that have been withered hundreds of millions of years ago, such corpses may provide them with some mana under normal circumstances, but what about the catastrophes?

"In short, the Cataclysm destroyed everything on the other side of the universe. Only a few starships of different civilizations escaped, and on the road of inexplicable exile, because of lack of resources, they attacked and destroyed each other, or in order to avoid the same solution. I have to spread out to the universe, and there are only a few starships that are moving in our direction.

"In the end, we can cross the almost endless black high wall and come to our comprehension world, leaving only that one, or the ‘half ship’ magical civilization starship.

"And, across the black wall, they consume too much material and energy. The outcome of the survivors cannot be changed. They are so eager to escape to the center of our Xinghai, near the Wuying border, they are completely extinct."

When the boxing champion heard this, they all driven the database and took out a sighing command. He sighed: "Although knowing that the destruction of civilization is inevitable, it is still in vain to get here. Still awkward.

"Right, what is the ‘Gao’s speciality’, is it the leader of this ‘starship magic civilization’?”

White boss's face showed a strange and uncertain expression, and shook his head slightly: "I am not sure what the 'Gao's special family' is, oh, the last 'family' word is added by me, actually it is 'high' 'Special' is one of the few wrecks of magical civilization. One word that is often mentioned is not even 'Gao', but transliteration, and it has nothing to do with the high family clan.

"The word is the message of the remnant of the magical civilization, referring to the most frequent words, even more frequently than the word "the magical power of the devil".

"Gao Shi Te" seems to be a kind of ghost or ghost, but it is not like an ordinary ghost, but a ghost specially modulated by a wise man of magical civilization, or even a kind of artificially created ghost, possessing and four-dimensional life. The special ability to communicate.

"A person who can freely use ‘Gao Shi Te,’ or who is himself a ‘Gao Shi Te’ can be called, 呃, called ‘magician’, about the same as our ‘cultivator’.

"With the constant evolution and development of the magical civilization, they have also created enough to carry a miniature civilization, the starry sea, the universe, and the unknown starship, and their starship core is further enhanced and upgraded. '.

"Let's say, a powerful 'Gao Shi Te' is like the soul of a starship or even a fleet. For the magical civilization, the starship that has just been created is just a cold, dead, metal and stone. There is no difference. Only after injecting a 'Gao Shi Te" into it, the starship has its own soul and life to achieve 300% of its powerful performance.

“Even, with the help of ‘Gao Shite’, the magical civilization’s starship can travel through the vast Xinghai and the “black wall” without resources, to our comprehension world.”

"I understand."

Boxing, "You have been spurred by the horror of my starship driving skills in the last six months, including my fear of a big fleet, and I suspect that I am a ‘Gao Shi Te.’

“It’s not the ordinary ‘Gao Shi Te’, but it’s very powerful enough to be a super ‘Gao Shi Te’ of a fleet’ main brain.”

White boss grinned. "This ghost transliteration is too ugly. In fact, the three thousand avenues, the same way, we have the concept of 'Gao Shite'. I used to know a high-ranking man called "Mr. Mo Xuan". It has been proposed that after the highly cultivated civilization is highly developed, the soul and the body are freely separated, and it is possible to drill into different bodies and even directly assume the starship as their own body.

"So, according to Professor Mo Xuan, it is appropriate to translate 'Gao Shi Tee' into 'shell people'.

"Fist, the time for everyone to deal with is not long, but in the outer world of the empire, you are countless friends, or friends who can make friends to make friends, or you can be open, you are a 'Gao Shite Is it in the shell?"

The boxing champion laughed awkwardly: "Why did the white boss think so, because I learned how to control the battle of the big fleet in just six months, and the Wuying world from the destruction of the magical star ship? This may be just a coincidence."

"Well, the original may indeed be a coincidence. After all, Xinghai is so big, the probability of one in a billion is also inevitable!"

White boss smiled and said, "But if you meet Li Yao and become friends with Li Yao and be introduced to me by this guy, it is impossible to be a coincidence.

"I'm afraid you don't know Li Yao. Anyone who has contacted him, what happened to him is not a coincidence, but a huge conspiracy and trouble."

The boxing champion said: "... Is there such a thing?"

"Yes, he is like a kind of augmentation device that can increase the trouble and danger of anything tenfold or even a hundred times."

White boss sighed. "So, since you introduced this **** to me, it must not be a simple role. Because of this, I started to explore you."

Ah, ah, three days and six consecutive days, there is no precedent, the old cow really has a feeling to burn, burned to ashes!

In fact, these two days have not really been a good time to explode. I have been in Shanghai for a long time. People are also very tired, and there is nothing to prepare for the manuscript.

But dear editors gave a very good recommendation, multiple channels are free, and then brothers and sisters support this again, think about the slack in the past few days is also quite uncomfortable, bite your teeth or fight it!

For three consecutive days and six more, the old cow is really exhausted, the back is so slowly, basically resume normal update, let me rest and rest for a while, then fight the chicken blood and continue to explode!

Thank you, Li, who has not appeared for a long time, has come out and asked for a ticket for everyone. Let’s look at the face of Li Laomo, hahahaha! 8)

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